Jardinière To cut into thin baton shapes.Julienne To cut into very thin baton strips.Jus A basic thin gravy, consisting mainly of the natural juices of the food it is served with. A French term meaning to ‘attach ingredients’.Plier To fold over.Pluck The removal of feathers from poultry and game. Pronounced: ban-mah-REE. For example pommes rissolees, browned potatoes.Rocher A scoop of ice cream.Rondeau A large shallow pan.Rostir The act of roasting.Roux Plain flour and fat, usually butter, cooked together and used as a thickener for sauces, soups, etc. Head of a section. Derived from the Latin word reddere meaning ‘give back’.Renverser To demould, to turn a food out onto a dish.Repere A French term describing flour blended with water or egg whites, and used to seal the lids of cooking pots.Revenir A French term describing the process of quickly frying meat or vegetables in hot oil, so sealing in flavour and juices prior to cooking.Ribbon Long thin vegetable shavings produced using a peeler, typically of cucumber, carrot or courgette. A French term translating as ‘flight in the wind’.Volaille Indicates poultry dishes. Caldi Italian term indicating that the food is served hot.Canapé A small cushion of toasted bread on which savoury foods are servedCarte Du Jour A menu displaying the dishes available in a restaurant on a particular day. Translates from the French as ‘host’s table’.Tamis An extremely fine sieve for straining food. Derived from the Dutch word rameken meaning ‘little cream’.Rape Grated.Reduce The concentration of a sauce, stock or other dish by boiling.Reduire To reduce a liquid to the desired consistency by gentle heating and evaporation.Rechauffer The reheating of leftover food, literaly translating from the French as ‘reheat’. For example bombe apparell or croquette apparell.Apricoter To coat with strained and reduced apricot jam.Aretes Fish bones.Aromates Herbs used as a flavouring.Aromatic Having a distinctive and pleasant smell; fragrant. Derived from the Latin word panis meaning ‘bread’.Pane To pass fish, chicken, etc. the pasta should be slightly firm to the bite.Abatis Chicken giblets.Abats Offal. A thickly cut beefsteak obtained from the middle part of a prim fillet. A French word translating as ‘divide’.Pass To push through a metal sieve, strainer or muslin.Passer To strain.Pate Savoury mixtures of animal livers, blended with other meats, vegetables and condiments. It would be nice if this gets used, to have some help. There are many names for nut meringues and meringue-based desserts -- succès, progrès, japonais among them -- and the proportions, size and type of nut(s) used varies from one to another. Whites The name given to the protective clothing worn by a chef. Also a method of preparing fruits and vegetables by cutting “v” shapes along the circumference, for example tomatoes. In baking there are many terms used in recipes for different cooking or mixing methods. Derived from the old English word siftan.Singe The burning off of the down of a plucked bird by passing over a flame.Sippets A white loaf cut into 10mm slices with the crusts removed, then cut into small cubes and shallow fried until golden brown. Learn French banking vocabulary words, terms and phrases. Farinaceous is a term generally taken to mean any pasta dish.Farineux et Riz Indicates farinaceous and rice dishes.Faux-filet A boned-out sirloin.Feuillete A puff pastry case cut into a diamond, round, square or triangular shape. A French word meaning ‘to mix’.Mesclun A mixture of young salad leaves, usually including dandelion, endive, radicchio and rocket. Also the rapid cooling of a food by running it under cold water.Ragouts A rich slow-cooked Italian stew of meat and vegetables, often richly seasoned. With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for baking and thousands of other words. Literaly translating as ‘fried mixture’.Friture Frying fat or oil, also a pan set-aside containing hot oil or fat and used for frying.Froth A mousse. Un mille-feuilles : layers of puff pastry with pastry cream and icing on the top. Bonjour, my name is Emilie, and I'm an experienced and certified French teacher. Eau De Vie Literaly translates as ‘water of life’, eau de vie is the French name given to any number of fruit brandies. Dacquoise This classic French cake is composed of baked nut meringues layered with buttercream. ️ MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY SALE – 20% OFF AUDIOBOOKS ENDS JAN 25th. Found this guide useful? An Arabic word meaning ‘crystallized into sugar’.Quenelle Meat pounded, sieved and shaped like a brazil nut. See also ‘friandises’. Derived from the French word tamballe meaning ‘a drum’.Tomated A French term indicating the addition of tomato puree to a preparation, so adding colour and flavour.Tomber des Legumes A French term describing the cooking of prepared vegetables in water and butter, heated gently until the liquid is completely evaporated.Tourner A French term meaning vegetables prepared and cut into a regular barrel shape.Tranche A thin rectangular piece of puff pastry. In the case of vegetables it often means boiled. Derived from the Latin word condimentum meaning ‘to preserve’.Condire A French word meaning ‘to preserve’.Confit A method of cooking meat slowly in its own fat, then storing it in that fat. 3) Flour blended with egg yolks, melted butter, grated nutmeg, salt and white pepper, then softened with boiled milk and allowed to cool before use. To cover any hot or cold food with a sauce or jelly. Panache Mixed, multi coloured ice cream or jelly in a mould. Can You Understand Today’s Spoken French? Active Dry Yeast Yeast that has been dried, forming small dehydrated granules. The French everybody speaks in France today is NOT the overly enunciated, extremely formal French usually taught to foreigners. A French word translating as ‘between the course’.Epaule A French term indicating the ‘shoulder’.Eplucher A French term indicating to ‘peal’ or ‘skin’.Escalope A thin slice of boneless meat of fish, especially veal and poultry beaten flat prior to cooking. Also, a flat bottomed conical shaped silver serving dish. tomatoes. Check out my bilingual short French story! Derived from the French word croquer meaning ‘to crunch’.Croustadines Small pieces of puff pastry cut into various shapes and used as ‘bouchees’.Croute A cushion of fried bread upon which foods are served. Note that French recipes use the metric system (liters instead of cups, for example). A chef that specializes in pastry work and ice cream.Glaze To coat with melted butter, jelly or sauce. Derived from the old French word terrin meaning ‘earthen’.The Pass The hot plate where food is plated and garnished ready for service in a restaurant. To cut a groove or channel in a mushroom. From confit to sous vide, many culinary terms are rooted in French and have little meaning to those unfamiliar with the language. If so, you're in the... IDDBA - Bakeries rely on the appeal of their... Our machinery is designed to handle both... Did you take an hour for lunch today? A French term traditionally describing the process of preserving fruits in liquor.Medallion The preparation of food into a flat round medallion shape.Melange The combination of two or more fruits or vegetables prepared together. Chocolate icing on the top. Traditionally also an essence produced from shellfish, and used as a base for sauces.Coupe A silver cup or goblet. Derived from the old French word pasticier meaning to ‘make pastry’.Patty A small flat individual cake, produced from minced meat, vegetables or other ingredients.Pauillac A milk fed lamb.Paupiette A French term meaning a thin strip of meat, poultry or fish rolled in a stuffing and then poached.Paysanne Literally means in a county style, usually vegetables cut into 15mm round or square shapes. A term traditionally applied only to poultry.Barbue Brill.Bard To cover the breast of a bird with thin slices of fat prior to roasting. It can be bleached or not and is often enriched with iron and the vitamins folic acid, riboflavin, folic acid, niacin. Also an establishment the specialises in the production and sale of cakes and pastries. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/articles/french-glossary Although many of the terms below do not relate specifically for baking, you may encounter from time to time, a collection of these terms used through professional kitchens around the world. An old French word literaly meaning ‘steam bath’. You could also use a synonym to to cook in French: préparer, cuisiner…. This page includes audio MP3! There a couple of problems, I used audio for some of the complex menu items but, some items maybe 8-10 out of the 81 do not have audio. Also finely diced fruits for use in sweets. Used chiefly for hot lobster and shellfish dishes.Mis-En-Place Literally translates as in its place. Also referred to as ’criadillas’.Annoncer To call out orders in a kitchen or restaurant.Antipasti Food served at the beginning of an Italian meal, either as a starter or as a snack. Often poached. Derived from the Latin word calere meaning ‘make or be warm’.Releve A braised or roasted joint of meat served with garnish.Remouillage Bones boiled up again with fresh water after the stock has been poured off.Render The heating of animal or poultry fat slowly until a liquid, before being strained and cooled. Let’s study some common French baking terms – le vocabulaire de la pâtisserie. Baking Terms . I am actually making this for myself, but there might be one or 2 of you out there who need this as well. une tarte – pie; un gâteau – a cake; un biscuit – a cookie; du pain – bread; la pâtisserie – pastry – here is an article on French pastry; la pâte brisée – shortcrust base or short crust pastry; la pâte sablée – sweet shortcrust pastry dough; la pâte feuilletée – puff pastry; croustillant – crunchy See also ‘gros sel’.Mijoter A French term describing the process of simmering a food slowly for a long period.Mille-Feuilles Translates as a thousand leaves, a puff pastry and cream slice. Derived from the Latin word primus meaning ‘first’.Printaniere Literally means springtime, generally a garnish of spring vegetables.Puree A smooth blend of food. Bake: Cook with dry, radiant heat in an oven. Derived from the old French word bracier meaning ‘brew’.Brider To truss poultry of feathered game.Brin A sprig.Brine Water containing a significant amount of salt, used for curing and preserving meat, fish or vegetables.Briser To break bones.Broach A spit used for roasting meat over an open fire. Derived from the Italian word pennacchio meaning ‘plume of feathers’.Panade A thick paste produced using starchy ingredients such as flour, potato or rice blended together with water or stock. Download it Today At No Charge 13+ hours of 1100 Phrases and Dialogs recorded at 2 different speeds. Derived from the French word clou meaning ‘clove’.Coat To cover a food with an outer coating such as breadcrumbs, icing or sauce.Cocotte A small dish used for the cooking and service of a single portion. Hache A French word meaning ‘minced’.Hacher To chop.Haute Cuisine Classic, high-quality French cooking. Larding The insertion of small strips of fat through a piece of lean meat. Baking Terms- An Online Glossary. A very strong, saltless, chicken stock produced by sweating chicken trimmings in butter with mushrooms, covered with white stock, and reduced by boiled slowly for an hour. I live in the foot of the Pyrénées Mountains in the South West of France and will share articles about my beautiful region with you. Traditionally they were tied inside two pieces of celery. Before you sink your hands into your next epic baking project (we've got just the recipe), learn these bread-making terms. Alcohol Along with carbon dioxide – one of the two major by-products of yeast fermentation. Derived from the Persian word meza translating as ‘taste,’ or ‘relish’.Mie-De-Pain Fresh white bread with the crusts removed, allowed to dry and rubbed through a course sieve to produce breadcrumbs. Basic French baking terms I am actually making this for myself, but there might be one or 2 of you out there who need this as well. Derived from the German word supan meaning to ‘take liquid’.Skillet Another term for a frying pan, now more often referring to a small shallow metal dish used for the table service of sizzling stir fries. This is the French term for a water bath. Beignets Fritters. Also the French term for white.Blanch The placing of root vegetables into cold water or green vegetables into boiling water, brining to the boil, draining off and then refreshing in cold water. A small hole in placed in the centre to allow steam to escape. Named after the Marquis d’Uxelles, a 17th centaury French nobleman.Duxelles Stuffing Dry Duxelles simmered in white wine until completely reduced, then tomato is added along with crushed garlic and breadcrumbs. Jan 26, 2019 - What is to bake in French? A type of hot meat loaf. Very light in texture, with a highegg white content. From the French word amande meaning ‘almond’.Amuse-Bouches Cocktail canapés.Amuse-Gueule Translates from the French as to ‘entertain the mouth’.Anglaise Means plain in style. Also a tool used for making holes in casks. Translates as ‘with the juice‘.Au Naturel A food that is served plainly and simply, often uncooked unseasoned food. A French word translating as ‘butterfly’.Parer A French term meaning the trimming of any food and remove all superfluous parts.Partie Any section of a kitchen that is responsible for a particular course. for example lemon. Derived from the French word feuille meaning ‘leaf’.Fines Herbs This is a traditional mixture of the fresh herbs chervil, chives, tarragon and parsley. A la BrocheMeat roasted on … Also a double loin of beef left in one piece and cooked whole.Barquette A boat shaped pastry case.Basting The spooning of melted fat over foods, usually over roasted or grilled meats, to prevent them becoming dry and enhance flavour.Batarde The French term for butter sauce.Batterie De Cuisine A set of cooking utensils, pots, pans, etc. through seasoned flour, beaten egg and white breadcrumbs.Pantry A highly ventilated cold room used for storing food. Vocabulaire de la pâtisserie. Derived from the German word supan meaning to ‘take liquid’.Sopp An English word meaning bread dipped into a liquid.Soufflé A sweet or savoury, hot or cold, dish. A French term, A la carte translates as ‘by the menu’.A la Grecque Translates from the French as ‘in the Greek style’.A L’Espagnole Literally translates from French as, ‘in the Spanish style’.Al a Minuta A French term literally meaning cooked in a minuet; often applied to food cooked at the table, for example traditional stroganoff.Al Dente An Italian term which describes the consistency of pasta when cooked correctly. French Cooking terms – V Vandyking An English method of preparing whole fish by cutting a “v” shape into its tail, named after the painter Anthony Van Dyck, famous for his v-shaped beard. Bain-marie A roasting pan or baking dish partially filled with water to allow food to cook more slowly and be protected from direct high heat. A water bath protects delicate desserts, such as a set custard or a cheesecake, from curdling, cracking or over-cooking as they bake. Also known in Sweden as ‘gravad lax’ and in Norway as ‘gravlaks’.Grease The coating of a tin or baking tray with butter, fat or oil in order to prevent sticking. A French word translating as ‘sideboard’.Buleter A French term meaning to filter an ingredient, especially flour, through a sieve or muslin cloth. A French phrase translating as ‘set of implements for cooking‘.Beard The removal of the beard from shell fish.Beat To mix or stir moist ingredients together vigorously in order to combine them, make smooth or to incorporate air.Beurre Manie An equal quantity of flour and butter, rubbed together and used for thickening saucesBien Cuit Well cooked.Biscotto The Italian word for ‘biscuit’.Bisque The name given to certain shellfish soups that are thickened with rice, originally prepared using breadcrumbs.Bistro A Russian word meaning ‘quick’.Blanc A liquor of water, salt and lemon juice, which is slightly thickened with flour and used For cooking. A French term translating as ‘slimness cooking’.Cuisson A liquid used for cooking.Cuissot A large leg of pork or venison.Cuit Cooked.Cutlet A cut of meat taken from the leg or rib sections; usually applied to lamb, pork or veal. A term often applied to mean a grill.Salmagundis A French term literally meaning ‘seasoned salt meats’, but more generally used to indicate a mixture of different types of foods; often a mixed salad of various ingredients such as meat, poultry, fish and vegetables arranged in neat rows on a platterSalpicar A Spanish word meaning ‘sprinkled with salt.’Salpicon Meat, poultry, fish, or game cut into very small cubes for use in ragouts. Also the French term for a pastry or other dough, and translating as ‘paste’.Patisserie Indicates pastry. An Italian term meaning ‘in the fresh’.Aloyau A whole unboned sirloin of beef.Amandine A French term meaning cooked, filled or served with almonds. And now here is a list of common French baking terms. French baking vocabulary. Used as a garish for soups. Timbale A half conical shaped mould of various sizes. You can complete the translation of baking given by the English-French Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse Derived from the Latin word fumus meaning ‘smoke’.Fume Negro Literally meaning black smoke.Fumet A strongly flavoured, concentrated stock prepared by cooking meat, fish or vegetables. Derived from the Latin word cucuma meaning ‘cooking pot’.Cocotte a Oeuf An individual porcelain egg dish.Column Cutters Long cylindrical cutters used in cold buffet work.Compote Fresh or dried fruit cooked in a light syrup.Condimenter To season with condiments. Can be used for a whole range of baking, from crusty bread to cookies to fine cakes and pastries. The tossing of food in hot oil.Scorch To burn the surface of a food slightly, a superficial burn.Score Incisions made through meat, fish or vegetables to assist the cooking process. bake translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'baker',brake',bakery',beak', examples, definition, conjugation Once you have the cooking terms figured out you can put these into practice by making something from our Recipes section. The base of a creamy soup or sauce, the blend of fresh stock and a roux. Translates as ‘in the natural state’.Au Vin Blanc Prepared with the addition of white wine. cuillère - cooey-erre. If you're baking or decorating a cake and need help deciphering your recipe, this list of common cake baking and decorating terms will help you.. For more handy baking tips and tricks, follow us on Instagram @bakestarters, and like us on Facebook! Darne A round cut of fish taken across the bone. 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