any support/tank that can help for DN to get annihiliates or slow the enemy down is good 5th. Rex L is nice addition (anti-crit) or Boba L, as well as assist callers (QGJ, Aayla, Biggs, Fives, Ezra, Hoda, Ewoks) Galactic War Report Rftwarreport Twitter. the TM gains of the ewoks combined with the expose as offense power will do the rest. Lot of DoTs and nice bonuses synergy shared between each other, especially offense, tenacity, assists and defense/crit avoidance, while also protection recovery in case of zetas. 44. Vs CLS Trio and Quartet: zMT L, AV, Daka, Zomb, Aco/Spirit. put a tank here and let wampa talzin or dn do the thing. GAS vs DR, BSF Malak Showdown Determines Victory! very annoying to deal with, and often its long fights. when trying "hide the Talzin" make sure you plague after team have tenUp - otherwise, the Sith will get rid of it. Counter Video---- : Krennic start at 1:00, IT start at 6:25, Core- BB-8, R2. Their attacks give you more damage. I think 3v3 and GA by extension is … start with fast nest, use daze, and start activate the contract with AoE like Jango, Boba, Dengar, and Mass assist of bossk. the exposes give them enough damage to overpower the triu. you can use Phasma over Fost to force attacking on KRU to spread Advantage and have Phasma spread more advantage. Strategy - the contract is exploitable, you can slow activation of their payouts, by using taunters. This page was last edited on 4 February 2020, at 19:48. Use confuse as a daze to stop the counters and assists. With Vader to have big TM advantage. Daze all (logray) or dealing big damage attacking from stealth (ewok scout and wicket) they aren't built on debuffs, but have TM gain, and nice damage and calling assists. Archived. More Grand Arena 3v3 Counters Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes. the contract will be activated fast, and then the BH have enough offense power to take down the Triu. Holdo for dazing them. have a few slow characters for oneshots (CWC, Barris). Wampa Recommended for daze. Health equalization and high health steal ensure plague isn't a problem for long. if zWicket there, go MT L for the 50% potency - so you can stun frequently with AV, Daka, and Spirit - cause otherwise they can somehow heal plague often passively. Those crits cant kill any of those. Small damage, huge TM gain. If Chewbacca is in the team, fracture Yoda and kill Chewie. Using DN to get rid of Zarris first, and the game is easy. Vader must go first to have the inital buffing and start the TM train going. weak spots: slow team. With zKRU, Kylo, FoX, FOO. control the game, and win. concetrate on one toon (not shore) - get the kill, win. Tanky build on Sion+Traya so you won't lose someone. Healing immunity - IG-88, Wampa, Cassian, Boba, Kylo. should be a top JTR team ofc. Under Rex, they have a lot of TM gain and bonus health. Highly versatile team that can be run under Shaak Ti or Rex lead. you need to have speed advantage here, so good modding is required. With chaze & chewie Undead Nest w. CLS Han and Chewie (Chewie regain protection). (Embo/Zam/Nest) must outspeed them, at least with Bossk. this is a very hard team, no 'hard counters'. vs CLS quartet : its becoming very hard. dispels on zaalbar, focus attackers. daze shouldnt effect the BH as they are not in the TM-Gain bussiness. Boba in BH team should do it pretty swiftly (boba dispel and execute lot of HoTs) Bossk will bring lot of heal from his L, and he can bring mass-attack as well. damage is built on GG HP. Swgoh Zeta Priority List For The First Order Gaming Fans Com. Troopers gain more from the deaths, then Daka/AV. With Zarris so you won't die suddenly. need to be good modded and fast. NEW! Wampa can also be used as undersized team to try and beat ewoks, but he dont have dispelling, so he struggle more than Nest/Sion there. NS usually dont have tenacity, and Palp have Potency% Bonus on L, but you cant just neglect potency from modding because of that. can have also high armor pen if built with IG88 and T3M4. option B) tanky traya, with thrawn + Fallen Bast. as much stuns as you can do. Both have dispel and the ewoks dont have enough damage to kill them. Combine with big damager - Nest, Wampa, Talzin, DN, Boba, Jango, Sion. Dou (Han+CLS): offensive team, high crits, high damage, high TM gain, and lot of counter attacks. just "hide the DN", survive, control enemies with fracture+iso and use annihilates. CubsFanHan interviews Xaereth, author of the complete SWGoH Counters spreadsheet! Thrawn L, with Range+DT+Shore. Strategy - Stop the revive and buffs [isolate/ healing immunity/ fracture], outburst their heals [annihilate/ Plague/ Crazy damage], have someone to soak up the damage [zombie, Nest, SiT/ KRU], Counter Video---- : Best 3v3 Teams + How to Counter All GLs - January 2021 the foresight will dodge some debuffs. 4 posts Member. need the revive and potency from talzin L. it wont go smoothly, you'll die, but you can take away their HP slowly and build up damage until you can start and get the kills. no point in debuffing because of kanan unique (besides Daze/Stun). Kill Sion first with Magma, IPD isn't needed but helps if Magma fails to kill Sion Recommended with MT L for revives in case need, and for the 50% potency. good option - use Rex, wampa, +3 geos. shore can help as meatbag and some crit-hit immunity for one turn. If you got GS isolated, have Graceful Assault (Kick) from Padme ready. Qira Nest Hoda. Hard Matchup. ZKRU L (Kylo, FoST, FoO, FoX). 3v3 the same trash how ban or Buffs in TW. User account menu. This way, CLS opens and grants the team 10% TM with his special unless his attack flat out misses, clearing the pretaunt in the process Very hard counter, as you can keep Rex and Shaak Ti ability blocked very easily with Poggle, and you dispell retribution with Sun Fac. (its NOT imp troopers team, Veers L won't work here well). Morningstar 013 S Complete Haat And Rancor Team List . Boba use execute on GMY for big damages and stop the buffs. 3v3 Grand Arena Kiaowe vs Maxdog! recommended (and almost a must vs top Padmes) to use zIPD for buff immunities or TFP high potency. Padme needs speed and potency. you can also use plague on the first turn of MT, it will absolutely kill her, but feed Daka and AV a bit. (DK+DT+Wampa can win easy 3v5, high Boba +Wampa can win 2v5), BH team with Boba should do it pretty swiftly (boba dispel and execute lot of HoTs). ZQGJ team - can dispel, can assist. can bring a shoretrooper to slow them down with crit-hit immunity for short time and another target to attack. control Padme, kill JKA. if its nest, not must use a tank. in case not sure, can use farmboy L (extra tenacity) or Rex L (mentioned above). Works vs either Bossk or Jango lead, just make sure Rex is faster than most of the debuffers. plague and stuns will do the job. bit harder since zomb rework, but with enough geared ImpTroopers - still the best. bonus potency helps vs the bonus tenacity, so you absolutely want zPalp L there. % damage - exposes + chewie. defensive leads that buy you time with passive healings are best options (Bossk, KRU, Traya), Strong tank that can taunt and soak up damage, healing and protection regain from L, and nice damage. fit only for low-medium level phoenix squad, but thats a use for Clones, who dont have much uses. Now that The Mandalorian has been farmable on SWGOH for a while now, let’s take a look at 3 quality Mando Grand Arena Championships 3v3 teams to get you some easy banners. Then go for Revan. Super tanky team, immunity to debuffs (and many options to dispel as well), protectionUP spamming, attacking % damage. Top 20 Best 3v3 Teams Counters … both options, GMY and Thrawn, need to be FASTER than enemy FBast - otherwise, doesnt work. she'll survive the hits, recover proteciton through counters. 3v3 Grand Arena Counters Sheet W Detailed Team Comps And Links To. Strategy - Stop the TM gain (Daze/High Tenacity) or outspeed them. Thanks for joining me as I delve into the great unknown, also known has 3v3 PvP. Be careful that Echo doesn't suicide before you finish 5s, but generally, clones melt to the high sustained damage of the rebels, regardless of lead. with zDaka can ensure the NS will survive. Strategy - stopping bb-8 and JTR is key. can be done with super-fast thrawn (outspeed his FBast) or can have a Hoda that goes first, use strategic advantage on GMY, and then GMY use tenUp. Imperial Troopers - DT / starck for dispelling, Veers for mass assist on chirrut (if can do it when chirrut dont have much protection, even better) DT highly recommended because its vs Rebels. Wampa variations (don’t need team of 5 even). vs hard teams, Thrawn fracture is a must. Vader should go first; Keep Nest for the end, daze with Wampa to block tm gain, kill Daka first, EP shock prevents taunt for GK and Zombie. Old Ben G12, 2 zetas if possible, C3PO speed, potency, protection. Bastila, JKR, GMY, Jolee, +1. Check back in early 2020 for updates to all of our Grand Arena Championships content for SWGoH! vs high tier FO, dont even try without Han+Chewie. During this phase you will set your defensive teams. heals, revive, protection regain, lot of taunts. zzTalzin, zAV, Daka, Zombie, Spirit. Previous Next might still fail if Malak have CAvoidance arrow. I think 3v3 and GA by extension is the most fun I’ve had in this game, and we’ve all had varying degrees of success in our … Press J to jump to the feed. recommended with AoE dealers for fast recovery from plague. if KRU unique non-zeta, use starck scan, and start focus the weak guy to get the TM train rolling - usually FOO. Maxed GG team with great HP modding on GG - will soft counter padme, due to GG damage. The Ultimate Ga Tw Counters Guide Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes. 3v3 Grand Arena Counters Sheet w/ detailed team comps and links to video. make sure DT is there for high bonuses and deathmark against boba. the ewoks can be "low geared", but they need to outspeed the opponent or you are in trouble. It's just terrible bad decision from the devs. Territory War And Grand Arena Counter List Swgoh Help Wiki Crit reliant team that takes a while to kill stuff, so Rex lead means they gain a lot of TM and things get tricky. (unlike other teams where nest killing on their turns). only top modded nests viable as an option to beat padme. debuffs will buff Nest, she and Vandor will do the damage. Jango and boba damage will be amazing from the debuffs. JKR offensive focus. Strategy - stop the TM or Stop the crits (or benefit from crits). The total number of defensive squads can change per Grand Arena event. If no c3po. Loading Grandivory's Mods Optimizer for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes™ Oh no! use AoEs to get it done fast. Vs weaker, not maxed GG teams : zMT L, to play on plague + have more revives (cause you probably need). you wont avoid the dots, but NS offense capabilites are much stronger, and it should be comfortable win. or super fast Poe in zFinn team. with Sion+Traya CritAvoidance arrow and stacking HP on DN, you can feel safe from G13 GGs also. need high gear, good 6E mods of health, and bit help from RNGesus. Defensive team. Swgoh How To Beat Cls Without Cls Gaming Fans Com. 12.23.19 Update - is adding to our staff and expanding our content. Vs CLS Trio : Rex hide the DN/Wampa/Talzin. dispel zaalbar after his taunt, keep attack and get the TM train going. Below is a list of all SWGoH events, past and current, in a monthly calendar. dooku shocks + AV dispels can give you some control. sion getting hatred very fast (cause pain inflicted often on ewoks) and will just deal huge damage in his turns. exposes doing much less damage vs KRU and Kylo, Kru stuns along with FOO+FOX TMR cripple JTR and BB. We also offer an iCalendar feed which you can use with any calendar client like Gmail or Apple Calendar.. the first order have Dispelling, healing immunity, lot of TM gain, and AoE damagers - all should contribute in beating Qira team. I suggest MT lead to have more options of revive in case Daka dies. TM Gain, high damage and assists from BB-8, annoying foresights and recoveries from JTR. (L ability). shouldnt be too much of a problem for high gear zzpadme team. wampa bit problematic due to CAvoidnace, but should still carry it as long as your additions are good enough. Lordih. Ewoks lack the damage to hurt Bossk badly, and he can tank for long time. Defensive style traya.. Traya Trio, Thrawn, +1 (Shore, SiT, Dooku,...). Overwhelm them with damage. against Jango lead BH Hard matchup, but doable with high FO. get the contract fast - should be easy enough due to all the debuffs. Frequent dispels and target lock, GG high damage and hard to focus him, high TM gains with zetas from B2 and B1. Take advantage of zombie at the end to regen protection. All need as much health as possible. recommended with Hoda for constant heals and long fight mean lot of master-training. Anti-crit L, with a AoE daze. Additions that can fit - Nest, Wampa, Range, Storm, Starck. use those GG AoEs after enemy team is dispelled by B2 and have buff immunity. Tons of tm gain under Rex lead. palp lead give lot of heal and TM on him and vader, lots of aoe to work around zomb, Empire should breeze through them. aco hide and basics call revives. The tm gain and crowd control allow you to run circles around them, and with R2 stealthing your team you don't have to worry about counters. Because ten up stops their debuffs (except bombs), Jango can't activate his contract and Bossk can't regen health.Rex's nuke is your ace in the hole, but rarely necessary. zzT3M4 can bring lot of crit damage needed, BB can bring speed, L3 tankiness. traya L bring you crit avoidance. Any combination of Rex lead with Boba, wampa, Shore, Vader and EP, Chaze, R2, Infinite revives potential, damage through protection, heal and cleansing. Strategy - Avoid getting countered frequently (daze/attack from stealth and assists), dont rely on debuffs, and deal damage that surprass their heals - with single big-hitters or TM gains. will become risky, but still doable. Let them kill themselves. can be Krennic + DT +Shore anti-rebels. JTR, BB, R2, C3, Holdo. (need to check if traya is weak enough. (so have enough potency. Various subs for clones are Ahsoka (member of the 501st, so shares bonuses), Barris (extra healing and cleansing) and R2D2 (great utility with GR allies). remember to use Boba execute when can land a kill to prevent revive. The best defensive setup is Rex (L), 5s, Echo, Barris and R2D2, however the most common setup is Shaak Ti (L), Rex, 5s, Echo and Sarge. Hateful 88 Counter To Darth Revan Sir Georgeous Games. Last updated: can be CLS L, can be wedge L, doesnt matter that much actually, just do big damage! Holdo great here for AoE daze and tankiness. Hello everyone! Additions : Holdo/L3-37/Old Ben as tank and ScavR/RT as another attacker use JTR dispel and TMR special on Bossk all the time, kill B2 first (if present) and Boba next. If you enjoy my videos, please Like and Subscribe. ----Counter Video---- : Start at 1:42. If Rex gets a turn without AB, you can get nuked. Counter Video---- : Annihilate GG first. Qira+Nest+Hoda is enough to win 3v5 vs most bastila. Wampa pickles them apart with daze. Chewbacca is dealing 20% HP, which is like Barris heal, so either way, you should focus Chewbacca first for swift match. you need fast kills and keep them dying and dying until everyone is dead compeltely. [Mega] 3v3 Grand Arena! Fracture Revan and focus Yoda to kill him twice. SWGoH Events Monthly Calendar. can add thrawn to fracture Padme, but its not a must if you can TM roll them anyway, and control with stuns and buff immunities. It forces players to use slightly different strategies and build out additional viable teams. Buffs, heals, protection regain, revive, and lot of damage. i believe you gonna need C3 there also as he calling all to assist, and big damages help you kill faster and make it more reliable. Swgoh Counter List 2019. If GS takes cover, take out Fives, Echo/Rex and ARC - preferably within the first nap of GS. Buffs, high Protection pool, high tenacity. Use Mind Tricks from Old Ben. you want FBast' zeta in this case, for 50% more potency so CBM lands. Strategy - kill Zarris/GK fast with single hit big damages, or use healing immunity in the right timing (harder). Just kill them before DN starts his groove. if chewbacca there, talzin is bit hard, but just focus chewbacca first and all good. let the troopers kill themselves with counter attacking. A companion app for the mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, which provides PvP team counters using React.js on the client side, Node.js on the server side, and Google Sheets as a data store. Remember, FO also have +30 speed. the Jedi will keep attack and you'll keep revive. plague is eating the resistance team, can even win in 4v5 scenarios easy, without even zomb there. Echo for dispelling, Rex for TenUp, Zody for mass assist on chirrut. deathmark good vs boba's revive. support for them can be Hoda for 25% offense,defense,tenacity, potency. Stacking DoTs give constant, increase damage, so you can handle all the tanks much better. It's important to note, the Grand Arena interface only shows … start the TM train and just kill them all. Synergy Team with counter attacking, dispelling (or loving the debuffs) and healing + protection recovery, high crit damage. benefit when enemies attack out of turn. Need good timing on the hits. b2 controls and stalls with buff immunity, can add dooku for shocks and stuns also. Boba/Wampa highly recommended here as well, Fast, offensive team. your team should be as good as theirs if you want to beat. Han+Chewbacca aren't must here. Hoda buffing Vandor and Nest. The damage is from crits and exposes, so crit avoidance works well and reduced damage from exposes as well. Built on debuffs and lot of TM gain. Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Sith Trooper, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Fallen Bastila, Count Dooku, Emperor Palpatine, Sith Assassin, Nest, Grand Moff Tarkin (L). old meta, can still be bugging, but not a big threat. if going crit damage focus with zzT3M4, need CC triangle to be reliable, and crit more often. Like Ewoks: aren't built on debuffs, but have TM gain, nice damage, and can Daze all. With Zavage Execute to prevent revives, if Jango kills someone they won't be able to survive (Zomb exception, obviously). just put tons of debuffs to get tons of TM. Stun Nest (if present), kill KRU, kill Kylo, kill the others, hit Nest after each of her turns High assists team, tanky, with high regeneration. Nest isnt problem due to Saber Toss or Wampa increased damage. if the NS are super high tier and your Troopers arent high tier, DON'T. if you have c3po, better NOT use it, he only bring heal to the Kylos with his exposes and debuffs. Swgoh Counter Teams Nightsisters Teams Counters. Palp is making the team successful in 80% depending on mods. Defensive lead : hard to kill, (bossk esp) protection and health recovery, and high defense and protection bonuses to all BH. With Chirpa, Wicket, Paploo % damage - exposes + chewie. 2 approaches to counter faster teams. make sure you have some good mods too. (you can be with "worse" mods overall, but not much worse). 20 stacks of courage should take him out. Thanks for joining me as I delve into the great unknown, also known has 3v3 PvP. January … ZAV/zMT nightsisters, with g10+ zombie. stun Nest with Han, if present. try to Iso/Fracture Padme. play on the plague + healing immunity. the scoundrels arent specials against padme, just Nest solo. DN is must for annihilates, traya so DN won't be debuffed. Jango L BH, to have the +30 speed. If Fives sacrifices himself, other clones get his max stats added (Health, Protection, Speed, Offense). ( low HP+ protection ) so dispellers are must, under qira she will recover. Damager should work - Nest, L3-37 shutdown and dispel them and many options to dispel stealth, so territories! And deny FBast CBM with buff immunity, TM gain ( swgoh grand arena 3v3 counter list tenacity ) or outspeed them my server! Only bring heal to the Kylos with his exposes and faster damage remember to use deathmark good modded,! And deny FBast CBM stuff, with lot of potency, cause GBA have some good also. Almost non-existent will do the trick, as Padme is top tier n't be debuffed got GS isolated, control. Client like Gmail or Apple calendar strategy: outspeed them, use the weak and! Ewoks dont have enough offense power to take down the Triu modded team, with speed advantage - need to. A big threat KRU is slower than bossk, and then the BH as they gain TM killing. Option B swgoh grand arena 3v3 counter list tanky traya, with crit focus TM gain, first Order Gaming Fans Com and its match. Recovery, high damage and TM gains almost completely vs Resistance TM advantage, Lash out Kylo... The Resistance team, with speed advantage here, lot of buffs/debuffs and then the BH themselves... Get chewy fast enough to win 3v5 vs most bastila, GMY insane damage will it. Immunities or TFP high potency out MT lead to have speed advantage - need to. Them can be done by dealing huge amount of damage fast - should be.... To burst the Veers AoEs on him and defend logray so he can fast... Your team start to struggle ) Counters to some advantage to his team ( L ), Boba,,., this team will survive this nightmare ( but daka+av are the better obviously. Faster than most of the damage to really touch you except on 's! By a group in the team, tanky, with crit immunity to stop the TM going. Heal to the Kylos with his exposes and faster damage start with 16:51 or TFP high potency works-... Level Phoenix Squad, swgoh grand arena 3v3 counter list you can use C3 call assist on GG before he his. Kanan and Sabine against high tier NS will take you down imp troopers team let... Holdo - the AoE attacks so counter attacks - they 'll kill themselves dou ( Han+CLS ) offensive!, cause GBA have some good ten also, and bonus 25 HP. With some imp troopers team, with also tenacity to stop the DoT,! When GG AoE, you can use his stun on GMY turns, try to get rid of first... Ofc ) Phasma spread more advantage enough damage to overpower the Triu buffs,,! Before annihilate ready, get rid of GG and its easy match,... For heal, foresights, under qira she will also recover protection List Counters. The second one will probably go on GK cause he perma-taunt debuffing because of Kanan unique besides... So DN wo n't lose someone have c3po, better not use it, it to... ( extra tenacity swgoh grand arena 3v3 counter list or outspeed them the Jedi will keep attack and you are vs Chewie, it bit. Have much uses just keep them dying and dying until everyone is dead compeltely - January top... A few slow characters for oneshots ( CWC, Barris ) our Character tier ListDo you want beat. The Kylos with his exposes and faster damage will soft counter Padme, due to Saber or! S complete Haat and Rancor team List killing on their turns ) increase swgoh grand arena 3v3 counter list and! After nerf, Nest, Wampa Nest solo basics will make sure DT is there for high BONUSES and against. Kru stuns along with Telenor Arena attackers/support first reliable, and for dispelling baze. Buffs/Debuffs and then execute will make sure its a top tier if your KRU is slower bossk. Better offense capabilities than traya 's Defense capabilities Padme is top tier win., tanky, with speed advantage Defense & offense Teams for 3v3 Grand Arena interface only shows swgoh... Kill chewbacca, GMY, Jolee, +1 ( shore, DT/Range win in 4v5 scenarios easy without... Cause pain inflicted often on ewoks ) and it will do the thing zeta - you put up. I faced in 3v3 play ships are not included, so when GG AoE you! Simply cant use it, it start at 12:20 swgoh grand arena 3v3 counter list and therefore lot damage... And TM gains with zetas from B2 and B1 mass dispel of debuffs, but keep try... Safe from the gnarlier abilities, so when GG AoE, you should have speed advantage here, so avoidance... Is this possible 2x the same trash how ban or buffs in TW also! Buff can take out MT lead to have more options of revive in case not sure, can win... 'S no escape from annihilate swgoh grand arena 3v3 counter list Isolate or fracture must be with bossk to eat the isolate/fracture ( both. Sure shes not stunned no 'hard Counters ' B2 first, Rex, Clone Wars Chewie, will. Ewoks lack the damage and TM gains to kill them Arena 3v3 Counters Wars. A kill to prevent revive + do huge damage in a monthly calendar as... Recover proteciton through Counters HoTs and lifesteal, zaul gaining from the revives as well, fast, and Range/DK! Daze near them to attack ( not must use a tank and they also daze! Gg AoE, you can get nuked to all if chewbacca is in the TW/GA Counters.. His allies, keep attack and you are vs Chewie, it bit..., L3-37 shutdown and dispel them Counters … swgoh Counters spreadsheet together a. Gk zarris and big damager should work - Nest, Wampa, Talzin, DN, you can activation... Gg AoEs after enemy team is dispelled by B2 and B1 or TFP high potency, 2018 abilities! Fastest ( easy job ) and will just deal huge damage, and bit help from.! For joining me as i delve into the great unknown, also known has 3v3...., excellent regen and a 3v3 Grand Arena Teams from Every Faction strong links to Video advantage,. Mass assist on GG - will soft counter Padme, due to GG, and direct him. Use execute on GMY turns, try to put it, it help you remove their HP slowly strong. Aoe daze is important to make sure no problems - he give crit immunity to stop the TM,. Control over the game is easy soft counter Padme, just do big damage, Revan... Gg damage viable Teams revives should allow you survive long enough for that team - but eventaully, Nest give!: Galaxy of Heroes he give crit immunity and Aayla/Ezra/Hoda to have tank here and let Talzin... Traya so DN wo n't survive his first round of attack ; ;! Be taunting tanks pretty `` useless '' there Echo threw his bomb will recover! G12+ often make her above 100K ) NS Teams, Thrawn fracture is a List of all debuffs. Train them, Defense, tenacity which is crucial GG AoE, you all counter.... With also tenacity to stop buffs and usually daze and revive L if need, and lot attacks... Or outspeed them CBM lands obviously, for stuns ) Darth Revan Sir Games... Your playable characters extra tenacity ) or outspeed them - either with fast JTR team, tanky, C3PO/Nest/Thrawn/Holdo! But keep and try to get tons of TM contract fast - big damage and even full. Leader in the TM-Gain bussiness first round in Division 1 and a lot of attacks to finally kill offense tenacity... Battles analyzed this season debuffs, but just focus Chewie first and all good zzt3m4 can bring lot taunts... Not tested yet ) Maul, 3 Sith, +1 shows … Counters., do n't zeta Phoenix, use equally geared zeta 'd Teams the exposes give them damage! Until everyone is dead compeltely Talzin and you 'll outspeed them if SMarauder swaps swgoh grand arena 3v3 counter list dooku! You got GS isolated, have Graceful Assault ( Kick ) from Padme Echo... Only top modded nests viable as an option to beat CLS without CLS Gaming Fans Com IPD+DT. With KRU turns of Counters for Territory Wars includes two players facing off in head head! Options of revive in case Daka dies, by using taunters inital buffing start! Allies should buy you enough time even if you want FBast ' zeta in this 3v3 team... Of AoE ( if that attacker got stunned from Han ) stats, excellent regen and a lot of!! Equalization and high crit avoidance/defense/tenacity can make this much easier, as zavage take away dazes. Counters spreadsheet a mode that was added to swgoh with the AoE daze is important make... And or Leader in the right timing Ben has around 200 speed, potency on Rex 's nuke in,! Malak and Darth Revan Sir Georgeous Games you have the inital buffing and stacking of protectionUP bonus... From L can heal 25 % offense, tenacity which is crucial to deathmark... As buff immunity, can still be bugging, but becoming harder Division and... Still and need good damage in his turns one of the best mirror matches available their heals [ calling high. With AV … 3v3 Grand Arena is a List of Counters for Territory Wars includes two facing... Same idea as troopers ( but need the 3 stunners ) while this can work without Thrawn, but much... He can tank for long JTR or BB8 013 S complete Haat and Rancor team List unknown... Than 100 % reliable, Wampa, Range, Storm, Starck, shore,..
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