when your team start to die, GG can AoE 2-3 times and finish them. CLS : Disaster. Traya is a hard counter to all Nightsisters comps. To start, pre-fight checks are important, especially on specific team compositions. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. Here are 4 teams you can use to get through various General Grievous squads in TW. 4. 4. Talzin NS is a hard counter to CLS. just letting you know there's now TW/GA Counters Discord: https://discord.gg/jZH44Hb the discord have counter-bot, where, for example, you type =counter NS and it give you counters to night-sister team, and things like that. SWGOH.GG is a database and sqaud builder for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes on iOS and Android. Theres a website called swgoh.gg that allows you to set up an account and punlish your roster through it. Keep Dark Infusion on Darth Malak as much as possible to boost his damage output to quickly take out the Clone Troopers after you knock Gen. Skywalker down. Visit swgohevents.com for more tools and information. Nest is not a soft counter to Geo’s. Step 3 is to finish off the wounded droids. GAC Home Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders SWGOH GAC Counters GAC Navigation SWGOH Padmé Amidala Counters Based on 5,705 GAC Battles analyzed this season. CLS is a hard counter to Traya, not a soft. It currently uses the counters from u/Dropkiknmidgts 's recent list, but when I get the time I'd like to incorporate some additional counters, like Wiggs. https://bobbybaxter.github.io/swgoh-counters/. Thrawn can help in that line up with his ability to lock down a taunt or you can use isolate. Sorry you're having difficulties with the API settings, Nikoms565. Edit Delete Copy Link. 81 % Jedi Knight Revan Speed: 317.0. After that you can mark GG and the just focus on rebuilding your health a protection so they finish full. Game code and certain audio and/or visual material © document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Electronic Arts Inc. I use JKR and get my 58 banners. Step 1 is to nuke b1. Talzin NS is a hard counter to CLS. Nice that you can get rid of most of the GG team with phoenix though :O. I've been two shotting it with Night sisters (killing everyone but GG usually) and then using pretty much anyone (like the old danger zone team) to clean out lone GG. The problem is that the moment sion uses his aoe, B2 wins a turn and shit hits the fan. Adding Thrawn allows for an extremely high win rate, or if you have the mods, full Sith Empire can take down the monster, even when there are two tanks alongside Kylo. Need to focuse down abd Mark B2, buff immunity will destroy you. Like Territory Wars in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, the Grand Arena Championships allow players to place a defense and then, 24 hours later, attack their opponent’s defense. Like Territory Wars in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, the Grand Arena Championships allow players to place a defense and then, 24 hours later, attack their opponent’s defense. We look forward to seeing you all there! Tested with g12+3 zPhoenix vs g12+3 ZzGG and middling others. ... SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. While gg gains more from g13, it should still work fine. stealth is a non issue due to it being 1 turn, characters come out of stealth before they attack. It currently uses the counters from u/Dropkiknmidgts 's recent list, but when I get the time I'd like to incorporate some additional counters, like Wiggs. SLKR Counter Waltiniho - 153,749 Power; 3. the bot is for 5v5 TW and GA mostly, but can obviously give you ideas for 3v3 fights. 2. Be sure to check out the other developers and myself on The Escape Pod...cast tomorrow at 6:30-7pm (or so...) CST where we'll be discussing The Squad Builder spreadsheet as well as Pop’s Core Spreadsheet (what The Squad Builder was built on) and the Territory Battles spreadsheet. What are the best ways to beat geonosians in the beginning game? GAC S eason 14 - 3v3 ... SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. Want to get in touch, share your tips, or discuss the game? GAC Home Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders SWGOH GAC Counters GAC Navigation SWGOH Mon Mothma Counters Based on 4,205 GAC Battles analyzed this season. AoEs will just invite group hugs, unless they are like Vader's Force Choke. JKR, DR, and Padme work wonders. Annihilate GG. As more and more people gear up separatists, I'm starting to see the old Gear 13 GG + Gear 12 sep droid buddies show up just about every single time on defense. Not 100% sure it will work against g13 GG teams, but virtually any two teams should do it. Swgoh Gg Wat Counter The daze combined with the high tenacity combined with the fact that jango can insta kill sion without him reviving makes the team an absolute nightmare to face. Do not use Trayas saber toss until GG is dead. EZPZ can work in a similar way with thrawn. GAC Home Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders SWGOH GAC Counters GAC Navigation SWGOH Mother Talzin Counters Based on 4,037 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Plauge does good work against B1 anyway. Your guild reset - As well as the current guild activity and what to save for to maximize guild rewards. Filter Heroes There are several useful ways to filter your downloaded rosters which comes in handy during Territory Wars especially. Won, but got hardly any points. Save fracture for that time if you can to avoid getting killed, and them nail him with your TM train. SWGOH.GG SWGOH General Grievous Counters Based on 56,694 GAC Battles analyzed this season. At least she will be my first G13 . Dont kill anyone. Traya is a hard counter to all Nightsisters comps. Juss pass the time while he is on stealth. swgoh.gg is in process of making a new Grand Arena tool on their website. Yes, bring counter toons to a team based around stealth and daze. SWGOH Counters Site I got tired of searching for the latest and greatest counters list infographic, so I created a site that is mobile responsive and easy to update: SWGOH Counters. SWGOH.GG is a database and sqaud builder for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes on iOS and Android. Just type the nick/name of the player or guild and hit search button. Meanwhile, gg injures his own team. GAC Home Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders SWGOH GAC Counters GAC Navigation SWGOH Jedi Knight Revan Counters Based on 362 GAC Battles analyzed this season. This counter relies on raw force, speed, countering enemy attacks, gaining TM from opponent resisting debuffs and allies taking damage (Old Ben). JKR-BS-Jolee-GMY-Hoda will get you 60 points. Territory Wars and Grand Arena Counters - Server and Discord - type =counter to … When he comes out of stealth, focus and kill him. If you enjoyed my video, please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE. Do not use vaders saber toss until you need it on GG. Subs: Sith Assassin, Sith Marauder, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Grand Master Yoda, Kylo Ren (Unmasked), Nightsister Zombie + Mother Talzin, Shoretrooper Specific Strategy: Try to keep Fear on General Skywalker. When they are all low kill them all at once. This website has a collection of useful tools and resources for people playing Star Wars™ Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH). As someone who has been using palps lead as their main arena team for the last 6 months jango is the hardest team to face. Filter by galactic Power - The standard, and TW minimum, is 6,000 GP. Just kidding, however don’t expect anything but some top teams to not get one shot. Would not recommended CLS vs JangoNest, it’s a waste and you can mess up and draw to Nest. Jedi (Revan) Strategy Then GG, then GBA. We try to keep the page as up to date as possible and have a team of multiple TW officers working on it on a daily basis. 3v3 - Hux vs GG | SWGOH GAC General Grievous Counter 1; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. 7. Tested with g12+3 zPhoenix vs g12+3 ZzGG and middling others. He will cleanse debuffs but that will feed you TM. So the counters will go to Droideka and he can get Damage Immunity up … SWat Team - Scoundrels beat Malak and more with Wat & Relics | Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes - SWGoH - Duration: 8:41. ... SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. I try to use palpatine (I don't have sion or bsf and only a 4 star nihilus), but it doesn't work against teams with higher gear (all G11 or G11 with some G12). 5v5 - Vader + Wat vs Grievous | SWGOH GAC GG Counter 1; Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. b2 controls and stalls with buff immunity, can add dooku for shocks and stuns also. Cookies help us deliver our Services. CLS is a hard counter to Traya, not a soft. Someone took all the counter posts and images and put them on a site: https://bobbybaxter.github.io/swgoh-counters/ .Good reference for finding counters for any team. Guild rewards Kylo Ren ( with Ultimate ) counter for full first Order compositions stalls buff! Top teams to not get one shot by spy at some point be posted and votes can not cast... Do not use vaders saber toss until you need it on GG to your guys and winning TM themselves thrawn. 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