Status Debuff: Dispellable Yes Resistible Yes Copyable Yes Details. Nute Gunray Shards x5. Count Dooku Shards x5. I used Dooku to keep stunning everyone, B2 to keep spreading buff immunity on the opposing team. The recent rework of Nute Gunray and the addition of Extortion to the game has led to a lot of questions and head-scratching by a confused player base. Kuiil. Here is my preferred mod setup for Asajj Ventress: Transmitter (Square) – Health mod with a primary focus on offense and a … (Rougue one reference.) IG-100 MagnaGuard Shards x5. Is it possible to unlock … Trying to convince myself that my 3 weeks of grinding wasn't a waste, which I am going to say it wasn't because it helped me learn the game mechanics plus anyway I've taken the full PS to 7* legit, but now have a 7* EP with the help of HDB, now to finish Thrawn 7*. Gar Saxon. Bastila Shan (Fallen) Baze Malbus. The counters won't hurt Padmé, but Enfys Nest will eventually stack so much crit damage that she'll kill them in her turn (unlike with other teams where Nest kills them on the counter attack). BlasTech Weapon Mod. Swgoh 3v3 counters SWGOH FO vs GG with Nute bad performance Feb 18 2020 - Duration: 1:15. First Order Stormtrooper. Welcome to best mods for Han Solo in SWGoH, the latest article in our series about the popular game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where we take a look at the best mods for each SWGoH character. Poggle the Lesser Shards x5. 1st Time. 5. Ideally you get a tanky Sun Fac or Magna so everyone can hide under dookus stealth. Find out why Nute Gunray is next on the chopping block to be nerfed and how you can take advantage of it until it is. 5. Unlocks at Gear Level 4. Chiewab Medpac. GAC S eason … SWGOH fangstar fangstar's swgoh. Asajj Ventress Lead Synergy: Nightsister. About; Deals; Star Wars … None. Ewok Elder. Ships. Director Krennic. TW Squad: Counter to Phoenix Squad < Gunray,NAco,NZombie,Datcha,Leia. News & Dev Posts; SWGOH Reddit; SWGOH EA Forums; Units; Stats; GAC Meta; Database; Guilds; News; Log In; Log In Remove Ads. 5. Mods: 5 dots Rewards. Jump to:navigation, search. Dooku works better on either an Palpatine … Jawa Engineer. Then she goes down. If you don’t have have enough of the team to do GG droids, then a Nute lead with GG, Dooku, Magna, and B2 would probably work alright. Characters. 5. While Nute Gunray is alive, each enemy that ends their turn with Extortion dispels their own buffs and grants Extortion to another random enemy that doesn't have it. 1st Time. Not God Tier, but very good. - Come and join my server! Cassian Andor. Create Account. Revive - All Allies . 5. Nikoms565 wrote: » I heard that a little N1 Naboo fighter can rip that thing apart though... Nerf N1!!!!! Wat Tambor. Nute Gunray. Using Extortion removes it, recover 10% Health, and grants Separatist enemies Profit. I use GG’s special to take out Padmé. Galactic Challenges; Gear; Raids; Scavenger; Shard Shipments; Events; Quests; Light Side Battles; Dark Side Battles ; Squad Cantina Battles; Fleet Battles; Mod Battles; Guilds. 5. Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH Asajj Ventress: The “ideal mod setup” can be interpreted a few different ways. Ships. Learn to dominate Grand Arena by subscribing as an OM Patreon! List of units that can Revive and ally. Okay so I'm doing a Nute Gunray lead. From SWGoH Help Wiki. What happens is when zombie loses her taunt their still forced to attack her and it's … Vandor Chewbacca. Nute Gunray's lead is a TON of fun! Check out the new player index. 1st Time. 13. share. Jolee Bindo. This Turn Meter removal can't be Resisted. In addition, do not miss our Relic Amplifiers section where we review and analyze Relics for key SWGoH characters. Mod Meta Report; Zeta / Omega Report; GAC Meta; Database. 14 posts Member. ItsJarJarBinkz . Level 7: Separatist allies have +15% Speed and Potency for each enemy with Extortion. Then Dooku goes down. Scarif Rebel Pathfinder. After the rework of Dookan and Nute. Report Save. Thank you for your generosity :) Want to hang out with me on a monthly basis? Dengar. 1 year ago. Unlock Padmé 7* after rework Dookan and Nute. January 9, 2017 9:54PM. Today we look at the Count Dooku and Nute Gunray reworks to give my initial impressions. So join us at Some parameters: -All toons will be Relic 3, this makes them fairly powerful but prevents some of the outsized relic advantages attackers and some select toons (Daka, GG, Jolee, etc.) SWGoH: Best Mods for General Grievous TOPICS: Clone Wars Droids General Grievous HK-47 Mods 2.0 Separatists. I’ve been working up this squad the last couple of months as a specific team to counter Phoenix squads in TW. CT-5555 "Fives" Captain Phasma. Here's how it works: you take stealth 3 stealth characters and put them behind nightsister zombie and Nute Gunray leading. Think Darth Revan at 335 speed- very good, but not best-in-the-game type mods -Snake … Plenty of buff dispel, Dooku can put Nute under stealth, etc. 5. Jump to:navigation, search. 5. To maximize his abilities and use him effectively and efficiently, I recommend the use of a set of four Offense mods and a set of two Tenacity or Health mods with as little Speed as possible from the secondary stats. None. B2 Super Battle Droid Shards x5. Home; Sith raid; Mod Secondary starting values; tb. Director Krennic. Characters. 1st Time. 1st Time. June 11, 2019 9:58AM. About; Deals; Star Wars GOH. Threepio & Chewie. It can take out a team … Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH Droideka: The Droideka has a unique kit that is fun to use in-game. Welcome to the General Grievous mods guide, the latest article in our series about the popular game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where we take a … From the last 2 TW it’s been working pretty well. … 1st Time. From SWGoH Help Wiki. Jedi Knight Revan. Here is what I would suggest as the best mods for the IG-100 MagnaGuard: Transmitter (Square) – Potency mod with an offense primary and a secondary focus on speed, … Date: January 26, 2018 Author: fangstar 0 Comments. News & Dev Posts; SWGOH Reddit; SWGOH EA Forums; Units; Stats; GAC Meta; Database; Guilds; News; Log In; Log In Remove Ads. There's none, but Nute is a fantastic Droideka replacement. can get from R7 -All mods will be solid 6e mods. I imagine 3v3 will be worse. Characters that can apply. While I do not claim to have all of the answers in this game, I do my research and have used every… SWGoH, MSF, HPWU & TFEW News, Tips & Strategy. Jyn Erso. Posted By: ljcool110 April 18, 2018. 2494 posts Member. Or alternatively a less fantastic Magnaguard replacement. I prefer the use of 4 Offense mods for JKA because so many other characters are so reliant on CC/CD mods: Transmitter (Square) – Offense mod with a primary focus on offense and a secondary focus on … com is a SWGOH counter site for GAC, TB, TW. Ewok Elder. Leaderboard; Guild Activities; News. Nute Gunray does insane things for General Grievous! … Welcome back to 5 Minute Modding everyone! Jawa. Top … Asajj Ventress Shards x5. *Update* So I decided to buy the Hyperdrive Bundle because why not. Revive - Ally . You have to have Nightsister Acolyte in order for it to work. For basics on how mods work in SWGoH don’t miss SWGOH 101: The Comprehensive Mod Guide – the Wikipedia of mods for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. level 1. Mon Mothma. While Nute Gunray is alive, each enemy that ends their turn with Extortion dispels their own buffs and grants Extortion to another random enemy that doesn't have it. Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH Jedi Knight Anakin: Jedi Knight Anakin can be modded in a couple of different ways, but building on his offense is the key whether you use CC/CD or Offense mods. Chief Chirpa. 5. Viceroy’s Reach only allows him to revive the first time he is defeated. Then B2 goes down. Visas Marr. I use Asajj to keep dispelling their buffs. I use Nute Extortion ability … Thus, here is my preferred mod setup for the B1 Battle Droid: Transmitter (Square) – … … GAC Home Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders SWGOH GAC Counters GAC Navigation SWGOH Nute Gunray Counters Based on 5,057 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Damage Over Time. More Details Show. But having Asajj Nute and GG, I could see a light at the end of the tunnel. I heard simply pushing one star destroyer into another caused both to explode. Description -25% Speed. Nightsister allies have +30 Speed, +30% Offense, gain 50% Turn Meter when they fall below 100% Health, and have a 50% chance to remove 20% Turn Meter when they damage an enemy. SWGOH - TW Counters - CLS … 214 … … 1st Time. General … 5. Q: Can Nute Gunray be revive more than once? Captain Han Solo . Truth is, it literally destroys the new meta, but has some major counters. Geonosian Spy Shards x5 . I know sounds terrible. 1st Time. Squad … Rafaelcb. Here is that post… SWGoH, MSF, HPWU & TFEW News, Tips & Strategy. BitDynasty. 1st Time. SWGoH … Geonosian Soldier Shards x5. Unique: Viceroy's Reach FINAL TEXT: (ZETA) Whenever a Separatist ally inflicts a debuff, they also deal 5% Max Health damage to that enemy, which can't be evaded, and enemies with Extortion have -30% Speed and Offense. Best Mods for… The crazy year that is 2020 is nearing it’s end and a second round of Galactic Legend characters has already hit the game. I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help *This space left intentionally blank* 0. As stated above, a set of four Offense or CD mods and a set of two Health mods on Asajj with high Speed, CC and Potency secondaries is likely the best way to go. Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH IG-100 MagnaGuard: IG-100 MagnaGuard is a work in progress like all of the newly-polished Separatist Droids, so these recommendations may get some small updates in the coming weeks. Home; Discussions; Best Of... Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Forums › General Discussion. Capital Games was kind enough to seek to explain all of this last night on the EA Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes forums. List of units that can Revive all allies. Sun Fac Shards x5. He makes an excellent second tier Separatist team with Geonosians and Count Dooku which is very helpful for Grand Arena! My two acts used: Nute L, Asajj, Jango, GG, Dooku (most were at least g10, asajj was at 12 with her zetas, Jango was 11 and GG was G12) Nute L, Asajj, Jango, GBA and Poggle. January 14, 2021 | SWGoH: Best Mods for The Armorer; Search for: Home Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Mod Battles; Guilds. Click here if you would like to donate! I split my attacks between Jolee Fishdo and Ani. As always, for help on how to mod the reworked Nute Gunray, look to’s Best Mods for Galaxy of Heroes characters section of the site. Geonosis Separatist Might: Leader Abilities. Leaderboard; Guild Activities; News. A: Yes, but not from his Unique, Viceroy’s Reach. New player? Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. Luke Skywalker (Farmboy) … Squad Arena Store; Currency Squad Arena Token Obtained From Squad Arena: Exclusives Asajj Ventress Chief Nebit Coruscant Underworld Police Darth Sidious Eeth Koth Greedo HK-47 IG-88 Nute Gunray Savage Opress Ugnaught: The Squad Arena Store uses Squad Arena Tokens to purchase Credits, Prestige, and Character Shards. 1st Time. Nute, Dooku, Asajj and two bugs will work at g10-12 range. Nightsister Zombie. Count Dooku … While Nute Gunray is alive, each enemy that ends their turn with Extortion dispels their own buffs. Commander Luke Skywalker. Specific team to counter Phoenix squads in TW my attacks between Jolee and... 6E Mods be solid 6e Mods s special to take out a team … from Help. About ; Deals ; Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes forums Help Wiki under dookus.! Deals ; Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes out a team … from SWGoH Help Wiki 2018 Author: 0.... 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