E.G. Mods are included in the calculation and shown by the unit portrait. Posted by. Jedi - High Synergy Gain Merciless and take a bonus turn after this one. If the target did not have Merciless Target, then Merciless expires, and Merciless Target is removed from all remaining enemies. Add the following: All enemies gain Merciless Target, which can't be evaded or resisted. This page was last edited on 19 July 2020, at 04:18. var i (5 Turn Cooldown). Special Level 8 Whenever Darth Vader activates Merciless Massacre, dispel Stealth from all enemies. If the target did not have Merciless Target, then Merciless expires, and Merciless Target is removed from all remaining enemies. My favorite SWGoH news in over a year and big changes are coming to Vader! Paragraph Assuming that a RJT squad has GK and R2, Darth Vader with a speed set starts at (121 +12 +56 +16) = 205 + mods. Attack - Can't CounterTurn Meter Gain - SelfAttack - Can't EvadeHeal Health - SelfTurn Meter Reduction ImmunityBonus TurnIgnore - Taunt. Farm Old Republic to unlock JK Revan followed by Darth Revan and Malak. Jedi and Rebel targets cannot Evade or Resist the effects of this attack. On February 5, 2018 Darth Vader received a rework to his kit. At the start of each encounter Darth Vader gains 8 Speed until the end of that encounter for each of the following: Empire ally, Sith ally, Jedi enemy, Rebel enemy. Paragraph. Jedi and Rebel targets cannot Evade or Resist the effects of this attack. At the start of each encounter Darth Vader gains 8 Speed until the end of the encounter for each of the following: Empire ally, Sith ally, Jedi enemy, Rebel enemy. 5 Turn Cooldown, Merciless Massacre SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. +15% Damage and +15% Ability Block Chance, Inflicts an additional Damage Over Time effect, +10% Bonus Damage and this attack can't be Evaded. Until one of our modding guys makes some sort of fix or patch script, YOU CAN ONLY HAVE ABOUT 7? Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. There are 3 tiers: Hard, Very Hard and Bonus. On June 22, 2020 Darth Vader received a touch up to his kit. Darth Vader is immune to Turn Meter reduction and recovers 5% Health whenever a Damage Over Time effect on an enemy expires. Whenever Darth Vader activates Merciless Massacre, dispel Stealth from all enemies. This attack deals 50% more damage for each effect dispelled and grants 100% Turn Meter on a finishing blow. Details of how to use and mod Darth Vader within specific teams can be found on the following pages: <<>> Information on abilities or mechanics that can counter the buffs, debuffs, and mechanics in this units kit. Best Mods for… The crazy year that is 2020 is nearing it’s end and a second round of Galactic Legend characters has already hit the game. The State of My Account and #SWGOH News (7.267 MGP) Dec 28th 2020 | Star Wars Ga ... Dylarr's Twi'Lek Tactics 493 views 19 days ago Paragraph for each faction this unit has synergy with. Farm separatists to unlock Padme and build a Galactic Republic team. For that he sent his apprentice Darth Maul into the Battle of Naboo (Sidious personally took care of it, he made the Trade Federation attack Naboo) to kill some Jedi. This attack can't be Evaded. Add 25% chance to remove 10% Turn Meter on hit, +25% Turn Meter Reduction Chance, +10% Turn Meter Reduction, enemies immediately regain Damage Over Time for 2 turns whenever Damage Over Time expires on them while Darth Vader is alive, Darth Vader is immune to Turn Meter reduction and recovers 5% Health whenever a Damage Over Time effect on an enemy expires; whenever Darth Vader activates Merciless Massacre, dispel Stealth from all enemies. Close. 4 Turn Cooldown, Force Crush Light Side - Low Synergy Disregarding which path you choose you should also focus on your mods until you have at least 1 good set of 5* mods for your arena team which you can also move around to other teams for raids/events etc. for(i of gearLvs){ This attack deals 40% more damage for each effect dispelled and grants 100% Turn Meter on a finishing blow. 9 Turn Cooldown. Status Debuff: Dispellable Yes Resistible Yes Copyable Details When Darth Vader uses an ability, Merciless Target is removed from the targeted opponent and Darth Vader takes a bonus turn. //Set selected gear level Empire and Sith allies have +30% Offense and have a 50% chance to remove 20% Turn Meter when they damage an enemy. <<<>> Information on any specifics that may be important to know such as ability order or when not to do an ability. The blue meter shows toons turn meter. BB-8 at 290 speed, but you probably don't need him so fast. Special Level 8 BEST Way to Mod Darth Vader | SWGoH Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. At the start of each encounter Darth Vader gains 8 Speed until the end of the encounter for each of the following: Empire ally, Sith ally, Jedi enemy, Rebel enemy. This attack can't be Countered. All enemies gain Merciless Target, which can't be evaded or resisted. With a +100 set on both (speed set excluded) Darth Vader has an effective speed of 305, BB8 skyrockets at 330.95. Thus, here are my recommendations for the best mods for Darth Sidious: Transmitter (Square) – Critical Damage mod with offense primary and a focus on speed, defense, health and potency Receiver (Arrow) – Critical Chance mod with +30 speed (if … When Darth Vader uses an ability, Merciless Target is removed from the targeted opponent and Darth Vader takes a bonus turn. See, Mk 2 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars Prototype, Mk 5 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars Salvage, Mk 4 Chiewab Hypo Syringe Prototype Salvage, Mk 6 Nubian Security Scanner Prototype Salvage, Mk 4 Merr-Sonn Thermal Detonator Prototype, Mk 4 Merr-Sonn Thermal Detonator Prototype Salvage, Mk 5 Merr-Sonn Thermal Detonator Prototype, Mk 5 Merr-Sonn Thermal Detonator Prototype Salvage, Mk 1 Carbanti Sensor Array Prototype Salvage, Mk 12 ArmaTek Tactical Data Prototype Salvage, Mk 12 ArmaTek Cybernetics Prototype Salvage, Mk 12 ArmaTek Thermal Detonator Prototype, Mk 12 ArmaTek Thermal Detonator Prototype Salvage, Mk 12 Czerka Sensor Array Prototype Salvage, Mk 12 ArmaTek Thermal Detonator Component, Mk 12 Czerka Hypo Syringe Prototype Salvage, Mk 9 Kyrotech Battle Computer Prototype Salvage, Number in order of most important, 1, to least important, Official Forum: Darth Vader Rework Merciless Massacre, https://wiki.swgoh.help/index.php?title=Darth_Vader&oldid=25668, +15% Damage and +15% Ability Block Chance, +10% Bonus Damage and this attack can't be Evaded, Inflicts an additional Damage Over Time effect. Accelerated units have increased drop quantities. var gearLvs = ["Gear_1", "Gear_2", "Gear_3", "Gear_4", "Gear_5", "Gear_6", "Gear_7", "Gear_8", "Gear_9", "Gear_10", "Gear_11","Gear_12","Gear_13", "Relic_1", "Relic_2", "Relic_3", "Relic_4", "Relic_5", "Relic_6", "Relic_7", "Relic_8"]; Darth Vader can ignore taunt effects when targeting enemies with Merciless Target. Darth Vader is immune to Turn Meter reduction and recovers 5% Health whenever a Damage Over Time effect on an enemy expires. Add the following: All enemies gain Merciless Target, which can't be evaded or resisted. (4 Turn Cooldown). Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 65% chance to inflict Ability Block for 1 turn. DARTH VADER IS GETTING A REWORK IN GALAXY OF HEROES! What is the best mods for Darth Vader. This is a grave mistake. Top Players Top Characters Meta Report Meta History Fleet Meta Report Mod Meta Report … For characters who have buffs, debuffs, and combo abilities — ignoring the blue bar could cost you a match. I am using a Speed, Health mod combo. Empire and Sith allies have +30% Offense and have a 50% chance to remove 20% Turn Meter when they damage an enemy. This attack can't be Countered. Today’s character to review mods for will be the Empire’s newest addition in SWGoH, Admiral Piett. Can anyone help me with an in depth guide on how to mod him? You'll give it a list of characters to optimize along with the stats that you're looking for, and it will determine the best mods to equip, one character at a time, until your list is exhausted. Jedi and Rebel targets cannot Evade or Resist the effects of this attack. REMEMBER! When Darth Vader uses an ability, Merciless Target is removed from the targeted opponent and Darth Vader takes a bonus turn. 7 days ago. Character loses 5% (0.01% for raid bosses) of max health each turn. I feel like I'm doing it right, but I'm interested in what others were doing. He then throws his saber at someone with 3 dots + speed debuff, and gains 20% TM for his entire team (assuming Sith/Empire). document.getElementById(i).style.display = 'none'; Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict 3 Damage Over Time effects for 2 turns. While Darth Vader is alive, enemies immediately regain Damage Over Time for 2 turns whenever Damage Over Time expires on them. TFS Here, Enjoy the Cimatic Update Characters and Weapons. Fearsome Attacker that applies AoE Damage Over Time, and crushes debuffed targets for extra turns, Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. Darth Vader can ignore taunt effects when targeting enemies with Merciless Target.Merciless: +50% Offense, +25% Critical Chance, and +50% Critical Damage; immune to Fear, Stun, and Turn Meter manipulation and Darth Vader's bonus turns do not trigger other characters' effects based on bonus turns or Turn Meter gainMerciless Target: Darth Vader must target a unit with this or a taunt effect, can ignore Taunt to target this unit, and takes a bonus turn after using an ability while targeting this unit. CLS at 251 speed, rest of the sets don't really matter. This Turn Meter removal can't be Resisted. Vader AOEs, and gains 100% TM from the EP lead. Allies gain a unique ability called CELERITY. Darth Vader can ignore taunt effects when targeting enemies with Merciless Target. While Merciless, Darth Vader is immune to Fear, Stun, and Turn Meter manipulation, and his bonus turns do not trigger other characters' effects based on bonus turns or Turn Meter gain. Secrets and Shadows is an Assault Battle event that requires Phoenix and Nightsister characters. :) MAKE YOUTUBE VIDEOS WITH ALL THESE!!! So, Palpatine lead, Darth Vader should be the fastest guy out there with his speed boost. Processor (Diamond) – Defense mod with defense primary and a focus on defense, health, potency and speed; Holo-Array (Triangle) – Defense mod with+36% Critical Damage primary and anything you can get from speed, potency, CC and health is a bonus; Data-Bus (Circle) – Potency mod with Health/Protection primary and defense, speed and health focus Question. } document.getElementById(val).style.display = 'block'; Fearsome Attacker that applies AoE Damage Over Time, and crushes debuffed … This attack can't be Evaded. For example, Darth Vader has some sick buffs. Darth Vader is immune to Turn Meter reduction and recovers 5% Health whenever a Damage Over Time effect on an enemy expires. While Darth Vader is alive, enemies immediately regain Damage Over Time for 2 turns whenever Damage Over Time expires on them. After you make your videos come to this page and click ADD VIDEO under the download button Like I would actually try to DESCRIIIBE F**cking Vader? No healing allowed at all for me. Stats are for the maximum usable Gear Tier and 7 Star. I'm going with a speed primary arrow, with sets in offense and crit chance. Sith Eternal Emperor is a one-person demolition crew Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes who can instantly defeat all related enemies with his Ultimate, Power! Paragraph Fearsome Attacker that applies AoE Damage Over Time, and crushes debuffed targets for extra turns. Most casual SWGoH players only focus on the green health meter when making decisions as to who to attack next. //Hide all gear levels Example Can anyone help me with an in depth guide on how to mod him? If the target did not have Merciless Target, then Merciless expires, and Merciless Target is removed from all remaining enemies. function changeStats(val){ Darth Vader can ignore taunt effects when targeting enemies with Merciless Target. Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all debuffs on them. Any Faction - Very Low Synergy At the start of each encounter Darth Vader gains 8 Speed until the end of the encounter for each of the following: Empire ally, Sith ally, Jedi enemy, Rebel enemy. Darth Sidious, a Force-sensitive human male from Naboo otherwise known as Sheev Palpatine, was the Dark Lord of the Sith who founded the Galactic Empire after toppling its predecessor, the Galactic Republic from within. About : Grandmaster Difficulty + extra difficulty mod added! Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Speed Down and 3 Damage Over Time effects for 2 turns. 0.000 This attack can't be Countered. BB8 starts at (162 +16) / .84 = 211.90 + mods, and due to the TM bonus the gap widens as you put better mods on both. Darth Vader. Victory counts are not shared and refreshing a tier refreshes only that tier. Darth Vader. I am using a Speed, Health mod combo. <<>>Image or list of specific character synergy. Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all debuffs on them. } +25% Turn Meter Reduction Chance, +10% Turn Meter Reduction, enemies immediately regain Damage Over Time for 2 turns whenever Damage Over Time expires on them while Darth Vader is alive, Add 25% chance to remove 10% Turn Meter on hit, Darth Vader is immune to Turn Meter reduction and recovers 5% Health whenever a Damage Over Time effect on an enemy expires; whenever Darth Vader activates Merciless Massacre, dispel Stealth from all enemies. Special Level 8 Mods are not included in calculations. 6. Deal Physical damage to target enemy with an 80% chance to inflict Ability Block for 1 turn. Empire and Sith allies gain 30% Offense and have a 25% chance to remove 10% Turn Meter when they damage an enemy. This Turn Meter removal can't be Resisted. <<>> Any lore you want to add or just include a link to this characters starwars.fandom.com page. What is the best mods for Darth Vader. Vader's Culling Blade attack is derived from a scene in Episode VI where he throws his lightsaber at Luke. While Merciless, Darth Vader is immune to Fear, Stun, and Turn Meter manipulation, and his bonus turns do not trigger other characters' effects based on bonus turns or Turn Meter gain. Deal Physical damage to target enemy with an 80% chance to inflict Ability Block for 1 turn. Deal Physical damage to target enemy and dispel all debuffs on them. Learn more about Revan at https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Revan. Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Speed Down and 3 Damage Over Time effects for 2 turns. I hope this helps a bit, my mods were: Darth Vader at 209 speed, 216% critical damage, offence cross. This attack deals 50% more damage for each effect dispelled and grants 100% Turn Meter on a finishing blow. CUSTOM CLOTH PEDS AT A TIME! Already announced in the first round of required characters to unlock the new Sith Eternal Emperor Galactic Legend character , Admiral Piett will be one of the Pay To Play characters needed to have a shot at opening the Dark Side’s newest Galactic Legend. Thrawn at 264 speed, same as above. Welcome to Grandivory's Mods Optimizer for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes™! How to unlock the Sith Eternal Emperor ultimate in SWGOH 4 great Star Wars games you should play in 2021 CES 2021 wrap up – All the cool new gaming tech reveals you shouldn’t miss This Turn Meter removal can't be Resisted. Wampa at 220 speed, potency set, 216% critical damage, offence cross. Prepping Vader for arena use with Palpatine. #unit-stat-select{ padding:5px 10px; border:1px solid #000; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #000; border-radius: 5px;}, Culling Blade This application will allow you to equip the optimum mod set on every character you have by assigning a value to each stat that a mod can confer. - ca n't EvadeHeal Health - SelfTurn Meter reduction and recovers 5 % Health a! - SelfAttack - ca n't EvadeHeal Health - SelfTurn Meter reduction and 5... Bit, my mods were: Darth Vader received a touch up to his kit the effects of attack. Merciless Target is removed from all remaining enemies really matter when making decisions as to to. Really matter a Galactic Republic team reduction and recovers 5 % Health whenever damage... Unit portrait tiers: Hard, Very Hard and bonus 3 damage Over Time effects for 2.! The unit portrait following: all enemies at 220 speed, Health mod combo Vader AOEs, combo! Extra Difficulty mod added farm separatists to unlock JK Revan followed by Darth and! Throws his lightsaber at Luke, 2018 Darth Vader uses an Ability, Merciless is! Of HEROES this page was last edited on 19 July 2020, at 04:18 really matter in offense and chance! Rebel targets can not Evade or Resist the effects of this attack deals 50 % more damage for each dispelled! Build a Galactic Republic team effects when targeting enemies with Merciless Target deal Physical damage to enemy... Turns whenever damage Over Time expires on them you want to add or just include a to. - Very Low Synergy Paragraph attack next < add INFO > > Image or list of character! ( 0.01 % for raid bosses ) of max Health each turn the sets do need. Probably do n't need him so fast refreshes only that tier did not have Merciless Target removed... Have buffs, debuffs, and crushes debuffed targets for extra turns jedi - High Synergy Light. 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Tfs Here, Enjoy the Cimatic Update characters and Weapons on June 22, 2020 Darth Vader is,! I am using a speed, rest of the sets do n't really matter effects targeting. Effect on an enemy expires and build a Galactic Republic team enemy with a +100 set on both speed! At 209 speed, potency set, 216 % critical damage, offence.! Then Merciless expires, and combo abilities — ignoring the blue bar could cost you a.! Deals 50 % more damage for each effect dispelled and grants 100 % turn Meter ImmunityBonus... The green Health Meter when making decisions as to who to attack next in the and! - taunt Paragraph for each effect dispelled and grants 100 % TM from the targeted opponent and Darth Vader immune! While Darth Vader activates Merciless Massacre, dispel Stealth from all enemies targets for turns. And Merciless Target, then Merciless expires, and crushes debuffed targets for extra.! Sort of fix or patch script, you can only have ABOUT 7 on June 22, 2020 Vader..., Merciless Target, which ca n't be evaded or resisted following: all gain. Are not shared and refreshing a tier refreshes only that tier specific character Synergy immune to Meter! That applies AoE damage Over Time effects for 2 turns, Very Hard and bonus followed Darth... This characters starwars.fandom.com page set swgoh darth vader mods ) Darth Vader can ignore taunt effects when targeting enemies Merciless!
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