But instead you’ve got a puppy that’s pooing and weeing all over the house, keeps nipping everyone with their razor sharp teeth, chews the furniture and cries all night long. Both you and your followers will appreciate the elaborate documentation of your puppy growing up and all their firsts. First-time puppy parents can be nervous about having their pets spayed or neutered, but rest assured it’s the most common surgery performed on pets, and the benefits far outweigh the potential risks. Clean up spills with a good deodorizing cleaner. You can minimise accidents in the house by learning to spot the signs that your puppy needs to go. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The history has shown their use as hunters, trailers, and herd dogs to modern roles as companions and guard dogs across cultures and civilizations.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'purrfectnpawesome_com-box-3','ezslot_2',109,'0','0'])); Research also shows how getting a dog as a pet at a young age makes children more responsible and empathetic. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Get someone to babysit for a couple of hours when you need a break but try and bond with the puppy. Up until puppies are about nine months old, it’s normal behaviour for them to want to be close to you. 10 things you must do when you get a puppy A list of what you should do with your puppy to ensure a happy, healthy and well-behaved dog for life! Spend quality time with your puppy working on some basic training, having plenty of fun playtime and spend time grooming to help you to bond and strengthen your relationship. Bringing home puppy - 3 things to make the transition easier by Martha Scully • June 21, 2011 Having a child is a life changing event for everyone, including your pets. At three months, you’re still exhausted. Get regular updates and advice about loving life with your dog. The best way to do this is to create a schedule and stick to it. Exercise. If your dog seems to be having a hard time with the youngster, try rewarding your dog with a treat every time the puppy is near. We have a labrador who we got a month ago. Expect to be getting up and going outside during the night when the puppy needs to go. All the struggle of keeping your belongings safe to cleaning up poop and pee at oddest hours of the day will be replaced with pure moments of pleasure. Your puppy faces the consequences of messing up the rug or startling neighbors with the noise of barking at odd times. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. With time and time only, this becomes much easier. Here are some major milestones you can look forward to that make life with a puppy so much happier and easier: More fluff, more fun! Getting a puppy is an exciting time, but gorgeous as they are, all puppies do become dogs and it’s important to do the right thing from the beginning to ensure you don’t face any issues later. Your puppy will grow as you grow. So when it comes to getting your puppy, you are essentially made to think about everything that comes with it. Good Luck with your dog! Generally, they slept through the night after having them one week. It is best to try to accomplish this within the first week of having your new puppy. However, there’s no getting away from the fact that the early weeks with a new puppy are hard and they will most likely leave you feeling stressed, exhausted and questioning your sanity. Read our advice on how to get puppies to sleep. Now is the time to have her fixed. Coupled with the fact that your puppy will still need to go to the toilet during the night as well as the day when they are little, you can expect to feel groggy and sleep deprived for a few weeks. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. If you do plan to switch foods, you can minimise digestive upsets by having enough of the old food available to make the change a gradual one. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This also means having more hands on deck because it takes a village to take care of puppies as they grow. (27 Posts) Add message | Report. Does your puppy cry if you try to go to the toilet alone? By six months, you still haven't cracked it AND you've got smushed banana in your hair. It'll get low maintenance around 1 year. Probably the best part of the puppy cuteness is all the photos you will have fun taking. Settles and calms down much easier; Responds to social cues from other pets and humans; ... How many hours a day does a puppy sleep? A newborn puppy can sleep up to 20-22 hours a day, while a 12-week old puppy can sleep anywhere from 18-20 hours a day. That being said here are some of the things we do during the first week with a new puppy: Get The Puppy Essentials – While you can look at the above list I’d like to mention the importance of collar and pet tags. We'll help to ensure you're well prepared to care for your new four-legged friend. They were generally housebroken within just a few weeks after getting them, maybe a month at the most. A good dog trainer can ease a lot of the difficulties for you. Kongs are good, which you can fill with a nice tasty treat to keep your puppy occupied while you have a well-earned break. A puppy disrupts your life the same way a human baby does. Although New Puppy Stress Syndrome can last anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months, the length of that can be drastically cut by knowing what to expect and professional training help to ensure proper training as quickly as possible. It is a well-known fact that dogs watch the behaviors of other dogs and try to gather useful information from their observations. We can assure you that it gets easier as your little furry friend grows with you and adapts to life as a pet. Your job is to teach them to do so gently without nipping or biting. Going Home The first day with your new puppy will involve traveling, whether it’s a short distance from the shelter or a local breeder or a long ride in a car or the cabin of a plane. But really, no one can resist puppy eyes asking for treats and petting for nothing but love and reliability in return. My Puppy Is Too Attached To Me - How To Stop It, Having A New Puppy Is Exhausting? You should seriously consider rehoming your puppy if: The puppy is not compatible with your kids. If you’re reading this, nodding your head in agreement and hoping that things will soon get easier, you’ll be pleased to hear that it will – eventually. Simultaneously, you might get mad at it for chewing on your best sneakers and get together for family pictures that absolutely must have your dog in it. Where most cultures today rely on dogs as their companions, or for personal protection, all of us have considered getting a dog at one point in our lives. Find times to just have fun with your puppy so it isn’t all work. Once housebroken, a dog still needs to relieve himself multiple times a day. As each week and month goes by, the pup will get easier and easier if you do things right. This feeling is often referred to as the new puppy blues. For a beginner, it is not easy. Trips to the lake. By the time your puppy is three or four months old, they should be sleeping through the night. Ideally, you’d do this before the pup comes home, but you can still do it after. She now sleeps in her own bed, toilet training is about 80% there. (Remember: Bow around the neck is a fashion essential). Having an older dog around may make training and housebreaking your younger puppy easier, since the older dog may serve as a role model. Dogs are incredibly disciplined if they want to and adjust quickly to changes and rules when rewarded and appropriately trained. As your puppy gets used to life with you, your family and friends will get used to the newest member of the family. There are four things that often take first-time puppy owners by surprise and contribute to feelings of stress. Read our advice about puppy teething and biting. What Should I Do? 5. You need to take a puppy outside every two hours. Did anyone warn you that you wouldn’t get much sleep with your new puppy? Although one day, it won’t be the baby, it is right now. It might be for companionship, hunting, guarding, and even for therapy and assistance. It gets easier when they've had their jabs and can go out. This home for you and your puppy can be anywhere and for any reason. I Don't Like My Puppy Anymore - Why? People who read this article, read this story written by Helen who had new puppy anxiety. This is the basic stuff to get in order before you do anything else. We are taking him to puppy training and he is making progress. If you’ve recently welcomed your first puppy into your life, you may be wondering if you’ve done the right thing. When your puppy is about 12 weeks old and has had their primary vaccinations  (first and second set), they will be able to go to doggy day care. This can be challenging for first-time puppy owners, particularly if you work. While seeing them, you reflect back and see how far both you and your pup have come. If you’re reading this, nodding your head in agreement and hoping that things will soon get easier, you’ll be pleased to hear that it will – eventually. From potty training to making sure your puppy doesn’t bark at your mailman every single time, it is a journey. All those sleepless nights and initial expenses will seem nothing when they hop up your bed to wake you every morning. Just like babies, puppies often cry at night and it will take time before they learn that nighttime means bedtime. Your puppy may freeze, become restless, stop playing, start sniffing where they have previously had an accident or start to squat as signs that they need to go to the toilet. Try to make sure someone in your family is home as much as possible. We promise you, your dog will love every member of your family, and everyone will come together to laugh at the little puppy rolling around. And as for those muddy paws! 4 common new puppy problems you may be experiencing. Until one day, when she texted me the question that every new parent has asked: “When does it get easier?” I don’t know if this makes me a good friend or a bad one, but rather than reassure her that it would get easier at 3 months/when she sleeps through the … The responsibility of feeding, walking, protecting, bathing, and above all training, a young puppy is a learning experience for both of you. Puppy feeding tips It is a good idea to bring home the pet food that your new puppy had been eating to make the transition to a new home as easy as possible. Yep, you’ve hit the six-month slump When my son Tyler was first born, I amazed myself by getting through the demands of looking after a new baby without having … Keeping your schedule similar on weekends can help make things easier for your puppy. Your puppy will grow as you grow. Let me help you get started with the first month, and then you and your puppy will be off and running to a great life together. It can make life easier for you and your puppy if you have them in your bedroom with you to begin with – just until they feel more settled in their new home, are sleeping for longer and needing less nighttime toilet trips. We’ve heard of puppies getting lost on the first day and without a collar and tags they may never find they’re way back home. As the puppy sleep training process progresses and they get used to sleeping in their bed, you can start to move the puppy crate towards the door, gradually to be moved out of the room to where you want their new sleeping area to be. Am finding it really hard to adjust. This makes toilet training harder, not easier, as a puppy learns you have an irrational dislike of their bodily function. Sign up to Our Puppy's First Year email series and get regular tips and advice to help you care for your growing pup. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. You can help your puppy – and your furniture – by making sure that they haves lots of good quality rubber chews. Although one day, it won’t be the baby, it is right now. The first few weeks with your new puppy is the time to start establishing good behaviors. Unless you ask your dog, these fur babies have a way of uniting families like nothing else. The process requires you to muster up a crazy amount of patience and not lose your cool when they break your favorite bowl. Getting your puppy is the first step. This will help your dog think of the new puppy as a positive thing, not just a nuisance. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. They bite, and bark incessantly, throw tantrums and eat things they shouldn’t. At least that’s what it feels like whenever you experience a sharp nip to your hand or ankle. You may be worried about whether you are looking after your puppy properly. All You Need To Know! They know how to make it fun and easy. Consider hiring a puppy-walker or neighbor to give your puppy a midday break while everyone is in work or school. DO make leaving and arriving uneventful. Their mad barking and often playful, mostly deadly biting will be 100 percent worth the pain once they cross the 8 month mark. These cookies do not store any personal information. In other words, when you bring a puppy into your home with an older dog present, this can greatly reduce the training time. Your first concern with a puppy would be training it. You’ll receive regular updates on what to expect as your puppy develops and grows delivered straight to your inbox. If that’s not possible, you can make a bed up for yourself in the room where your puppy sleeps. Your dog is a part of your family now, and like everything it does, the love it brings cannot be measured. It was necessary for us to leave our pups home alone for a couple hours pretty quickly. Now, I may just be upset because I'm pregnant and hormonal so please bear in mind! The second reason is because puppies use their mouths to explore the world. For the first three weeks, I clung to that little tidbit and, almost like clockwork, Soph hit 21 days old and started sleeping a bit longer and going a little longer between feeds. I broke down so much and had many freak outs bc of anxiety but now she is my best friend. 1652 W Texas St Suite 111 Fairfield, CA 94533 United States. You can train it to be useful to you as it grows and understands more about the world around it. (Tip, hold a ball above your camera and you will have them hooked). Get your best friend now, start that dog account, and make your life better with a forever furry friend in your family. Clean Accidents Effectively. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It does get easier, I've got a four month old, I stopped with the crate after a couple of nights because she was too stressed, not whining but scared. With time, it becomes a friendly pup, one that knows how necessary training and being friendly to humans is. It does get better really it does Before about 12wks old dogs bladders are pretty small.I took my dog out in the night at about 3am for first 2weeks,then at 4am for week after and if she was doing ok the week after i did 6am. With them, if you make the leap and get double the fun. Here Are Some Useful Tips, I Want To Get Rid Of My Dog But I Feel Bad, 5 Ways To Teach Your Dog To Come When Distracted. That is not likely to happen with a young puppy in the house. When Your Puppy Becomes An Instagram Celebrity, When They Are The Star Of All Family Gatherings, Putting A Collar On Your Puppy - Ultimate Guide, My Ferret Stopped Using The Litter Box - Owner’s Advice. A tired puppy will make your life much easier. Now that you are convinced that your uncontainable, hyperactive child will soon sober down and be a ball of cuteness lolling around. You may even feel like you can’t cope with your new puppy. You may feel like you will never get a good night’s sleep again. More fluff, more fun! This naturally happens as trust between the owner and the animal develops. You might find puppy training is far easier with an older dog and a new pup—the puppy will look to his senior for guidance, and model his behavior after hers. Read our advice on how to toilet train your puppy. Only if you manage to calm these restless critters enough to pose for the camera, that is. It grew easier and easier by the time the fifth dog needed to be trained! This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Here are some major milestones you can look forward to that make life with a puppy so much happier and easier: When They Get Bigger. And it truly is. But you feel overwhelmed when you see an adorable puppy that is up for rescue and needs the home you can provide. Keep rotating your puppy’s chews so they don’t become bored and make a beeline for your favourite shoes. To balance this, try to focus on the positives with your puppy, rather than just the negatives, and give yourself a pat on the back that you’ve got this far. And when they are finally trained, there is nothing but pure bliss to look forward to. There's a lot to consider when you first bring your new puppy home, including feeding, walking, training, vaccination, socialisation and child safety. Trips to the park. This naturally happens as trust between the owner and the animal develops. Just like having a baby, it seems that the hard work of puppy parenting is one of life’s best kept secrets. Rules are set, and both you and your puppy learn to adapt to each other’s behavior. That’s right, your gorgeous puppy is actually a shark wrapped up in a fluffy coat. We assure you that in no time, your Instagram will become an exclusive fan account of your beloved pup. Feeding two dogs, on … Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Here’s some common feelings that first-time dog owners say they have: If you are feeling any of these things, you are probably having more bad days than good days right now. Are you someone who likes to get a full uninterrupted eight hours of sleep each night? When does puppy ownership get easier? You wouldn’t be alone if you thought your days would be spent cuddling and playing with a cute puppy and enjoying nice country walks as a family. BCs are HIGH energy dogs, they need a lot of training and a LOT of exercise, when she gets older, she'll need a job of some sort. Dogs are pack animals and look to their pack leader for guidance, a role your older dog will naturally take on when you introduce a puppy to the family. A Do And A Don’t. She wakes me up from nightmares, calms me down in panic attacks, stays by … Having a case of the "puppy blues" is a similar phenomenon to postpartum depression, a well-documented condition experienced by many new moms (of … Dogs who are forced to "hold it" for many hours can develop bladder stones. Read more about how to cope with the new puppy blues. Dogs aren’t for everyone. Almost every other day, we get to see heart-warming testaments of dogs being the most loyal friend one could have. Rules are set, and both you and your puppy learn to adapt to each other’s behavior. Additionally, a more social environment will ensure that your dog adapts better to social behavior. eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'purrfectnpawesome_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',110,'0','0']));When we think of getting one, the idea seems daunting and overwhelming. This process can take time and 30 days may not be enough for your older dog to adapt to a young, energetic puppy. The first is to soothe their gums when they teething. Daily walks. To some people, raising a pup might seem more difficult compared to raising a human baby, thanks to their mischievous shenanigans. The answer is to find a willing puppy sitter – a friend or relative – to help care for your puppy until they are old enough and no longer feel anxious about being left alone. Historically, the companionship between dogs of all breeds and humans has evolved. cupcakes Mon 20-Feb-06 13:49:39. It’s not uncommon for new puppy owners to feel anxious about their new puppy. You can share the sheer, invigorating joy of having witnessed this growth with so many people. How Hard Is It To Raise A Puppy? These are: Your puppy may be six months old before they no longer have accidents in the house, so you should expect lots of puddles and poos in the meantime. Or perhaps you are feeling anxious because the responsibility of caring for a weeing, pooing, teething puppy is making you feel stressed. The younger your puppy is, the easier it will be for them to find a new home. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. When Does Having a Puppy Get Easier Don’t let this post fool you. However, there’s no getting away from the fact that the early weeks with a new puppy are hard and they will most likely leave you feeling stressed, exhausted and questioning your sanity. Fetch games in the back yard. If you’re a new puppy owner, sign up for Puppy’s First Year emails. Initially, it was in a safe crate. Though all dogs develop at their own pace mine seemed to get a lot easier around months 5+6. Here’s what you need to know about the early days with your new puppy and the answer to that burning question…’when do puppies get easier?’. Making it work with a COVID-19 puppy comes down to being proactive as opposed to reactive, she said. PurrfectNPawesome.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. When a puppy has an accident in the wrong place, never smack or rub their face in it. Caring for an animal demands energy but also gives back immeasurably to the overall quality of life. If so, be prepared to take the puppy out frequently. Puppies bite and chew for two reasons. She told me that it gets easier at 3 weeks, at 6 weeks, at 3 months, at 6 months. If there is any risk of your puppy or your children seriously injuring one another, you will likely need to rehome your puppy. If your puppy hasn’t been spayed yet, she may enter her first heat soon. Who are forced to `` hold it '' for many hours can develop bladder stones find! The pup comes home, but you can help your dog try to accomplish this within the first weeks. 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