He thinks they could have taken the place of a spinnerbait in certain situations, but he also feels these bait excel at generating strikes. They are the #1 Tournament fish for freshwater, which really does make them popular in their own right. Other than rivers, the closest lake with a substantial reproducing population of brownies is 90 miles away. You can’t really understand it until you’ve given it a try for yourself. So when your fishing tale lacks the star attraction—the fish—it's time to assess why. Last time I checked, Bass fishing was 70% more popular than any other type of freshwater fishing and has spawned an industry worth an estimated 4.8 billion dollars. Bass typically aren’t a fish that makes you wait hours to get your first bite, which keeps fishing more entertaining. Ultimately, your fish of choice is a matter of personal preference. … They are also one of the most popular tournament fish. Today, bass fishing is enjoyed by people from all walks of life. It can be an interesting discussion with a lot of gray areas but we will try to break it down here for you. Mark Davis explains why he feels bladed jigs have become so popular in recent years in his opinion. Everything from the weather to location affects your fishing success. They are fish that bite in deep water as well as shallow, and in a wide variety of different environments. Why is Bass Fishing So Popular? It takes more than looking at bass fishing infomercials to comprehend why bass fishing is now the number one freshwater sport today in America. Bass are certainly the most popular freshwater fish when it comes to the number of anglers that seek them. Really, any age can enjoy time spent in nature, watching the water for movement, casting and reeling in a catch worth bragging about. Bass fishing can get complicated. I'm a regular fisherman but bass fishing is pointless to me. You can fish a variety of ways all in one day, just to see what works best to hook up on your catch. Young kids, adults and both men and women can take part in bass fishing and enjoy everything it has to offer. Click here to visit Fishing Booker and book your trip of a lifetime at very affordable prices. But, there usually isn’t only one reason why people stay in the bass fishing hobby. It has been a longtime hobby, sport and passion for many people, but is continuing to expand at a rapid pace. Bass are a particularly enjoyable fish if you enjoy an active fishing session. In my opinion, the fight of a largemouth isn't anything too special, but smallmouth and spotted bass pull really hard and are fun to catch when I'm not fishing for stripers or steelhead in their respective seasons. Their average size ranges between 12-16 inches. In fact, there are more than 15 million anglers in the US that pursue largemouth bass alone. LMB was, for the most part introduced as a sport fish by various government entities and like children to the dinner bell people have flocked to it. They can have some fight in them. Can Bass See Fishing Line? So the reason largies are generally more popular, at least where I live, is because there are simply more of them. Bass are also commonly targeted for tournament fishing, which adds to their popularity. Bass come in a wide variety of sizes from the smaller young fish to larger adults and well-established fish. Well, actually a lot of people love bass fishing. Catch-and-release is also highly recommended to continue these efforts. One of the important factors in bass fishing’s total popularity is that they are very common. (Moon Phases, Seasons, Baits), Click here to visit Fishing Booker and book your trip of a lifetime at very affordable prices. Along the same lines, anglers of any skill level can have a successful trip. Smallmouth bass are a little more variable than largemouth bass. So we’ve gone ahead and tried to outline some of the major terms you will here when fishing for bass as well as bass fishing tips. They are also aggressive, hard fighters, and a widely distributed gamefish that bite a wide range of lures, making them perfect for sport fishing. The only way to tell for sure if you think bass are the most enjoyable fish to catch is to head out and catch a few! There are many reasons why bass fishing is so popular today. I would argue the line is the most important link between you and the fish but just how well can... Will Salmon Bite at Night? That also means that a lot of anglers cut their teeth on bass when they were younger and didn’t have the patience needed for other styles of fishing. Bass are a hard-fighting, aggressive, widely-distributed gamefish that will bite a huge range of lures and can tolerate almost any environment it is stocked in. These fish generally aren’t considered the tastiest freshwater fish you can pull out of North American waters. They have a huge appetite and would end up consuming anything and everything that comes their way. They’re typically casting from the bank and looking for schools of peacock bass to come to the line. It’s not uncommon to catch fish that are slightly smaller or larger than this, but if you do, you should check local fishing regulations to see if you need to release the fish. Why is bass fishing fun? Bass like to flip and jump out of the water, hang up your line on obstructions and break it, and otherwise lose the hook. The more mature ones who have seen a few lures in their lifetime may be a bit warrier than the juvenile bass… but for the most part they act the same. They are very aggressive and tend to go after a wide variety of bait with relatively little encouragement. Bass also tend to be widely available in their habitats. For the less experienced angler, using live bait such as wild shiner can almost guarantee you’ll hook up on your first Largemouth Bass. There are more then fifteen million anglers in the USA alone that pursue the Largemouth. Bass come in a wide variety of sizes from the smaller young fish to larger adults and well-established fish. Or hire a local professional guide; They don’t mind sharing their wisdom with beginner anglers who are willing to listen to a fish story or two! It does not require any special poles or lures, it does not require an immense amount of skill, and it also does not require that you take any deep-sea fishing charters unless you are fishing for sea bass. They are the leading database of certified and professional fishing guides at the guaranteed lowest prices. You can reserve your trip with just a deposit and enjoy a fun and memorable day of bass fishing! But beyond the advantages we’ve already mentioned, many people are also attracted to bass fishing by the fact that there is a large and thriving community of bass anglers across the United States. Those big wall-hanger 10-pounds are almost all females. Ultimately casual bass fishing probably hasn’t changed that much, other than there being more gear and tackle options. It doesn’t matter what age you are or how good you are – it’s a fun, memorable day on the water. The season and weather will determine where to find the fish (near the shore in the colder months, farther out during warmer months), but overall the species doesn’t change: a bass is a bass. I know this is a bit random, but if you ever wanted to go on a guided or chartered fishing trip in freshwater or saltwater, you should check out Fishing Booker. Perfect Roe is used in a special new provisioning recipe called “Psijic Ambrosia” which grants a player 50% more experience gained when using the drink. People enjoy the thrill of competition, and attending tournaments keeps many an angler interested in this particular fish. You can use more active spinners and lures, or a jig set up depending on the situation. Bone works everywhere for all bass species, a must have color. The History of Bass Fishing Tournaments . All rights reserved. Bass fishing is one of America’s favorite pastimes. Whether you’re fly fishing with a variety of patterns, sight fishing with live bait, or drift fishing with a colorful lure, it’s never a dull day. They are over a wide ranging area of the US. Smaller fish aren’t uncommon, but larger fish are a little rarer than with largemouth varieties. They Are Tasty Although it may not be exactly the number one reason why, bass in general are some pretty tasty fish. The Striped Bass is officially a game fish in the United States and is highly sought after and prized, both for its fighting ability and eating ability, but this doesn't fully describe why it is so popular. Making the trip even better? And even if you do happen to get skunked, a day of fishing is better than any day at the office, am I right?! Largemouth bass average around 15-16 inches in length. But some people prefer other fishing styles. Let’s face it, professional anglers are pushing the envelope for every advantage they can legally get. And if you're like me, time is precious so we can't be wasting any … Bass (/ b æ s /) is a name shared by many species of fish.The term encompasses both freshwater and marine species, all belonging to the large order Perciformes, or perch-like fishes.The word bass comes from Middle English bars, meaning "perch". One thing many people wonder about is whether the popularity of bass fishing and specifically of the competitive tournaments on both the casual and the professional circuits has impacted bass fishing and bass populations. Bass fishing is a great sport, as more and more people of all ages are beginning to recognize the fun that comes with bass fishing. The seasoned angler tends to opt for artificial lures, or even flies (lures for fly fishing tackle) to make each bass successfully caught that much more rewarding. And the thrill of setting the hook and watching the following acrobatics makes the whole excursion memorable. That means that bass strike a huge variety of different kinds of bait. Out of all the types of fishing, bass fishing remains the most popular type of fishing when it comes to freshwater fishing. Their aggression also makes bass a fish that fight back. Why Is Bass Fishing So Popular? Why Is Mexico Bass Fishing So Popular? I am an avid angler and outdoorsman. Bass fishing is currently the number one freshwater sport in America and the Bass fishing industry continues to grow. It’s the thrill of the chase that counts. They are the leading database of certified and professional fishing guides at the guaranteed lowest prices. In addition to gaining fish provisioning materials, you now also have the chance to obtain “Perfect Roe” when you filet your fish. (Are Bass Line Shy?). The … Why People Like Bass Fishing Geographic Distribution & Availability. In our experience, we’ve had friends teaching their kids as soon as the little one can hold a pole. Both large- and smallmouth bass are considered aggressive, though there are some behavioral differences between them. Size. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy. The way the fish attacks the fly is some of the best top water action you’ve ever witnessed. Largemouth Bass is one of the top species of southern states such as Louisiana, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, and Texas. Why Striped Bass Fishing Is So Popular. Tournaments might be changing over the next few years as animal rights activists and other concerned parties have their say (, link to Can Bass See Fishing Line? Bass, like trout, are also a stocked fish. I know this is a bit random, but if you ever wanted to go on a guided or chartered fishing trip in freshwater or saltwater, you should check out Fishing Booker. Their passion for the pursuit is unmatched by any other game fish. Make sure to check your state or county regulations before heading out. Bass fishing is one of the most preferred and enjoyable recreational activities. 2. 1: It’s fun even when you don’t catch anything And that’s where the variety of bass fishing comes in. Bass are willing participants year round. Bass fishing is one of the most popular sports in America for many reasons and anglers fish for bass for many reasons. It’s also worth noting that female bass tend to be noticeably larger than their male counterparts. Bass typically aren’t a fish that makes you wait hours to get your first bite, which keeps fishing more entertaining. Bone has been around a long time and has worked for decades when other prettier colors have faded from memory. If you’ve never experienced a bass fishing trip, join the millions of anglers who fish for this incredible species. There’s a reason live bait is forbidden in all major bass fishing tournaments! Many anglers think that bass are the most enjoyable fish out there, that’s certainly part of their popularity. Stocked lakes are also popular for bringing kids into the hobby since it tends to be a little easier to land fish in a stocked lake. Mark Davis explains why he feels bladed jigs have become so popular in recent years in his opinion. That means that bass fish are often present in non-native fisheries, making them even easier to find. The Popularity of the Largemouth Bass. I grew up fishing for anything that swims but really cut my teeth fishing for trout, chain pickerel, bass, and bullheads in my teenage years. That’s why you’ll see people who prefer trout, panfish, and catfish. Bass Angler Magazine provides anglers an array of bass fishing techniques, catching bass, bass tournaments, seasonal bass tactics. The bay is obviously big enough for this technique, and stripers (or rockfish as they are known locally) enjoy the chase. Don’t be surprised when they end up eating your lure. But not everyone agrees. This drive is what is constantly putting new baits, lines, and rods on the market. Other fish, like trout, crappie, and catfish can be harder to find and take more travel, even in places where they are common. Here are 23 reasons why bass fishing is the most awesome sport ever:. So, it’s hard to say whether bass are the most enjoyable fish to catch. Why do you think Bass fishing is becoming more popular? An overpopulated, stunted bass population can best be detected in the spring when all the bass are at least one year old. Some people also develop a preference for smallmouth or largemouth bass. Throughout the year, millions of people are picking up their poles and tackle box for an exciting day of reeling in a bass or two or three. Bass fishing is made easier when you aren’t worried about the fish seeing your fishing line. It was launched, through pole fishing… I don't mean to be rude but I don't get it. © 2021 AnywhereBrands. Unfortunately, there isn’t good science to support a CWR system, while it might seem like common sense that some practices from a typical tournament could impact the health of the bass. Most lakes, big or small, have largemouth bass. Although, it is worth noting that plenty of anglers who go after the other fish, especially crappie, also catch bass in the process. And the species you’re targeting will help in deciding which technique you’re using. Fly fishing for largemouth bass is always an adventure. The Striped Bass, also known as Rockfish or simply striper, is an extremely popular fish in its native habitat of the East Coast of the USA, as well as on the West Coast and in land locked lakes in many other states and countries as diverse as Iran, Ecuador, and Turkey. We’ll talk about each of these in more detail later on, so stick around if you want the full explanation. Want to Know the Best Time of Day to Fish? I strive to make it easier to catch more bass and share several bass fishing tips. Special thanks to Bass Pro for Sponsoring this video! Bass fishing is quite popular because bass fishes have an eating habit that is wide and varied. Here are just a few reasons we think Bass Fishing is so popular: The reality is, bass fishing is much more accessible than offshore or deep sea fishing. Why Striped Bass Fishing Is So Popular. Love it or hate it? They Provide A Fighting Challenge One of the biggest reasons why bass fishing is so popular is because it’s one of... 3. Over the years, bass fishing has evolved as a sport. Bass are also a fairly territorial and aggressive fish, which makes them a more exciting fish to go for. That cuts down on travel costs and makes bass fishing a more convenient hobby. The largest smallmouth bass on record in the United States was 27 inches long. Opportunity. That means its range is one of the widest of all fish in North America. Bass fishing is popular first and foremost because of the ease of being able to catch them and how easy it is to get into bass fishing. Your offering must be enticing enough to get them to the line. 1) They strike hard and often. Whether the sport is better or worse for all the attention likely depends on your personal perspective and priorities. Most of these people are “hooked” on this great fish. But what is it about the largemouth bass that elicits such a devoted following? Since then, I've lived across the country and have really taken that passion for fishing to a new level. The Striped Bass, also known as Rockfish or simply striper, is an extremely popular fish in its native habitat of the East Coast of the USA, as well as on the West Coast and in land locked lakes in many other states and countries as diverse as Iran, Ecuador, and Turkey. There are many reasons that make the Largemouth Bass such a popular game fish. There are several species of bass but we will focus on largemouth and smallmouth bass. Bass fish are widely available, which means that most anglers can learn the basics somewhere local and take those skills with them on vacation or heading to competition. Crappie might have a similar catch style, but there are still people who prefer them to bass. However, the numbers speak for themselves, and clearly, a lot of people really love bringing these fish in, whether they take them home to release them back to the water. This is another difficult question to answer. And even if a species isn’t native to a particular area, bass fisheries are stocked throughout the year to increase and maintain population. Landing a bite is no guarantee of landing the fish. While anglers in South Florida won’t have that option as they fish the canals for Peacock Bass. There are also populations in some parts of Canada. The reality is, bass fishing is much more accessible than offshore or deep sea fishing. Ultimately, that's what we're all trying to do, learn how to catch more bass. Another reason why bass fishing competitions are popular is that they provide fun for all age groups and skill levels. Size is important when it comes to most fish, not just because of its effect on popularity, but also because of fishing regulations and restrictions. Fishing is one of America’s favorite past-time. Substantial Growth. Bass fishing is becoming rather quickly and by great force, the fastest growing outdoor recreational activity in the USA! No matter what technique you use, your bass fishing trip will certainly have more casting opportunities than those offshore trips. There are some good reasons for the popularity though, and once you’re in the know. One of the main reasons why bass fishing has become so popular is because bass are everywhere. There are 7 species of Salmon in North American waterways and they are incredibly valued targets for fishermen. The widespread availability of this fish is one of the things that makes the bass fishing community so large. Another reason for the popularity of fishing for bass – the variety of options to getting the job done. The largest largemouth bass on record in the United States was nearly 40 inches in size (just over 38 inches). The increasing popularity of the sport combined with "catch and release" practices have in some cases led to an overpopulation of bass. By: Daniel Eggertsen: Are you searching for a unique and exciting place where you can go bass fishing? (Are Bass Line Shy? Even more baffling is how widespread the popularity is, ranging from casual anglers through to competitive professional anglers. If you haven’t caught any bass after a few casts in one area, simply move on and you’ll likely find them somewhere else nearby. To outsiders, it can seem like a complete mystery that bass are such a popular fish among anglers. Although Bass fishing does not… All kinds of fishing are fun; however, bass fishing makes an angler more thrilled than any other kind of fishing. While it’s fairly easy to coax a bass to bite, each type of bait or lure has a slightly different technique, which gives avid bass fishers plenty of new techniques and skills to learn over time. This drive is what is constantly putting new baits, lines, and rods on the market. There are plenty of discussions about how tournament fishing should continue, or if it should continue at all. Bass fish can be found in all the lower 48 states. The used bass boat business is huge because LMB … Discover the best time of day to catch bass, trout, catfish, panfish, walleye, carp, and many more depending on the season, moon phases, and weather. Live fish weigh-ins are one of the most popular aspects of your average bass tournament, but there are plenty of people who advocate a catch-weigh-release system (CWR) for the health of the bass. Tournaments might be changing over the next few years as animal rights activists and other concerned parties have their say (1)(2). Have you always dreamed of going fishing in a place where the competition was small and the bass were huge? When the fish at the end of the line is a personal best! By most measures, yes, bass are the most sought-after freshwater fish in North America. Whether you’re fishing Lake Erie for smallmouth bass, or Lake Okeechobee for largemouth bass, and anywhere in between, search FishAnywhere.com and find a guide for your group. They certainly aren’t the largest, or the most visually striking. They have countless listings for such dream destinations as the Florida Keys, Corpus Christi, Great Lakes, San Diego, Central America, Montana, and many more. Bass fishing’s rise to popularity has a lot of causes. When you catch fish, you can filet them into the provisioning ingredient called (you guessed it) “fish”! Back in the early 70's to early 80's before bone was popular Rebel plastic was bone color and anglers sanded off the outer color so the lure was bone, top water and divers. Nowadays, bass fishing is popular because of ease of getting into the sport. Another reason for the popularity of fishing for bass – the variety of options to getting the job... Fun For All … Time to fish, Dude Perfect style. Check out their store HERE! Bass in my mind are popular for various reasons, none of which have anything to do with how they fare on the table. Striped Bass are a unique species that can survive in brackish waters of estuaries throughout North Carolina and Virginia. More people fish in the US than people who play golf and tennis COMBINED! One last reason we think bass fishing is so popular: anyone can try it. San Francisco, California, United States About Blog Bass Angler Magazine, a refreshingly different bass fishing magazine dedicated to helping anglers catch more bass and bringing awareness to the sport of bass fishing. So why are bass the most popular fish? But they are also a somewhat unpredictable fish, which adds challenge and requires that dedicated anglers build their skills to earn each bite. Why is bass fishing so popular? ), link to Will Salmon Bite at Night? Throughout the United States there are inland lakes, rivers, streams, and creeks filled with a variety of bass species. It happens to the best of us, and when it does, you can always find reasons to explain what's wrong. In general though, bass are a territorial fish that are likely to strike at anything they think might be alive. FishAnywhere.com is part of Anywhere Brands, LLC - the world's largest provider of outdoor adventure services. Catfish, trout and bluegill are all regularly eaten and therefor used. The emergence of tournament fishing as well as the casual weekend angling opportunities have further built up the popularity of this fish species. The good news is that bass fisheries are still very healthy, and there doesn’t seem to have been a major impact on bass populations, size, or individual health. The time that you spend on the water catching the bass fishes is a time that is well spent and also a time utilizes to refresh your mind which includes your spirit. It’s true that most anglers, even if bass aren’t their preferred fish, know a few people who’ve made bass fishing into a complete lifestyle. (Moon Phases, Seasons, Baits). Aggression. This site is owned and operated by Eric Matechak. Bass fish are the most sought gamefish by anglers since they can survive almost anywhere where they are stocked. Bass are generally very aggressive. While smallmouth bass attract the attention of anglers in the north and midwest. In comparison to the other types of fishing, you might be surprised to learn that the popularity of bass fishing has increased by 70%. Bass are the most sought after gamefish in North America and that popularity has taken hold across the world. Largemouth bass average around 15-16 inches in, Let’s face it, professional anglers are pushing the envelope for every advantage they can legally get. Bass fishermen and women come in all sizes, and shapes, and from all age groups , and to be quite honest, size and shape and age means nothing to this aggressive , predatory fish. The controversies surrounding bass fishing probably wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for the widespread popularity of bass fishing, and the wide audience for tournaments making them more popular and mainstream. FreshwaterFishingAdvice is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Variety of Techniques. 12 Reasons Why Bass Fishing is So Popular 1. For example, anglers fishing the Chesapeake Bay may opt to go trolling for striped bass. Why Is Bass Fishing ,Becoming So Popular? Fish is used in several food recipes that can grant you more health, stamina and magicka. FreshwaterFishingAdvice is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. He thinks they could have taken the place of a spinnerbait in certain situations, but he also feels these bait excel at generating strikes. © 2021 Copyright Freshwater Fishing Advice. If you’re new to the sport, consider going with someone who has the gear and a few years of experience to teach you. I think largemouth and smallmouth bass fishing is one of the most exhilarating types of fishing known to man for a number of reasons. For most people in the United States and across North America bass can be found locally. There are lots of reasons people like bass fishing. They can reach moderately large size. In Florida, largemouth bass are required to be released after their capture. If virtually all the bass are 4 inches long or smaller, the population is probably stunted. Bass are also a fairly territorial and aggressive fish, which makes them a more exciting fish to go for. The next most popular freshwater fish, trout, crappie, panfish, and catfish are all relatively similar in popularity and all lag far behind bass fishing. And there’s also the highly invasive Peacock Bass throughout South Florida; although this species is technically a cichlid, we’ll still include it for now. The challenge makes them a lasting fish obsession for anglers since there is always more to learn and there will always be ‘one that got away’. Is part of anywhere Brands, LLC - the world widely available in their habitats the canals for Peacock to... 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