My severum has just had to be moved urgently out of my community tank because he ate a frog and possibly 2 neons too.. In case of aggressive tank mates like Jewelfish the size advantage should be given to Severum, in case of Angelfish as tank mates size advantage should be given to Angelfish … The Severum is occasionally territorial but only aggressive when defending a breeding site or young fry. hi I was wondering what would be some good tankmates for Severums?. A few of the characteristics of the Blood Parrot will help you determine parrot fish compatibility in your aquarium. but to be warned from my past experiences they are just a tiny bit prone to getting tail rot and ick, it is something for you to experiment with i guess. i know i cant stop you from getting blood parrots if you want them but i can try, why not try something interesting like geophagus, geophagus are very cool fish and there are many many options. The Golden Severum is one of a slew of varieties derived from the common and popular Severum Cichlid. When young and first introduced to the aquarium the Severum can seem a little timid and nervous but given time its confidence will grow and they will learn to 'know' their owners. As a precaution measure, remove the weak males and separate the pairs. To add fish, you can click the 'Add the Severum to your tank' button. just let i be known the buyer beware thing should be taken a more seriously when buying new fish. Highly recommended. Severum (Heros efasciatus) known to tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as Green Severum, Red Spotted Severum, Golden Severum, Hero Cichlid, and Banded Cichlid are found throughout the main channel of the Amazon, the rio Solimoes, and rio Xingu in South America. Silver dollars are good tank mates.....even larger cichlids like JD's, and GT's will work out well. And what size tank would be good for these fish. Severum cichlid tank mates? Green Severum native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility. to login or create an account further down the page below. Compatibility: recommended tank mates … Clown knife fish… We have 380-aquariums with lots-and-lots of popular aquarium fish plus lots-and-lots of rare fish! At this point, the parents will clean a fl… I heard Silver Dollars would work. i do however have a bp and haven't had trouble w/it yet, but i really would have like to know first off that i was buying a hybrid instead of finding out weeks later that it is something that i wouldn't have done if i had known, although on the other hand, i wouldn't have the heart to return the lil guy. The Red Tail Shark derived its name from its beautiful sleek black body that … Should not be kept with bite-sized tank mates, nor with very aggressive or territorial fish as this Severum … yea in general geophagines are peaceful, but there are exceptions. The black ghost knife fish is a commonly available species in the hobby. You must log in or register to reply here. See an example tank as it would show on a user profile with enabled settings and community tanks. I have a red severum, roughly 3.5-4" diam, and I'm looking for some suitable, calm tank mates. For efficient breeding keep juvenile males and females in the same tank and let them select mates over time. Like is ay with a lot of cichlids.......bigger is better, my 2 green terrord and 2 severums and dempsey get along great, but it might change once the get bigger, the ones i have are only about 2inches long. The ‘common’ severum is not H. severus. my uncle has a jurupari, they are nice, i would have one by now too if i knew where to buy one, they are kinda rare in nowhere kansas. I've read that Severums can't go with big aggressive cichlids … This means similarly sized fish … altums angels are becoming what discus were......even discus are getting more hardy and tolerant of high ph water and such. Fish Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease. In a community tank, including some floating Java Moss will give smaller fish … Provide hiding spots amongst rocks, wood, and hardy plants. JavaScript is disabled. ► The best tank mates for the severums are the large fish and those that keep to themselves. * Recent changes to stocking & filter advice October 2018 The Severum is a carnivore and will eat most prepared and frozen foods, including freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and ocean plankton, as well as flake food and Cichlid pellets. Tank mates should be the ones which share the same water parameters. Often confused with Heros severus, (previously known as Cichlasoma severum) Severum … Silver dollars are good tank mates.....even larger cichlids like JD's, and GT's will work out well. Keep in mind that they are shy and will require hiding spaces to get aw… So if I have a 75 gallon tank with Severums,Blood Parrots and, Silver Dollars. Don't waste your money and endanger your fish! Fry are sometimes taken into the mouth of H. liberifer in so called mouth brooding | Natural Water Conditions pH 5-6.5, very soft to soft | Natural Habitat Vegetated river's and pools | Sexing Males have more pointed fins. Diet / Foods : Food items in wild fish include plants, benthic algae, insects and other fish. including angelfish which are hard to keep anyways. Scientific name: this fish may be Heros severus or a new fish that scientists have not yet described and given a scientific name. He has been in the community tank for months and never been aggresive and then just suddenly.. Im figuring as baby fish they are fine but as they grow they should be in a species only tank… What about Blue Acaras?. To add fish, you can click the 'Add the Severum to your tank' button. ... Severum cichlids thrive in community tanks… The oscar fish is infamous for being aggressive and territorial. Aquarium Size : 55 gallons or larger. ok now im done sorry if i offended someone out there, i just think there are alot of crummy ppl w/petstores in their possesion (not all ppl) and ppl deserve better. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. maybe it would be ok for the blood parrots to be sold, if they could at least sell nice specimens, not saying that i approve of the whole color die situation. Remarks: The Red Tiger Severum is said to be the true Heros severus. Oscars too if you have a big enough tank for these fish. These fish don’t want to start trouble with other species as long as they aren’t provoked. Clown knife fish. Please do check your water type for compatibility with your fish, which can be found on the Severum information box above and your local water company providers website. Create a test fish community that includes the Severum species and any other types of fish or crustacean you'd like to introduce - You can assess the best companions, tank size suitability, stocking levels based on filter type and volume and possible negative interactions and warnings as you build up your aquarium. Firemouth Cichlid Tank Mates. Although the Severum will adapt well to hard water, over a longer period it will do much better in soft-medium water. plus my water conditions are taken care of 99% of the time or i wouldn't still have any of the fish i have now, including angelfish which are hard to keep anyways. I would get a 75 gal, 55gals are only 13" wide a severums get close to that in size, they are cramped when adult, uarus are good tankmates, festivum, angels, geophagus most peaceful large cichlids should be ok, I wouldnt put them with more agressive cichlids, and do the hobby a favor and dont get blood parrots, plz. 1-858-270-1182. I've heard of them before. are actually a bit on the aggressive side IMO and IME, so you may avoid them, but the others would be superb for your tank. These bottom feeders include various plecos, catfish, and loaches. The Green Severum is very popular as its one of the most peaceful, larger cichlids in the hobby and generally don't bother their tank mates. Firemouth Cichlid. Red Shoulder Severums require an aquarium of 55 gallons for a pair and the aquarium should be larger (75-90 gallons) if multiple tank mates are added. ..............i'll read the rest of this and reply to it tomorrow. Closely related to convict cichlids, firemouth cichlids are also great Oscar … Premium Aquarium Fish for Sale Online. While the Blood Red Parrot is believed to be a cross between the Midas and Redhead Cichlid, this cannot be confirmed definitively. Hello Everyone,In this video we talk about Heros efasciatus, or more commonly know as the Severum or Banded Cichlid. Consider Tank Mates (Think: Dither Fish!) Severums have been known to prey on smaller fish es. They develop a bright red chest and blue … Red Tail Shark. We consider ourselves to be the link between the world's best sources of fish … During breeding time, … Green Severum … A gold variety is also available. the ones i saw just yesterday at my lfs aren't even worth buying, the dye (which is why most ppl get them to begin w/) was already faded in blotches and most really looked like crap, really diseased and battered, the man wanted $30 a piece, not to mention the flowerhorn about 3 inches long w/o a tail he was trying to sell for $20, i think sometimes that tmy only purpose in life is to go to college come back and put this man out of buisness. so maybe it wasn't the silver dollars, but the water conditions were fine, it was a newly cycled tank, the only thing i can think of is that they were sick when i bought them or the bala sharks i had bought at the same time were sick. he doesn't even advertise what the fish are and his 15 year old son runs the store. Helping Fishkeepers With Their Fishkeeping Needs Since 2006, Help us keep great tools like this online by becoming a, Think Fish © 2004-2019 everything you need for your. I like severums aswell. Join 100's of other fish enthusiasts with 1000's of years experience between them caring for and keeping fish like these. * This fishtank will only last for this session - to save your tank please Join/Log in, There are currently no fish in your fish tank. That said, please note that keeping cichlids, particularly those of African origin, with any other fish … Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the Severum is the right fish for your aquarium. There are currently no fish in your fish tank. Size: 4-6” Temperament: Semi-Aggressive. i don't approve of selling hybrids, but whatever does happen in your tank is your own buisness. Ideal tank … Right now the severum is solo in a 46g bow, I'd like to get some bottom dwellers, and possibly a schooling fish … Are all Geophagus species peaceful? Severum With Oscar Tank Mate. Family Cichlidae (Cichlids) | Synonyms Cichlasoma severum, Astronotus severus, Acara spuria | Other names Severum, gold severum, banded cichlid | Origin South America; Orinoco, Amazon and Rio Negro River basins | Breeding Eggs are laid and fertilized on objects (rocks, wood) Eggs and the parents defend young. ... Do Knife Fish And Oscars Make Good Tank Mates? All Severum Cichlids Heros severus are easily recognized and popular with both beginner and advanced aquarists. Important: Please check your water type for compatibility with your fish, which can be found on the fish profile information.,,,, They should be provided with a fine … Oscars too if you have a big enough tank for these fish. i have seen very nice silver dollars too. Oscar Fish Tank Mates. Nippy, boisterous and overly aggressive tank mates should be avoided - as should very small fish. Are their any nice looking ones.? my uncle has his in with firemouth/convict hybrids, if anything the jurupari is the one getting nipped at. I'm wandering if a severum cichlid can be compatible with fish other than a cichlid, like a black ghost knife, angelfish, catfish(I read somewhere that … The Severum is one of the more peaceful larger cichlids and can be kept with most other peaceful, moderately sized fish. A cichlid pellet food (cichlid sticks) can form the primary portion of its diet. If you have a question about keeping Severum's then please use our Severum help forum. Are they peaceful? Can be relatively peaceful but can still be a Cichlid. CLICK HERE And back to out-and-out predators: knife fish. How often should I do a water change and what percent?. You can keep an oscar-only tank to avoid any aggression since they can be kept together. 55gal is a good size i would say. Or search for a different fish using the options presented above. If you'd like to talk about the "Severum" with our users, then we have a buzzing community of fish enthusiasts where you can talk about tank issues, Severum fish behaviour, Severum tank stocking and any other issues related to the Severum fish or other types you may have. To save your tank details in the Fish Community Creator you must be logged in Severum Tropical Fish Learn all about the Severum's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Geophagus?. Tank compatibility. Ropefish, Brown Hoplos, Horseface Loaches, Plecos, Geophagus and Parrot Cichlids can … See an … Convict Cichlids, or Zebra Cichlids, are a great… Once they choose a partner, the male severum tends to get aggressive towards other males and fish species in a bid to protect their territory. A smaller tank will be too restrictive (unless it is a breeding tank) and the fish will suffer as a result whilst a larger tank is always to be recommended. Tank … ^^ Go up to read Severum profile description, Welcome to our Tropical Fishkeeping Forum. The Blood Parrot is a hybrid cichlid that hails from Taiwan and was first bred in the 1980s. Click to expand... . By the 6th or 8th month, they’ll have matured and chosen their ideal partner which is subject to water conditions. Severum … the red hump geophagus or steindachneri (sp?) They typically have a broken 7th bar, but this can vary between individuals. They also make good tank mates because they perform a variety of functions such as cleaning the aquarium and keeping it algae free. A reasonably peaceful large Cichlid, can be kept a little like Discus by way of temperament. As long as you have a large enough tank, there are a number of firemouth cichlid tank mates you can choose from. i just wish that lfs would step up the quality alittle more and try and inform ppl of what the are buying b4 they end up researching (which is what you will truly do if you want what is best, and i have been guilty of not doing also) and finding out that the lfs owner passed off your fish as a more expensive fish in the tank w/it, oh and by the way it will kill everything in the tank with it and is gonna grow to be a monster of a fish (which i don't mind but someone else might) big breath*** why can't everyone be nice and not try to scam (sometimes) honest ppl out of their cash? The commonly kept ‘wild’ severum is H. liberifer, while the various man-made varieties come mainly from H. efasciatus/appendiculatus. Tank Mates : Similar sized fish species, may fight with other cichlids. This is a very mild tempered Cichlid that is a very good aquarium fish. You are in the thinkfish community creator for the Severum fish species, you can learn all about how the tool works in assessing fish tank mate compatibility at the link provided or use the tool tips provided to guide you. Black ghost knives grow as large as 20 inches (50cm). when i get some i will put them with my blood parrot cichlids (good tankmates) in my 60g tank. I'm not too fond of Geophagus Jurupari. Diet: Flake, Pellet, Frozen. Categories Why Us? We’ve already talked about how aggression between cichlids can be a source of stress, but you should also consider how your severum’s other tank mates … I kept Cory's in my grow out tank when my Severum's were around the same size. Or search for a different fish using the options presented above. I still have them but my Severum's went into a 125 with an Oscar, so the Cory's might get eaten by the Oscar.However; even with a full grown Severum a small school of them should be fine ( I had seven of them along with a Bristlenose Pleco).Just keep in mind that Cory's are a schooling fish … Year old son runs the store mates, nor with very aggressive territorial! Enabled settings and community tanks advanced aquarists community tank, including some floating Moss... Species, may fight with other cichlids a reasonably peaceful large Cichlid, can be relatively peaceful but can be! I get some I will put them with my Blood Parrot cichlids ( good tankmates for Severums.. Can not be confirmed definitively hard water, over a longer period it do. An oscar-only tank to avoid any aggression since they can be kept with bite-sized tank mates can... Although the Severum will adapt well to hard water, over a period... 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