A higher PPI, or pixel density, means that you get a whole lot more detail for anything that’s displayed on your screen. » LinkedIn While PPI refers mostly to screens and digital elements, DPI is a term that’s used correctly when you refer to things like printed paper. 200 dpi: b. Pixel density matters, but regardless of what companies market their products, don’t start spending money until you see what the screen of your next device looks. Learn Microwave Communication MCQ questions & answers are available for a Electrical Engineering students to clear GATE exams, various technical interview, competitive examination, and another entrance exam. • To display numbers and the entire alphabet, 18 segment displays such as shown in fig or 5 by 7 dot-matrix displays such as that shown in fig can be used. Data structure MCQ Set-1. The handset world is mainly divided between 1080p (1920×1080 or FHD/Full HD) and 1440p (2560×1440 or QHD/Quad HD). » CS Organizations Home / All Categories / Digital Communication / Baseband Demodulation and Detection / 11. There is a lot of debate as for whether or not going from HD to QHD is perceptible, worth it or even detrimental. Join our Blogging forum. Languages: Common sense will probably lead you to believe that they’re not the same. » Subscribe through email. This section focuses on "Microcontroller" in Microprocessor. A. But what that limit is when the human eye stops being able to see more details on a screen and the pixel density stops being important, is a matter of debate. d. neither range nor position, but not only velocity. (A) Computer feeding (B) PPI (C) A scope (D) Monopulse conical scanning View Answer / Hide Answer. 2. Previous. When using a high-PPI display (4K, 5K…) you need to use system UI… An expert from the Financial Ombudsman Service answers readers' questions about claiming compensation for being mis-sold payment protection insurance. Most of the pixel density values you’ll see used on modern displays, be they smartphone displays, tablet displays or computer monitors, are calculated by the manufacturing companies depending on the common distances users look at those screens. The maximum range will be proportional to (A) √ A (B) 1 / √ A (C) A (D) A ² View Answer / Hide Answer. That’s because the human eye has 400 sensor cells per millimeter of retina surface. » HR Microwave Communication Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs)& Answers Microwave Communication Microwave Communication Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs)& Answers CONCEPTS & THEORIES microwave-communication About Microwave Communication Within the broader spectrum of radio frequency (RF) communications, point-to-point communications are usually carried out using … A directory of Objective Type Questions covering all the Computer Science subjects. Multiple Choice Questions of Important Theory / Shots Trick on Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Section 9 Section 10 Section 11 Section 12 Section 13 Section 14 Section 15 Section 16 … linear; non linear; linked list; trees You may be interested in: Data Structure and Algorithms Online Tests Data Structure and Algorithms Tutorials . » Embedded C » DBMS » Java However, PPI and DPI are often used to describe the same thing. A PPI or height finder display powered by external power supplies. » Embedded Systems With Pixensity you can easily calculate the PPI for any of your phones, desktops, tablets, etc.and then add them our display list with a single click. Pixel Density Display Listing The world's largest collection of pixel density (PPI) display data. In this text, we will teach you what is PPI, explore the differences between PPI vs DPI through the DPI definition. Thus, if you increase the physical size of the display, the PPI goes down. » Privacy policy, STUDENT'S SECTION PPI, while an important metric, cannot be used by itself as the standard for sharpness since the distance between the eyes and the display is also important. With the active selection, go to the selection drop down and select save selection. More: DO not click the transparent area. : Data structure MCQ Set-2. » Content Writers of the Month, SUBSCRIBE 15. a. help in subtracting a complete scan from the previous scan. » C# b. the target range, but not position . Some people use PPI even for telling you the resolution at which printers print on paper. GKS stands for a. » DS » C PPI stands for Pixels Per Inch and is a metric typically used to describe the pixel density (sharpness) for all sorts of displays, including cameras, computers, mobile devices, etc… It is important to understand what it really means in a world where visual computing and visual quality has increased exponentially over the past decade, and where PPI has become a prime marketing tool. That is, while one device has 160 pixels per square inch, another device fits 480 pixels in the same space. Radio frequency . Eizo also has an excellent article, called Confused about HiDPI and Retina display? 4. » Node.js 100 MCQ of Adobe PageMaker. 20 b. HTML MCQ Quiz & Online Test: Below is few HTML MCQ test that checks your basic knowledge of HTML. TABLE OF CONTENTS. We can’t draw 570 pixels, or even 367, in an image the size of an inch, because you wouldn’t see them. D. Both lower antenna rotation speeds and higher pulse repetition Answer: Press Ctrl+ and left click the icon of layer’s thumbnail to select the opaque pixel information. You have to select the right answer to a question. However, PPI is a term that’s also loosely used for describing the pixel density of scanners, camera screens, or images that are stored digitally. PPI panel set-up costs can include the costs of recruiting members to the panel (such as advertising in a local newspaper, and launch/publicity meetings including refreshments and travel expenses for patients and the public). Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) of Electronics page-17:241. C. Duty cycle . PPI is the short version from Pixels Per Inch, and DPI is the abbreviated version of Dots Per Inch. 19. For details read the Privacy policy. The questionnaire asks you for the personal and financial details needed to sort out your complaint. Yes, it does, and it matters quite a lot. View Answer. The display is “dark” except when echo signals are present. 11.What is the internal operating frequency of the 8279? Eroare. Lecture outlines and case summaries for contract law relating to offer and acceptance, intention to create legal relations,consideration and estoppel, contents of a contract, unfair contract terms, misrepresentation, duress, undue influence and mistake Although both terms refer to density, and you could easily confuse pixels with dots (probably because they’re so tiny), PPI and DPI are different things. 2011) 7. In other words, the size of each subpixel of a realistic VR display would be approximately 3 μm, where transistors used in devices similar to smartphones are too large and unsuitable for the purpose. Receive our daily newsletter. Submitted by Monika Sharma, on September 01, 2019 . The default administrative distance is used. You have to select the right answer to a question. 10.What are the modes of operation supported by 8255? » C++ Question 9: In which of the following modes we do not consider the D6, D5 and D4 bits of the control word? c. the target position, but not range. You have to select the right answer to a question. Here you can access and discuss Multiple choice questions and answers for various compitative exams and interviews. What is the shortcut key to Delete all content of current page ? D. Average power . The A scope displays. (a) Explain the functioning and characteristics of PPI display and A-Scope. » Python C - Matrices. In this series of MCQ Question set you will get 10 Multiple Choice Questions of Microsoft PowerPoint and four options to each questions, only one options is correct answer. Next. » Cloud Computing » C++ 16. b. to vary the PRF. or What is the size of internal bus of the 8255 PPI? And remember, the PPI of an image does not influence how it will display on a device screen. Choose a category: → Phones → Tablets → Laptops → Desktop LCDs. Higher antenna rotation speeds . (25) From the options given below which one is not a display method? 2011) 8. Computer Engineering. A high PPI means a screen that will display a much sharper image. Although higher PPI is always theoretically better, before making any purchase, you should also know that the eyes of most humans are probably not able to perceive any differences in a PPI that’s higher than a certain limit. PPI is programmable peripheral interface. Loading... Noteworthy and common display sizes of monitors, PCs, notebooks, tablets, phablets, smartphones, handhelds and HMDs. Solution: 55. » C 500 ppi, less than the VR display requirement of more than 5000 ppi. Mechanical Engineering. Home / Networking / IP Routing. The command is used to establish a static route. The 7- segment type is the least expensive, most commonly used and easiest to interface with, so we will concentrate first on how to interface with this type. C - Stacks and Queues. It is a unit of measure used to quantify the number of pixels found on a square inch surface. However, people at Sharp think that the human eye is capable of seeing up to 1000 PPI, which is considerably higher than what electronics offer these days. 4K Display Pixel Density. 8155, 8156, 8255) to interface I/O devices. When introducing the iPhone 4, Steve Jobs said the number of pixels needed for a Retina display is about 300 PPI for a device held 10 to 12 inches from the eye. Samsung, Stanford Built a 10,000 PPI Display That Could Revolutionize VR, AR. » C#.Net The resolution and the quality of a printed paper are rightly measured by the number of ink dots in any given character or drawing. It can be used with almost any microprocessor. ports) to interface input and output devices, then in future, it is not possible to change any input device with the output device or vice-versa. Pixel Density. Interview que. Autocad multiple choice questions and answers on Autocad MCQ questions quiz on Autocad objective type questions with answer for competitive exams and written test preparations for online Autocad quiz Professionals, Teachers, Students and Kids Trivia Quizzes to test your knowledge on the subject. When you go buy a new smartphone, or computer monitor, or TV, or any other type of device that has a display, you might be tempted to choose the one that has the largest diagonal size. Question 1: Which of the following is defined … Web Technologies: Simple I/O mode; Strobe I/O mode; Bidirectional mode . : » Java 30 c. 40 d. 10 61. & ans. www.gtu-mcq.com is an online portal for the preparation of the MCQ test of Degree and Diploma Engineering Students of the Gujarat Technological University Exam. » C++ C Programs . » News/Updates, ABOUT SECTION Pixel density is the number of pixels on a display divided by the diagonal size of a display. To get a clear idea of what it means, imagine a square inch that’s divided and organized in a grid of cells. » Certificates Question 1: How many pins does the 8255 PPI IC contains? It is a unit of measure used to quantify the number of pixels found on a square inch surface. » Data Structure Home / Computer Fundamentals / Computer Fundamental Miscellaneous. a. the target position and range. IP Routing - Networking MCQ Questions and answers | Technical Aptitude. Security for everyone – ESET NOD32 Antivirus review. 1. Question 6: Which port of the 8255 PPI is capable of performing the handshaking function with the interfaced devices? You may unsubscribe at any time. This CSS Test contains around 18 questions of multiple choice with 4 options. Barclays even had the audacity to attach PPI products to some of its current accounts! READ: "WHAT IS PPI: PIXELS PER INCH, DISPLAY RESOLUTION" High-DPI (aka HiDPI) displays in the context of phones should be understood a bit differently. » CS Basics Something between 5.5″ and 6″. Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G review: 2020’s best Samsung smartphone? Are you a blogger? A directory of Objective Type Questions covering all the Computer Science subjects. The command is used to configure the default route. » DBMS DPI, on the other hand, has nothing to do with anything digital and primarily concerns print. A) Graphical B) Coordinates C) Pictorial D) Characters. Other articles where Plan position indicator is discussed: radar: Displays: …used radar display is the plan position indicator (PPI), which provides a maplike presentation in polar coordinates of range and angle. The number of cells inside the grid, also known as pixels, tells you the PPI. We could not add you to our newsletter. You may unsubscribe at any time. Autocad MCQ Questions and Answers Quiz. Data structure MCQ Set-24. However, according to the Fundamentals of Digital Imaging in Medicine by Roger Bourne, it seems that the magic number would be 400 PPI if you look at an image found at roughly 16 inches or 40 cm distance from your eyes. The PPI display was first used prior to the start of the Second World War in a Jagdschloss experimental radar system outside Berlin.The first production PPI was devised at the Telecommunications Research Establishment, UK and was first introduced in the H2S radar blind-bombing system of World War II.. Solution: 13. HTML (MCQs) questions with answers are very useful for freshers, interview, campus placement preparation, bank exams, experienced professionals, computer science students, GATE exam, teachers etc. » C Everybody wants that, right? Aptitude que. 72 ppi. Though PPI largely refers to screen display, it also affects the print size of your design and thus the quality of the output. To get a clear idea of what it means, imagine a square inch that’s divided and organized in a grid of cells. c. FM radar. & ans. What are the aspect ratio & orientation? A PPI displays A. range versus angle B. amplitude versus frequency C. range and amplitude versus frequency D. doppler frequency versus range . PPI resolution — What PPI means. Important Theory. A 4K display at 3840x2160 has 4405 pixels on the diagonal, so a 6 inch screen would give you 734 PPI, whereas a 25 inch screen would give you 176 PPI. Why are some manufacturers bragging about their high-end devices with huge pixel density screens? After looking around the internet, you decide that you like Samsung Galaxy S8 and Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra. This PPI calculator (pixels per inch calculator) finds the resolution of your display based on its dimensions and the pixel count. Maybe you’ve heard companies talking about high DPI screens and wanted to know what that is? Control Pallete show the properties of _____ A) Selected Menu B) Selected Tool C) Selected Option D) None of these . DPI Calculator / PPI Calculator for displays with square pixels. Step 1: Connect the power pins of 8255 by connecting VCC and GND pins to the appropriate sources. Read this article, and you’ll find out what it means, whether PPI and DPI are the same and whether this measurement matters when talking about screens of all sizes: PPI is the acronym from Pixels Per Inch. » Internship Let’s look at how human visual acuity is measured: we have all heard of “20/20 vision”, and it would make sense to think that it means “ The Samsung Galaxy S8 has a 5.8-inch display, a resolution of 1440 x 2960 pixels and a pixel density of 570 PPI. » JavaScript We’re curious: now that you know that a higher pixel density is better than a lower one, will you take it into consideration the next time you buy a TV screen, a computer monitor or a new smartphone? A) PageMaker B) pm70 C) pgmaker7.0 D) None of these. New MCQ Questions set on the category of Fundamentals of Computer.As usual in this set you will get 10 Questions on related to the category Fundamentals of Computer. Run-length encoding (find/print frequency of letters in a string), Sort an array of 0's, 1's and 2's in linear time complexity, Checking Anagrams (check whether two string is anagrams or not), Find the level in a binary tree with given sum K, Check whether a Binary Tree is BST (Binary Search Tree) or not, Capitalize first and last letter of each word in a line, Greedy Strategy to solve major algorithm problems. Put app icons in mipmap directories Not only do Android devices come in different screen sizes (handsets, tablets, TVs, and so on), but their screens also have different pixel sizes. In order to make it simpler, Intel has designed several PPI chips (e.g. Even if it isn’t advertised, some manufacturers will mention it in the laptop or monitor’s specifications. It consists of three 8-bit bidirectional I/O ports i.e. » Feedback Civil Engineering. 13. a. moving-target plotting on the PPI. This HTML Test contains around 20 questions of multiple choice with 4 options. Usually, the Pixels Per Inch value is used to measure the pixel density of displays, such as the monitor you have on your computer or laptop, on your TV screen, and on your smartphone. PORT A, PORT B and PORT C. We can assign different ports as input or output functions. (Apr. Where do screenshots go on Mac Where does Android store screenshots What about your iPhone or iPad Where do my screenshots go on Windows 10 Answering these questions is not always easy, especially if, Apple is aware that your iPhone wallpaper is important, so it offers plenty of options when deciding on an iPhone background With just a few taps, you can set images from the Photos app or default. ASWDC (App, Software & Website Development Center) Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology (DIET) mcq on ppt in powerpoint when the mouse pointer appears as this it indicates that the draw table feature is on this task pane shows the design that is currently being used in a presentation a template stores mcq (b) Explain characteristics of different radar displays. Simple questions: What is an AMOLED screen? » Networks (b) Write notes on various antenna parameters with reference to radar. Joined Nov 24, 2016 Messages 471. PART 1(Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy ­ MCQ) Question 1 [1.00 pt(s) ] Which of the following side effects of chlorpromazine and phenothiazine neuroleptics is explained by their antidopaminergic action? Fundamentals of Digital Imaging in Medicine, the human eye is capable of seeing up to 1000 PPI, Confused about HiDPI and Retina display? These types could be either PPI or height finder displays. Data structure MCQ Set-26. This is just a short story on a “1st world problem” with Windows 10 (1151 and earlier) regarding messed-up desktop rendering. WHAT DO I NEED TO DO? It’s not correct, but big companies like Google and Microsoft and many hardware manufacturers often use these terms interchangeably, and thus people started to use them loosely too. » Web programming/HTML Solved programs: » C » Java Channels display … The number of cells inside the grid, also known as pixels, tells you the PPI. » Machine learning Need of PPI • If the system is designed using buffer and latches (i.e. PPI is a term that describes the resolution of a digital image and determines its size when printed. » C++ STL © https://www.includehelp.com some rights reserved. _____ representation gives the final classification to use computer graphics. Pixels per inch (ppi) and pixels per centimetre (ppcm or pixels/cm) are measurements of the pixel density of an electronic image device, such as a computer monitor or television display, or image digitizing device such as a camera or image scanner.Horizontal and vertical density are usually the same, as most devices have square pixels, but differ on devices that have non-square pixels. » Android » Kotlin a) The saturation voltage V CF of silicon transistor is more than germanium transistor. » CSS Which means better images, better fonts, smoother lines, or in other words, higher quality. December 28, 2020 October 21, 2019 by Guddu Kumar. Submitted by Monika Sharma, on September 01, 2019. Question 2: In which mode do all the Ports of the 8255 PPI work as Input-Output units for data transfer? Practice these MCQ questions and answers for preparation of various competitive and entrance exams. These Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) should be practiced to improve the Microprocessor skills required for various interviews (campus interview, walk-in interview, company interview), placements, entrance exams and other competitive examinations. » O.S. 2. If you need to print to 18.25" x 11.5" you will require to resize to 720 PPI i.e. Chemical Engineering. Any CRT based display must be refreshing at least_____ times a second a. The chances are that by this stage of lockdown you've either participated in - or being the quiz master for - a virtual pub quiz. Toggle navigation ... 34 ppi: c. 72 ppi: d. 100 ppi: View Answer Report Discuss Too Difficult! A) … Search Google : Answer: (c). Complete List of MCQ … Microcontroller MCQ Questions. ― Understanding pixel density in the age of 4K. And you’d be right! PPI 8255 is a general purpose programmable I/O device designed to interface the CPU with its outside world such as ADC, DAC, keyboard etc. It is the standard PPI questionnaire used by most financial businesses as well as by the Financial Ombudsman Service. This Powerpoint Test contains around 20 questions of multiple choice with 4 options. Have you ever wondered what PPI is? Lower pulse repetition rate . » Linux Question 1: How many pins does the 8255 PPI IC contains? ― Understanding pixel density in the age of 4K, in which you can find a few tables with data that show what are the screen resolutions and pixel densities used today. Or add your own display to the list . Also, you can find some comments on the dot pitch definition and its decline in usage. But here’s an illustration of what different PPI pixel densities look like: So wouldn’t you choose the smartphone with the higher PPI, the Samsung Galaxy S8? A duplexer circuit allows a transmitter and a receiver to operate from the same antenna with virtually no interaction. Question 10: How many data lines in total are there in the 8255 PPI IC? We can program it according to the given condition. Networking MCQ Software Engineering MCQ Systems Programming MCQ UNIX System MCQ Neural Networks MCQ Fuzzy Systems MCQ. The Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra has a 6.0-inch screen, a resolution of 1080 x 1920 pixels and a pixel density of 367 PPI. What does AMOLED mean? Computer fundamental MCQ Questions and answers- Technical Aptitude. » Contact us Inter-trace switching done in a Mixer in the radar office for each console - deflection amps contain no inter-trace stuff. 2. Which of the following statement is true? Deflection amplifiers contain inter-trace switching. One way of expressing this as a unit is pixels-per-degree (PPD) which takes into account both the screen resolution and the distance from which the device is viewed. 1. In Windows 10, OneDrive is embedded into the operating system, and it serves as the default service for storing your files, synchronizing them with other devices, syncing your Windows 10 settings, Samsung did a great job with its S20 lineup of Android smartphones, all of them featuring top-notch hardware, beautiful design, excellent cameras, and good software However, most of the S20 devices, No matter what Windows version you’re using, it is essential to have an antivirus installed if you don’t want to become an easy victim of malware Although you can do pretty well with Windows, TP-Link Archer AX10 or TP-Link Archer AX1500 has a different name depending on the country and the shop you buy it from However, it is the same router, with the same hardware and specifications in, Where do screenshots go? Computer Graphics MCQ Multiple Choice Questions with Answers . 151.110 mp. Circuit Diagram to interface 8255 PPI with 8051. CS Subjects: This site, like many others, uses small files called cookies to help us improve and customize your experience. 18. c. circuit simplicity. a blog about online shopping, fashion, education, mobiles, android, IoT, computer programming, web programming, c#.net, asp.net, mvc, mvvm, jquery Question 4: In which of the following modes is the 8255 PPI capable of transferring data while handshaking with the interfaced device? Receive our weekly newsletter. Simple questions: What is OLED? A computer monitor displays images at 72 DPI or 96 DPI. » Articles What do the 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2K, 4K resolutions mean? Both DPI and PPI measure similar things, but dots are not pixels, and pixels are not dots, so DPI is not the same as PPI. The standardization is needed a. » Facebook Microwave Communication MCQ question is the important chapter for a Electrical Engineering and GATE students. » SEO Computer Architecture MCQ DBMS MCQ Networking MCQ. It’s only natural to go big when you can, right? A Inkjet printer Epson max Photo Quality Prints at 720 PPI (pixels per inch) If your Monitor is say 22" diagonal (18.25" x 11.5" approx) so 15.111 mp. Practice these MCQ questions and answers for preparation of various competitive and entrance exams. Electronics Engineering. To increase their utility c. To allow them to use in different application environment d. All of these 62. 1. Monitor data. Thread starter Panel; Start date Sep 7, 2019; Sep 7, 2019 #1 P. Panel Limp Gawd. Why does PPI matter so much, especially when referring to smartphones? Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQ) on the 8255 programmable peripheral interface (PPI) with 4 choices, correct answer and explanation. That means that there are a lot more pixels spread across a similar physical surface, the screen. For now, neither researchers nor ordinary people can give you a straight answer and say that “pixel density becomes meaningless after, say, a value of 570 PPI.”. d. CW radar. Solved examples with detailed answer description, explanation are given and it would be easy to understand Find them in Windows, Mac, Android, or iOS, How to change the iPhone wallpaper: All you need to know, How to change OneDrive’s location in Windows 10. » PHP To adjust the print dimensions for a digital image, modify its PPI (without resampling). It is a Fixed Coil display and there are two main types: Phase 1. View Answer: Answer: Option B. 17. d. More accurate tracking of enemy targets. » SQL The AutoCAD Quiz Online Test Mcqs Questions with Answers Objective Type PDF can be found here which can be attempted to check and also improve your … This is the Computer Science Questions & Answers section on & Computer Graphics& with explanation for various interview, competitive examination and entrance test. Today, I wanted to ask if you have any recommendations for displays that are excellent with high PPI. CSS MCQ Quiz & Online Test: Below is few CSS MCQ test that checks your basic knowledge of CSS. This questionnaire is for consumers to bring a complaint about the sale of payment protection insurance (PPI). What does OLED mean? Submitted by Monika Sharma, on June 12, 2020 . b. the MTI system. Horizontal resolution: pixels Vertical resolution: pixels Diagonal: inches (xx cm) Megapixels: ?.? Dry mouth Eruptions Extrapyramidal syndrome Constipation Question 2 [1.00 pt(s) ] Phase 1A. Automobile Engineering. ANSWER: Monopulse conical scanning (26) Consider a radar having the capture area of receiving antenna A. Here you can access and discuss Multiple choice questions and answers for various compitative exams and interviews. What is Pantone Validated when it comes to laptops and displays. Which of the following statements are true regarding the command ip route To make application programs more portable b. Question 8: In mode 2 of I/O mode, which of the following ports are capable of transferring the data in both the directions? C - Arrays and Pointers. The display on the PPI scope of a radar set will have greater intensity under the following conditions . 1. I’ve noticed that there’s a heavy focus on input lag and refresh rate when it comes to displays here. Computer Graphics MCQ Multiple Choice Questions with Answers. To be a Mixer in the radar office for each console - deflection amps contain no stuff! Console - deflection amps contain no inter-trace stuff and wanted to know what that is, while one device 160!: Monopulse conical scanning ( 26 ) Consider a radar having the capture area of receiving antenna.... Interface I/O devices under various conditions Microcontroller '' in microprocessor ) Coordinates ). 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Various antenna parameters with reference to radar square inch surface is an Online for. You for the preparation of various competitive and entrance exams a digital image and determines its when... And HMDs PPI work as Input-Output units for data transfer Stanford Built a PPI. Software Engineering MCQ Systems Programming MCQ UNIX System MCQ Neural Networks MCQ Fuzzy Systems MCQ a.! Must be refreshing at least_____ times a second a Read Write control unit! Is designed using buffer and latches ( i.e that grid has a 5.8-inch,... Resampling ) & competitive exams in the age of 4K in order to make simpler! It will display on the PPI answer to a question Write in Run box... Here you can access and discuss multiple choice questions and answers | Technical Aptitude their utility to. D. 100 PPI: c. 72 PPI: d. 100 PPI: d. 100 PPI: c. PPI! That there ’ s thumbnail to select the right answer to a.! Modes we do not Consider the D6, D5 and D4 bits of data can be transferred between 8255! 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