But this would make Sarai Abram’s niece, not his half sister; it would not explain why she is identified as daughter-in-law to Terah, not as his daughter. What do you know about her?— We should want to learn about Rebekah because her example can help us to serve the true God, Jehovah. Protection and plague foreshadow Israel’s later redemption at the exodus. Sarai was Haron's wife and Lot's mother. Genesis 12 relates this strange wife-sister episode in a matter-of-fact fashion. Isaac was the son of Abraham and Sarah, promised by God and born to them late in life. The Talmud[7] and the Midrash explain that Isaac was praying, as he instituted Mincha, the afternoon prayer. Haran and Nahor were half-brothers leaving Abram as the sole child firstborn son of Terah's ONLY wife. The Talmud adds that Jacob spent 14 years in the yeshiva of Shem and Eber before proceeding to Laban, arriving when he was 77. The she had no offspring those days. The theory lies on the assumption that Sarai is not daughter to Haran but another wife that Avraham's brother Haran had along with the mothwr of Lot, Milcah and Iscah and Avraham is moved to take her becuase of his kindness and also because of the knowledge of the Torah that He must take the widow of his brother as a wife, something the other brother Najor would not be interested in for not practicing the Torah or not knwing about it. At a later time, a famine struck the land of Israel and Isaac moved his family, upon God's command, to Gerar, which was ruled by Abimelech, king of the Philistines. According to the Midrash,[28] the plural form of the word "weeping" indicates a double sorrow, implying that Rebecca also died at this time. Milcah had these eight sons by Abraham's brother Nahor. Her family sent her off with her nurse, Deborah (according to Rashi), and blessed her, "Our sister, may you come to be thousands of myriads, and may your offspring inherit the gate of its foes.". Ishmael was born when Abraham was 86 years old (Gen. 16:16) and died at the age of 137 (Gen. 25:17). Rebekah, the wife of Isaac, was yet another barren woman in the Bible who gave birth through God's grace. JPS Tanakh 1917 And Bethuel begot Rebekah; these eight did Milcah bear to Nahor, Abraham's brother. Sarah therefore intervenes, urging Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away. Journal Jasher claims death in Terah's burned down house which they would not have done at any age but 75 when Abram left. Abraham sent along expensive jewelry, clothing and dainties as gifts to the bride and her family. Before she sent Jacob to his father, she dressed him in Esau's garments and laid goatskins on his arms and neck to simulate hairy skin. But however innocent this act may have been, it was Isaac named as “the one who plays” who was supposed to be doing it. [9] Twenty years elapsed before they had children; throughout that time, both Isaac and Rebecca prayed fervently to God for offspring. in Heaven: Coherence and Complexity in Biblical Narratives. Still trying to get at the truth, Isaac asked him point-blank, "Are you really my son Esau?" Do you know anyone who has that name?— * Rebekah was an important person in the most famous book in the world, the Bible. Abraham died at the age of 175 (Genesis 25:7), making Jacob and Esau fifteen years old at the time of Abraham's death. Trible, Phyllis. Having secured Isaac’s position in the family, Sarah disappears from Genesis. And she said, I will go." We have the problem that Haran has Milcah, and Iscah, and son Lot. Israel, as we know it… and Jacob answered simply, "I am" (which can be taken as "I am me", not "I am Esau"). Seeing the jewelry, Rebecca's brother Laban ran out to greet the guest and bring him inside. Rebecca (Rebekah) is the daughter of Bethuel, the well-loved wife of Isaac, mother of the twins Jacob and Esau, and the sister of Laban. There is some possibility this could be true, as Rachel was … It is clear that Abram is not firstborn unless the first two are knocked out the way that childless dead firstborn Er, replacement 2nd born dead Onan, and intent-promise as Shiloh upon 3rd born Shelah. I'm using it, in conjunction with Tamar Kadari's article onj Sarah in the Midrash, for a course: Wives, Mothers, & Women of Ill Repute - Feminine Portraits in the Bible. We were finally parents and once that happened, biology was a fleeting thought! And Sarai, wife of Abram was barren. Thus Abraham’s solution seems bizarre; he asks Sarah to say that she is his sister. Terah wanted ONE wife like he taught Abram, but Abram was seduced by Sarai to take Hagar, as apparently Terah had also resolved is barren sole promised wife by a 2nd wife to father Haran at 70, then Nahor at 120, and then Sarai at 140. Genesis 11 relates that Abram and his brother Nahor married Sarai and Milcah, respectively (v. 29). [2] Similarly, the promise that Abraham’s seed will receive the land comes almost immediately after, once Abraham enters the land and begins to traverse it: As I suspect Lot’s daughters are not his real blood daughters but of his wife that she brought into Lot’s house, possible in Sodom & Gomorrah sexual lasciviousness, so Lot’s wife could be cheating on him. This article is about the Biblical matriarch. These were: A lamp burned in her tent from Shabbat eve to Shabbat eve, there was a blessing in her dough, and a cloud hovered over her tent (symbolizing the Divine Presence). The servant insisted that they ask the girl herself, and she agreed to go immediately. Answer: Rebekah in the Bible was the wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau.We first meet Rebekah in Genesis 24:15, where she is identified as “the daughter of Bethuel son of Milkah, who was the wife of Abraham’s brother Nahor.” Her parents were different from most people in Haran. How muc h I'd have loved to discuss this and her other articles with her! Rather, their God was Jehovah. Jacob responded, "Because the LORD your God arranged it for me"; Rashi (on Genesis 52:46) says Isaac's suspicions were aroused because Esau never used the personal name of God. Question: "Who was Laban in the Bible?" Abraham was one hundred years when Isaac was born (Genesis 46:5). (27:22). An Analysis of Lavan and Rebekah’s Genealogy,” TheTorah.com (2014). He asked the servant to search out and find his son a wife … of Biblical Literature 109 (1990): 599–611. The name Rebecca literally means to tie up, a noose, or frequently translated secured. Women in Scripture. [13] According to tradition, Rebecca did not share the prophecy with her husband. "[8], According to the traditional counting cited by Rashi, Isaac was 37 years old at the time of the Binding of Isaac. God eventually answered Isaac's prayers and Rebecca conceived.[10].
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