The female Venustus cichlid can carry between 60 and 120 eggs in her mouth for over a month and can even let the hatched fry stay in the mouth for around ten days. You can attempt things like banana, yet don’t leave it in for long, melon is another, peach and so forth, in their regular habitat clearly some natural product gets into the streams/waterways and I know for herbivorous fish, they do touch on a lot of organic product, yet as I state don’t leave it in for long and just put little mouth size bites. Due to the size of the Venustus cichlid, the tank requires mechanized and chemical filtration systems to maintain a healthy habitat for the fish. The color pattern is similar to the Haplichromis livingstoni, but the livingstoni males do not the the blue accents at maturity. © Copyright 2021 - Diet – They are piscivore, will require a good amount of protein. The female is less colorful with a silver background … Failure to meet this requirement may result in the Malawi Bloat, which is a common disease in this specific breed of fish. The head is pale blue, the body is light golden-yellow, and … Nimbochromis venustus is an ambush predator. It is to be carefully noted that the fish are not overfed as they would eat until their stomachs are distended. Nimbochromis venustusgrows up to 10 inches; a group of six to eight adults would do best large tank of at least 100 gallons. If you’re looking to complete a diet for your African cichlid, then you start questioning yourself which types of food your African cichlid will love. Scientific Name: Nimbochromis venustus Place of Origin: Lake Malawi Adult Size: 9 - 10" Temperament: Mildly aggressive, very aggressive towards males of the same species. It is a large fish, which can grow up to the size of 11 inches inside an aquarium. Gourami Fish – Care, Tank Mates, Types, Habitat & Details! The Venustus cichlids are sensitive to quality feed. It is commonly kept in larger tanks and is a cichlid lover’s favorite. The brown patterns go along with a tan stripe that goes all the way from the top of the dorsal to the nose. It looks very attractive in the aquarium and looks splendid in it. It is advised that since the Venustus cichlids are bred in captivity, you should get a group of six to eight juvenile fishes so that they can grow together at the same rate. Even though it can coincide with other similarly invested species, I recommend that you keep the tank as large as possible. The Venustus cichlids have a polygamous nature so the male will mate with many different females. When kept in an aquarium, this size is recorded to be even larger. Best kept in single male tanks with Lake Malawi Haplochromines. The best way to grow the fry is to keep them together in groups. All information, content, materials on this site, or obtained from a website to which the site is linked are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied. Including some squashed coral utilized for saltwater tanks can help keep the PH up. Venustus Cichlid Breeding. Although it can coexist with other like-minded species, it is advised to keep the tank large as the males become aggressive with their kinds during spawning in cramped tanks. Like all Malawian cichlids, it appreciates hard water and temperatures of 76 to 80F. It inclines toward the more profound areas of the lake, where it chases smaller adolescent cichlids with a particular chasing procedure. The juvenile Venustus cichlid can be fed flake when they are 3 to 4 inches long, but if they are larger, feeding flakes to them can be messy and pollute the water. Because of this habit, provide … They have a yellow body with patches of brown over them. Rock: Yes, there can be some rocks and wood that is set towards the bottom of the aquarium to give plenty of openings to concealing spots. Can African Cichlids Eat Lettuce? You should be careful not to place these breeding sites close to any strong water flows as the eggs are fertilized externally. Venustus cichlids have spiny rayon parts of their pelvic fin, anal, pectoral and dorsal regions of the body, which helps them discourage and evade predators. Description: This large Hap has a blue head and a yellow to gold body that is covered in dark patches that resemble that of a giraffe. Since cichlids will, in general, live in sandy lakes, the sand substrate will, in general, make them more comfortable. This fish does reasonably well in both freshwater and brackish waters. They will bring forth utilizing a pit near a stone. The male develops a blue face and head around a solid gold body as it grows. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! Our aim is to help educate anyone who wants to keep fish. The Venustus cichlid also requires some plant-based food to maintain a balanced diet. The Venustus cichlids have a large mouth and an elongated body. You can keep Venustus Cichlids with Clown Loaches, Featherfin Catfish, Cuckoo Catfish, Bristlenose Catfish, Pleco Fish, Ghost Knives, Synodontis Catfish,etc.. It is found in relatively shallow water around the shoreline, though it can also be seen in deeper (it has been recorded at depths of over 100m) water. Favored Water Chemistry: Basic (7.2 to 8.6 PH), water hardness (10 to 18 dGH), 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Female Giraffe Cichlid lays eggs in a cave or rock crevice and then gathers up the eggs in her mouth. This fish should be ideally kept in large water tanks which can hold 75 gallons of water or more as, like most African cichlids, the Venustus cichlid also prefers swimming in large areas rather than confined spaces. The Venustus Cichlid (meaning refined or elegant) is a large cichlid with the male having a blue face with yellow markings across the head and dorsal fin. They are additionally regularly good with the Synodontis catfish species, of comparative size. Flame Tetra (Von Rio Tetra) – Care, Tank Mates, Feeding & Details! They likewise will generally burrow, so the plants should be moored. It buries itself in the sand and catches small fish as they swim by. Electric Blue Hap – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! Hola! Plants: Yes, Plants can be included also because even though these fish will tunnel, they don’t upset them. Venustus Thread starter Tommy41; Start date Nov 11, 2020; T. Tommy41 New member. This fish alone will take up more than 50 gallons of water, and if you want to keep it with other venustus fish, then you can expect that number to double at least. Open space is an unquestionable requirement for the Venustus. They will get aggressive towards them and might even harm them. While this is the bread and butter of our business we have expanded to the breeding of all types of Cichlids including Victorian and Tanganyikan Cichlids… While an assortment of enormous, sound cichlids can undoubtedly go seven to 10 days without fish food, an aquarium loaded with infant fish should be taken care of following a day or two. The ideal grouping of the Venustus cichlid is one male and several females or else the male would kill other males if the tank is not large enough. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Fecundity: The Venustus Cichlid (Nimbochromis venustus) may produce up to two hundred eggs per clutch. We’re happy to have you as part of our community. Venustus Cichlids Male or Female. Instead, I encourage you to consider other fish species. Apistogramma Agassizii – Care, Size, Tank Mates & Details! The female is less colourful with a duller yellow background behind a dark blotched pattern. This disease can be cured by increasing the water temperature of the tank for three days and maintaining it at 30°C. Also, you need to be careful when adding copper to the water and only do it as directed by the manufacturer. Venustus Cichlid (Nimbochromis venustus) also known as Giraffe Cichlid is a popular aquarium cichlid species. They are likely to coexist peacefully with the Clown loaches, as these fish are large and strong enough to protect themselves. This Cichlid … In the wake of spotting prey, it will halfway lower itself into the sand and act dead until the picked fish goes to inspect the “body”. If plants are being put in the tank, they should be tied down to rocks or driftwood or else they would just be floating about due to the fine sand substrate. The Venustus cichlids are said to form a matriarchal family, and the male would mate with a large number of females as they have a polygamous nature. In the wild, this species hunts small cichlids by plowing slightly into the sand when it spots small juvenile cichlids… if this does not resolve the issue, the water needs to be treated with copper, but before that, all previously added water conditioners need to be removed. The male has egg-like spots on his anal fin and the female will be attracted to them thinking that they are … It is advised that since the Venustus cichlids are bred in captivity, you should get a group of six to eight juvenile fishes so that they can grow together at the same rate. The females are mouthbrooders, which means that they will pick up their eggs and keep them in their mouths for incubation. One of the more common …, The Yellow Lab Cichlid (Labidochromis caeruleus), also known as Electric Yellow cichlid, is literally yellow like a fresh piece of lemon. Other fish to consider as tank mates for venustus cichlids are other cichlid species of the same size, plecos, ghost knives, gouramis of larger sizes, and sharks. To smell the odor of the water, this fish sucks the water in and samples it. Smaller specimens can be kept in correspondingly smaller aquaria. Males 4" and larger tend to be Mildly aggressive. You ought to be mindful so as not to put these rearing locales near any solid water streams – these eggs can be taken away by water. Scientific Name: Nimbochromis Venustus; Common Name: Giraffe Cichlid; A sand substrate will cause them to feel most at home. 3.5 to 4" and larger males seem to mix well with many other African Cichlids including Peacock Cichlids. Ideally, adults should be fed frozen food twice in seven days. The female will not have the blue coloration on their head, but they are still very nice fish with yellow body and brown spots that resembles a giraffe. Venustus Cichlid (Haplochromis Venustus) for sale, Buy 5 get 1 Free. Despite this behavior, I recommend that you keep the eggs in a separate tank for 14 days since they get spawned. New to the forum I have 3 Venustus cichlid and not sure if they are male or female, any help would be much appreciated. The Venustus Cichlid (Nimbochromis Venustus) normally stems from the fundamental waters of Lake Malawi. The Venustus Cichlid (meaning refined or elegant) is a large cichlid with the male having a blue face with yellow markings across the head and dorsal fin. You should be careful not to place these breeding sites close to any strong water flows as the eggs are fertilized externally. These areas usually have soft substrates of mud or sand and are often thickly vegetated with beds of Vallisneria. The females lay their eggs on flat slates or stones. The individuals from this family are for the most part exceptionally shrewd, secretive ruthless fish, yet each has its own particular strategy. These fish are commonly yellow with earthy colored blotches (like a giraffe). But the number of eggs the female can carry in her mouth is enormous – up to 120! The adult Venustus cichlids are mainly found at depths of 49-65 feet around sandy substrate areas. The real name of the fish is Nimbochromis Venustus, but it is normally called Venustus or Giraffe Cichlid. Required fields are marked *. You should feed your Cichlids 2-3 times each day with smaller meals. With the rise in commercial breeding of the Venustus cichlid, the breed is easily available, although it is quite hard to find the fish in the wild. Overview. The females are m… These gorgeous cichlids would be a great addition to any freshwater african cichlid … It will at that point dart out of the sand and strike. The males become territorial with other fish during bringing breeding in a squeezed tank. Nimbochromis venustus is known as the Giraffe Cichlid or "Kalingo", a predator from Lake Malawi. The Venustus Cichlid (meaning refined or elegant) is a large cichlid with the male having a blue face with yellow markings across the head and dorsal fin. 5 Things to Consider, Yellow Lab Cichlid – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding, Omega One Super Color Cichlid Small Sinking Pellets, Water Temperature: 72.0 to 82.0° F (22.8 to 27.8° C). The Venustus cichlids are mainly endemic to Lake Malombe and Lake Malawi. Pam Chin has been replying to cichlid questions for over twenty years. The feature is also present in other saltwater damselfish, which relates them to the cichlids. Similarity: The Venustus Cichlid (Nimbochromis Venustus) is commonly good with other semi-forceful African Rift Valley Cichlids (Haplochromis, and Aulonocara). This cichlid has been reproduced in aquariums successfully. The brown patterns over the body of the Venustus cichlid have given it the name of giraffe cichlid or simply the giraffe hap. It is found in relatively shallow (15 metres deep or less) water around the shoreline in both rocky habitats and areas with soft substrates of mud or sand. It is typical to see females carry the eggs in their mouths – this breeding pattern is observed with many other cichlid species, too. The Venustus cichlid is viewed as a peaceful fish, yet it tends towards being exceptionally forceful sometimes. The Venustus Nimbochromis venustus (previously Haplochromis venustus) is a popular aquarium cichlid. Remarks: Nimbochromis venustus is the most common fish of its genus. As with other cichlids, ich is also a common disease with the Venustus cichlid. Nov 11, 2020 #1 Looking to purchase one of these Venustus Cichlids any … Males will display the yellowish green, yellow blaze, and metallic blue colors, while females remain yellow with brown patches. Disclaimer: We do not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. As the eggs are ready to be spawned, the female cichlids will … I would recommend keeping one male venustus cichlid with several females in the tank. Welcome to CichlidTips. After this, the juveniles grow by themselves. The Venustus can get aggressive. The Venustus Cichlid (meaning refined or elegant) is a large cichlid with the male having a blue face with yellow markings across the head and dorsal fin. In a tank or aquarium, the Venustus cichlids grow best on a protein-based diet where they can be fed several foods including pellets, frozen or fresh foods, frozen dried kill or any other high-quality foods that are fed to piscivores. The Venustus cichlids have a polygamous nature so the male will mate with many different females. Please always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. Venustus … The Venustus cichlids are an african cichlid originating from lake Malawi. The Venustus is an astonishing fish with various range of blue colors with a combination of other colors. Although there are not many threats that have been recognized by marine experts in the area, the Venustus cichlids have experienced a decline in their population. A unique feature of the Venustus cichlids is that they have a single set of nostrils rather than the two which is in all the other fish types. Since feeder fish and feed mysis can trigger aggressive hunting behavior among fish, these two should be fed very occasionally. This sample is then released back out after the fish has understood the smell of the water. The female is less colorful with a silver background behind a dark blotched pattern. Temperature: 72-82°F (24-28°C). According to aquarists and experts, improper housing and spacing in the tank may lead to agitated behavior in the fish, which may result in the fish displaying its aggressive characteristics. It is high in demand by hobbyist aquarium keepers because of its unique color patterns and its interesting behavior. Nimbochromis venustus is fairly hardy and easy to keep. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Venustus Giraffe East African Cichlid are a large, oval-shaped fish. Although the female can keep the eggs in her mouth for about two weeks, you may have to incubate the eggs for thirteen days by removing all the eggs a few days after spawning. It is hard to beat the color of an all-male African Cichlid … Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details You Need! Here everything is discussed about the Venustus cichlid, which will help to take care of the fish. This fish has an interesting hunting mechanism. Salt should not initiate in their natural environment, but keep levels below 10% the specific gravity should be less than 1.0002. Comments: These are fabulous fish with a unique camouflage pattern. As indicated by aquarists and specialists, inappropriate lodging and dispersing in the tank may prompt aggressive conduct in the fish, which may bring about the fish showing its forceful qualities. As mentioned before, the Venustus cichlids are considered a peaceful community fish, but they have high tendencies of being aggressive predators. The Venustus Cichlid is a mouth brooding fish species, in which the female will carry the fry in … Sand is the favored substrate for African cichlid tanks. Tank care is crucial for the Venustus cichlid. Aquarium Diet: Brine Shrimp, Ghost Shrimp, Black worms, Carnivore Pellet, Spiraling, Feeder Fish. Attachments Screenshot_20201108_151359.jpg Sexing venustus is relatively easy in cichlid terms. When you buy through my links, I may earn a commission. It is a Haplochromine cichlid usually found in Lake of Malawi in Africa. The juvenile Venustus cichlids are present in the shallower regions near rocks. 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