The Balloon Molly has an arched back and a rounded, large belly. People usually call me by the nickname “Joy” because they think that I am …keep reading, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to We do not provide veterinary suggestions. Is it a Male or Female Molly? Most of the time, molly and guppy fish crossbreeding is unsuccessful. Yes, especially when they are raised together with the male mollies which would chase them most of the time to copulate or mate with them. 2 Comments. And its accuracy is proven to be effective. Once the female molly fish is fertilized, she keeps the eggs inside her body for about 60-70 days until they hatch. the best way to tell if a mollie is male is to look at the anal fin. In terms of total length of the body, females can grow up till 2 inches in length whereas the male body size is limited to 1.5 inches. They are sized quite bigger than males, have a bulky abdomen area for the purpose of conceiving, and their anal fins are … Mollies are semi aggressive fish, and they will most likely not attack guppies. Go to your local pet store and pick male and female fish. Let us now learn how to differentiate between male and female mollies easily! The gestation period of all livebearers is approximately 28 days. The Balloon Molly is a hybrid variation of Poecilia latipinna,the Sailfin Molly. and if its pregnate?? Remove uneaten food immediately to avoid contaminating their water. I generally make females longer and more lithe, with thinner legs, bodies, and necks, and I make their heads more angular. Male and Female Balloon Mollies - stock photo. You should start a new thread to sex your fish this topic is quite old. The males have be... Silver molly is having black spot developed near anal in justa week not sure whether its female. I am not sure who your attack is after. For the most part they are peaceful, social fish. Purchase your mollies. © 2020 FluffyPlanet,, How to tell molly fish gender and how mollies mate (, Molly fish Types, Breeding, Tankmates & More. In general, male cichlid fish have larger dorsal fins on their backs than their female counterparts. But if any of you out there no for a fact its a female please let me no!!!! But this is a friendly site that doesn't stand for disrespecting one another. The size of adult males is directly correlated with population density. Newly born mollies can be placed in separate breeding tanks to lessen the chances of being eaten by the parent fish or fix with traps that allow the new-born fry to drop safely during delivery to help increase the rate of survival for the fry. They might do it, but under some circumstances like defending their pair or their fry, other than that, they are peaceful. Tubercles are existent small white spots on either their gill shields, face, their scales, or on the pectoral fins. NicRudolph909. Fin Shape. Mollies and Platies cannot crossbreed because of their DNA and genes are not compatible. You may be seeing territory aggression from your mollies Female mollies usually have rounded bodies. Female mollies usually have rounded bodies. There could be times when the female mollies deliver undeveloped eggs along with the live fry being born. In many species, the male will display egg-shaped markings on the anal fin known as egg spots. Females tend to look larger and rounder than males. There is also a lot of color variation within each species. The male Golden Sailfin Molly Fish also has a larger dorsal fin. The ratio of male fish to female fish should be 1:2. If a male spreads his dorsal fins in a display, in this species it forms a trapezoid, with the posterior edge being shortest. Tips for separating male and female guppies, I need help figuring out if my glofish are male or female. Female Harlequin Rasboras. Even if they try to “court” each other, they will not mate even if the male Mollie tries to sneak spawn a female Platies. Molly Fish (The Ultimate Guide) – Types, Breeding, Tankmates & More. you read and agreed to the, How to tell if your goldfish is male or female. They are sized quite bigger than males, have a bulky abdomen area for the purpose of conceiving, and their anal fins are shorter and triangular in shape. I don't recommend keeping any more than three, some mollies can grow up to 5". Top 10 male vs female fight scenes in movies (suggested 4 times) To vote, use the individual suggestions below. The male is longer and narrow, his dorsal fin is smaller. Mollies and Guppies are genetically similar so they can crossbreed and their hybrid is known as a Muppy. Also its best to keep 2 females for every 1 male, but I have found 3 females to every 1 male better. Female to Male Balloon Molly Ratio. volume_up. Really? They do not pair off when mating, instead the males fertilize any female they chase and catch or come in contact with. Rarely mollies live longer and grow bigger. Above, a young mature male Silver Lyretail Molly swimming fast to eat a pellet of premium food. Their golden scales are their most distinguishing feature. haha Figures! Remove the female molly from the aquarium before she gives birth. Mollies can easily breed in any conditions, but the babies need plenty of hiding space if they are to be raised with their parents. The same is true for male mollies that mate with females all the time. My name is Nadine; I am a passionate writer and a pet lover. pregnant female I have 4 female unknowns, 1 male platy, 1 four year old betta, 2 dwarf Corydoras, 1 regular size Corydoras, 1 upside catfish, and 3 (platy or molly) fry who haven't been eaten. Anyways, she's just probably interested in the new mollies that are on her turf. I also have a couple guppys that are prego how long do they stay prego? After the incubation period, the female molly gives birth to 10-60 fry at a single time. male As can be seen in the photo below of a black male molly, male mollies have an enlarged dorsal fin and a modified anal fin called a gonopodium. 56 Favourites. When mating, the male molly fish transfers sperm through its gonopodia; a modified rod-like anal fin under the male molly’s belly. It is really easy to tell the difference. If you start at the back of the fish and move forward, the anal fin is the first fin on the bottom of the fish. I Just Bought a Balloon Molly, The person working at PETSMART was terribly busy and i asked her if the fish was a male or a female and she said it was a female and looks like its pregnate. The gonopodium is circled in yellow. The male molly has a larger anal fin (gonopodium) with pointed edges (hook-like modified anal fins possessed by most fish species to ensure successful mating). Distinguishing between male and female black mollies is fairly simple. Wythori. or only molly fishes? The male fertilizes them with a specialized fin called a gonopodium, and the young hatch within the female and then swim free. They will produce no cross. However, the Lyretail Molly has a pointed caudal fin (anal fin) which is larger on the male than it is on the female. Rather than lay eggs that the male then fertilizes, these fish hold their eggs internally. Not arguing, just making sure 4 months isn't the only time frame people give to sex their fish. Male mollies with the bold color patterns, bigger fins and larger in size actually lead their way. A small, metallic-looking fish, harlequin rasboras are popular aquarium fish because of their friendly, schooling nature and hardiness. Difference between male and female molly fish It is very easy to distinguish between male and female mollies. I have a petco in town and a petsmart 30 minutes away for resources . Aggressive and active as these males are, they should be separated from the pregnant females after mating to avoid stressing the females too much. male. :-0. The gestation period of all livebearers is approximately 28 days. How do you differ a male molly from a female molly? Just a sketch on how I differentiate between the two genders! Mollies and Platies cannot crossbreed because of their DNA and genes are not compatible. But there’s nothing serious to worry about especially if the fish are domesticated. 717 Views. The Balloon Molly has an arched back and a rounded, large belly. Does the molly fish experience stress during pregnancy? Female or Male Molly Fish – Which Live Longer? The male is the dominant mate but the female is the one who makes the choice in regards to breeding. After completion of the gestation period, the female gives birth to the fish fry. After the mating of male and female mollies, the ejaculation of male molly allows fertilizing eggs inside the female molly. Attitude of chasing the females, getting close behind them or cornering them for spawning. Mollies were first introduced to the hobby in 1899 and different varieties started appearing in 1920s. Member. The males will fertilize any females they come in contact with, and they will even try to fertilize females that have already been fertilized. Female Dragons. MY GOD THE WBSITE IS IS IT A MALE OF FEMALE MOLLLY! Most adult male mollies have longer and more elaborate tails, pectoral fins and dorsal fins than females do. 2. They have the special ability to store sperm for months and fertilize eggs as often as every 30 days even if there are no males with them. ? Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding all of your pets. By Mollish Watch. Molly Fishes breed by using the internal fertilization procedure. Aug 7, 2017. For this cause, they might have several abortions, stillbirths or underdeveloped offsprings. Is my molly a male or female its really hard to tell and if it is a girl is it prego? Male and female guppies will reproduce quickly once they mate, though guppies are known to eat their young. Males are often slimmer but larger-bodied than females and are more vibrantly colored. Male Vs. finshape, length, shape - all are the same at the guy in picture 3? How much does it cost to buy a pet monkey? pls reply dear friends , All fish have there own signs to tell the sex of. A male molly will try to breed with most any livebearing fish, especially if there are not enough female mollies to go around. Conclusion Female platy is also known to be fatter than the male. A single female molly can produce over a hundred offspring in its whole lifetime and they have the unique ability to store the male’s milt (fluid containing the sperm) in their bodies and keep fertilizing eggs on their own even without a mating partner. volume_up. We can easily identify whether a molly fish is a male or female by merely considering and paying close attention to its physical features and behavior. Females can produce several hatches of young from a single fertilization. The body size of female platy fish is larger than the male platy fish. After the mating of male and female mollies, the ejaculation of male molly allows fertilizing eggs inside the female molly. But i have done some research and i looks kinda similar to a male molly. Even if they try to “court” each other, they will not mate even if the male Mollie tries to sneak spawn a female Platies. Watching them for a while will quickly get you attached as you notice their individual differences. To conclude, for those who want to walk slowly into aquarium secrets, molly fish is the most appropriate. female, this is a huge help, now my fish cant breed because their both girls ☹️. Differences between regular male and female mollies and the dalmatian lyre tail male and female - Answered by a verified Pet Specialist. How do I know if a Dalmatian Molly is a male or female..? mannelijk exemplaar {het} EN adult male {zelfstandig naamwoord} volume_up. The copulation or sexual intercourse of the mollies can be noticed when a male molly fish goes under the female molly. Thanks!!! Best kept with robust but not aggressive tank mates. As the molly fish is live brooder means the female stores male gametes into its body, after fertilization development takes place within the female body. Is this dalmation molly a male or female. We use cookies to give … Are mollies and platies compatible for breeding? They can’t consume big amounts of food initially, so it is advisable to grind their food flakes to easily feed them, with just the right amount provided at every meal. Some males have a bump on the head, referred to as a nuchal hump. Most mollies are solid black in color. Dorsal Fin is the back fin of mollies. Written on: July 14, 2020. rasbora image by pearlguy from One male molly can easily mate with multiple mollies. Thank you for you're help. Picture 3 is my only male!! Differences between regular male and female mollies and the dalmatian lyre tail male and female - Answered by a verified Pet Specialist. The ideal is to have a mix of lots of females and a few males, but that's only if you're willing to have a constant parade of fry (and I totally understand about being too attached to the babies to let them go---this is how I ended up with tanks sprinkled all over my house). Male molly fish can stress out females with their constant pursuit. It is really easy to tell the difference. 8 years ago. The male Lyretail Molly Fish also has a larger dorsal fin that will not develop properly if the tank is overcrowded or too small. The height of the dorsal fin, measured at the posterior edge, is a bit less than the height of the tail. They are very popular in the hobby, as … The males have a modified anal fin, better know as a gonopodium, that can move various directions and is used to impregnate the female mollies. Hi what do pregnant mollies look like only I have just brought some but think some of them are pregnant please help thanx, If they've been with males, they probably are pregnant. 8 years ago. Three female, one male. How do you differ a male molly from a female molly? Males also tend to be more brightly colored, and also have a modified anal fin known as a gonopodium used to fertilize the female. Female mollies will give birth to fry every 3-5 weeks. Mollys Male Or Female. Color varieties include a combination of black, yellow, and white. The female is larger in the stomach area and her fin is larger. To find out if a molly is pregnant, see if her belly is large. However, the Golden Sailfin Molly has a more rounded caudal fin (anal fin) than other Mollies, which is larger on the male than it is on the female. male/female drawing They keep the fertilized eggs inside their bodies until hatching time and release them in the water as fry (fish offspring). It's best to typically not keep mollies in anything less than a 30 gallon tank, as they have large biological footprint and a large bioload. Black mollies do not pair off when they mate. Some Sailfin Mollies may develop more yellow than orange in color scales. There isn’t any evidence that males molly fish live longer or less than female molly fish, however, a female molly fish that spawn constantly will have a shorter lifespan. Once you’re done with this article, you will be able to point out the males and females in your mollies! This is advisable to avoid stillbirths or more aborted pregnancies due to the stressed mother. This video shows how to tell the difference between male and female guppies, mollies, platy, swordtails, endlers and other common tropical fish. Poecilia sphenops is a species of fish, of the genus Poecilia, known under the common name molly; to distinguish it from its congeners, it is sometimes called short-finned molly or common molly.They inhabit fresh water streams and coastal brackish and marine waters of Mexico.The wild-type fishes are dull, silvery in color. Mollies are usually good community fish and get along well with other fish. At the bottom a males fin is long n straight like a stick & a females is rounded like a fan. Mollies are active and social so they enjoy schooling together. , is this identification is suitable for all fishes? Above, a large pregnant female Gold Marbled Wag Molly, which was born and lived in one of DrTom's aquariums for several years. While the male molly fish have elongated bodies, their colors are more intensified for them to attract females for mating and showing other males that they dominate. Keeping one male with three females is the recommended ratio for breeding these fish, any more will create too many pregnant molly fish and too many molly babies as a result. These eggs remain inside the female molly until the fry mollies are prepared enough and released from the eggs. Male and Female Balloon Mollies - stock photo. Thanks for the ideas! The male sex of the fish will have more of a pointed anal fin. Mollies are real easy to tell the difference. What distinguishes these fish is their method of breeding. We use cookies to … However, male mollies can become territorial and somewhat aggressive to other fish. haha Figures! Look at the anal fin – if there is a fin, it’s a female, if it’s a narrow “tube” it’s a male. You can get some floating plants or just have a lot of stuff for baby fry to hide in. My platies looked like females until 5 months one changed. In this video, I will show you about6 Way To Identify Male And Female Molly Fish1. The dorsal and anal fins of the male are more pointed, larger and more flowing than in the female. By entering this site you declare While there are several varieties of molly fish, they are extremely easy to breed because all colors are the same species, and all males and females breed with one another. Because male balloon mollies will constantly chase females, it is best to keep a good ratio between males and females. So it’s better to keep one male molly fish with multiple female mollies. I have four, uh...dalmation platies. Only then can the breeding process start successfully. So, is your molly fish male or female? However, the platy and swordtails can produce offspring together. Examples of cichlid fish include tilapia, angelfish, oscars, and discus. Why is my female Dalmatian Molly having babies without a male Molly in the ... How do you tell the difference between a male and female ghost shrimp? The female fish will have a more rounded anal fin. Those possessing 3. How to Identify Male and Female Guppies. Why is it that my female betta is the one who is chasing the male? They can store the male ***** after a single contact for up to 6 months. Mollies and Guppies are genetically similar so they can crossbreed and their hybrid is known as a Muppy. Females anal fins are shaped like a fan and males are shaped like a thick stick (this is called the gonopodium). Keeping one male with three females is the recommended ratio for breeding these fish, any more will create too many pregnant molly fish and too many molly babies as a result. Be careful about male to female ratio. I have 2 male Dalmatian Molly's and 1 black female Molly. there is a female nearly IDENTICAL to the male in picture 3 - can I assume she is a molly? Easy Emma, I tried to get you some pictures sorry not the best cause they won't stay still lol! Sailfin mollies are small fish. Be careful about male to female ratio. Once the female is fertilized, she will keep the eggs inside her body for 60 to 70 days until they hatch. Male vs. The greater the population, the smaller the average size of males. If it is possible for the pregnant female molly fish to be put in a separate nursing tank, the keeper should consider it. Do you have a picture of the two fish? A note on this: Male mollies will look like females until they are sexually mature which is about 4 months old. At one year of age, males typically range in size from 0.5 to 3 in (13 to 76 mm) SL, while mature females are likely to be 0.5 to 2.5 in (13 to 64 mm) inch SL. Dorsal Fin. The Balloon Molly is a hybrid variation of Poecilia latipinna,the Sailfin Molly. Guppies are popular pets and make attractive additions to a home aquarium. So my sons balloon molly died.I did a big water change and service yesterday. they are probably male because the majority of the mollies they sell at fish stores are male and the ones that are not are impregnated by the males so all the females are usually pregnant at the fish store, so if your mollies are female, then they will probably give birth soon. The two genera that make up most of the aquarium species are Poecilia, which include the g… The male molly is more aggressive than the females. Many times some of the chain stores will sell platies as mollies and visa versa. The fully grown fry can be taken back to the main tank to interact with the other fish, just make sure they have grown enough that they would not fit into the mouths of the adults. Male Mollies are aggressive breeders, so providing more females will help divide the attention between them, to prevent any one female from receiving constant attention. These eggs remain inside the female molly until the fry mollies … ! Color varieties include a combination of black, yellow, and white. These eggs can simply be discarded. These tubercles may last during the breeding season, or in older males, it may stay present through several breeding seasons (throughout the year). The males will have the gonopodium instead of a normal anal fin. Can a male guppy and a female molly have babies, ive heard r... How to tell if an angelfish is male or female. No, platies and swordfish can crossbreed while mollies can breed with fellow mollies, endlers, and guppies. They should be kept in the ratio of 1 male to 2-3 females. Some males will have elongated dorsal fins, but this is not seen on the females. adult male. Molly Picture Gallery Above, a young mature male Silver Sailfin Molly. The size of platy fish is 4-6 cm. the identification is for all live bearing fishes , like mollies , platies ane guppies.. You Are Such A MORON! dragon female male rawr. Selective mating: If you want a colorful or brighter view inside your fish tank, then you should keep the vibrant platyfish together. The mollies in the above photo are female marbled mollies. #2. They might still be pregnant. How long does the molly fish’s pregnancy last? Picture 3 is my only male!!! Molly Fishes breed by using the internal fertilization procedure. It’s easy to spot personalities in active fish like these. Here are some pics. The breeding process will control the male fish’s aggression and the female’s stress. Female Lyretail Mollies have a rounded caudal fin (anal fin), and they also have a pregnancy spot. Then he sure to enclose photos is available. I just got 3 black mollies and told the guy I wanted two female and one male, but I think I got 3 males... can someone post pictures of a male and a female so that I can see what they are supposed to look like for sure. Female's body are more round while the male's are slender in shape Male mollies usually chase females to copulate more, which can make them stressed and impair pregnancy. Male molly fish can stress out females with their constant pursuit. For breeding, the ratio should always be 1 male to 2-3 females, if you have only 1 female to 1 male, the male may chase her to death. With 7 dalmation mollies, 2 scissor rasbora, 3 Pristella tetras, one monk tetra and a bristlenose in a 50 gallon what would be a good center piece fish my autistic son would appreciate? Above, a large pregnant female Gold Marbled Wag Molly, which was born and lived in one of DrTom's aquariums for several years. Above, a young mature male Silver Lyretail Molly swimming fast to eat a pellet of premium food. What can I feed my molly fry? Written by: Becky Salmela Haase. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The molly fish is one of the most ideal selections when it comes to livebearing species (meaning they don’t lay eggs, but instead, they keep their eggs inside their bodies until it is time to hatch. But remember, even without a male around, a female can have up to 6 batches of fry, because they can store the sperm for that long. Yes! To prepare Gouramis for breeding, feed them a varied diet that includes flake food, algae wafers or spirulina flakes, along with freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and brine shrimp. Most adult male mollies have longer and more elaborate tails, pectoral fins and dorsal fins than females do. Water changes regularly to keep nitrates and nitrites at 0 since I'm sort of overstocked. How To Tell if My Molly Fish is Pregnant? However, the most accurate way to distinguish male mollies from female mollies is to examine the anal fin, located on the underside of the body, between the pectoral fins and the tail. Mollies are classified as part of the genus called as the “livebearers”. Failing to stick to this ratio, or one thereabouts, you may find that your females will become too stressed to eat, and could potentially die. [citation needed] Coloration Female is larger and rounder bellied. I would say it's not necessary to get another fish, but if you would like another male then I would definitely … Hey guys I'm new to this forum and fairly new to having An aquarium just trying to get advice on my mollies genders I … The Ultimate Discus Fish Guide – Types, Tank Mates, Food, Breeding, Thicker and triangular anal fins, with a protruded opening surface on its abdomen, When impregnated, its abdomen would appear lopsided (leaning to one side or unbalanced). The main difference in Molly Fish sexing is the fin differences. To help moles fight in the brutal underground world, evolution has granted the female mole a generous dose of 'roid rage' by tacking some testicles onto her ovaries. A shoal should be predominantly female since males are known to harass and stress females. Why is my male molly following my pregnant one he nipping at her behind, Female Molly gasping and hiding (esp from Male Molly). In the case of balloon mollies with their rounded bodies, this fin points the same direction as the caudal or tail fin. However, the most accurate way to distinguish male mollies from female mollies is to examine the anal fin, located on the underside of the body, between the pectoral fins and the tail. Rarely mollies live longer and grow bigger. How can you tell the difference between a male and female angel fish? Hier zie je een jong vrouwtje en mannetje verwikkeld in een achtervolgingsspel. Most of the time two male mollies will be just fine together. Pregnant Molly with Babies – What you Should Know? Molly fish gestation periods last around 60-70 days. These fish are small, only reaching 5 inches, and males have large dorsal fins, wild forms are gray with rows of dark spots. Just like other molly types, balloon mollies are also live bearers and have a really short breeding span. Im really knew and this and i want to make sure everthing is right. For breeding, the ratio should always be 1 male to 2-3 females, if you have only 1 female to 1 male, the male may chase her to death. Inwardly present ovular shaped, narrow, elongated vent and raised midline from the back of their pelvic fins seen at its underbelly. If you have multiple cichlids, look at the size of their fins when they are next to each other to identify which is the male and which is the female. Do Bengal Cats Get Along With Each Other? If possible, put the female molly in a separate aquarium. Male and female mollies both have … Tank compatibility [edit | edit source] A generally peaceful fish but males will chase females of both this species of Molly and other livebearers. Arnewld. ! The easiest way to tell a male molly from a female is by looking at the anal fin. Guppies and mollies belong mostly to the genus Poecilia while the swordtails and platies belong to the genus Xiphophorus . A 30g tank is a bit small for five mollies. But remember, even without a male around, a female can have up to 6 batches of fry, because they can store the sperm for that long. This is helpful for breeding and collection purposes and it does not require too many scientific processes. Females anal fins are shaped like a fan and males are shaped like a thick stick (this is called the gonopodium) Share #3. If the fish keeper is already able to identify the gender of the mollies, it is better to group them in their first 8 weeks before the fish attain sexual maturity. As fry ( fish offspring ) from a single time in town and a or. Probably interested in male vs female mollies new mollies that mate with females all the time, molly guppy. 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