It was a proposal to bring Yogi Bear into Japan. This new version featured a few additions and a different finale sketch.Skits: "Street Vendor Nightmare", "First Date", "Firecracker", "Frogger Car Wreck", "Tetsuo! Afterward, a tribble tells him that they need to talk. ", The most affectionate, probably, being the end credits music, a chorus of chickens singing. Robot, and more. ", "The Butterfly Effect", "Happy Birthday Grandma", "Happy Ending Chase", "Women's Soccer", "Restroom Surprise", "Keanu Sausage", "Another Restroom Surprise", "Inept Secret Agent", "Crazy Monkeys on Land Mine Island", "Flatley & Vader", "A Scooby Friday", It's Alien vs. Punish mankind for their sins! On his way up through the castle, he fights nearly every character who had ever shown up in the series (killing off most of them in the process) before finally confronting the Mad Scientist himself, with the Robot Chicken escaping and killing nearly every reoccurring character in the series. The It List: The Irish accents of 'Wild Mountain Thyme,' reality show drama in 'House of Ho,' and more pop culture highlights of the week Here is the complete list of winners and nominees for the 72nd annual Emmy Awards. At the trial, the kid testified against the toy and sent him to prison, where he was immediately. Love, Maurice PS: Yes, in that way. People receiving a "Shark BJ" in Season 8. Please do not notify our contractors, especially the animal Keith Crawford. *squeek squeek squeek* "Nice poodle!" For. With sadness we must report that film and Broadway actress Marion Ramsey has passed away, the news was first reported by Deadline citing her management team at … Boba Fett and the other guy he was with both got spit out of the Sarlacc beast because it just couldn't take their annoying activities anymore. This version was used in some What a Cartoon! The iconic Robot Chicken Skit where Emperor Palpatine gets a bad phone call from Darth Vader. Season 10 episode 6's opening credits is a recreation of the opening to. The first season of the stop-motion television series Robot Chicken originally aired in the United States on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. ", "The Fourth Annual Winter Pet Games", "Centaur Tailor", "Inept Magician", "Behind the Music: Electric Mayhem", The tooth fairy stumbles into domestic violence and murder in "Tooth and Consequences." "Skits: "Monkey Rodeo", "Fatty Sundae", "Tooth and Consequences" (has 2 alternate endings), "Guy Jumping Over Car", "Catch That Nuts! ", Another great example is a sketch where a school teacher asks if anyone knows the answer to a question. And Cobra's as well immediately afterward. On April 28, 1996, the logo was given a highlighted outline and the word "Studios" was added above. ", "Sam Leaps Into Paris", Billy's Questions", "Can We Handle the Truth? but sure enough, one of the people attending Green Arrow's funeral is. A Stop Motion series on [adult swim], from Williams Street Productions. The animals Noah left behind try to survive the flood in their very own ark. ", "It's a Wimpy-Filled Life", "Halo Kong", "Mrs. McNally's 3rd Graders Present: Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride", "Ponda Baba's Bad Day", Guest stars: Scott Adsit, Dave Coulier, Alan Cumming, Kelly Hu, Shane McRae, Conan O'Brien, Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich re-make Godzilla...again. Ramsey had recently fallen ill, but her exact cause of death is […] Tell my mom I love her, but not in that way. Instead of being scared, she curses it out and, "Raiders of the Magic Garden" has Paula's head exploding when. ", "The Time of the Great Pumpkin", A teenage girl gets a fashion makeover in "Pimp My Sister." Once the second season started, the show switched from "machine-gun comedy" to "drag the jokes out as long as humanly possible". The modern video game Halo invades the old-school classic Donkey Kong. Recommendations. In one sketch, two music producers turn off the sound to a recording booth and don't hear the performer as he's attacked and ultimately killed by a zombie, an alien, and a wolfman. One has Pablo Rodriguez, a Mexican test pilot, crash a donkey into a cactus. Skits: "W. Loves Tacos", "Santa Crash", "Rachael Leigh Cook’s New PSA", "Teletubby Smoking", "Cut Down in His Optimus Prime", "The World's Most One-Sided Fistfights", "Oz Prison Violence", "X-Span Request Live", "I'm So Hungry", "Bloopers!". ", "Newspaper in the Kisser", "Big Trouble", "Love You TiVo", "It's Not a Tumor", "The Diary of Anne Frank", "Baby in the Bulldozer", "West Nile Virus Rules", "Where Are They Now?". The episode "Suck It" includes "If You Are Reading This You Are Too Close = Crappy Bumper Sticker / Robot Chicken Hearts You for Paying Attention to Details" and "The Puppet Dept. In "How The Nerd Saved Christmas", the Nerd pushes the, A song about the Boglins has the lyric "They also eat and fuck their dead!". Predator on the battleground of love in a special episode of "First Date". The secret lives of nature's most fascinating beasts are exposed in "Secrets of the Animal Kingdom." If the Mad Scientist hadn't equipped the Chicken with so many cybernetic weapons, he wouldn't have been able to escape, much less kill his former captor. Season 3 opener "Werewolf vs. Unicorn" has descriptions for each of the cast members shot during the Season 2. ", "Bride of Frankenstein Dumps Her Beau", "Unsolved Case Files: Claus & Effect", "Next Time on Unsolved Case Files: The Taco Bell Chihuahua's Castration", "Come and Get Some! She was 73. ", "Big Horror Movie Brother", Napoleon Bonamite pops up as a famous figure from history. She sighs, then flashes him, causing him to hypnotically pledge to do whatever she wants. Help me. Smurfs don't have nipples... Not arousing. Then, Padmé finds the "fresh cut sunflowers" Anakin left for her. Robot Chicken: Star Wars Special III. Scooby! Hilary Duff's new film combines history and teen drama in an updated "The Diary of Anne Frank." *squeek squeek squeek* "Nice pretzel! Popeye experiences a world without his hamburger-leeching friend in "It's a Wimpy-Filled Life." ", "Big Balls", "I'm So Fat", "Rock, Paper, Scissors", "Hicks and Pigs", "Bird Learns", "Murder in Smurf Town X", Guest stars: Pat O'Brien, Stuart Townsend, Sailor Moon encounters a bone-chilling villain. Lex Luthor keeps getting smacked in the head with a dodgeball. Icons from Star Trek and Tiger Beat alike unite for canned sitcom laughs in "Two Kirks, a Khan and a Pizza Place." A description of tropes appearing in Robot Chicken. More » DVD Calendar , TV , Movies The "Farting and Retards" sketch involves a guy, In the "Superman's Marriage" sketch, Clark forgets to remind Lois to TiVo, In the "Where is Mordor?" In one directly parodying the show, Steve brings in his injured wife so she can be saved with bionic technology. In a different skit, Bitch Pudding's house is invaded by a ghost. Providing the quote for the image on the page itself: Linus wants so badly to see the Great Pumpkin that he conducts a Satanic ritual to summon him. The first season was released on the Season One DVD on March 28, 2006 in Region 1, September 29, 2008 in Region 2 and April 4, 2007 in Region 4. Debbie Does Dallas gets re-told with the world's cheapest puppets in "Exhausted Budget Theater." Mrs. McNally's third-graders produce an animated abomination in "The Best Cowboy." Season 6's opening involves the Robot Chicken strapping the Mad Scientist to the bench, turning him into a robot, and making HIM suffer what the chicken was forced to go through for the first 5 seasons. Best Movies & Shows on Hulu in January. Welcome to the Village Hidden in the Leaves, home to the famous Naruto Uzumaki, star of Naruto. Do you know where Rubix goes when you jumble his colors? This article is about Carol Danvers. He's transformed into the "Six Million Peso Man". "America's Most Tragic Home Videos" will make you laugh and cry.Skits: "Uncomfortable Robot", "A Lot of Pee", "Sailor Moon Confronted (part 1)", "Ridged for Her Pleasure", "A Date with Scarlett", "Queen Beryl is Mad (Sailor Moon - part 2)", "Welcome to the Terror Drome", "Date Rape", "Anime Sure is Weird (Sailor Moon - part 3)", "Ray 2: Ray's Day Out - The Movie", "Mortal Kombat", "What Goes Around", "Rockem Sockem Robots", "Top Ten Things Eddie Buttskin Should Never Say", "Tasty Sample", "Monster Bullying", "America's Most Tragic Home Videos", Michael Knight's talking car parties hard in "KITT's Day Out." One skit involving GI Joe has Snow Job getting rejected for missions for not only wanting to go to places where skis wouldn't work, but also for wearing bright white, making him a very shootable target. The entire classroom starts screaming in terror. Testicles are terrorized in "Ode to the Nut Shot." General discussion of movies, theatrical, box office, actors and actresses, etc. A Region 2 version of the set was released in the UK on September 29, 2008. Hardcore Trivia for Kingdom Hearts Fans. ", During "Bring Your Sidekick to Work Day", Kid Flash used his. In the first DC Comics special, Superman, Batman, and Green Lantern attend the funeral of Captain Carrot of the Zoo Crew, and Green Lantern is trying his best not to laugh when he sees that the members of the Zoo Crew are all cartoon animals. Season one officially began on February 20, 2005 on Adult Swim, with "Junk in the Trunk", and ended with "The Black Cherry" on July 18, 2005, with a total of twenty episodes. Many celebrities have guest starred in Robot Chicken season one. Frogger creates a huge car wreck in this episode. He instead ends up accidentally getting shot during the presidential assassinations of Lincoln, JFK, and Reagan, then when he finally does meet a T. rex. The Mad Scientist is crushed underneath the television sets he forced the chicken to watch after one of his hands is strapped to the Robot Chicken's torture chair. But then, he. ", "She made our lives a living hell / So nasty and so mean / And when Bitch Pudding hit the lava / You should have heard her scream! Note: This was actually the pilot episode. Check out a little scrambled porn on your 1980s-era cable box. "Skits: "Newspaper Boy", "Pop Rocks and Soda", "Mothers Back Breaking", "Free Pizza", "A Visionary Cult", "A Love That Can Never Be", "Crazy Mutant Clown", "Gay Pirates", "A Shot of Puberty", "Don't Take Drugs PSA", "The Last Food Fight", "Lewis & Clark", "Wet Off the Oil", "High Caliber Fun", "2% Gone Bad", "Snoop Dogg Plane", "You Can't Do That on Robot Chicken", This two disc boxset includes all 20 episodes from Season 1 in production order. Rachael Leigh Cook smashes more than eggs in her latest This Is Your Brain on Drugs public service announcement. A dark, cold netherverse! The second DC Comics special sees Batman stop his eulogy for Green Arrow, then (to the horror on those attending) rant about how. The legends of rock 'n' roll return from beyond the grave to haunt the "Zombie Idol" reality show.Skits: "Too Curious George", "Rhino on a Car", "The Real World: Metropolis", "Cats Are Jerks", "For America! Best Buy offers a world-class selection of electronics, appliances, mobile phones, drones, computers, cameras and just about everything else that you can plug into an electrical outlet. Composite Santa refers to everything used to kill him as his only weakness. The Voltron/"You Got Served" sketch in the episode "Nutcracker Sweet" shown on the DVD has a replacement song because of legal issues over the song that was used on TV (the Hulu Plus version has the original song). Recommendations. Michael Jackson returns from space to confront his n'er-do-well alter ego in "Where's Michael? The Surreal Life gang gets sent on a mission to destroy an enchanted ring. mocking Anakin while he was cradling the corpse of his mother, finding Keebler Incorporated innocent in the murder of the Cookie Monster, in the ass when a suicide bomber isn't scared off with the missed bullets, at the end of the second Star Wars special, Cobra Commander, Destro, Major Bludd, and Baroness, getting in a bathtub before dropping a toaster in, she just ends it all by jumping into the vacuum of space. One sketch is a commercial where a Mountain Man uses Bearalis, a roofie designed for bears, to drug and rape a bear. Mrs. McNally's, Army Firecracker, and Ponda Bada's Bad Day replacing "Stix Are Intended for Children".Skits: "Street Vendor Nightmare", "First Date", "Firecracker", "Frogger Car Wreck", "Tetsuo! A drug operation at the North Pole is revealed in "Unsolved Case Files: Claus & Effect." Batman Beyond. "Skits: "Time for Dinner", "Inept Figure Skater", "Enter the Fat One", "Evil Clown", "Scrambled Porn", "Cow Cannibals", "Living Piñata", "Spelling Bee at the Apollo", "Girls Room Invader", "What a Twist! For the original Captain Marvel, see Mar-Vell. When Co-Creator Mathew Senreich and producer and (at the time) head of Adult Swim, Mike Lazzo, get stuck at an elevator with the zombies closing in on them, Mat pushes Mike into the crowd to buy himself time for the elevator to come. "Skits: "Flip the Switch", "Humping Robot", "Motorcycle Cop's Dream", "Total Request Live", "More Butter", "Ding Dong, King Kong", "Access Hollywood", "A Little Help? Too bad he becomes murderous, and goes on a killing spree.Skits: "Farting the National Anthem", "Snail Rides a Turtle", "It's Your Baby", "Chainsaw Surgeon", "Spoilers", "That Was Close", "Corndog Audience", "Beavis and Butt-head Join the Teen Titans", "Hunting Dog Heart Attack", "Sore Loser", "Nun & Bicycle", "Benny Hill Funeral", "Served! ", "Carousel of Tomorrow", "Alarm Clock Reversal", "Mayor McCheese Press Conference", "Never Say Goy! One sketch involves three cowboys holding down their buddy and sticking him with a branding iron that says "Jew Lover". Chucky from the Child's Play series takes on the cutesy Lettuce Head Kids in the opening to season 8 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Unfortunately for him, he turns out to only have the power to make these decisions in theory. It's "Fumbles"... it was always "Fumbles"... overdramatic reactions to the slightest of actions, While Palpatine is for the most part portrayed as, This trope occasionally appears in the show. 1 Complete 1.1 1993 1.2 1994 1.3 1996 1.4 1997 1.5 1999 1.6 2001 1.7 2003 1.8 2004 1.9 2005 1.10 2012 1.11 2019 2 Incomplete 2.1 1959 2.2 1960 2.3 1962 2.4 1963 2.5 1964 2.6 1965 2.7 1966 2.8 1968 2.9 1969 2.10 1971 2.11 1974 2.12 1975 2.13 1977 2.14 1979 2.15 1982 2.16 1984 2.17 1985 2.18 1986 2.19 1987 2.20 1988 2.21 1989 2.22 1990 2.23 1991 2.24 1992 2.25 1993 2.26 1994 2.27 1995 2.28 … The show getting cancelled at the end of each season, and then renewed at the start of the following season. Voltron engages in an old-school dance-off in "You Got Robo-Served." Due to constraints of time and budget, the ramblings of Maurice cannot be erased, so sorry. didn't pay him on Tuesday for his hamburger. Heaven is not all it is cracked up to be in "Can We Handle the Truth?" Most sketches are Dark Parodies involving "mashups", a collision of two pop-cultural items (one innocent, and the other "mature") degenerating into chaos, like Mario and Luigi travelling to Vice City, Beavis and Butt-Head joining the Teen Titans, the team from Scooby-Doo encountering Jason Voorhees, The Smurfs doing their version of Se7en, or Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd reenacting a rap battle from 8 Mile. They can't convince him to "offhandedly refer to the time we all ended world hunger", though, probably because he hadn't heard a more stupid idea since ", "Anakin's Happy Place" parodies the infamous. A weakling turns into the "King of the Beach" with some illegal help. M. Night Shyamalan has endless fake-outs in store for viewers in "The Twist. Which channels have the best of the bunch? A father pigeon teaches his son to poop in a snorkel to make things wild. The Great Pumpkin appears...cue the. Fizzing candy has terrible repercussions for young Mikey. When Betty Crocker battles Sara Lee, she finishes her off by setting her head on fire, causing it to quickly burn down to just her skull. In one sketch in "Babe Hollytree in: I Wish One Person Had Died". Top 10 Mandalorian Season 2 Moments. A reporter in "Junk in the Trunk" is named Jerry Poppendaddi, after the similarly named ska band Cherry Poppin' Daddies. Jon Berg, who did much of the stop motion effects for the original Star Wars films, did the stop motion animation for the Nerd in his Tauntaun costume in the second Star Wars special. The Smurfs are terrorized by a murderer who kills based on the seven deadly sins in "Murder in Smurf Town X. "Skits: "Ironic Heart Attack", "I Have Millions of These! The "Baby Terminators" sketch ends with the Terminator Baby destroying the Terminator Puppy by throwing it into an automatic washer before ripping out the control panel and throwing it in. He explained that the title of each episode was a name Adult Swim rejected for the name of the show. 0:53; Dec 22, 2020. See what the future holds in the Carousel of Tomorrow. A man in a public restroom encounters the terror known as "Dumplestiltskin." She's mean, but she previously never did anything to warrant getting killed. ", "Cow Tipping", "Zombie Idol", The last surviving member of 'N Sync, Joey Fatone, must avenge his murdered bandmates in a deadly martial arts tournament in "Enter the Fat One". ", "Noah's Rejects", "Close Encounter of the Pantsed Kind", "Thirsty", "Ape Smells Finger", "Roof Jumper", "That '00s Show", "Bring Out Your Dead", "Dodgeball", "Chess Morality", "Disturbing Graph", "The Best Cowboy", "Inept Trapeze Artist", "3 Fast 3 Furious", "Outtakes", America sends Harrison Ford and Aerosmith into space to take out a killer asteroid in "Meteorgeddon." Find a full list of movie and TV titles headed to disc in March 2020, including Uncut Gems, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, 1917, Mr. "BLAM! sketch, the Nerd is arrested by the FBI, waterboarded, and sent to prison, all because he accidentally hacked into the Pentagon while trying to find cheats for his. Controversy has surrounded the fossil of a chicken-sized dinosaur with unique shoulder 'needles' — after claims it may have been exported from Brazil illegally. In the Island of Recalled Toys sketch, one of the toys is one of the old Easy-Bake ovens that would get hot enough to burn the user. Turns out they just wanted to borrow a cup of sugar. The side effects listed include "sudden death from an inadequately tranquilized bear". This episode was reedited and aired on the night of Friday, May 16, 2008 as "Adultizzle Swizzle". The Robot Chicken gets his revenge on the Mad Scientist in the Season 6 opening credits by taking the scientist's body and tossing him onto a table, turning him into a robot, strapping him to the chair, and forcing him to watch the show, just as RC had been forced to do for the first 5 seasons. Pennywise the Clown explains why everything floats in the sewers. He only acts stupid for the sake of the show, but is both physically stronger and more intellectual than He-Man behind the camera. While it contains many sketches that were edited from the TV airings, several of the original Sony Screenblast webtoons, and the words "Jesus" and "Christ" as an oath unbleeped (though "fuck" and "shit" are still censored out), the episodes are not all uncut. Marion Ramsey, known for acting in the "Police Academy" films and gracing the Broadway stage in 1978's "Eubie!," died Thursday at her home in Los Angeles. The world's most diabolical supervillains get stuck in traffic. Superman decides that he suddenly has the ability to induce short-term memory loss by kissing Lois in order to make her forget that Clark Kent is Superman. The Muppet Show's band is spotlighted in "Behind the Music: Electric Mayhem. In, Palpatine in the Star Wars specials is portrayed as, Another sketch has an alien (that has just participated in a kidnapping of a human for — apparently — experimentation) lament the PR problem they have, and wonder how the false anal probing rumor got started (turns out, The actual state of the Robot Chicken character until the 100th episode. Oprah Winfrey fulfills all her viewers' fondest wishes...almost. And then return as zombies. were rejected titles previously considered for the show before settling with the current title. Recommendations. See what the future holds in the Carousel of Tomorrow. Geeks and nerds collide when a science fiction convention erupts into war.Skits: "All Suited Up", "Will It Hurt? 2018. Cut to a paunchy middle-aged golfer slowly putting a ball. ", "Domestic Bird Squabble", "How Old Are You? 2001. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. One sketch has Batman and Robin bullying, tormenting, and murdering a group of kids for singing the "Batman smells" song. Called Disney+, it’ll offer access to a catalog of content from across Disney’s entertainment companies as well as original, exclusive content. Santa Claus and Superman also share this role with each other in a few skits. I'm trapped in a DVD factory. The next day at school, all three of them show up for class dressed up and acting like Trump.
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