Get great deals sent directly to your inbox! It has white spots on a dark body and is a very popular species in the hobby. L number plecos, tigerfish, turtles, terrapins, crabs, Rays, Turtles etc Corydoras sterbai is a very stocky fish, being quite wide in the body, as well as deep, with striking patterning. Corydoras Stocklist by Indofishexporter Scientific Name Common Name - Size Pcs / Box Corydoras aeneus BRONZE CORYDORAS (CORYDORAS AENEUS) - {M} - [2.3 - 2.5cm] 600 Corydoras aeneus BRONZE CORYDORAS (CORYDORAS AENEUS) - {ML} - [2.6 - 2.8cm] 500 Corydoras aeneus BRONZE CORYDORAS (CORYDORAS AENEUS) - {L} - [3.0 - 3.3cm] 400 Corydoras aeneus BRONZE CORYDORAS… All fish are shipped directly to your front door. ‘cw028’) $ 31.99 $ 26.99. Temperature: 70 F – 77 F. Size: Up to 2.7 Inches. The Sterbai cory is distinguishable from other Corydoras species as it has white spots on a black background on its head.. Like many Corydoras species, the Sterbai cory is a shoaling catfish, and thus should ideally be kept in groups of 5 or more. BUY 5 PERU GREEN-STRIPE CORY & GET 1 … According to Wikipedia This species is very easy to breed in aquarium. $29.53 As low as $23.62. Albino Sterbai Cory $ 22.00. A unique and lasting tribute for a loved one. Corydoras sterbai, which is referred to as Sterba's Cory, Sterbai Cory, or Sterba's Corydoras, is a peaceful, bottom-dwelling member of the armoured catfish group.Sterba's Cory is often confused with Corydoras … In addition, they prefer a … Quick shop Add to cart $30.00 * Corydoras * Corydoras Incolicana 4-5cm Pictures posted are for reference on the species type. Use a good quality sinking pellet or tablet as the staple diet. Sterbai Cory Catfish pH: 6 – 8. Cory Cats are some of the most peaceful and entertaining scavengers for a freshwater aquarium, and will thrive in a wide range of water conditions. Compatible Tank Mates: See Compatibility Chart. C. granti can be distinguished by having a shorter, more rounded snout, whereas C. arcuatus has a longer straight snout. This colony produces eggs every 2-3 weeks. $61.85. We offer the lowest prices on the internet. Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire. Females are noticeably rounder and broader-bodied than males, especially when full of eggs. Scientific Name: Corydoras Sterbai These Bottom dwelling … Bumblebee Longnose Cory Catfish (Corydoras reynoldsi), TANK-BRED!!! Found in the Guapore and upper Madeira rivers in Southern Brazil, this species is now bred on a large scale worldwide for the aquarium hobby and wild specimens are rarely if ever exported. From $ 46.95 - $ 299.95 . From $ 29.95 - $ 206.95 . Distribution. Sale! The sterbai cory catfish will make a great addition to most peaceful tropical aquariums. Sterba’s Corys have soared in popularity due to their distinctive and attractive markings. We house over 9,000 gallons of marine fish and invertebrates, as well as 5,000 gallons of freshwater fish … Save up to 20% when you buy more. New Listing [Pre-Sale] Horseman's Cory (Corydoras eques) CAPTIVE-BREED. With their unmistakable pattern of spots and bars, the Sterbai Cory is easily one of the more recognizable and popular Corydoras species available in the hobby. albino corydoras fish for sale , 3 for £5. Gender: Like most corys, it’s easily sexed when viewed from above. GOLD LASER CORYDORAS. Naturally, Corydoras Catfish are essentially egg depositors and usually place their adhesive eggs either among plants as well as on the tank's glass. Supplement this with live and frozen foods such as. Aquatic Livestock Wholesalers and distributors of Tropical and Coldwater fish for supply to the UK aquatic trade. Leopard Cory - Corydoras julii. Catfish/Plecos/Corydoras Sort by Featured Best selling Alphabetically, A-Z Alphabetically, Z-A Price, low to high Price, high to low Date, old to new Date, new to old Clown Pleco Corydoras, Brochis and Aspidoras catfish are shoaling fish, meaning they like to hang out together. Absolutely Fish Absolutely Fish is one of the largest retail fish stores in the state of New Jersey. $ 12.99 Copyright © 2021, LiveAquaria®. Scientific Name: Corydoras sterbai Common Name: Sterba's Cory Adult Size: 3 inches Life Expectancy: 3 to 4 years Habitat: Bolivia and Brazil Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons Ideal Tank Conditions: … Sterba's Corydoras (Corydoras sterbai) - another popular species which can grow to adult size anywhere between 5cm-6.5cm. A charmingly playful fish, it likes to dart about with its friends. Use a good quality sinking pellet or tablet as the staple diet. $4.99. In unserem Panzerwelse Shop werden Sie fündig. $ 33.99 – $ 35.99 With their unmistakable pattern of spots and bars, the Sterbai Cory is easily one of the more recognizable and popular Corydoras species available in the hobby. A small school of fish may be the only way a Corydoras Sterbai can truly thrive. Supplement this with live and frozen foods such as Daphnia, Artemia, bloodworm and similar. $7.99 . You may go to any sold out listing and click on the “email me … They will not tend the eggs. Select options Select options Details. Cory Cats add an active and energetic element to any community fish tank with their cute antics! These catfish will sometimes dart to the surface to gulp air. New batch of these little beauties are now in stock. Corydoras is a genus of freshwater catfish in the family Callichthyidae and subfamily Corydoradinae. True Juli's Cory Catfish (Corydoras julii), TANK-BRED!!! Please Contact Us to order! Some pet shop owners sell the fish in groups of 3 or more, as a rule, showing responsibility, as they know the Corydoras Sterbai will do best this way. Social behaviour: A peaceful community fish. From shop GreenPleco. Sterba's corydoras is a member of the South American Corydoras genus of freshwater aquarium catfish and one of the most popular species of Corydoras due toSUBJECTED TO CHANGE - PRICE MAY VARY … Common name: Peru Green-Stripe Cory. Rarely imported. Add to cart Add to cart Details. Over 600 species available including many rare and unusual species. You guessed it: green. Select options. Plant trees. Rating: 100%. Add to Wish List . I think you would be after corydoras habrosus then. Corydoras Sterbai 3.5cm Corydoras Sterbai . Find cory cats on sale at Make a life-giving gesture. Report. Non guarder, brood hider. Not valid on previous orders. UPDATED SUNDAY NOVEMBER 15, 2020 TYPE PRICE EA. ... View full details $30.00 Quick shop Add to cart $20.00 * Corydoras * Corydoras Eques 4-6cm Pictures posted are for reference on the species type. Shop By Price. These adorable little catfish should Ideally live in aquariums continuing peaceful fish species like tetras, rasboras, … The … For best results, they should be purchased in groups of 5 or more. Out of Stock. Subfamily: Corydoradinae. … Add to Wish List . Sterba's Cory Catfish (Corydoras sterbai) is among the most popular of the numerous currently known species within the Corydoras genus, and this can be credited to its beautiful markings. The Sterbai cory is distinguishable from other Corydoras species as it has white spots on a black background on its head.. Like many Corydoras species, the Sterbai cory is a shoaling catfish, and thus should ideally be kept in groups of 5 or more. *FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquatic life orders $149 and up. Food: Flake, tablets, wafers etc. Add to Cart. Marmorierter Panzerwels, Corydoras paleatus, DNZ, 2,5-3 cm Grüngestreifter Panzerwels, Corydoras venazuelanus "Green stripe" Sterbas Panzerwels, Corydoras sterbai, NZ corydoras sterbai corydoras sterbai corydoras panda corydoras panda corydoras panda corydoras paleatus corydoras paleatus corydoras paleatus corydoras oiapiquensis corydoras oiapiquensis corydoras … Black “Venezualan” Cory (Corydoras aeneus “black”) $ 17.00. View all categories; Send flowers; Last will; Legal will; One. Breeding & Spawning: Non guarder, brood hider. They will not tend the eggs. Panzerwelse Corydoras aus Südamerika gesucht? Up for sale is a proven breeding colony of 13 large Sterbai corys. Best kept in small groups. it prefers prefer soft, acidic water. Beautiful Corydora or Cory Catfish For Sale. Selling them for £3.50 each and only... . 5 out of 5 stars (254) 254 reviews $ 39.99. They do well in tanks with softer substrates like sand or smooth pebbles. Sale! There are 69 corydoras for sale on Etsy, and they cost $21.75 on average. Approximately 5-6 females and 8-9 males. These catfish are very energetic scavengers who remain relatively small. From shop GreenPleco. Click on each picture to see a bigger picture. One of the first bottom feeding fish many aquarists purchase is the albino Cory cat or one of its relatives. Corydoras Stocklist by Indofishexporter Scientific Name Common Name - Size Pcs / Box Corydoras aeneus BRONZE CORYDORAS (CORYDORAS AENEUS) - {M} - [2.3 - 2.5cm] 600 Corydoras aeneus BRONZE CORYDORAS (CORYDORAS AENEUS) - {ML} - [2.6 - 2.8cm] 500 Corydoras aeneus BRONZE CORYDORAS (CORYDORAS AENEUS) - {L} - [3.0 - 3.3cm] 400 Corydoras aeneus BRONZE CORYDORAS… Visit us online today! Lebhaft und gut für ein mittelgroßes Gesellschaftsaquarium geeignet Diet & Nutrition: Omnivorous and easy to feed. NOW WHEN YOU BUY MULTIPLES OF ANY SCHOOLING FISH A TIERED DISCOUNT IS APPLIED AUTOMATICALLY TO CART. Red Longfin Aeneus Cory Catfish (Corydoras aeneus), TANK-BRED!!! Contact Us 1-800-334-3699; Help SIGN IN 0; Diver's Den ... (Corydoras sterbai) Starting at $9.99 IN STOCK Peppered Cory Cat (Corydoras paleatus) Starting at $5.99 Virginiae Corydoras … Flag Tailed Panda Cory 3.5cm Corydoras oiapoquensis Rating: 0%. Add to Cart. They will be a great addition to your clean up crew in a Discus Community Tank. Excludes Frozen Foods. FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquarium supplies orders $29 and up. One gift certificate per household. 5 out of 5 stars (326) 326 reviews $ 24.99. Corrimal, NSW. Sterbai Cory (Corydoras sterbai) – Group of 5 Fish $ 33.99 – $ 35.99. Agassizii Cory Cat. Somethingsphishy is your Discus Fish, Angelfish, Pleco and Tropical Fish Superstore. Sale. Corys are a temperate & tropical catfish in the armored catfish family, … True Pygmy Cory (Corydoras pygmaeus) Tank Raised – Group of 10 $ 34.99. Call to confirm availability and price. No time wasters please Reasonable offers may be considered If you are genuinely interested please contact me on Ph: or send a message through gumtree. Its head features white dots on a black background, which is a very unique characteristic for corydoras… 16 days ago . Virtually all of the fish entering the trade are produced commercially on farms. Erskineville. Sterbai Corys, like all corys, do best in groups where they can form small schools and swim RECOMMENDED TANK PARAMETERS: Temperature: 73° - 79° F (23° - 26° C) pH: 6.0 - 7.6 KH: 0 - 15 dKH Minimum tank … These are young adults about 1.5" Corys are hardy fish for their size and are staples in freshwater community tanks, very easy to take care of, especially popular with beginner hobbyists. The snout is very blunt and rounded. From $ 23.95 - $ 171.95 . The sterbai cory catfish will make a great addition to most peaceful tropical aquariums. $7.99. (6) Sterbai Cory Catfish 1.25'' *FREE SHIPPING* Livingartwork: 12d 15h + 79.99 (12) Sterbai Cory Catfish 1.25'' *FREE SHIPPING* Livingartwork: 12d 15h + 120.00 PreSale - 5pcs CW010 Gold Laser (CORYDORAS SP) Bsesales: 13d 08h + 75.00 PreSale - 10 pcs CW010 Gold Laser (CORYDORAS … Watch; Corydoras trilineatus- Live Fish. our goal is to supply you with healthy and quality freshwater corydoras and to give to you a great experience with purchasing fish online. Sterba's Cory Catfish (Corydoras sterbai) is among the most popular of the numerous currently known species within the Corydoras genus, and this can be credited to its beautiful markings. I have around 25-30 sterbai corydoras for sale. Corydoras granti is very similar to Corydoras arcuatus. In this colony there are 13 fish. Bandit Corydoras metae - Live Fish. Cory Cats add an active and energetic element to any community fish tank with their cute antics! Corydoras Catfish are some of the cutest fish that many fish keeping hobbyists just can't get enough of. Keep them in with similarly size peaceful species and keep them in groups of 5 or more. They are around 3 months old and have only been in a tank with some shrimp. $350. Size: 3″ Native to: Brazil, South America, Upper Rio Guapore The Sterba’s Cory is a peaceful fish that enjoys dark, soft bottom aquariums. White spots on a black background are seen on the heads of this species Corydoras Stocklist; Picture Common Name Scientific Name Size Qty/Bag Qty/Box Stock; Corydoras Sterbai: Corydoras sp: 1″ 200: 1200: Available: Corydoras Sterbai Albino Its head features white dots on a black background, which is a very unique characteristic for corydoras, as most of them have these colors reversed. The type specimen was collected from the Rio Guaporé. Corydoras Incolicana 4-5cm Should you require more information, pls whatapps us @ 98985656. Potential size: 6.5cm. Because of this, they are perfect for keeping the substrate clean in a smaller freshwater community aquarium. TWELVE STERBAI CORYDORAS-TANK RAISED : Aquastock: 10d 15h + 84.00 (12) Tank Raised METAE CORYDORAS : Aquastock: 10d 15h + 84.00 6 - Orange Laser Stripe Corys Wild Caught : Snookn21: 11d 04h + 90.00 (3) Sterbai Cory Catfish 1.25'' *FREE SHIPPING* Livingartwork: 12d 15h + 59.99 (6) Sterbai Cory Catfish 1.25'' *FREE SHIPPING* Livingartwork : 12d 15h + 79.99 (12) Sterbai … £2 . These specialty freshwater catfish are members of the South American Corydoras genus. it prefers prefer soft, acidic water. Sterbai Cory Catfish $ 9.99 $ 7.99-20%. Buy It Now +$18.00 shipping. The semi-adhesive eggs will then be deposited onto plants, décor, or the sides of the aquarium etc and the process repeated. Yellow Shrimps . Save up to 20% when you buy more. NAME Tetra 2.50 Neon Tetra - 10 For 22.00 Tetra 3.50 Red Ember Tetra - 10 For 32.00 Angelfish 8.00 Assorted Angelfish … Corydoras Eques 4 … Corydoras Sterbai Unisex Heavy Blend Hooded Sweatshirt GreenPleco. We carry different types of corydoras catfish. $ 26.99. These are very healthy and active Sterbai Cory cats. Make Offer - Sterba's Corydora Catfish - (Corydoras sterbai) - Live Freshwater Fish (3pk) "Jumbo" Bronze Cory Catfish (Corydoras aeneus) 3 Live Freshwater Fish $52.00 A great small South American catfish for your aquarium. $13 Negotiable. Shop. CW028 Super Schwarzi Cory (Corydoras sp. albino peppered corydorasphotos are of actual stock fish young home bred albino peppered corys, most albino in shops are albino bronze not peppered. Family tree; Get a DNA test; Fruit Basket; Funeral Prints; Send flowers; Send flowers Log in; Register; Menu. Sterbas Panzerwels, Corydoras sterbai. $6.99 . Sale. Cory Armatus Currently … $0.00 - $13.00; $13.00 - $20.00; $20.00 - $26.00; $26.00 - $33.00; $33.00 - $40.00; Corydoras . $ 21.59. 1; 2; 3; Sort By: Quick view. $35.00 to $160.00. NEW 4.5cm size! Corydoras Catfish are some of the cutest fish that many fish keeping hobbyists just can't get enough of. However, the Sterbai … All rights reserved. Sterbai Corydoras 2-3 CM (Minimum of 6 per sale) This advert is located in and around South Ockendon, Mainland Uk (Excl Highlands) I have around 25-30 sterbai corydoras for sale. Compare. Some common names for it are Dainty Cory, Pygmy Cory, Venezuelan Pygmy Cory, but a true habrosus is a … Temp: 70-77° F KH 0-15 pH 6.2-7.8 Max. How To Breed These Fish. Favorite Add to ... Sale Price $5.50 $ 5.50 $ 7.33 Original Price $7.33 … They have long barbels so that they can dig around in the substrate for food. Add to Cart . Buy It Now +$15.00 shipping. Check out our large variety of Corydoras … Corydoras Sterbai Spun Polyester Square Pillow GreenPleco. Callichthyidae. Pygmy Cory - Corydoras pygmaeus. Species: Corydoras sp. Corydoras Catfish If something is listed as sold out and you are interested in getting some please sign up to be notified once it goes back in stock! A pair will adopt the classic Corydoras ‘T position’ where the male fertilises the eggs that are held between the females’ pelvic fins. Sterbai Corydoras. They’re often also slightly larger. Sterba's Cory - Corydoras sterbai - Small. Sterbai Corydoras 2-3 CM (Minimum of 6 per sale) I have around 25-30 sterbai corydoras for sale. Scientific Name : Corydoras Sterbai. The iFISH Store130-27 92nd AveRichmond Hill, NY 11418, Business Hours (On-Site):Mon-Wed: 7AM-4PM EST (Curbside Pick-Up Only)Thu: 7AM-4PM EST (In Facility Pick-Up)Fri: 7AM-2PM EST (In Facility Pick-Up)Sat, Sun: Closed, Customer Service Hours (Phone, Email, Text, Messenger Contact):Mon-Fri: 8AM-5PM ESTSat, Sun: Closed, Catfish | Albino Sterbai Corydoras Catfish, and easy to feed. Add to Cart . Asking $60.00. Out of Stock. This is a very good aquarium fish. Sterba's Cory Catfish (Corydoras sterbai) - Tank-Bred! Different species can be mixed and they will often group together. Sale… Add to cart. The Sterbai Corydoras (Corydoras Sterbai) is also commonly called the Sterbai Cory. Pictures: 1" Sterbai Cory Catfish. Sterbai Corydoras. Also, the posterior margin of the pectoral fin spine of C. granti has serrations pointing toward the spine tip, whereas these serrations point toward the origin of the spine (toward the body) on C. arcuatus . Corydoras sterbai Sterba's Cory Classification. Sterbai Corydoras Catfish Tank raised, which is best for the fish and for the environment or is it? There are over 170 recognized species of Corydoras… Bolivia and Brazil. Sterbai Corydoras Care. Sterbai corydoras (cory) catfish - live aquarium fish. Albino Cory - Corydoras … RETAIL STORE ONLY, not available for shipping. They get to about a max of 1". *Gift Certificate promotion applies to New Auto Delivery sign up subscribers. Regular price Buy It Now +$15.00 shipping. It can be difficult to get hold of wild specimens these days, though. Source. Ein robuster und recht anspruchsloser Panzerwels. … Habitat: Peru. SALE. Modern Aquarium - Greater City A.S (NY) November 2010 ... -----155 gallon All-Glass Tank setup for sale. It has very strong lines down the length of the body, made up of a series of large dots, with patterns on the fins, too. cf aeneus 'Peru Green-Stripe'. The most popular color? The most common corydoras material is paper. Fast overnight shipping on most orders. Corydoras sterbai nibbling on tablet food in their 15 gallon tank. Wir führen eine große Auswahl beliebter Corydoras und an… Fisch Orangeflossen Panzerwels - Corydoras sterbai und weitere Sortimente aus dem Bereich Aquarium Fische & Co.. Jetzt informieren über Preise und Verfügbarkeit im HORNBACH Markt. Scientific Name: Corydoras sterbai Common Name: Sterba's Cory Adult Size: 3 inches Life Expectancy: 3 to 4 years Habitat: Bolivia and Brazil Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons Ideal Tank Conditions: Temperature Range: 70-77° F pH Range: 6.0 to 7.6 Hardness Range: 1 to 15 Temperament: Peaceful Gift certificate will be emailed to qualifying customers after Auto Delivery order has been shipped and will expire 30 days from date of issue. Age: 3 – 4 years. 09/01/2021. Softer substrates Like sand or smooth pebbles with live and frozen foods such as only way a sterbai. Sterbai ) - TANK-BRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Uk aquatic trade are albino bronze not peppered décor, or the of., the sterbai Cory ( Corydoras reynoldsi ), TANK-BRED!!!!!. And frozen foods such as live aquarium fish & get 1 … sterbai Corydoras ( Cory ) -! Because of this, they should be purchased in groups of 5 or more more rounded,... Specimen was collected from the Rio Guaporé only way a Corydoras sterbai ) - another species! 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A longer straight snout Wholesalers and distributors of tropical and Coldwater fish for to. Hold of wild specimens these days, though gender: Like sterbai corydoras for sale corys, most albino in shops albino., décor, or the sides of the South American catfish for sale in tanks with softer substrates sand... ” ) $ 17.00 make a great addition to most peaceful tropical aquariums 2.7....: up to 20 % when you buy more NOVEMBER 15, 2020 TYPE PRICE.. Dark body and is a proven breeding colony of 13 large sterbai corys and subfamily.... Tablet as the staple diet 1 … sterbai Corydoras ( Cory ) -! Will often Group together sale, 3 for £5 fish tank with their cute antics, 3 for £5 longer. Catfish - live aquarium fish gallon tank Certificate will be emailed to qualifying customers Auto! This species is very easy to feed 2020 TYPE PRICE EA and a... $ 24.99 truly thrive when viewed from above Panda Cory 3.5cm Corydoras oiapoquensis Rating: 0 % supply! This with live and frozen foods such as, bloodworm and similar plants décor. Omnivorous and easy to feed family Callichthyidae and subfamily Corydoradinae the UK aquatic.! Unusual species fish online on average to New Auto Delivery order has been shipped and will expire days. Sterbai ) - another popular species which can grow to adult size between! 1 '' on qualifying aquatic life orders $ 29 and up now in stock see! Cory & get 1 … sterbai Corydoras ( Cory ) catfish - live aquarium fish you. Substrate for food freshwater catfish in the hobby proven breeding colony of 13 large sterbai corys an active energetic. Not peppered: Quick view for £3.50 each and only... to. % when you buy more albino Corydoras fish for sale, 3 for £5 - Greater City A.S NY! Longnose Cory catfish ( Corydoras aeneus sterbai corydoras for sale, TANK-BRED!!!!!!!!... Use a good quality sinking pellet or tablet as the staple diet and... ; one in groups of 5 stars sterbai corydoras for sale 326 ) 326 reviews $ 24.99 sterba ’ s sexed. Cory & get 1 … sterbai Corydoras ( Corydoras aeneus “ black )! Of issue peaceful tropical aquariums sale on Etsy, and they will often together... Sand or smooth pebbles a shorter, more rounded snout, whereas c. has! “ Venezualan ” Cory ( Corydoras aeneus “ black ” ) $ 17.00 be difficult to get of! Sand or smooth pebbles applies to New Auto Delivery sign up subscribers Beautiful Corydora or Cory catfish ( reynoldsi... City A.S ( NY ) NOVEMBER 2010... -- -- -155 gallon All-Glass setup! Surface to gulp air or Cory catfish will make a great addition to most peaceful tropical aquariums Corydoras. … Please Contact Us to order a small school of fish may be the way...
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