Word searches are perfect for teachers to hand out in the classroom or for parents to print out for their children to complete at home just for fun.. Whether you are a teacher looking for printable word searches for the classroom, a parent looking for word searches for the kids to complete on rainy days, or an adult who just enjoys completing word search puzzles, you have come to the right place. Required fields are marked *. More articles. The term Yuletide comes from a Norse tradition of cutting and burning a tree to bring in the Winter Solstice. Months of the Year Word Search. Here’s a fun Thanksgiving word search that kids will love — a printable puzzle that is all about this special American holiday! The words in this word search are hidden across, down, and diagonally, with backwards. You can get more creative and make your own word search puzzles by using our Word Search Maker Tool. December 25th holiday: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Holiday Word Search Challenge Solve each clue to reveal the holiday-related words to ˜nd ... Holiday Word Search Challenge Solve each clue to reveal the holiday-related words to ˜nd in the puzzle going across, down, and diagonal. ]��O���7�x�����|���7�^ 555gΜ�g����?Ο?�u����#G������矜1V�tA��=>������Lгg����/ ��wp�ܹ���L0����o��Le�y|��]��رc�Ҡ��믿���v=�X����Sr�S 3F������3fLz�;6H ��GE����/o��fF�9{��L�%�I�ʌG8���z�Tx��W�����_=����]��*��o�4Θ=]�x���O�q� >���%�����d��1���X���sEY���1>�SJח_~$���{O@1(�2K J�#��W�����ACιb_���zP�XY�����:d ݸ~�p � H�s .\�&��\!���M��믿��J���Q�F�лwo|��/c ,�����jx`�-���T}]�r�/ ��/PPPeb� ��� endstream <>>> Aside from being seasonally thematic, they're an excellent indoor activity for … Word Search. Puzzles are 100% free to play and work on desktop pc, mac, mobile and tablet. PARTY, Your email address will not be published. Have your child circle or underline the words as they find them. Word Search Puzzles . They're great for children in sixth grade up to adults. This free tool lets you create random puzzles using your list of words. <> <> Can you find them all? Printable Word Search Puzzles "It's SNOW-ing!" It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. SOLSTICE Word Search Maker More Puzzles Search Printable Word Searches. There are 10 simple, single words to find in the easy puzzle, words appear horizontally and vertically and forwards only. ® and © 2017 CCA and B, LLC. Winter Weather Word Search created date: Each word search PDF file includes a puzzle grid page with word list and a solution page with a hidden message. c>|X���b��8u�T�� %%%��z��t��2��O��?��|��V� �5N1� �hxd ={��>ϙ�رcz�d�$2W���=(]?��Ccc�����/ ��W9��:y�d���u���.K��EyU�~yA�} �3n?e�r�#����/%�1q�D�K�Xף�c�|]�tIƠ ��_��;`&O����w���~���ҥ(��D���ׂ�ɋ|544P ���XQW�6�����/�����NQ�e�5����)z�t_G�� ^�u�����/ �`h=�w�G��q�d����ԋ���/^� N�8��ʔ �1�#a�&־e�4�7�%��6��o�'_�.�J3�a$ ��W|}a�eFkJ��De��%�m�/ L2�2�����Ui�僯��T����Z��>�eYeQ�� This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. <> <> 5 0 obj This is a printable December Word Search pdf file, just click on the image to open the pdf, you can save it or print it. avalanche blanket blizzard chimney Christmas coat cold December earmuffs February fireplace freeze freezing rain frigid gloves hail Hanukkah heater hibernate hockey holidays hot chocolate ice fishing ice skates icicles igloo All of our word search puzzles are available to download and print as either a pdf or an image. <> Aug 11, 2020 - Check out this fun free December Word Search, free for use at home or in school This is a printable December Word Search pdf file, just click on the image to open the pdf, you can save it or print it. 'c��&��Zc`D�F��*Mn�`�&�뙅�C� �v�ڡf{}�&_���c���J����&�k�iE�:M��� j�,�r���� �}���6� ��\$�#`��}4! Age 8. see all for age 6-7. Hockey: If you're a hockey player or fan, you may especially enjoy finding 32 hidden words in this hockey-themed word search … november . There are three difficulty levels for these word search puzzles – easy, medium, and hard. I love making word searches for my children and I hope you enjoy them too. You can play by yourself or use it with your kids at home. learn more GRADES Reading & Writing Printables. We have included the 20 most popular puzzles below, but you can find hundreds more by browsing the categories at … One features eighteen words or phrases and the other (which is easier) contains twelve words that are associated with November, as well as a coloring area with two leaves, a pumpkin, and a large turkey. �!��N'��:�������>zEK��� ��9�͜�e��5Y��()��"�u%�e-S�BG�`���C� You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Each set includes a copyright release for use by your business or organization. DECEMBER FIREPLACE FREEZE FROST HAT ICE MITTENS SCARF SEASON SHOVEL SLED SLEIGHBELLS SNOW SNOWFLAKE SNOWMAN SNOWSTORM SWEATER WINDY. Word searches are a great indoor way to keep older kids seasonally entertained. endobj 2 0 obj Sign Up for Our Newsletter! endobj All you have to do is: Using any browser, open a PDF document (right-click > Open with). GIFTS Printable Word Search Puzzles. These cookies do not store any personal information. December holidays vocabulary, December holidays word list - a free resource used in over 40,000 schools to enhance vocabulary mastery & written/verbal skills with Latin & Greek roots. The kids will “exercise their brain” while they have fun finding the hidden months in this word search puzzle. #2 OT Mom OT Mom is created to help children develop skills needed for schooling. SANTA 10 0 obj 13 0 obj )! Highlight the holidays in December, January, and February with these crossword puzzles and word searches! You'll need to find 31 or more hidden words to solve them. &[����nE�h�Q�� V��8��`KEP�!k� L���V'� -j��2��9P�D�� �/u8�I�r߇�lI6��f�h�!�h�ї`0�� Word Search Puzzle: December Each monthly word search puzzle challenges students to find 15 or more words that relate to the month or time of year. They are fun to play, but also educational, in fact, many teachers make use of them. <> CHRISTMAS The words in this word search are hidden across, down, and diagonally, with backwards. Disclosure: This Post May Contain Affiliate Links. The letters of the words might appear in the puzzle across, up and down, or diagonally. Words included in this fun file are: DECEMBER CHRISTMAS WINTER COLD SOLSTICE CELEBRATE HANUKKAH PEARL HARBOUR GIFTS HOLIDAYS SANTA SLEIGH RELIGION GREETINGS PARTY sowie Kalender in vielen Ausführunge als PDF zum Drucken oder Nachschlagen. Break out your pens or pencils and get your eyes ready. You may make unlimited copies of any of the original large print puzzles posted on our website free puzzle pages for personal, senior center, medical facility, fire district or classroom use. endobj November Word Search Printable for Kids. GREETINGS Download and print any of our word search puzzles. You can also use our word search maker to create a custom word search. stream 7 0 obj ]p�,^�ʔ���n� Æ #_+W�\�jU�U��/���:N-Z��C���f�C4���~��M�6mذ�ˆ-2��˥���߾�����n�7ob���7��ȑ#Ë0�uH_�Q���`_o���v��p��J_���}-^�8��͛7']���A*�R=y����I_h�.\h\��d�={�q��>|ʔ) s�΅Vt��@:$�-[�����܌I���*�7�/$?��У��~�J�O� FE�k����ާ=z�;���E�y�m۶�۷c6ٱcǮ]�v�޽g�4{��ݷo����8��F��mL@�:|���>��s�=���/�M����k֬����j� ��1 Yvd�����#��/N�%_H�5�)Z���~��s�N(�}��F��� _Fe��9,�%�. Winter - Word Searches. Free for printing at home or in school. SLEIGH November stuffing wishbone straw Pilgrim cranberry squash fall Indian Mayflower pumpkin harvest Happy Thanksgiving . All Rights Reserved. 1 0 obj 4. x��YpU��C�B�Ba��h�I�&M"� HANUKKAH REJOICE HOPE THRILL WEARY REST PEACE KING WORLD JESUS LORD DAVID, DANCING, TRUMPETS, OFFERINGS, CELEBRATE, LORD, BLESSINGS, CAKE, GOOD, GOD. This is a four page pdf file and ready for immediate duplication. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Word searches are great activities to help your kids … Can your students find all the words in the Word Box on the puzzle page? DECEMBER Alternatively, access the Find function in the menu bar. Make sure to checkout our collection of thousands of word search puzzle that cover different topics. endobj <> Winter Word Search. Winter - Word Search Try not to hibernate while playing this hard word search about winter. We have included the 20 most popular puzzles below, but you can find hundreds more by browsing the categories at … ����b�(+Hq�חQ�L��.+x�t_�2ݚ% E�2꣱~��읒1ŚN�E����\q���1 {� �FBcq��vMQ�I�)�o�D���6N�>�(�� Hu����A�YŚ̛�+e�,=W���?� >��#% �c �,cu���g�}�+S���b~���>�ׯ_O�Z�*S��F���|zl޼��K��ߒ�e>���������S�N�ɒ��Ր!C8��1��n�"K)��۷g1�]�v�h͂���$ʒ������/����������D�持4fLϛ�yUU���Ç�u��q��/�(Pb�ӄ������_>Z,�du�={6�g���&�ӟz����l�"?��ѣY�+�:w�\�^��={��l+XbP��x�e!��k׆��0�=Փf��� 0e�w��'N���W�ȁ�Gnjs5���Q)Pf����U~~�_ 2�C����^�zu� ��'Ob�j(�S~ˇ4'�8gq�^~�e� :D0 ِc>2��ʁ�b��W:�듎HS�Dq����_�u��*~F��9r$�5Y����J��D)G�w�}ףG��1� �b�PL)eŲ***"Hc�L�6��\����2Ք������׷$ ���:::��^V�5kg���)EրR���C� �GˢE�BJWw����2�'G�ǘ%%Qi�L��W_u= ���ҏ?��?2QR�޽{���+` �r!%�)--E�����%��ѣ������^3�w�P �~�m�u�9r�ȅΜOpN������a�RŇ' ��x��� �7�w�9s��w���ӧ_y��.w�l_z�%�bx��wkjj� ��p8$S�Nݸq�M�6o�����1�n�زeb�r��eÆ $���x���m��׵��W���{���7Sz�������#��c�=Fʔ/�~�?�}�ۜ"���lǎ�l�ʕQn:�,Y��d=��#o���y�Ν��w��o=������׮]��Wě�/\\w�}wě޽{7+�x��}M�0!�M���27y����d=��|? endobj endobj These Winter word search puzzles feature hidden Winter words to find and a picture to color. This Winter word search contains 15 vocabulary words all relating to the season. 9 0 obj These free word search puzzles have various themes related to winter holidays, sports and activities, warm clothing, snow and other things associated with cold weather. Terminkalender, Jahreskalender, Quartalskalender, Monatskalender, Wochenkalender als PDF, Word- oder Exceldatei Additional sets of large print crossword and word search puzzles are now available for $5.00 USD for a set of 20 or $20.00 USD for a collection of 80 large print puzzle PDF files. They have more words, more letters to search though and the word are backwards, forwards, upside down and diagonal. A 12-word puzzle for young learners; words go forward and down only. endobj Linker.ch - Kostenlose Online-Kalender für 2021, 2022 etc. endobj These fun free printable word searches are in black and white so the pictures can be colored in, it is available for download just click on the image and you can save or print the pdf file. 2���߽�����_��Y����}����>�߃�I�����k��}�;yy���p8���p8���p8���p8���p8���p8���]()):theeeyyy�~������F ����>��Ϻu�. COLD <> Words included in this fun file are: DECEMBER CHRISTMAS WINTER COLD SOLSTICE CELEBRATE HANUKKAH PEARL HARBOUR GIFTS HOLIDAYS SANTA SLEIGH RELIGION GREETINGS PARTY RELIGION endobj Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If your guests happen to be competitive or enjoy playing games that require that they put on their thinking caps, then they'll surely enjoy this DIY printable word game. %���� You can also scan these printable Word Search Printable PDFs into Microsoft Word to avoid wasting time. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. november word search y x u n a t i v e a m e r i c a n m w t v i b i x k p p b i v w h d x q m y a v v g m x e g d f s m h ... november fall voting cornucopia pilgims windy autumn pumpkin native american mayflower thanksgiving turkey election day veterans day leaves. stream That makes them suitable for all ages and abilities. This monster word search includes more than 50 winter words going in every possible direction. These word search puzzles are the perfect solo activity for a rainy day or if you’re just stuck inside. Or you can go old school and print them to enjoy offline later. The name December comes from the Latin decem for “ten”, as it was the 10th month in the Roman Calendar. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. You are sure to find something in our free collection that will please you here. All of our word search puzzles are available to download and print as either a pdf or an image. HOLIDAYS The word search puzzles are printable and the puzzle changes each time you visit. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. %PDF-1.5 Winter Clothing Word Search. Featured Book. All the free Christmas word search resources are listed on BigActivities basing on difficulty level. Find 22 "snow-" words hidden in the puzzle; then write them on the lines provided; answer key included. Christmas eve … PEARL HARBOUR <> Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. x����j�P����,����̜�J�"vR��b�,J)����T �������)6�j# ���n0�����f��. 12 0 obj Free Printable Word Searches. We have the best collection of word search puzzles online, with new ones being added regularly. The 20 words to find in this Thanksgiving word search: AUTUMN, BREAD, CASSEROLE, CORNUCOPIA, CRANBERRY, FALL, FAMILY, GRATEFUL, GRAVY, MAYFLOWER, NOVEMBER, PECANPIE, PILGRIMS, PLYMOUTH, POTATOES, PUMPKINPIE, THANKFUL, THANKSGIVING, THURSDAY. Word Search Maker More Puzzles Search Printable Word Searches. christmas word search a s p w o e c m s y o t a c h r i s t m a s t r e e t o e n t a e j i n n g l a y f s n o w a k h a e e j a s k w r i l l y m i s If you can't find a word search you would really like please email me catherine@monsterwordsearch.com and I will be happy to make it! Age 11. endobj Age 12. Autumn/Fall - Word Searches. Each word search is also available for you to play online. Word searches are great activities to help your kids develop their problem solving and analytical skills. 4 0 obj I have always loved word searches, and I’m sure that I inherited my word search love from my mom who always has a “puzzle book” handy. 3 0 obj <> Can you help these Scout Elves deliver these Letters to Santa? 8 0 obj �Xyv� *ma���{��-���9[W�r��m��œ���4�������fY�)���� в1*�V���'/r��˶��6�LYU?ms��wy��C����T�\���>a����A(��]p)o`WZ����ZV�U}���OC*������YS�0�%����V�1h���4��ke���W���e K�ݬ� The words can be found horizontally, vertically, and diagonally, plus they can be forwards or backwards. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Word Search also now offers printable Word Search printable PDFs that you could get with you on the move. If it is printable word search puzzles you are looking for online, no need to look any further. Age 9. WINTER Your email address will not be published. DECEMBER FIREPLACE FREEZE FROST HAT ICE MITTENS SCARF SEASON SHOVEL SLED SLEIGHBELLS SNOW SNOWFLAKE SNOWMAN SNOWSTORM SWEATER WINDY. christmas word search level 2 www.yourtherapysource.com boots candle caroling cookie decorate elf garland holiday icicle jolly jingle lights merry presents reindeer santa sleigh star tree wreath. December Word Search Printable – Many Word Search funnels now supply Word Search Printable PDF’s to suit your needs to down load. Additional sets of large print crossword and word search puzzles are now available for $5.00 USD for a set of 20 or $20.00 USD for a collection of 80 large print puzzle PDF files. DECEMBER 24 - WORD SEARCH Find the words hidden vertically, horizontally, backwards & diagonally throughout the puzzle. Word searching is more challenging with these winter-themed puzzles. Author. Printable Word Searches. Check out this fun free December Word Search, free for use at home or in school This is a printable December Word Search pdf file, just click on the image to open the pdf, you can save it or print it. 3. Use a pencil, colored pencil, crayon, or marker. Each set includes a copyright release for use by your business or organization. christmas word search level 2 www.yourtherapysource.com boots candle caroling cookie decorate elf garland holiday icicle jolly jingle lights merry presents reindeer santa sleigh star tree wreath. Word Search. Ways to Use This Word Search. Winter Word Search Here's a cool project for a cold day: ... download the pdf. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Age 7. Word puzzles are her thing, and she has been known to complete an entire word search in under two minutes flat (she can also unscramble a long list of mixed-up words before most people have even gotten started! CHRISTMAS WORD SEARCH - DIY INSTANT DOWNLOAD (8" X 10") This holiday Word Search game will have your guests racing to be the first person to find all of the Christmas-related words. 5. Printable word search puzzles. If you are a teacher, this is a very good activity to give to your students. 6 0 obj Title: December Author: Evelyn Johnson - www.qets.com Subject: Q.E.t.S Large Print Word Search Puzzles Created Date: 11/21/2017 10:00:33 AM CELEBRATE Horizontally, vertically, and February with these crossword puzzles and word searches your.... Horizontally, vertically, and diagonally, plus they can be forwards or backwards SLEIGHBELLS SNOW SNOWFLAKE SNOWMAN SNOWSTORM WINDY. A hidden message this category only includes cookies that help us analyze and understand how you this! Versions of the words as they find them to opt-out of these cookies in.. Term Yuletide comes from a Norse tradition of cutting and burning a tree to bring in the.... 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