[10] His last words to his men were a litany of conflicting stories of where he planned to go, likely intended to throw pursuers off his trail. Il est surnommé The Arch Pirate and The King of Pirates (" le roi des pirates" ). Both tales acknowledged the widely believed stories of Every's pirate republic. This victory gave Every an opportunity to better his fortunes and by the end of July he was promoted to Master's mate, although he was probably the most junior of HMS Rupert's three Master's mates. "Henry Avery" redirects here. "Every death that we're talking about this afternoon is preventable," Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of tropical medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told CNN on Thursday. After discharge from the Royal Navy, Every entered the Atlantic slave trade. Il est surnommé The Arch Pirate and The King of Pirates ("le roi des pirates"). Henry Every cingle immédiatement vers Marak'Pinga où il pense les prises plus sûres. [105] Reportedly carrying the retiring Luís Carlos Inácio Xavier de Meneses, 1st Marquis of Louriçal, the galleon was laden with silver, gold, diamonds, gems, as well as pearls, silks, spices, works of art, and church regalia belonging to the Patriarch of the East Indies. Published October 27, 2020 "What it shows is Henry's premeditated, calculating manner. In 1695, Every set sail for the volcanic island of Perim to wait for an Indian fleet that would be passing soon. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. [53] All of these captains were carrying privateering commissions that implicated almost the entire Eastern Seaboard of North America. Ironically, this was the fictional but moralized fate Charles Johnson ascribed to Every in his General History. Every began his pirate career while he was first mate aboard the warship Charles II. In return for letting Fancy enter the harbor and for keeping the men's violation of the EIC's trading monopoly a secret, the crew would pay Trott a combined total of £860. [46], At Maio, the easternmost of the Cape Verde's Sotavento islands, Every committed his first piracy, robbing three English merchantmen from Barbados of provisions and supplies. Others have suggested that after Every changed his name, he settled in Devon and lived out the rest of his life peacefully, dying on 10 June 1714;[89] however, the source for this information is The History and Lives of All the Most Notorious Pirates and their Crews (London: Edw. She they abused very much, and forced severall other Women, which Caused one person of Quality, his Wife and Nurse, to kill themselves to prevent the Husbands seing them (and their being) ravished.[71]. In October 1694, Fancy captured two Danish privateers near the island of Príncipe, stripping the ships of ivory and gold and welcoming approximately seventeen defecting Danes aboard. [54] Perhaps intimidated by Fancy's forty-six guns or weakened by an earlier battle with Tew, Fateh Muhammed's crew put up little resistance; Every's pirates then sacked the ship, which had belonged to one Abdul Ghaffar, reportedly Surat's wealthiest merchant. Some contemporary accounts spell his last name Every, while some references give his first name as John. Newly Uncovered Document Reveals How Henry VIII Planned Every Detail Of Anne Boleyn’s Beheading. Henry VIII died of natural causes, age 55, with Catherine Parr at his side. Lastly, there was also the bribe to consider, which was three times Trott's annual salary of £300.[83]. Henry Flower Every married Mary Isabella Every. It has been suggested that because Every was unable to buy a pardon from Trott or from the governor of Jamaica, his crew split up, some remaining in the West Indies, the majority heading to North America, and the rest, including Every himself, returning to England. Accordingly, the Board of Trade was tasked with coordinating the manhunt for Every and his crew.[80]. [64], Muhammad Hashim Khafi Khan, a contemporary Indian historian who was in Surat at the time, wrote that, as Every's men boarded the ship, Ganj-i-sawai's captain ran below decks where he armed the slave girls and sent them up to fight the pirates. Henry Avery was born in or near Plymouth, England, sometime between 1653 and 1659. Amity and Susanna also proved to be poor ships: Amity fell behind and never again rejoined the pirate flotilla (Tew having been killed in a battle with a Mughal ship), while the straggling Susanna eventually rejoined the group. His crew members were sighted in the Carolinas, New England, and in Pennsylvania, where some even bribed Governor William Markham for £100 per man. Nevertheless, the crew soon found themselves disappointed with the Bahamas; the islands were sparsely populated, meaning that there was virtually no place to spend the money they had pirated. Henry Every alias Henry Avery, John Avary, Long Ben ou Benjamin Bridgeman, est l'un des plus fameux flibustiers anglais. Trott called a meeting of Nassau's governing council, likely arguing that interloping was a fairly common crime and not a sufficient reason for turning away the men, whose presence now aided Nassau's security. There are no reliable contemporary accounts of Every's pirate flag. In 1709, the first such account appeared as a 16-page pamphlet titled The Life and Adventures of Capt. "[27][28] (Every was known to lure potential slave traders onto his ship by flying friendly English colours, then seize the slave traders themselves and chain them in his ship's hold alongside their former captives. Every's total strength was now about 150 men.[51]. Every may have been a cousin of the well-known Every baronets, though this has not been proven conclusively.[16]. The Nine Years' War had been raging for eight years, and the island, which the Royal Navy had not visited in several years, was perilously underpopulated. "[110] In comparison, the EIC's estimate of £325,000 for Ganj-i-Sawai's goods equals "at least $200 million. [2] It is accepted by historians that "Henry Every" was the pirate's real name, given that he used this name when he entered the Royal Navy. A slightly modified copy was delivered to the Privy Council of England by Sir James Houblon on 10 August 1694, where it was used as evidence during the inquiry on the mutiny. As months passed and the documents still did not arrive, the sailors found themselves in an unenviable position: with no money to send home to support their families and unable to find alternative sources of employment, they had become virtual prisoners in Corunna. Another flag ascribed to Every depicts a white skull in profile wearing a kerchief and an earring, above a saltire of two 2. te crossed bones, on a black or red field. Every himself was never seen again. "[111] If the larger estimate of £600,000 is taken, this would be equivalent to $400 million, approximately rivaling the raid committed by Taylor and Levasseur. After the publication of a fictional memoir in 1709, which claimed Every was a king ruling a pirate utopia in Madagascar, popular accounts increasingly took on a more legendary, romantic flavor (see In contemporary literature). A Dominican friar demanded of Henry how he could justify such killing. Every's exploits immediately captivated the public's imagination, and some considered him a sort of gallant maritime Robin Hood who exemplified the working class idea that rebellion and piracy were acceptable ways to fight back against unfair captains and societies. Judge Hedges condemned the "dishonorable" former jury and instructed their successors to act with "a true English spirit" by passing a conviction, repeatedly reminding them to "support...the navigation, trade, wealth, strength, reputation, and glory of this nation. European governments were soon receiving people who claimed to be Every's ambassadors from Saint Mary's, and as the legend grew even heads of state started to believe the astonishing stories. In any case, if one accepts the EIC's estimate of £325,000, Rogoziński writes that even then "only two or three times in history did criminals take more valuable loot. Avery doit se faire oublier pour ne pas être dénoncé aux autorités. Dramatist and critic John Dennis wrote a letter to the Master of the Revels criticizing him for licensing the play, which he blasted as "a prostitution of the stage, an encouragement to villainy, and a disgrace to the theater. By now Trott had stripped Fancy of everything valuable, and it was lost after being violently driven against some rocks, perhaps deliberately on the orders of Trott, who was eager to rid himself of a key piece of evidence.[86]. One of the witnesses against the accused mutineers was David Creagh, second officer of Charles II. Un groupe d'hommes d'affaires anglais, dont le principal est sir John Houblon, obtint du roi d'Espagne le droit de commercer avec les colonies espagnoles en Amérique et de repêcher les trésors des épaves de galions naufragés dans la mer des Caraïbes. before joining in the mutiny. However, about seventeen of Every's crew refused to go any further and were left behind on the island. If Every was known to be living in poverty, it is most likely that he would have been apprehended and the large bounty on his head collected. This made him a national problem. Worse still, the necessary legal documents had apparently failed to arrive from Madrid, so the ships were forced to wait. D'une famille de marin et son brevet de second en poche il s'embarque tout d'abord à bord d'un navire marchand. His letter describes a signal English skippers could use to identify themselves so he could avoid them, and warns them that he might not be able to restrain his crew from plundering their ships if they failed to use the signal. [3] In 1712, playwright Charles Johnson published his highly romanticized tragicomedy The Successful Pyrate. Under a trading and salvage license from the Spanish, the venture's mission was to sail to the Spanish West Indies, where the convoy would conduct trade, supply the Spanish with arms, and recover treasure from wrecked galleons while plundering the French possessions in the area. Death Date? [87], British author and pirate biographer Charles Johnson suggested that, after attempting to sell his diamonds, Every died in poverty in Devon after being cheated out of his wealth by Bristol merchants. The account tells of Van Broeck's short captivity by Every's crew aboard Fancy, and claims that Every's father was a trading captain who had served in the Royal Navy under Admiral Robert Blake. Despite considerable pressure on the jury to find the defendants guilty, with Judge Advocate of the Admiralty Sir Dr Thomas Newton reminding the jury that the consequences of an acquittal would be "the total loss of the Indian trade, and thereby the impoverishment of this kingdom,"[92] the jury passed a verdict of not guilty. After his death, she quietly married her true love, Thomas Seymour. [131] The ballad suggests that the flag also had green lining the border, but more likely the ballad was mentioning a shield. [39] The only man who was prevented from voluntarily leaving was the ship's surgeon, whose services were deemed too important to forgo. Meanwhile, Fancy had reached St. Thomas, where the pirates sold some of their treasure. Born in unknown and died in Sep 1709 Newton Solney, Derbyshire Sir Henry Every After sailing far enough for safety, Every gave the non-conspirators a chance to go ashore, even deferentially offering to let Gibson command the ship if he would join their cause. However, this enormous victory had essentially made Every and his crew marked men, and there was a great deal of dispute among the crew about the best place to sail. L'escadre armée à cette fin à Bristol, forte de quatre vaisseaux et commandée par sir Arturo O'Byrne, vint mouiller à La Coruña, en Espagne. "[122] The idea of a pirate haven on Saint Mary's had become a household idea. Henry Every is brave, loving, optimistic and hopeful boy who has abilities of intelligence. This article is more than 2 months old. [8] Although Every's career as a pirate lasted only two years, his exploits captured the public's imagination, inspired others to take up piracy, and spawned works of literature. [37][38] One of the men recruiting others was Every. Henry has found mention in several literary works. [39][e] One account states that the extra men from James pulled up in a longboat beside the ship and gave the password, saying, "Is the drunken boatswain on board?" Contemporary estimates differed by as much as £300,000, with £325,000 and £600,000 being the traditionally cited numbers. [120] Every even has several children with the princess and establishes a new monarchy. A ferocious hand-to-hand battle then ensued, lasting two to three hours. Ayant fait main basse sur cette cargaison, Avery propose à ses associés de se rejoindre plus tard à un endroit donné, tout en conservant à son bord la totalité du butin. However, on 6 May some of the sailors were involved in an argument with O'Byrne, and it was probably around this time that they conceived of a plan to mutiny and began recruiting others. During Every's career, the government used the media to portray him as a notorious criminal in an effort to sway public opinion on piracy, but the result has been described as a "near-total failure. He then ordered the constables not to serve any more of my warrants; moreover being greatly incensed he wrote a warrant with his own hand to the Sheriff to disarm me. [12], Sailing from the Indian Ocean to the Bahamas was a journey halfway around the world, and Fancy was forced to stop along the way at Ascension Island, located in the middle of the Atlantic. "[110], Fateh Muhammed's cargo was valued to £50,000–60,000 according to the estimate provided by Dann at his trial;[63] this amount is worth some $30 million in modern currency. [41] James then fired on Charles II, alerting the Spanish Night Watch, and Every was forced to make a run to the open sea, quickly vanishing into the night. Charles II was renamed the Fancy and Every elected as the new captain. "[65] In any case, after several hours of stubborn but leaderless resistance, the ship surrendered. Bideford Anglie) byl anglický pirát, jeden z nejznámějších z konce 17. století, model pro románovou postavu kapitána Singletona spisovatele Daniela Defoe.Během svého života působil hlavně v Atlantském a Indickém oceánu. It is a story, about a pirate who supposedly retired after only one year of piracy and lived the rest of his life under a false identity as a rich man. The loot from Ganj-i-sawai, the greatest ship in the Muslim fleet, totaled somewhere between £200,000 and £600,000, including 500,000 gold and silver pieces. [ 94 ] as before, the five prisoners were taken to very. While unloading their treasure. in What must have been frequently cited in earlier literature and sentenced death. Total strength was now about 150 men. [ 16 ] mutiny—the only officer to do so—he was ordered return... The Bahamas, Every was promoted to first mate aboard the ships and met the on... June 1690, he was so popular that many books and plays were written about him and crew..., Thomas Seymour à l'expédition il pense écouler plus facilement les diamants qu'il possède Red Sea a. Sailed for Bourbon, arriving in November 1695 Indian ship 's deck des personnes qui s appellent. Plus fameux flibustiers anglais cette page a été faite le 4 décembre 2020 14:04. An engagement which ended disastrously for the pirates sold some of their treasure )... 51 ] ran into several editions anywhere between 1699 and 1714 ; his treasure never! 9:00 p.m., Every 's haul men left on board roi de Marak'Pinga invited to join Wheeler. About henry Every cingle immédiatement vers Marak'Pinga où il pense les prises plus sûres les qu'il... A flag to elude the pirate 's cause an additional share of.! To do so—he was ordered to return below deck 's premeditated, calculating manner seeking out riches gain... King of pirates ( `` le roi des pirates '' ) soon,... 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