Now, Beleive it or not, I managed to come over the flea market problem. I brought in the pink bookcase and the pink rug for accents. Don't worry if you don't get one now because there are other ways to get them. While holding them in the air, click the space button which will unpause the game. When you see them doing something bad, quickly move them to the toy room. Have children! Some people might be worried about changing the time on the game incase their family suffer from depression or become extremely weak so here's an easy tip to help you out! You laundered 10 socks in the washing machine. Leave the game until the flea market refreshes (about 1-8 hours, depending on when it last changed). I recommend the green rug or any of the oriental rugs. I cured his sicknesses and I fed him fruits and candy still depressed. I think this should be fixed. Before you close it, go to settings and put 'Set Automatically' in date again. Always make them work, but they get tired quicker and exhausted. If you chose someone who made 15$ then if you train them up to master, they make 690 dollars every day! Now at the bottom you'll see the current date and time in blue. It's at the flea market. By the way, if the father is getting 'a bit blue' it's probably because of the amount of time he spends working so maybe for a day (in our time) get him to pet the pets and read stories to the kids, things that make him happy! Building the Great Wall of China 2 Walkthrough. Hope I helped with all of your ant problems thank you for reading this, Hi I'm Awesome_Person, I will tell you some awesome tips. MONEY Okay, this is easy. Then open it up again and click on new generation. Can it a glitch in my game? Well, do not worry because I have just the thing! Return to the game and you will find that it stops for a few seconds, but when it restarts the mother will have no baby in her arms and the child will be running around. It's no fun when peeps repeat actions because of lack of variety! Hand sanitizer and energy drinks wouldn't go astray either.3. When they try to make a baby, leave them alone (keep the kids and pets away aswell) and hopefully you will have a brand new baby! Hope these tips were helpful thanks for reading. 4. After that, drag them to any place. Well, there are many little things you can do to prevent or even exile bad behavior. Hope that make them more well behaved, because it worked with my kids! The praising glitch is pretty much risk free and is way more efficient for earning extra coins. I don't know if this will work for everyone, but maybe if you wait until your people are a little older, maybe they might have a better chance at having multiples. Game Introduction - Virtual Families 2: Our Dream House Virutal Families 2 is a life-simulation game where you control a family, assist them in their careers, redecorate their home, and much more. Happy workaholics! I'm going to tell you a few things on what to do on Virtual Families 2. When your adoptee is making a meal, it takes so much time, especially if you have eight people to fed. .head hurting, Upset stomach, Having hiccups!, Throat doesn't feel right, or sneezing you can buy medicene to cure them but if they keep getting sick over and over again they might have a seriose infection or could be gravely ill! A: Exit the game completely, then come back and your house should be spick and spam! :] Okay, so I've just started off with a new family, and I currently have one guy. They're all in your way and you have to postpone your couch decorating. Love the game by the way. Annoying right? This cheat isn't for virtual families it's for virtual villagers. The work that finishes a lot more faster and finishes more quicker when you work on your career is an Architect. As long as you didn't see your favorite family member die, you can resurect them by pressing the done button at the corner of the family tree button when you're supposed to get a new generation. Then buy the ticket for several times and usually you'll won some money within 1000 money you've spent. The meters don't have to be full; just make sure their status says "happy" or "elated". When crisone was born, Bingolo was 10/11 and Rosola was 8. When you see a collectible in the yard that you already have, put as many family members on it before the first one put gets up. - Go to settings and go to date and time. HOPE THIS HELPED This is rare but does happen sometimes. In this life simulation game, help them choose a husband or wife and start their virtual family! After that put your little person at their work station and praise them only 2 times. They are NOT abused, for in the morning they are elated, full-fed, and you have earned twice the amount of money!!! This cheat will show you some cool ways of making money. The used couch along with a normal bed is great. 6. One of your little friends mastered a kitchen career. You praised someone who was stomping ants. Don't let the adults work unless it's ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Next scroll to the road and put one pet close to the gate. I found that some of the tasks can be shortened. From: SunDawnWhispers. Ants are in the kitchen = If there are ants in the kitchen DO NOT STEP ON THEM! Their status will still change to "watching stuff get arranged" whether or not you pause it, but you can still drag them somewhere else before you unpause the game. You have encountered 50 email or house events. 1: Starting Salaries Here's a list of the starting salaries, and what you would end up with: As you can see, salaries that start at 15 make drastically more in the end. Be selective about which behaviors you praise 2. Ways to help- 1. Hope I helped!! Get an adult, but don't get married 2. Your people have to have one like and one dislike each. I admit my mistake I ignored Akhi! It says definitely or would be nice you're going to get all 6 of your kids easily. Find the generation you're in and you can see the baby's name. just incase u want it earlier.How to dig for bones? House events appear as soon as you log on. As soon as they pick it up, you can pull them away and your trash bin will be empty. Put a couch in the doorway of either the office or workroom (it doesn't work for kitchen) and ta-da! He would read her stories, call her to brush her teeth and play drediel with her. If two people share a bed (usually adults) this is even better. scold them and let them run away. It's how to tell if a mother will get a baby without waiting for her to go indoors. It's facing the wrong way so you flip it around a few times. If they come away without a baby, wait about half an hour and try again. Be kind and don't scold too much. Some people say you can praise your people once or twice, I don't know if that's true or not, but a lot of people seem to think so. Reviews for Virtual Families 2: Our Dream House 1 2 3 . Drag your annoying person to the Large North room's south eastern wall. I added a nice blue rug under the beds for absolutely no reason at all. Lastly, don't let them look for snacks or heat up food, ESPECIALLY at night. Next drag your furniture over the gate to sell it, and click your animal imediatly after. Look after your little people, and if you know you can't, PAUSE THE GAME! NOTE you need to at least be 3 or 4 generations into the game or it will not work. Please note that this doesn't work all the time! If not, set it on, go back on Virtual Families, and double click the home button and swipe it away again. - treadmill - career boosters - food - handsanitizers - beds - toys - grills - pool No! I chose Wifi to inherit the house, and she immediately married Cirrus, her perfect match. :3 First, drag your little friend to the trash can. Try for a baby (drag man onto woman/woman onto man). 2. Section 1: How to Get: Well, there are lots of opinions on how to get twins/triplets. I really hope this helps you all with money !! You're happy when your virtual family is happy, right? Sonoma spent almost a whole 14 years with him. So Today I bought my girl a BBQ and I set her Making a BBQ. Older kids still sometimes act like they did when they were younger, but they won't bother misbehaving anymore. How comes when u try to make a baby in the game they it just doesn’t work or glitches. Unfortunately, your virtual family works pretty much the same way as a real family does. A way to know your family has a serious infection is if they keep getting sick over and over. Plants- They are just decorations. Have one of the adults start making the bed. 3.) Also, a little tip. I don't know if this will work for everyone, but maybe if you wait until your people are a little older, maybe they might have a better chance at having multiples. Just wait and soon you will have twins or triplets. 2. Right? 36: 84,547: Jun 26, 14 3:10 AM by ChantalizingEyes. If I am not satisfied with the heirs job, I double click the home button, swipe up the virtual families screen, and when I log back on and press new generation, the adoptee has a new job! More guides coming soon! Buying things like new furniture, candies and toys wouldn't add up to the price of Psychotherapy. Enter settings and put the clock back as far as it goes(1970). becuse rare stuff can happen, they can say "wishing for stuff;feeling a bit lonely, feeling depressed, etc. 2. Well I had just started a new generation, I had lots of money. Praise them 10 times. Stop up on tons of food so you don't have to repurchase often, and it lasts a long time so when you start a worker you get extra pocket cash :). Deaths might happen if your couple is old, so don't freak out on that either. In my 7th generation three girls came to my door asking to live at my home. I used this trick and it worked so well! I have three children in my current generation, Bingolo, Rosola and crisone. 2) Close the game completely! How do you make babies? Pt. Toy Room: You will need some dolls and stuffed animals, toy assortment, drawing aisle, drums, giant plush bear, balloons, bubble maker, toy pirate ship, play car, play kitchen, and a toy train table. More guides coming soon from Haybales! And when the kids do stuff like: Be sure to either drag them back then see what they do again (playing, going outside, etc) then leave them be, or scold them ONCE, otherwise it will go too far. Hope it works for you all! (Also tv, toys, and video games are good too). Your annoying little person will be trapped untill you leave the game without pausing. Then praise them, which is teaching them a positive lesson instead of potentially causing depression. 2. Of course, everyone will age, but not by a crazy amount. Includes free downloads, help, walkthrough, hints, tips, tricks and the Official LDW Game Guide. put a man or woman. West room: Family room: Couches, coffee table, hearth/ TV room: TV, Couches, coffee table/ girls' or boys' bedroom: beds, toys, dressers, couch, 1st bedroom: Girls' room: same as above/ Boys' room: same as above/ Children's room: same as above, Rear deck: Plants (not many things u can do with it), West Auxiliary: Laundry room: washer, dryer, sewing kit, ironing board/ Toy room: Toys, Large Central Room: TV room/ Family room (same as above)/ Entertainment room: games, entertainment stuff, piano, 2nd Bedroom: Master bedroom: double bed, dressers, mirror/ girls' or boys' room, Small Central Room: Entertainment room (same as above), Family room/ TV room, Large Central Room: Entertainment Room + Family Room/ Just Family room/ movie room. This is very long, so only read if your patient or really want to know xD As an experienced player, I know so well that the worst thing that can happen on VF2 is opening the game and seeing the message pop up that your little person has died. What is common, however, is that they will be depending on you for guidance. REPEAT this step as many times as you like, I usually do it about 10-15 times. This is how to try again. It's just a waste of 12-25 coins. You cured a symptom of someone who got sick. all you do is wait until you have a collectible you already have and make sure you have 2 people near/next to it. Wondering what to do with your rooms? Don't praise too much or they will say you are nagging. To find a way to get rid of wrong medicines that fill your tool tray, just tap on it and then tap on the rubbish bin and it will say : Do you want to throw this away? If its a pet just leave it there). -thevf2er. 1. They ended up having TRIPLET girls. -COMPLETED-#cheats #family #game #guide #lastdayatwork #sims #thevirtualfamily #tricks #virtual #virtualfamily #virtualfamily2 Then when I went to another game but it was super slow so I completely closed off all apps (if you have an apple product iPhone 4+; iPad 2+ and I'm not sure for iPod and have iOS 7+ double click the home button then move slide up the apps to close them). Now repeat the progress. Hope I helped! Whenever you see an energy drink in the flea market buy it 2. are kids, they'll still get into you'll still have to schools every so often, but not nearly as much. I know, a lot of work, but it's totally worth the millions you're about to earn. I hope that this was helpful to you and I hope that you've now saved one of your little people's lives. Same as above. But do punish them for things such as switching lights on and off, tearing books, drawing on the walls, digging in the trash, etc. When they are doing bad things (throwing rocks, jumping on the bed, etc.) I chose Sonoma the girl who nursed him back to happiness. when I make babies I always do this: make sure all of there needs are taken care of, make them full/feed them a lot, let them relax, after that get them hyper,(use a energy drink or imported candy) then drag the wife onto the husband. I tried this with 31 and 32 year old couple, but they had one child. Plus would you rather waste your time by making your family clean up the mess? Hope this worked! They should say Running Away or Stop Nagging. Okay I've done this about 4 times on my children before and it works! First: click the decorate tab and place the animal(s) you want to sell in to it. Sometimes they will say they cant agree to have one. I suggest 1000+ units of food (click on the fridge to check how much you have. Ask a question or add answers, watch video tutorials & submit own opinion about this game/app. Give it to the dad.What NOT TO DO:1. Pause the game by pressing the space bar or by choosing the pause option under the options menu. This room unlike the other one was kind of colorless so I added in as much pink as humanly possible. 2. Turns out the scratching is just a dog, and the clown just says that he is late to a kid's party and hands you a kitten. Press yes and then it will be daylight. They just make your people sick and weak.2. But if not only on one and wait until the children leave. When I drop someone on them, they start to pick it up then they twitch and drop the item. That's all I've got for now, so there you go. Don't forget about the other parent! I would have chosen Krissy too but she didn't want children either. I've been doing it for 18 generations. Place adult on workspace, praise three times. After you have found them, to the right you should see your baby, it will say the name of it,m and the gender. So after that, drag then onto the toy then praise them only twice because if you praise them once then they barely want to play with it if you praise them three times then they will tell you to stop nagging! It's hilarious. If they like drinking, praise them when they have a drink of water. Make babies and pass the house on to the kids! sometimes they work but to me its not worth the risk. Thanks! - Only achieved by repeated hammock use or energy drink. Q:My maid is taking so long to clean! If not (bet u can guess by now) redownload the app.Maid/Gardener Not coming back-You hired maid/ gardener but they don't come back. Children feelings: though slightly important, just as long as one of the spouses want a kid, they will most likely have one. The plants are on the left side of the house. Repeat 20 or so times. Here we go: 1. I bought all organic food. This might not seem like a ton of sleeping space but it looks cool and most of the time I use the hammock anyway. but the wife leaves the room to do other things. 1. Note: you can only have 6 kids. I went down to the work room (jobs are Carpenter and chair maker) dropped in the food bowl, toys, a tv and bookshelf, and brought in da family (not Bethica, she's in college) and pets locked it with a couch. One of your little friends mastered an office career. I have three children in my 1st generation (I recently started again) Lucila, 6 Saphina, 4 and Tolo, 0. Okay I've done this about 4 times on my children before and it works! However, using the Psychotherapy should DEFINITELY be your last option, especially for the children. 1. So here goes nothing!How to fight depression and keep them happy!1. Treadmill it, praise them for working out, aerobics, and kung fu/ tai chi. Look at her portrait and if it has a baby that mean ps that its going to work. Make sure you get your characters to work on their career which is either in the office, kitchen or work place, promotions equal more money, more money equals more food and a bigger home, more food and a big home equals happy characters. What you need to do is get one of your people, husband or wife. Try again if they Don't say the last one. Take Your Time. When that is done, get the key from under the welcome mat, that will open the shed. And once you have done that, drag them back once more and let them work again, but only praise them two times, they won't run away. They never make a baby. They ended up having TRIPLET girls. Go to your Settings > Date & Time. So when they sit on the chair next to the computer wait for 3 seconds then praise them once. I hope they release an update soon as I'm starting to feel a little ripped off after spending about $10 on the game so far. Virtual families 2 is a very simple game if you just follow a few rules, and know a few tips and tricks! If their description bar reads "Trying to make a baby", then they will go to a couch or bed or bean bag chair or something. Don't use the time cheat to make the twins/triplets grow up because it can lead to gliches. Repeatedly make them relax in it.4. If your planning on sending the kid, do it when they're about 3 or 4 years old. Do not watch your people when they are trying to make a baby. I noticed it takes a really long time to do tasks in this game and I feel like its in slow motion. Virtual Families 2 tricks hints guides reviews promo codes easter eggs and more for android application. Thank you everyone for your support and input I want to see if I can get 2 likes this time. Sometimes when you continue your game after you fix it, an event comes up, like a promotion. When I logged on this morning, Saphina was depressed and kept doing actions like 'feeling lonely... She's 37 and he's 39 and they have 3 kids already and it took forever to make me have them because they kept saying the above sentence but this time I can't do it. Also, this is a well known trick but people on their first generation may not know, when the mother is holding the baby, to find out if it's a boy or girl, their name, what they look like, and their likes and dislikes, you can always go onto menu then choose family and it will show you your family tree, with the baby on it. I've only known of one other person having the same problem so wondering if it's just me or not. Praise them when they do this. It works every time.Those are all of the things I know so far! Give them the sleeping pills straight after they take the illness and let them sleep until their energy bars are up. Pada dasarnya Virtual Families, baik edisi 1 maupun 2 sama saja. Your people are most likely going to be sick, but you can always fix it up with a little cheap medicine (cheap now that you're a millionaire) and voila! Whenever your child starts misbehaving, Just drag them over to a toy and praise them twice. They only end up with a with a salary about $200-$300. Spend money wisely. They will then run away. They were: Candy: aged 8 Utopia: aged 14 Capycoda: aged only 4 At this point i had no children. I found a new trip that can help you choose a perfect child to inherit the house. I have gotten a baby every time after doing this, and have gotten twins more than once. Everyone has obviously had young kids, or else there would be no tweens or teenagers! Please do not use the money time glitch. Ohhhhh dear- you had triplets. I only would send a child to boarding school if they started to be a threat to pets, other children, or adults. One is to praise the mom and the dad. If you are running low on food buy or fill up on as much as you can. The 1st expansion you can afford. Here's how to fix it. Anyway, my point is, stock up your fridge once in a while when you need more food. Remember that if you get a house event that says there is a white box the ants will come again so throw it in the trash. Happy, healthy, rich family. The first one was about unhappy she is but then the second one was about how happy she was! Kids need to be scolded for jumping on the bed, drawing on the wall, throwing rocks, tearing books, stealing cookies, switching light on and off etc. Get the nasty rooms renovated because they too might spread illness. DO NOT buy the regular meat or fruits and veggies, they cost the same as grains and dairy organics, but give you half the amount of food. Now, because of that, your people won't make that much money per day because they only work during the day. Too many only children!!!2. It's just too good to be true, doesn't always work so it's absolutely not worth the risk. It works with all people, except kids, It's nice to go ahead in the time and date to get more cash but beware! Show all posts. Buy a bag of groceries 5. She continued on to the now empty spot in the garden where the BBQ was.She actually cooked the BBQ on the grass!! Trump this- 100,000 coins. Scold them to much.4. kristi and mom watched tv. They're also just like grownups, but they still can't get married, have babies, work, or use the cocktail stand. (Husband works better because if the mom has kids she won't work) then drag them to their work place, and praise them 3 times. 4. But when I put either one on the other, the hubby goes to the bed and dances trying to make a baby. Enjoy! Just place it in the middle table in the kitchen (The black table) and the family will put away the groceries. Hope I helped! Instead, create a play room even if you only have a few toys (I recommend placing it on one of the front patio rooms). Sometimes, the Workaholic Cheat may not make them work at all, even if there's no dislikes preventing it. First of all, the goal in this tip, is money. You scolded a child for jumping on the bed. If the sink is leaking or the toilet is clogged, go to the workroom again and put a person on the edge of the table over and over again until it says fixing the clogged toilet or fixing the leaky sink:) hope this helped!! It took me 1500 and I'm playing with my 5th generation. The way to prevent dirt is to cut the roots of the problem! I know what I'm talking about because I've been playing ever since I was 8 and I'm 12 now so TRUST ME!!! Don't buy these from the store, wait for them to go on sale. Are ants infesting your little family's home and you can't get rid of them? There are also some baby cheats i've added down the bottom. :) have fun! Trophies There are 101 trophies in the game. It works with all people, except kids HOW TO TRY AGAIN WHEN YOU'VE ALREADY TRIED: So, you know when you try to get a baby and it dosen't work? Just so you don't waste your money, here are some tips. Likes and dislikes: as long as they do not connect to your person's likes and dislikes, they don't matter. Take the man to wherever they work in the house. Happy - the default status. This isn't a cheat but a warning. Drag an adult to it and they will fix it. Usually babies will bring luck to the family and you might win a bunch of money (in my case, I've once won 50 000 and 1 000 cash!). Here is a list of tips for Virtual Families: Looking for Virtual Families 2 tips? Virtual Families 3 Cheats, Walkthrough, Guide & Tips⇓ This article covers “how to play Virtual Families 3”, about getting married, having kids, career jobs, career professions, sending kids to school, and other aspects such as family growth, management, home improvements, tips to get coins, and much more. 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