Use the pressure reading when the compressor is cycled on and the system is operating at its highest settings (temp to max cold and fan on high). Low side pressure is reading 6 when it should be reading 45. Just follow the user instructions of the pressure gauge to read your AC’s high side and low side pressure. Join Date: … Pressure Range Low side: 0 to -29.99 psi High side: 71 to 85 psi Indications Low pressure side becomes a vacuum High pressure as listed above Frost or condensation on the front and rear pipe connections of the receiver dryer or expansion valve Causes AC system is blocked by contamination or ice redraws factory wiring diagrams in color and includes the component, splice and ground locations right in their diagrams. The low side pressure in your air conditioning system should drop down significantly when your engine is running and your AC compressor is cycling on. 25-30PSI, that the compressor clutch will engage. To avoid this problem in the future, you can regularly inspect the health of your condenser by using a DIY condenser fan speed test kit. This is true whether it is a CCOT (cycling clutch orifice tube), or a TXV (thermostatic expansion valve) system. All are in working order. probably aint even e.p.a. You are showing low head. Possibility #2 AC low side pressure is too low because the expansion valve or orifice tube is stuck closed or clogged The high side does not move and it is at 30psi. They include wiring diagrams and technical service bulletins. Well, the pressure readings of your AC system is what indicates whether the AC is functioning properly, or if there are underlying problems, such as leaking refrigerant, system damage, or worse, compressor failure, which can easily cost you a fortune in repairs. If you’re tracking down a wiring issue, is the better choice. Also a brand new trinary switch. AC Low Side High, High Side Low: Why Does This Happen? Thanks for any advice. Adjust your Low Pressure control to stop before it hit 0 psi. Now, we’ll go into depth about each of these issues so you’ll have an idea how to address them properly. Is there a way to trick the compressor into working to fully check the level in the system? 0 0 0 0. Cool Automotive Products and Tool Recommendations, Read AUTO REPAIR ARTICLES sorted by topic, Initialize Ford auto up/down one-touch feature, Custom Wordpress Website created by Wizzy Wig Web Design, Minneapolis MN. Hi I'm completely stumped with my tripac. The refrigerant gas used in the AC lines must be maintained at precise levels so the system pumps at the right pressure. The pressure reading from the low side should be between 25 and 30 psi and the high side between 200 and 250 psi. Ok, I have a little different problem. The low-pressure side, when connected to the gauge, should read less than 100 psi. Required fields are marked *. AC help on tripac. The good thing is, there’s a way to find out the problem and diagnose whether your AC system is still healthy. Look at it this way. The Fairchild Model 11 pneumatic low pressure regulator features control sensitivity of less than 0.05" water column and high flow capacity to deliver consistent and reliable precision accuracy to maintain your desired set point regardless of supply pressure changes or conditions. So I started adding a can r134a and after most of the can was in the pressure on the low side started going up at a much faster rate then the high side. Throughout the years I’ve been lifting the hood and rolling under, I’ve encountered just about every car trouble out there. Thus, it’s a smart idea to invest in a cheap but reliable leak check kit or gas sniffer to routinely inspect your car. … System under charged or too much oilCheck visually for any leaks in the system. That leaves a restriction. It’s quite easy to diagnose the health of your AC system and any underlying problem it may be facing, as long as you have the right tools and you know what you’re doing. You’re also likely to be dealing with a thermostat switch malfunction due to a wrong temperature gauge, and in such case, the thermostat switch needs to be replaced by a mechanic. The A/C system should not be overcharged. Year: 1999 Make: Ford Model: E350 Engine Size: 7.3 psd Refrigerant Type: 134a. The suction side (low side) and discharge side (high side) ports are This allows the unit to pull heat from inside air, release it outdoors, and cycle the cooled air throughout the house. Low side going rapidly to 23 psi and then the pressure on low side cycles rapidly between 23-45 with rapid compressor on-off can be low charge. A highly pressurized condenser fan results in distortion of the aluminum in the compressor, as well as leakage from the evaporator coils. So today I am trying to fix it. . The high side pressure was roughly 150. did not replace air dryer as it was replaced just a few weeks ago. 0 Points 0. But if you see the AC low side high, high side low, such as the low side is 100 and the high side is 150, there might be problems with any of the inner components. Search Auto AC Forum Archives. Roughly half way through the third can I decided something was a miss. Expansion valve? There is a separate switch for the high side and the low side. So ive done a regular ac recharge using a kit from autozone on my other cars but of course a bmw doesnt come without 200 more problems. Possibility #1 AC low side pressure is Low because the system is undercharged If the engine is running and your gauges are showing low side pressure too low and warm air is coming out of the vents, the system may be low on charge. When checking low-side pressure you will get two different pressure readings, one when the compressor cycles on and one when the compressor cycles off. That’s why I’ve decided to put up my very own website. The car will not turn the AC compressor on, probably because these pressure are out of wack. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "af730c7ce217a6a627df98a45d6dc5e5" );document.getElementById("bb0c1476c9").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. B. Barney100golf Guest. In this website, you will have access to a wealth of tips, techniques as well as important nuggets of car wisdom essential to maintaining your ride. sounds like you need to call a pro. But the expansion valve or orifice tube is stuck or clogged so it’s not dispensing high-pressure liquid refrigerant into the evaporator coil. Obviously the main issue that people deal with when they have a broken A/C system is that the air coming out the vents is not cold enough. Aside from the ones I’ve already mentioned above, there are a few other problems that might be going on with your malfunctioning AC system. If the ambient temperature is higher or lower than normal (70 to 80°F) the pressures will go up or down accordingly. I believe it is in the passenger side wheel arch, is that correct? Does the wheel arch liner have to be removed? The correct reading will display once the clutch engages and the gauge stops cycling. High side and low side refer to the pressure in the ac system. When checking low-side pressure you will get two different pressure readings, one when the compressor cycles on and one when the compressor cycles off. watch pressure low side go to 35 and high to about 225,you are done. Gauge reads 0 pressure? After reading some info from the Google machine, sounded like system was still low, decided to start a third can. Recharging AC system the low side pressure is dropping to 0 psi with only one 12 oz. Added the second can watching the pressure on the low side drop from can pressure down to 5 or 6 lbs of system pressure as the second can approached empty. Compressor turns off then slowly goes back to about 30 psi. If no obvious leak is found, recover the refrigerant and replace the service ports or valves, evacuate and recharge the system, and add dye in case there is another leak. A/C compressor goes on and low side goes into vacuum. One of the most common issues you may have when it comes to your AC system is leakage. manifold gauge shows vacuum on low side and no pressure on high side. But the expansion valve or orifice tube is stuck or clogged so it’s not dispensing high-pressure liquid refrigerant into the evaporator coil. The air compressor low side is at its normal psi. It kicks the compressor on and off between 26 and 30 psi. You should notice that as the low-side pressure reaches approx. When the compressor cycles on you should see the needle on your pressure gauge begin to drop. Also noticed the pipe going to the accumulator never got cold but the pipe coming out of the accumulator … He said he has not tried to put any refrigerant in it (I initially thought maybe it could be an overcharged system) If there are readings on both the high and low sides but they are not the correct specified pressures, it means that certain parts of the AC system are not functioning properly, such as the expansion valve, compressor, and clutch. Today I hooked it up for pressure readings. Technical / January 13, 2018 / by Jamco Auto Parts; R134a Pressure Gauge Chart This chart details how ambient temperature correlates with the system refrigerant charge pressure, and how it affects high and low side psi readings. An A/C System that is working properly should have 150 PSI on the high side and 30 PSI on the low side. - through the sight glass = heavy stream of bubbles, - compressor not switching (turning ON and OFF when activated by the inside command, but not cycling), - when A/C is off: low side = high side = 50 PSI. Possibility #2 AC low side pressure is too low because the expansion valve or orifice tube is stuck closed or clogged. That has done nothing to the pressures at all. The orifice tube line is freezing up. Eventually, it should stay engaged all the time. Air conditioner systems use refrigerant in order transfer heat back and forth between the evaporator and compressor. My mechanic did some diagnosis today & determined that at startup, the high and low pressure sides of the system are OK, but once the engine rises to normal operating temperature, the low pressure side … Product information Specification Documents Related products Product information. The a/c is blowing cold in the cab. At first the low side would drop to almost 0 then build back up … The high side pressure does go up to about 10 lbs when I shut the system off. Look for oil residue around the hose ferrules, fitting connections at the compressor, condenser, and evaporator or expansion device. It monitors the pressure of the refrigerant on both sides of the system. Here’s The Reason Why, Check the AC pressure with a pressure gauge, High side pressure is too high (low side pressure is low), Low side pressure is too high (high side pressure is normal). However, it’s not always that the system is actually overcharged. Use the pressure reading when the compressor is cycled on and the system is operating at its highest settings (temp to … This happens when there is an unusually rapid cutting in and out of the cycle. Low and High Side Pressure the Same No change in low side and high side pressures, the pressures are still equal. If everything is working properly you would have 8°-12° SC and 10°-20° SH. However, also includes disassembly instructions for interior trim panels and exterior items like headlights and tail lights. ice-n-tropics on Wed September 28, 2005 3:09 PM . It maintained at 35 psi for at least 15 minutes. AC is pulling vacuum on low side. Position 14 in the drawing. More specifically, there is restricted air flow in the condenser due to blockage. This switch is crucial for proper A/C performance. Wilber, Your Quotes: This year I've been having problems with it working then not working and finally not working at all. The correct pressure readings depend on what car you have, and you can find the correct numbers out from your car manual. Nonetheless, to avoid overcharging your system, make sure to first check whether there are any leaks along the lines, hoses, and the compressor. An automotive air conditioner has a high and low side, divided by a metering device and the A/C compressor. Another sanity check is that the low-pressure switch activates at 32 psi, which is lower than the 40 psi you are seeing on the low-side. When the compressor shuts off or you turn your car off the pressures in the system will equalize between the high and low side so the low side pressure will read much higher. When testing your car’s AC system pressure, make sure to proceed carefully, follow instructions properly, and use your car manual as a guide on what you should expect the readings to be for your vehicle. There is also brand new low pressure and high pressure switchs. It’s easy to make a simple problem worse with a single mistake that will cost you big bucks later on. Here’s a simple guide that you can use to compare your readings with: When the engine is off. My high side was perfect but my low side was hovering around 15-20 psi. I have a 2011 Escape with a 3.0 that the ac compressor will not engage. As such, this blockage and debris should be removed. I have talked a bit on what the correct AC pressure readings should be, and what are the common issues that you might be encountering if the readings are wrong. If this is the case, then there might be an issue with the compressor, or the refrigerant may be leaking out. So you have to refer to the factory legends to learn the identification symbols and then refer back to circuit diagrams to find the splice and ground locations. Reply. Just follow the user instructions of the pressure gauge to read your AC’s high side and low side pressure. Now what? I have a 1999 Ford E350 bus. Proper refrigerant charging can be aided by measuring the pressure of the system while filling. The A/C pressure switch is mounted on both the high and low sides of your A/C. When I connect my pressure guage/recharge line to the low side port, the pressure reading is not steady, but varies from a low of about 20 psi when the compressor is running to about 50 psi when the compressor is off. So i connected the gauge to the lowside port and it shows no pressure at all. Your email address will not be published. Roughly half way through the third can I decided something was a miss. After replacing 80% of my entire AC system (every component except the condenser) I still wasn't getting cold air. When the engine is on and the AC is on high, low pressure readings should be around 30 psi and the high pressure side should be about 250 psi depending on your car. Then after a few minutes the a/c blows warm/hot in the cab. Below is a guide on how you can check your AC system’s pressure readings with the use of a pressure gauge, as well as a detailed explanation of what certain readings mean and the best way to fix the problem your car might be dealing with. High side is normal. It can be used for recharging refrigerant, or to diagnose an a/c system based on pressure readings from your gauges. The correct pressure readings depend on what car you have, and you can find the correct numbers out from your car manual. After reading some info from the Google machine, sounded like system was still low, decided to start a third can. This product supersedes product no: 510030. Expansion valve and compressor already replaced. Recommended Services. First of all, why are AC readings important, and what does it tell you? Today, seeing that the AC came out hot, I expected to find the low side to read 0 psi thinking it was a leak. AC compressor goes on and low side goes into vacuum. What does high-side and low-side mean with respect to car AC's? When the pressure in your A/C rises or lowers too much, this switch turns off the compressor to protect it and the rest of the system from damage. Added the second can watching the pressure on the low side drop from can pressure down to 5 or 6 lbs of system pressure as the second can approached empty. The correct reading will display once the clutch engages and the gauge stops cycling. The high side pressure does go up to about 10 lbs when I shut the system off. That saves a lot of time because you don’t have to refer back to the component locator or circuit locations. We also charged the system anywhere between 3lbs and 6lbs. Read on to find out what causes these readings, and what you can do about it so your car’s AC system goes back to normal in no time. © Copyright 2021 AutoMobile Remedy, All Rights Reserved. Th AC at that point was coming out cold like normal. When the low side is high, and the high side is low, the compressor is not functioning properly. Related Questions. Add a Comment. refrigerant’s pressure. This high pressure is commonly caused by two problems: First, there might be debris blocking the flow of air from the condenser fan motor, or the motor itself is damaged, leading to little to no airflow through the condenser. When there is higher than normal air pressure if the engine isn’t running, this means that there is high pressure in the condenser fan, which is what cools the AC system by passing air through it. Now, when the engine is on and running, and the pressure gauge still reads a high pressure on the high side while the low side pressure keeps dropping, it should be clear that the underlying issue has to do with the condenser. These include using an inappropriate compressor lubricant, having a low or old oil system, or issues with loose wirings and slipping belts. But if you see the AC low side high, high side low, such as the low side is 100 and the high side is 150, there might be problems with any of the inner components. Th AC at that point was coming out cold like normal. Note: The most ideal pressure readings are around 150 high and 30 low. References. Have replaced all AC lines. If you need to dig into your doors, dash or console, is the better choice because doesn’t any interior or exterior trim or body part removal. Anyway, I hooked up my manifold gauges and the low side pressure maxed out the gauge! Re: High Side And Low Side Pressure Readings sh/sc and use a pt chart. That mean its been sucking air in the system. When these things happen, repair costs can easily reach a thousand dollars. Enjoy your ice-cold AC! Vacuumed the system. High side stays around 100 to 120 psi. The unit is cooling moderately well. The side of the AC that leads from the compressor to the receiver dryer is the high-pressure side, so the piping leading from the compressor to the opposite side will be on the low-pressure side. Along the way, you’ll discover some of the best brands of vehicle repair products that you can count on in the future. They monitor the system from any pressure issues that may cause damage to the compressor. The other day I purchased an AC manifold gauge set. Ambient temp outside around 95° and am reading … The pressure reading from the low side should be between 25 and 30 psi and the high side between 200 and 250 psi. Low-side air conditioner compressor motor pressure: this is the pressure in the air conditioner's refrigerant suction line (low side pressure during compressor operation) and this will be a relatively low number, often less than 100 psi. By the time the refrigerant reaches these lines it has lost most of its heat and has collapsed into a liquid state, taking up less volume. In other words, the compressor is sucking, but there’s nothing to suck. This means that the condenser fan cannot efficiently and quickly cool the AC system. If either of these scenarios is the case, you need to either check for leaks and have any issues repaired before filling up the system with refrigerant to the correct specifications, or have a mechanic safely release pressure off of the AC system. Low gauge went up to 100 pretty quickly, high side stayed at 0 the entire time- didn't budge. What could possibly be making the high side such a low psi? But, what if the readings say that the AC pressure is too high, especially the low side pressure? The other day I purchased an AC manifold gauge set. Car is '91 300SE with all original system. It should be at 220psi. _____ From 300CE to SLK230K #2 11-04-2005, 03:50 PM Moneypit SEL. Checked pressures: high side is 100, low side is vacuum, about 20 inches. any refrigeration mechanic knows what a pt chart is and should keep one with him. Cauliflower Fried Rice is an easy low-carb side or main if you add chicken, shrimp, or even leftover ham!2 Smart Points 108 Calories R134a Pressure Gauge Chart This chart details how ambient temperature correlates with the system refrigerant charge pressure, and how it affects high and low side psi readings. - low side pressure = 70 PSI, - high side pressure 0 ! Stephen Blog Leave a comment 41,416 Views. I charged it properly yesterday to 35 psi on the low side, and the high side was around 260 psi. 0. can 134a freon. So lets look at just the SH side first. I have a problem with the A/C on my 2001 626. The other usual cause of high pressure readings is that the entire AC system may be overcharged, which happens either when there is too much refrigerant or too much oil. It’s the height of the summer season and you’re all prepped up for a long drive across the country for that much needed summer vacation. But, there’s just one problem. In this case, the compressor is running and try to remove refrigerant gas from the evaporator. During operation refrigerant is returning to the compressor from the cooling (evaporator) coil in this line. When the engine is on and the AC is on high, low pressure readings should be around 30 psi and the high pressure side should be about 250 psi depending on your car. If you want to easily check the pressure readings of your AC system, a simple way to do it is by using a pressure gauge, which you can buy for a cheap price at your local shop or from online stores like Amazon. The AC pressure switch is a device mounted on the high and low side of the AC. Ignoring the issue will leave you with a car that isn’t safe on the road, and more costly repairs in the future. Sounds like you aint got a clue. Another common problem with car ACs arises from adding way too much. However, know your limits as to what sorts of inspections, maintenance, repair, and replacement works you can safely and successfully undertake on your own. REGULATOR 530 AC PRESSURE 0-1.5 BAR Product Code Product group: 611 Product number: 5100301. wilbur996 on Wed September 28, 2005 9:50 AM . R-134a Ambient Temperature and System Pressure Relationship Chart. Y… Compressor is running, but not pumping freon thru sight glass. Shut it off, and low side very slowly returned to 100, after 30 minutes or so. I'm not sure if your Lancer is equipped with a high-side pressure switch but the same principle applies. Here’s a simple guide that you can use to compare your readings with: When the engine is off, the readings shouldn’t be close to 0 or over 150 psi. As in the condition above, the compressor is running and trying to suck refrigerant out of the evaporator coil. R-134a TEMPERATURE PRESSURE CHART (Tabla de Temperaturas y Lecturas) Ambient Temperature °F / °C (Temperatura Ambiental): Low-Pressure Gauge (Puerto de Servicio del Lado de Baja Presion): High-Pressure Gauge (Puerto de Servicio del Lado de Lado de Alta Presion): 65°F (18°C) 25-35 psi / 172-241 kPa: 135-155 psi / 931-1069 kPa Today, seeing that the AC came out hot, I expected to find the low side to read 0 psi thinking it was a leak. Save what remains in second 12 oz can for another service. However, if there’s a restriction on the high side of the system in the receiver/dryer, a crimped tube in the condenser or crud accumulation in the condenser or the expansion valve or orifice tube, there’s nothing to suck. The Best Torque Wrench Digital or Dial Type? The secudairy regulator will regulate the acetylene pressure from the distribution piping to the twin-hose. Blissfied (Tecumseh) and York style compres-sors are known as reciprocating, upright or in-line type compressors. Most of these issues and more can be exposed when you rigorously test your AC system’s pressure readings, and you have a clear understanding of what each reading means. Today I hooked it up for pressure readings. Low side AC pressure is VERY low and high side pressure is low: restriction Low and High AC pressures are lower than recommended in an expansion valve system where the valve is located on the evaporator outlet It’s not a common occurrence, and requires a professional to resolve the issue. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Aug 3, 2013 #1. cainekh Bobtail Member. Compressor however is not cycling on and off unless it reaches the desired temp. Your AC is not working properly. The system should be about 25 to 30 psi on the low side and 200 to 250 psi on the high side. As per the R134a temp to pressure relation my high side should be around 225-250psi and low side around 45-50 psi. In most cases, their diagrams are right from the factory manuals. It compresses and discharges it at a higher temperature and pressure through the discharge side. I am trying to diagnose an AC problem and have a basic question. So I started adding a can r134a and after most of the can was in the pressure on the low side started going up at a much faster rate then the high side. When a system is static and not in operation, the pressures are equalized and very close to each other. PSI is the common measurement for pressure used in terms of pounds per square inch. Nov 23, 2012 0. If the high side pressure is higher than the values listed you could have bad airflow from debris in condenser-rad-intercooler or fan clutch is not working properly or it has an obstruction in orifice. Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by cainekh, Aug 3, 2013. why? That lack of temperature differential could be causing the air to be blowing a bit warm from your vents. Low readings mean that there is almost no refrigerant, which may be caused by leakage, while high readings suggest that the system is overcharged. I'm guessing there is a restrict somewhere. Finally, if you’re wondering why your AC pressure reads too high on the low pressure side, while the high side pressure remains normal, you might be dealing with incorrect cycling of the condenser. When the compressor runs it is pulling a vacuum on the low side and the high side was at 150psi (i think). R-22 Low Side Pressure 2: R-22 High Side Pressure 3: 0°F (-17.8°C) 24 psig : 32°F (0°C) 57.5 psig : 70°F (21.1°C) 121.5 psig : 95°F (35°C) 181.9 psig: 68 psi: 250 psi: 110°F (43.3°C) 226.4 psig : 150°F (65.6°C) 381.7 psig : Notes to the table above Other Properties for R22 Refrigerant. Vacuumed the system. Jul 11, 2012 #1 I can't find an answer on the forum, so please could somebody let me know the exact location of the low pressure AC service port? An A/C System that is working properly should have 150 PSI on the high side and 30 PSI on the low side. All the pressures fall in the normal zone for 83 degrees F. Low side 45 PSI; High side 225 PSI. Corp, Dallastown PA. Basically the system runs off the stock compressor with dash air and overhead air in … Hey everyone! In this case, pressure must be released by a certified mechanic. You just need to check the pressure readings. You Fix Cars: Automobile Air Conditioning ; Writer Bio.
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