2017), etc. IUCN, Gland, IUCN (2004) The IUCN programme 2005-2008. many voices, one earth. Article  For now, and focusing on more specific examples and interventions, a good example is the particular role of importance in sustainable development for cities, and related to global, accelerating urbanization trends. The modern concept, along with the language of sustainability in a global sense did not emerge, however, until the late 20th century. Secondly, there are those who follow from Brown et al. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Arushanyan Y, Ekener E, Moberg Å (2017) Sustainability assessment framework for scenarios—SAFS. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter which direction(s) the solution path follows. Milne leans towards the latter, concluding that “sustainability requires the subordination of traditional economic criteria to criteria based on social and ecological values”. World Resources Institute, Washington, Hancock T (1993) Health, human development and the community ecosystem: three ecological models. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2013.12.001, Spangenberg JH, Pfahl S, Deller K (2002) Towards indicators for institutional sustainability: lessons from an analysis of Agenda 21. The early social critique is explored by Arndt (1987) and is picked up by the Brundtland Report which holds that poverty and environmental problems are inherently linked, and that “meeting essential needs” is a key requirement of development (UN 1987, p16). The three-pillar conception of (social, economic and environmental) sustainability, commonly represented by three intersecting circles with overall sustainability at the centre, has become ubiquitous. https://doi.org/10.1080/01944369608975696, Caradonna JL (2014) Sustainability: a history. Keeping all the three pillars sustainable and stable should be the ultimate goal for the welfare of society. p5). As such, and going forward, all policies and planning for economic growth must more fully include considerations of planetary and ecological integrity and capacity [3] . Fast forward to the 2005 World Summit on Social Development and the inception of The 3 Pillars of Sustainability: Environmental protection; Social sustainability; Economic sustainability; In essence, sustainability implies a responsible approach that minimizes the negative environmental impact, while trying to maintain balance between all 3 ‘pillars’. They stress the need for integration, but do not elaborate on how this might be achieved (Yunlong and Smit 1994). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01965413, Komiyama H, Takeuchi K (2006) Sustainability science: building a new discipline. Ballinger Publishing Company, Boston, Meadows DH, Meadows DL, Randers J, Behrens WW (1972) The limits to growth. Technological development and engaging economic markets are at the center of our best and most rapidly deployable solution possibilities. In other words, complex problems (like sustainability) are highly dynamic, with emergent properties, and require a flexible research and learning approach. The consequence of poor (local, regional, and global) accounting is that economic outcomes are continually overstated. From the development specialists to the ecological economists, and systems ecologists, various broadly distinct schools co-opt the language of ‘sustainability’ around the same time, leading to what has become such a heterogeneous discourse. Article 6, for example, of the TEU represented a genuine paradigm shift within Union law [23] . Subsequent summits occurred in 1997, 2002, and 2012. The three pillars are present in most of Singapore’s successful and influential sustainability efforts, including implementing a carbon tax4 in 2019 [9] . Indeed, Agenda 21 mentions “economic, social and environmental dimensions” of sustainable development (8.4.1), but there is no conceptual justification or framework presented (UN 1992). Another lever is to take people and many of their basic economic motivations as they are, and to engage the other two pillars (technology and legal frameworks) to achieve better sustainability outcomes. https://doi.org/10.1016/0305-750X(78)90116-X, Tanguay GA, Rajaonson J, Lefebvre J-F, Lanoie P (2010) Measuring the sustainability of cities: an analysis of the use of local indicators. encompassing economic, social, and environmental (or ecological) factors or ‘goals’. This can probably be extended further, however, based on the increasing and explicit need for balancing sustainability and economic objectives in many constitutional systems, constitution-like systems (e.g. Allen & Unwin, London, Moldan B, Janoušková S, Hák T (2012) How to understand and measure environmental sustainability: indicators and targets. Top 10 cities ranked by assets exposure to coastal flooding in the 2070s ($USbn). The three pillars framework also imposes a certain amount of discipline on sustainability research agendas and projects because a balanced and transdisciplinary approach needs to be considered and incorporated at many stages and time frames. The multidisciplinary aspects of this are important in terms of bringing together the different disciplines and skills required, but establishing a foundation for multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary work is even more important. But this distinction is lost when the UN equates development with growth, and the OECD calls for sustainable development for their member countries, i.e. Derived from a 1982 conference on “Agricultural Sustainability in a Changing World Order”, Douglass divides his contributors’ perspectives along “economic, biological, and cultural” lines of thinking, later reiterated with the subtitles “Food Sufficiency: Resources, Technology, and Economics”, “Stewardship: Biology, Ecology, and Population”, and “Community: Justice, Participation, and Development”. Yunlong and Smit develop Brown et al’s three general definitions in reference to ‘sustainable agriculture’. This approach is useful for a sustainability field that is complex, multidisciplinary, fully integrated, and that now needs to be implemented rapidly and at scale if we are to avoid many of the worst environmental impact and climate change scenarios. IUCN, Gland, pp 17–29, Johnston P, Everard M, Santillo D, Robèrt K-H (2007) Reclaiming the definition of sustainability. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Eventually 4 domains were defined as part of sustainable development – ecology, economics, politics and culture. The three pillars will be analyzed separately in this paper, with a particular focus on approaches and applications related to laws and governance. Conserv Biol 17:1458–1460. Google Scholar, Barbier EB (1987) The concept of sustainable economic development. For example, a community already has a contented set of residents because they have almost everything they need within reach, such as work opportunities, parks, and groceries, but don’t have stabl… Following these general guidelines and learning from the examples of other companies will let you determine the best path to take for your own company. The three pillars model, along with the various applications and examples introduced in this paper, is a simplification of a complex, multidisciplinary, and systems oriented set of challenges and opportunities related to sustainable development. The economic component correctly acknowledges that all of our environmental and sustainability challenges are directly connected to economic production and consumption, and need to be considered alongside the other objectives (Figure 1). Environmental constraints in Developing countries are characterised by pressures from Population Growth, Inefficient Technology, Weak Governance, Poor Health Sector, Low per capita Income, and Poverty (Popp 2010). Therefore, the emphasis for developing countries is on the need for progress, a desire to have social and economic gr… The centrality of markets to this process explains the importance of economics, and the importance of technology explains the importance of the natural science, engineering, and university research. - With a view of identifying the genesis and theoretical foundations of this conception, this paper reviews and discusses relevant historical sustainability literature. It’s the reason, in fact, that strong sustainability goals have increasingly prominent places as constitutional objectives. If this is frustrating to scientists and engineers, it’s also frustrating to law and policy makers; and we all may, or may not, be comforted by the fact we’re stuck together within this complex, integrated, systems-oriented sustainability challenge. Although the suggested boundary themes as well as the actual boundaries suggested are uncertain, increased attention to the notion of planetary boundaries may improve international cooperation, coordination of treaty regimes and normative integration, and thereby make international law more effective”. https://doi.org/10.1068/a171431, OECD (2000) Towards sustainable development. 1987; Arushanyan et al. This is typically realised as the balancing of trade-offs between seemingly equally desirable goals within these three categorisations, although uses vary. World Dev 19:607–621. Notable too is Hirsch’s ‘Social Limits to Growth’ (1976), which probes the pursuit of growth and its fetishisation at the societal level, arguing that it acts to perpetuate inequalities, and that in fact the social limits to e.g. Consider ASEAN’s economic function as a regional peace (through economic and cultural integration) and prosperity project: “To create a single market and production base which is stable, prosperous, highly competitive and economically integrated with effective facilitation for trade and investment in which there is free flow of goods, services and investment; facilitated movement of business persons, professionals, talents and labour; and freer flow of capital [26] .”. The three pillars of sustainability are planet or environment, social or people, and profit or economics. Commission on sustainable development third session (E/CN.17/1995/32). Health Promot Int 8:41–47. DOI: 10.4236/jep.2018.93015 212 Journal of Environmental Protection for determining project priorities. The model addresses project- and implementation-level sustainability solutions: in this, consideration of the key elements that will be needed (within some degree of balance, or with consideration of strengthening the weakest link) produces more successful sustainability outcomes that will empower and increase the effectiveness of the people and parties being asked to implement global and international environmental accords. The three pillars of sustainability framework is a multidisciplinary implementation and solutions oriented approach that recognizes most successful and scalable sustainability solutions require the presence of, and are driven by, all three pillars simultaneously: 1) technology and innovation; 2) laws and governance; and 3) economics and financial incentives. The presentation of an economic pillar centred on growth, equal in importance to social and environmental pillars of sustainability, as an unquestioned, unprobed necessity cements this framing of the pillars as common sense. J Am Plan Assoc 62:296–312. The three pillars framework is strategic because it often reveals or describes specific and feasible changes that advance sustainability solutions within markets and institutional settings. To prevent collapse, three particular pillars of sustainability must be respected for a modern industry to continue operations indefinitely. The three pillars for applied and solutions oriented sustainable development are: 1) technology and innovation; 2) laws and governance; and 3) economics and financial incentives. Important was the discussion of both local and international power structures and how eco-development faced an uphill battle in challenging them. 2002). In the design phases of the architectural design, the subject of the three pillars of sustainability—economic, social and environmental factors—are not always considered by the architect in the decision-making process. We revisit this distinction in Sect. IUCN, Gland, Jacobs P, Gardner J, Munro DA (1987) Sustainable and equitable development: an emerging paradigm. It provides an advanced forum for studies related to sustainability and sustainable development, and is published semimonthly online by MDPI. Nowhere have we found a theoretically rigorous description of the three pillars. These requirements cohere well with social and environmental aspects, but there is nothing to suggest a predecessor of anything approaching an economic pillar. Central to these distinct schools, however, can be seen a broad critique of the economic status quo, both from ecological and social perspectives. Econ Discuss Pap 28:1–24. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-018-0627-5, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-018-0627-5, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in A clever and powerful way to explain and define the sustainability problem that we all face as humans and as a society are the three pillars of sustainability which are the only clear way to define our system and ensure the world as we know it for future generations. Such applications would necessarily be context specific, requiring careful consideration of both spatial and functional boundaries. They are typically most successful not only as top-down mandates, but in their roles as part of, and often responding to, larger social dynamics that include culture and public opinion. This contrasts heavily with the understanding pushed by the UN, where growth is imperative. Sustainability Science probes interactions between global, social, and human systems, the complex mechanisms that lead to degradation of these systems, and concomitant risks to human well-being. Environmentalist 19:145–161. J R Stat Soc 161:281–290, Daly HE (1973) Toward a steady-state economy. Managers can independently take steps to address the other two CSR pillars by building green, donating to local charities, and employing good governance. Tulloch argues these documents were responsible for transforming what was a “marginal counter-hegemonic radical movement” into a platform for legitimising and obscuring globalised neoliberal policy (Tulloch 2013). In this body of literature, economic growth plays something of a neutral role. They take a largely systems-based approach to the environmental pillar, defining it in terms of input–output laws. In this, it’s also useful as a template to guide public policy creation, shape governance structures, and support legal decision-making, particularly related to matching the scope and scale of law to our sustainability challenges. The confusion of competing conceptualisations and different interpretations of the economic pillar within this early literature can then be understood if we view sustainability not as a coherent singular concept, but as a common language of broad schools of thought with the commonality of this ‘economic’ critique. An Academic Publisher, The Three Pillars of Sustainability Framework: Approaches for Laws and Governance (). Lélé distinguishes between two competing understandings of sustainable development: sustained growth, which he deems a contradiction; and ecologically sound development with implicit social objectives (Lélé 1991). We believe that sustainability can be broken down into “Three Pillars of Sustainability”. Manag Account Res 7:135–161. Indeed Dryzek, in his categorisation of environmental discourses, describes sustainability as ‘reformist’, in opposition to the ‘radical’ discourses advocating systemic change, such as the limits discourse (Dryzek 2005, pp13–16). In other words, cities are just as likely to produce many of our best sustainability solutions. This logic is at best simplistic (Lélé 1991), and at worst smuggling an inherently ideological agenda under the guise of benign necessity (Tulloch 2013), clearly running in direct opposition to the earlier growth-critical works. The Ecology Party, Leeds, Thompson PB (2017) The spirit of the soil: agriculture and environmental ethics, 2nd edn. The importance of including young people in this complex process is recognized in all relevant documents (i.e. Glob Environ Change 7:5–24. Hancock (1993) and Basiago (1995) also take a systems approach, but the implication is that the individual systems strengthen and enhance each other. The triple bottom line, the global reporting initiative, and corporate sustainability reporting. The building or … Nat Resour Forum 35:233–245. Whilst much contemporary sustainability literature may centre around the UN’s more diverse set of sustainable development goals (SDGs), the three pillars themselves were explicitly embedded in their formulation (UN 2012a). The narrative of “integrating economic, social and environmental aspects” of sustainable development continues throughout the report of the next World Summit 10 years later (UN 2012b). This ‘emergence’ of the three-pillar model thus leads to it being in many cases presented, with little to no theoretical foundation or justification, as the norm, or a ‘common sense’ understanding of sustainability. Calling it ‘the most economically efficient and fair way’ to reduce greenhouse emissions, Mr. Heng said the Government has been studying the option for several years. Volume 173, 1 February 2018, Pages 82-99. The three pillars of sustainability are broken up into, you guessed it, three sections: social, economic, and environment. The language involved here frequently invokes the need to “integrate”, “balance”, and “reconcile” the pillars without necessarily articulating what this means in practice; whether this requires uncomfortable ‘trade-offs’ or not appears to depend on the level of optimism the work in question is pitching for. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0959-3780(97)00024-1, Kajikawa Y, Tacoa F, Yamaguchi K (2014) Sustainability science: the changing landscape of sustainability research. Sustainable development goals are used as a guidance for strategies development on local, regional and national levels. Other frameworks bypass the compartmentalisation of sustainability completely. By the third edition, however, the four dimensions were no longer elaborated explicitly to emphasise the “multi-dimensional nature” of sustainable development (UN 2007). After many years of regulatory activity and industrial cooperation, which produced modest changes, a breakthrough technology emerged that offered a satisfactory substitute for phosphorous, and led to rapid adoption. To understand the emergence of ‘sustainability’ into the mainstream in the 1980s, it is important to examine the broad roots from which the concept emerged. Essay assignments about sustainability are evaluated using open coding to assess students’ knowledge of the three pillars. The need for “integration” of these pillars, and a “balanced and holistic approach” is emphasised (ibid. Failing to account for welfare in the future can be seen in the example regarding coastal flooding and the enormous costs that will be incurred in many of the world’s most populous cities. Report of the Secretary-General (A/56/326). Or, if you prefer, cities are increasingly and often on their own to deal with environmental impact challenges, including adaptation challenges from climate change and sea-level rise. The model also indicates key stakeholders and levels of input required because all three pillars need to be engaged (for most projects, and at most scales) for sustainability solutions to be successful and implemented. 2011; Moldan et al. The mainstream theory for sustainability has become the idea of three pillars (3Ps): environmental, social and economic sustainability (Adams, 2006). Fundamentally these elements are Environmental (Planet), Social (People) and Economic (Social). Ecol Indic 17:4–13. Technological development and engaging economic markets are at the center of our best and most rapidly deployable sustainability solutions. Revenue from the carbon tax will help fund measures by industries to reduce emissions. The work of Goodland and Daly (Goodland 1995; Goodland and Daly 1996) seeks to distinguish the concept of ‘environmental sustainability’ from social and economic sustainability. A consequence of the lack of rigour in the theoretical underpinnings of sustainability and the three-pillar paradigm is the difficulty in producing operational frameworks for the characterisation of sustainability which remain rooted in theory. The clearest example of this is given by Barbier (1987) and Cocklin (1989) who both emphasise integration of the systems and management of trade-offs between them. All of this is particularly true for a rapidly urbanizing world, where at city and local levels sustainability is driven by progressive zoning, innovative construction standards, and bold local rule making. Focusing on the implementation of sustainability solutions makes the use of three pillars framework particularly relevant, because it draws from evidence and practice in defining key parameters that have worked for a wide variety of applied and successful projects. Sustain Sci 9:431–438. Journal International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology Volume 19, 2012 - Issue 5. Of relevance too are the early political economists such as Smith, Mill, Ricardo, and Malthus who, in the shadow of the industrial revolution, questioned the limits of both economic and demographic growth, and recognised the inherent trade-offs between wealth generation and social justice (Lumley and Armstrong 2004; Caradonna 2014). Let us first discuss the first pillar, which is the planet, and use agriculture as an example. And why is it so important? https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/8.1.41, Hicks N, Streeten P (1979) Indicators of development: the search for a basic needs yardstick. Sooner rather than later, the mounting planetary and ecological debts are going to be paid. Superficially, this model is remarkably similar to contemporary models of the three pillars, but it presents the economy as ‘subservient’ to the community and environment, rather than as an entity with which trade-offs must be made. Further, sustainability research priorities can be based upon areas of known or developing market failures. If we are increasingly living on our wits to ensure our future survival, those wits need to be attuned to sustainability. In this sense, an approach like the three pillars framework provides the essential structural elements (feasibility in technology, law, and economics) that all of our sustainability solutions require. EU competition law is fashioned to some extent on the theories of ordoliberalism. Cities, given their value to nations and the world as economic assets, and due to the large number of people that live in urban areas (now a majority of the world’s population and soon to be a super-majority), are also on the front lines in terms of exposure to and impact from adaptation and environmental impact challenges. Too many of these environmental costs are not being fully accounted for by social and economic institutions and actors, while being fully accounted for by the planet’s ecosystem. And why is it so important? 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