Today I had deadlifts and I could barley get up 355 pounds on the second set of 3 reps for 1 rep. My lower back was not feeling it. Seem the best I can do is 130 squats (safe with good form) and 150 deads (safe with good form). And the result? i have no problem doing heavy squats and deads on the same day. Especially in adductors. Maybe you could do an informal poll of fittit and see whether back injuries tended to happen more on the first or second lower body exercise (or if they were on a combined vs separate day program). i like to do deads on back day. On the deadlift day, I'll squat light after deadlifts and vice versa on squat day. There are popular routines that do both and work well for people. Besides the fact that I don't understand why you're doing several sets of squats, leg presses, and leg curls on the same day, I think you would be fine if structured it right. Second only to the squat, deadlifts have provided some of the biggest lifts of all time. Observing deadlift performance after squat fatigue. I recently pulled 485lbs at a bodyweight of 132lbs (3.7x bodyweight) and, ever since, have been relentlessly questioned about my training protocols. You can break it down so either the legs have two different days or the back does, and isloate dealifts that way. Ten months later, my testosterone had doubled and was in the normal range. all 5x5. Thank you guys for any input on the matter. Deadlift 70-75% of your max for 3-10 singles once or twice per week. (The big focus of leg day anyways) and then iso work after. In a Power-Building split I have my clients train 5 days per week. I do a 2 day split. also the split I use allows me to hit legs heavy 2x a week without suffering needlessly for days after a leg day. i lift heavy enough (for me) that I can not get the same weights up if i do them on the same day and allows me to spend a reasonable amount of time in the gym. I believe Jay Cutler splits his back workouts into two separate routines, one for lats and one for the inner back. GSLP is one that keeps them separate. One set of five should exhaust you. I do A/B 7 days per week. Short answer: Together squats and deadlifts offer a very powerful formula that can result in decent development of the upper leg as they allow the lifter to overload the quads, glutes and hamstrings with progressively heavier loads. It's like doing standing press and bench press in the same workout; they're different exercises but there's quite a bit of overlap. Before you get started on those deadlifts, here are three things you need to consider when determining if you should really do after a hard training day. Driving home, I couldn't get over how beatiful it was outside. You may have come from training squat and deadlifts separately. I'm curious if anyone else has heard of this, and if so, why would it potentially be an issue to mix the two. This has been my experience. It feels fine when I am up and walking around but after I sit for a little bit, I try to stand and walk around and the pain strikes. When I started to deadlift and do squats, I could see on a weekly basis how my body was changing. The content on our website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. Squats are the most basic exercise for training the legs, ... you can perform three to four sets of 10 repetitions for a total of 40 squats per day. Squatting makes me always very sore and soreness tends to last long. Note: We’re discussing why people get a sore back after squats or deadlifts. For reference, I am 20/5'4"/100lbs, and my working weight is 110lbs for both squats and deads (just hit this with squats on Friday). I have a close friend who's currently in med school who once told me that it's not a good idea to mix the two in one day. That being said, on leg day I enjoy opening with squats. After I lost 75 pounds, it was enough weight that I could bend down easier. My hunch is yes. Well, some guys do deadlifts on leg day (including squats) and some guys do deadlifts on back day. Workout included some heavy squats and deadlifts. You might feel tired after squats, but its not like you need to pull a max're not following a strength program and your goal, I'm assuming, is "size.". If you are training with sufficient intensity and volume on squats on day 1 (I’m guessing you are), you will be in a fatigued state on day 2. Felt good and beat afterwards. Your body needs a lot of rest after these exercises, so allow it to rest at least 3 days in between these two.. And if you end up training them on the same day, don’t repeat that routine until you’ve had a whole week to recover. I love doing squats and deadlifts in the same workout. this kept me form overtrainig my back, but kept me in condition to pull and squat on the same day as required in competitive PL. squats on leg day. Deadlift Q&A from Instagram. Do some targeted external rotation work if you have shoulder problems. The benefits of deadlifting and squats lead the pack because of their incredible transformative power. Now before you ask me DYEL? Timing squats and deadlift is a very serious subject, regardless of your training program, even if you perform them on different days. Strength past a point for non lifting athletes is a game of diminishing returns this becomes very stark with the deadlift. ☠ By reading this post, you have agreed to my negative reputation terms of service. Walked or did the elliptical 30 – 45 minutes a day. you have to if your gonna squat 2 times a week. I squat generally 2-3 times a week, deadlift fairly heavy one day a week and either do higher reps or a deadlift variation on the other day. I can lift enough weight that my back isn't exhausted and fine, but my hams are hurting. His strength to weight ratio was immense as well. My training partners thought I was crazy when I started. i do squats one day followed 60 hours later by deads if all goes according to plan. when i was powerlifting and had to give equal time on the squat and dl, i would do heavy squats followed by dynamic or repitition deadlifts one week, the next week i would do speed squats, followed by heavy pulls. The volume is low, 1x5 for each but at a personal best weight. One thing I should mention is if you already have a pre-existing back injury or have an undiagnosed back injury you should consult a medical provider before attempting squatting or deadlifting. 09-03-2013, 01:32 PM #8. I usually program squats before deadlifts, since squatting is a bit more technical and failing a squat is riskier than a deadlift. To be precise, you can perform squats and deadlifts on the same day. But this is not to say you cannot perform them on the same day. My quads are still quite sore from leg day but my glutes, hips, and lower back totally feel up to deadlifting today on back day. Deadlifts and squats provide a practical way to work on various muscles. All rights reserved. He was also in the best shape of his life - extremely muscular and very well defined. So i do my back day after leg day because its hard to squat with sore traps. and proceed to hang me by my underwear from the nearest squat rack hear me out. That is me (in the picture), doing deadlift training (6 years) and perhaps it makes me very qualified to answer this question. At that point, I started to do squats, deadlifts, and push-ups. It's perfectly fine to include squats and deadlifts in the same workout, as long as you understand that you're probably only going to be able to give your full effort to one. I have been deadlifting and squatting on the same day for about 4 months now. I have a day off in between and just keep alternating. I have been deadlifting and squatting on the same day for about 4 months now. Squats can be executed easily, but improper technique can cause injury. 5777 N Meeker Ave, Boise, ID 83713-1520 USA, Powerlifting Workouts - Training Journals, Post Your Pictures and Introduce Yourself. Your body needs a lot of rest after these exercises, so allow it to rest at least 3 days in between these two.. And if you end up training them on the same day, don’t repeat that routine until you’ve had a whole week to recover. A nearly unbroken string of PRs leading up to a 1714-pound drug-free total at 220, and not a single major injury. I want to ask if anyone here has ever heard of avoiding doing squats and deadlifts on the same day in the same work-out. Both squats and deads kick my ass. Deadlifts and squats both work the lower body, but they're different exercises. My legs felt weak when I started, but no pain, and after the first mile I felt great. I squat generally 2-3 times a week, deadlift fairly heavy one day a week and either do higher reps or a deadlift variation on the other day. Do it after squats, and save that other crap for after your deads. I don't remember the reasoning he told me about it. It spikes the day after I do sumo deadlifts on pull and squats on legs. Feeling sick a day after … i used to, but going hard on both is a LOT of strain on your back. Squats and deadlifts are two workouts that you might perform using a barbell with weight plates. I just started my second week of the 6 day deadlift variant. – john3103 Jun 26 '17 at 20:50 1 It wont be a problem injury-wise, but I can see a problem as in you're legs will always be soar or tired from deadlifting the previous day, so you will never be able to hit legs as hard as you actually can when fully rested. After deadlifting im just tired next day but after 1-2 days rest everything is ok again. There are so many possibilities for why you are getting more sick after doing squats or deadlifts. After I lost 75 pounds, it was enough weight that I could bend down easier. That's all it is. I do maximum effort squats and deadlifts on the same day. I know I've seen plenty of routines online that mix the two and think nothing of it. I don't know if anyone's ever run a study to see what spine injury rates are between these two types of programs but it'd be interesting to see. Ten months later, my testosterone had doubled and was in the normal range. and i do cleans on shoulder day. Deadlift Q&A from Instagram. By BEhave in forum Powerlifting/Strongman, By seanybabe1986 in forum Workout Programs. At that point, I started to do squats, deadlifts, and push-ups. Day 1 squats, pull ups, overhead press. The Deadlift Deadlifts are a critical part of my early strength programs, there are not many lifts aside from the squat so formidable for building full body strength. Two of those training days are Lower Body / Leg Days. When I'm about to throw up and can barely walk, I finish off hams with a couple sets of SLDLs. A 30-day squat challenge needs more than just squats Alena Luciani, MS, CSCS, Pn1, founder of Training2xl made it clear that adding weights is the way to upgrade your regular squats… I have, essentially, two leg days. I usually program squats before deadlifts, since squatting is a bit more technical and failing a squat is riskier than a deadlift. The rosiest prediction I got was mere atrophy and strength loss, while injury was the more common forecast. I do low volume, high intensity (1x5, max weight) deadlift and squats on the same day, and I've been steadily progressing on both. I'm seconding this. This is after I've switched to Texas from SS. However, here are some tips to optimize things: Training maxes are not true maxes. During week 1, I achieved 8 reps for 385 pounds on my +1 set for deadlifts, 7 for 315 on squats. Rest one day between each workout. Because of this, a good way to train is to do one day a week where you have heavy squats and light deadlifts (back squat followed by romanian deadlifts or stiff-legged deadlifts), and one day a week where you do light squats and heavy deadlifts (front squat followed by regular deadlifts). Question #1 (01:30 - 02:48): What kind of mobility work would be good for the deadlift if I can't maintain a neutral spine? You need to perform them at Update after first day of deadlifts and squats UPDATE I went to the gym and experimented with weights on deads and squats I'm now depressed. Day 2, deadlifts, rows, dumbell flys. Current world records include: Super Heavyweight Class: Garry Frank, USA, deadlifted 931.5 pounds in 2002. ... That might mean that in order for you to fit that in during your training weeks, you may find it very difficult to put squats and deadlifts together on the same day. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning any diet or exercise program or taking any dietary supplement. My squats are still progressing slowly, but I feel like my deadlifts are suffering because my squats are now quite challenging. Doing high intensity sets/reps, not eating enough, not sleeping enough, not washing your hands (practicing good hygiene), or a combination of the above will increase your risk of getting sick. You will gain 10-20lbs of muscle mass in 6-12 months. If you are performing deadlifts and squats on the same day, it’s recommended to perform you main deadlift strength work first, followed by squat accessory/hypertrophy work. I give Deadlifts their own session, separate and apart from a dedicated Squat session, and a dedicated Upper Back Day. This doesn’t mean you can’t theoretically train deadlifts that day because it is possible to develop strength in a lower state of readiness. It feels similar to a cramp and eventually it goes away after I walk around on it. Because of this, a good way to train is to do one day a week where you have heavy squats and light deadlifts (back squat followed by romanian deadlifts or stiff-legged deadlifts), and one day a week where you do light squats and heavy deadlifts (front squat followed by regular deadlifts). Be the first to receive exciting news, features, and special offers from! Thursday, a few days after heavy squats, you could perform your strength based deadlift workout followed by hypertrophy or unilateral squat work done in the accessory block. For weeks two to six, repeat Tuesdays and Fridays workouts, then omit deadlifts for one week, before repeating cycle. Both much easier than squats. Walked or did the elliptical 30 – 45 minutes a day. My deadlift and squat have shot up very quickly since I started this and I’m stronger than I’ve ever been. After squats my back is warmed up nicely to go onto deads. My #2: You Can’t Squat & Deadlift on the Same Day. Normally, my leg days include, several sets of squats, an additional 2 sets of leg presses, then 3-4 of lying leg curls, and several sets of standing and seated calf raises. I said to myself, "I'll just go for a light short run and walk if I feel uncomfortable." My deadlift and squat have shot up very quickly since I started this and I’m stronger than I’ve ever been. Squat and bench to a heavy single a minimum of four days per week. I decided to squat the next day (two days ago) and while I was warning up I felt like I could hit a 2 plate squat, and I had to prove a point, so I did 5 at 225, felt awesome, then decided to pyramid down for some volume. I used to be a hardcore powerliftercel and looked like bloated shit waddling around on 50mg dbol at 25% bf, unable to tie my shoelaces lmao. One focused on deadlift and one on squat.℠ and BodySpace® are trademarks of My weights are relatively low and I tend to adjust based on how strong my joints feel each day, I've only recently started lifting after … When training is focused on hypertrophy, the training should centre around stimulating muscle groups as opposed to individual disciplines. all have a day inbetween workout sesh, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. If the purpose of this phase of training is hypertrophy, there is an argument for the combined training of squats and deadlifts on the same day. I do squats first, then OHP, then deadlifts. I wouldn't be surprised if injury rates were far lower on something like GSLP than SS. © 2021 I attempted to do Day 2. You could easily do the same for legs with squats & deadlifts if you want (for example, leg day 1-quads, leg day 2-hamstrings (w/deadlifts) & calves). As such, they can be exhausting, especially if you perform them at the same time! How's this for a six day split? Or you can simply move the deadlifts to back day. Theoretically doing them on separate days might lower spinal injury risk as you won't be doing one in a fatigued state. Check this out. i don't like to do them on the same day. So i do my back day after leg day because its hard to squat with sore traps. I'm now considering skipping my class in 5 minutes because it's on the third floor. If you want to train one or both of the lifts twice per week, space them out with 48 hours between (squat light monday, deadlift heavy Wednesday, squat heavy Saturday, for example), or have one day where you deadlift first and heavy, and then squat light, and on the other day, reverse it - squat first and heavy, then light deadlifts or RDLs. The Alpha Destiny Novice Program is the best strength and conditioning program for beginner lifters. How do you guys feel the day after a meet? Deadlift the day after squats?? ... Back & Bis (Deadlifts etc) Shoulders Legs (Front Squats etc) Rest Rest I've found it gives enough rest time for each body part to perform sufficiently when required. My doctor asked if I had been taking testosterone replacement therapy. Deadlifting World Records. Related: How Deadlifts Change Your Body in 27 Powerful Ways | If I squat, I'll do sumo deadlifts or trap bar deadlifts rather … Squat and Romanian deadlift on alternating days. Maxing on squats and bench every day? So i do my back day after leg day because its hard to squat with sore traps. Theres no need to high rep deadlifts. Me too. He told me this when he was still an undergrad which is about 2 years ago give or take. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I do both sumo and conventional deadlifts and there is no difference recovery wise. Upon learning that I Squat and Deadlift on the same day (twice per week, mind you) most people look at … Question #1 (01:30 - 02:48): What kind of mobility work would be good for the deadlift if I can't maintain a neutral spine? We’ve written about what the 24-hours after a heavy squat day are like, but now it’s the deadlift’s turn. ive been doing them since i started powerlifting. My doctor asked if I had been taking testosterone replacement therapy. Or, I'll throw in variations of the second lift in with the main lift (ie. You should definitely squat and deadlift but after 3 plate squat and 4 plate deadlift it's mostly cope if your goal is aesthetics Agree that pull ups are the best upper body exercise. Timing squats and deadlift is a very serious subject, regardless of your training program, even if you perform them on different days. With weight plates a dedicated Upper back day is focused on hypertrophy, the training should centre around stimulating groups... First, then OHP, then OHP, then OHP, then deadlifts sore back after squats deadlifts. 5777 N Meeker Ave, deadlifts day after squats reddit, ID 83713-1520 USA, Powerlifting workouts - training Journals post. Squat day anyways ) and then iso work after is after I lost 75 pounds, it was.! Anyways ) and then iso work after strength past a point for non lifting athletes is a of... Squats before deadlifts, since squatting is a bit more technical and failing a squat is riskier than a.. 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