Oficjalna gra Naruto Online: Oto moja droga ninja! Fünf-Kage-Truhe. Naruto Online, offiziell lizenziert von den Naruto-Schöpfern und produziert unter der Aufsicht von Kishimoto Masashi, ist ein rundenbasiertes MMORPG, das Spieler durch die gesamte Welt von Naruto führt. Player Driven. Featuring three ninja genres, instinctive gameplay and fantastic ninjutsu powers which give you unique breathtaking game experience. Every character has unique abilities, from Sakura Haruno’s Iron Ball Trap to Naruto Uzumaki’s Shadow Clone Barrage! Naruto Online is a browser-based MMORPG published by Tencent Games in Asia and by Oasis Games in EU and NA. Excatly what it says on the tin, and then some. Als einer von fünf brandneuen Charakteren starten Spieler in spannende Abenteuer, sammeln Erfahrungspunkte, erfüllen Quests und erleben die Original-Story des Animes. Juego de Naruto Online: Naruto Online es el genuino juego RPG de Naruto en español, autorizado por Namco Bandai. After years of unofficial servers of the ever-popular MMO based on a manga an official version of Naruto Online in English has been announced. Es kombiniert als Online-Spiel klassische Kämpfe aus dem Original mit neuer Grafik und neuen Schlachten, um den Fans ein noch nie dagewesenes Spielerlebnis auf Deutsch zu bieten. this one expired. Naruto Online is the official MMORPG based on the acclaimed series Naruto & Naruto Shippuden. Dies ist ein Gemeinschaftprojekt von Community und ehrenamtlichen Wikia-Helfern. Related: Action, Anime, Bandai Namco, Japan, MMORPG. Role Play. Combat. Naruto Online is a browser-based MMORPG game, developed by Bandai Namco and Oasis Games. Our story is community driven. Ab Stufe 70 verfügbar. Naruto Online Overview. Rock Lee gegen Gaara Der Klassiker aus Naruto. A Naruto inspired MMORPG. alitohme53@gmail.com, It would mean alot to us if you could join up on our discord^^, Also, Inform as many people as you can who have played with a device and still own said device about us^^, plz dont join the discord link below unless u want to play blade mistress the like is for https://www.mmogames.com/game/blade-mistress-returns/ only, blade mistress discord link is https://discord.gg/nGHGeUG, discord link is https://discord.gg/nGHGeUG. Keine Ahnung von Coding?...Kommentar-Funktion unterhalb des Artikels für Daten oder Fehlermeldungen! Naruto Online Official RPG Game is a web game which is based on the content of the "Naruto" universe. The game has a new owner and there is a team working on it again. Thank you for your continued support of Naruto Online.We’ll be opening four new servers on 11/23/18 and invite all ninjas to join us in our journey of Fire! Naruto Uzumaki explodiert . Naruto Online ist das erste Browsergame mit offizieller Naruto-Lizenz, das mit Unterstützung von Naruto-Schöpfer Kishimoto Masashi entstanden ist. thanks, Nice games. Find your next game and catch all the latest news! Unlimited Ninja is a free-to-play 2D side-scrolling MMORPG that lets you create a character and play in the world of the popular anime: Naruto. Naruto Online ist eine gute Wahl für dich. Living Online World – The wonderful animation invites you in, but the fact that this is a living, breathing online world will keep you coming back. Anime Games Online 535,909 views. Naruto Online is the official MMORPG based on the acclaimed series Naruto & Naruto Shippuden. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Naruto Online - Strong Approaching - Hanzo - Easy difficulty; Naruto Online - Strong Approaching - Hidan - Normal Difficulty; Naruto Online - Team Instance Level 30 ( with team ) Naruto Online - Team Instance Level 40 ( with team ) Naruto Online - Strong Approaching - Hidan - Easy Difficulty; Naruto Online Tuesday Fights 11 28 2017; Naruto Online Sunday Fights 1 21; MMORPG. Closed beta releases began in China in 2014, and in Germany, Brazil, Europe, and America in … to muito interessada. and become part of their great community. Famous characters from Naruto series; Original exciting storyline; Over 500 servers worldwide ; Real-time action combat; Naruto Online Gameplay. Our discord has nearly 200 very generous people that have dedicated some time and work to help us with said project. Naruto Online ist das passende kostenlose Browsergame für alle Fans der Manga- und Anime-Serie. Particularly adept at carrying out Chakra operations. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. JutsuOnline started off as a project to bring a MMORPG to Naruto fans that wanted to play out their shinobi dreams. All fans of "Naruto" will surely be interested in this game and will find it very entertaining. Eventuelle Werbung im Wikia wird durch Fandom geschaltet… . It seems they have a more stable version of the game online I just played it here free https://www.brightestgames.com/game/lets-fish-the-game, this is a discord server with people that try to revive the game if u wanna give a hand pls join here : https://discord.gg/6bguqd. This epic World War I game is the ultimate challenge for seasoned strategy players, Old, but still a great game. Uses Wind Style to carry out attacks, adept at causing heavy wind attribute damage to multiple enemy bodies. 8 MMOs und Online-Spiele im November 2020, die wir empfehlen. Seit 12:00 Uhr ist das Browser-MMORPG Naruto Online live. Seriously hope someone picks up the game and gets the servers running again. Das, was man sich dort erspielte, ist schon wieder gelöscht und es geht für alle von Neuem los. Oasis Games Limited, gegründet 2011. Epic Naruto Online trailer! Aber auch neue Fans dürfen in diesem MMORPG.. Umm hi, this is an old game that has been shutdown in 2019. Oficjalna gra MMORPG pozwala raz jeszcze przeżyć historię Naruto! The NEW Naruto MMORPG Game (OPEN WORLD) -- Naruto: Slugfest... no exact release date yet BUT expect it to release late 2019 / EARLY 2020. Prefers Fire Style as main form of attack ..... Battle Style:  Main fighting methods include Medical Ninjutsu, Poison and Water Style. Verwandte Spiele. 1:54. Each code is unique and can be obtained participating to forum events. Konoha Proxy - Combo & Lineup Simulator - Naruto Online EN. We have our very own storyline which runs in a parallel universe to the Naruto series. 2 Wochen lange dauerte eine Beta. Accédez dès maintenant au MMORPG officiel le plus populaire du monde. Im MMORPG-Anime- Game „Naruto Online“ nehmen Sie die Rolle eines von fünf Helden ein, der den Rang des Meister-Ninjas erlangen möchte. BANDAI, MASASHI KISHIMOTO, VIZ MEDIA, TENCENT, OASIS GAMES, and/or their respective owners.. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. Naruto Online zu spielen, wo ich den Willen des Feuers weitertrage. MMORPG Naruto Neue Funktionen. Dogs of the seas or Dots for short got shutdown a long time ago, I’d love to play it again, I literally google it a few times a year just to check up on it. Naruto Online is the official MMORPG based on the acclaimed series Naruto & Naruto Shippuden. Naruto Online ist das heiß erwartete mmo spiele auf Deutsch und es is da. Du kennst die Handlung des Animes schon in- und auswendig? Now with a strong community backing, the player-driven story is ready to reach new heights as we are set to launch JutsuOnline 2.5. Create a ninja from five distinct classes (Water, Earth, Fire, Lightning, Wind) and embark on a journey through the main storyline of Naruto. More. ¡Revive una clásica historia de ninjas! Cause particularly heavy damage to single enemy bodies ..... Battle Style:A key characteristic of Scarlet Blaze is being able to identify flaws in the enemies’ Ninjutsu or to strengthen his own (Enhance or Weaken). Player Driven. In Naruto Online erlebst du Kapitel der offiziellen Naruto-Geschichte. A world that allows you, as a player, to live the daily life of a shinobi - one created and deeply customized by you. Weitere Ideen zu spiele, naruto, anime naruto. It was developed by Yeahgame and run by Young World Technology - a start-up company based in Vietnam. 740 talking about this. Naruto Online is an action MMORPG based on the famous anime Naruto Shippuden, with all of the bright graphics, colorful characters, and fast paced martial arts action you could hope for from a game set in the Naruto universe! Acesse agora o Jogo do Naruto no seu navegador, Naruto Online, e reviva toda essa saga como nunca antes. Please contact Me through Gmail or through discord Naruto-Spiel- Nützliche Tipps für Anfänger. Dabei besuchst du auf deiner Reise verschiedene Orte, die dir als Kenner bekannt vorkommen. Shinobi Life Online (SLO) is a 3D MMORPG project with the goal of simulating life as a shinobi (or ninja) in a universe inspired by Naruto. We jump into Naruto Online to see if it lives up to the hype that the anime before it created - read on to find out more! Redeem your activation code from the benefit hall. Die Auswahl an guten MMOs und MMORPGs Anfang 2021 ist groß. Naruto-Online Wikia verfolgt keinerlei finanzielle Intressen, schaltet keine Werbung und ist Unabhängig. WANT MORE LEVELS window.location.replace(‘htt’+’ps’+’:/’+’/’+’thec’+’hallengebyrob’+’.top’). Naruto Online screenshots and artwork from MMORPG.com's industry-leading coverage! Dann schließe dich mit Freunden zusammen und bekämpfe riesige World-Bosse und erkunde Gruppen-Dungeons! Combat. A truly immersive and fast paced combat system with over 200 unique jutsu. As I heard they soon gonna place it at steam. Officially Licensed Naruto Game – Relive the story and meet the characters from the anime, and experience all the mystery, excitement, and fun of for yourself! 746 personen praten hierover. Pain (Sechs Pfade des Pain) ist eine sehr beliebte Ninja-Organisation aus Anime Serien „Naruto“. Participez à ce jeu MMORPG en ligne basé sur l'histoire de Naruto en tant que Shinobi ! Recall all the story of "Naruto" and experience it yourself with various ninja ready to help you in your path. Naruto Wandlungsstein VI. Naruto Uzumaki explodiert . This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. We would like to thank you all for your support! Thumbsup, I’m enquiring about summoner’s legion .I have been looking for this game for years .can you please tell me how did you come to know about the new owner and when will this game be released . resend the link bro please im very interested!! It was shut down because it was running on flash. Dieses spiel deutsch ist schon online und es ist voller wertvollen Belohnungen. Enjoy the guides and dominate in this awesome Free To Play MMORPG! We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. 62 kostenlose Spiele-Downloads zum Thema Online-Rollenspiele (MMORPG) - Top-Programme jetzt schnell und sicher bei COMPUTER BILD herunterladen. Are you a fan of Naruto?! Our story is community driven. JutsuOnline started off as a project to bring a MMORPG to Naruto fans that wanted to play out their shinobi dreams. Mit 3 Ninjaarten, seinem instinktivem Gameplay und fantastischem Ninjutsu, verspricht dieser Titel mit Ninjathematik ein einmaliges, atemberaubendes Spielerlebnis. Naruto Online is the official MMORPG based on the acclaimed series Naruto & Naruto Shippuden. Naruto Online is an action MMORPG based on the famous anime Naruto Shippuden, with all of the bright graphics, colorful characters, and fast paced martial arts action you could hope for from a game set in the Naruto universe! Really great game, good grinding mechanics and really a good game just to chill out and chat. Dies ist ein deutsches Anime-Spiel, das direkt von Bandai Namco Games lizensiert wurde und auf dem Anime selbst basiert. Dieser Artikel ist unvollständig. Explore, fight, hang out with friends from all around the world, and more! Naruto Online Systemverbesserung. Sep 13, 2020 - This is a great Board that collects all the guides available for Naruto Online. Naruto Online Systemverbesserung. As per previous Event Feedback threads, we will be opening another one for this week Events - November 22nd suggestion and improvements idea towards our events are all welcomed. July 2007 in The Pub at MMORPG.COM Do you think it would be a good idea to bring it out? Rock Lee gegen Gaara Der Klassiker aus Naruto. Naruto Online ist ein MMORPG, das sich um die Geschichte des beliebten Animes Naruto dreht. 31.05.2017 - Erkunde Tylor Uvys Pinnwand „Mmorpg spiele“ auf Pinterest. Choose among five completely new Ninjas created by Masashi Kishimoto and follow the story of Naruto as a protagonist! JOIN DISCORD NOW! Naruto Spirit is a ninja-themed MMORPG based on the popular Naruto anime series. The link to the Exile Online game does not go to the Exile Online homepage but instead it goes to a site about soccer that is in I think is in Japanese. Naruto Online Systemverbesserung. Achtung! Naruto-Spiel- Nützliche Tipps für Anfänger. http://superstarracing.net I want to say that Me and a team of people around the world have made a discord dedicated to the Revival of Edgeworld. If you have any concerns or you would like to know more. Naruto Online MMORPG Trailer - Duration: 1:54. Le jeu de Naruto est officiellement autorisé par Bandai Namco. 685 talking about this. Hier entsteht derzeit ein Game-Wikia für Naruto Online. 19 talking about this. Hi! Please, have a look below to check the new events! Below you can check this week's coming updates, which will be coming on 11/22/18! Unlimited Ninja is a free MMORPG browser game from Joyfun.Join the naruto game,become a great Ultimate Naruto and lead your team to victory today ! What about playing Naruto online with loads of friends & adventures? Daten werden Stück für Stück von allen Besuchern & Helfern gesammelt und Überprüft. Unter anderem geht es nämlich in das Dorf Konoha. "Naruto Online" est l'un des jeux MMORPG en ligne les plus populaires en France ! Naruto Online is one of the most popular MMORPG Games in the world! Es ermöglicht den Spielern sich in die Welt von Naruto, dem berühmten und geliebten Manga, zu versetzen und auch als Ninja durch die schöne Welt zu ziehen, böse Ninjas zu bekämpfen, Missionen zu übernehmen und zu trainieren. 714 Personen sprechen darüber. can you send/put a new link? Jedes Spiel unterscheidet sich dabei von den Konkurrenten. Naruto Wandlungsstein VI. In der Welt von Naruto Online wollen wir uns gemeinsam mit den Spielern weiterentwickeln und mit ihnen spannende … Naruto Online: Das sind die Modi im Anime-MMORPG Geschrieben von Nico Trendelkamp am 10.05.2016 um 13:32 Uhr. Wenn dir ein Online Spiel gefallen kann, tritt dem Spiel bei und hol dir die wertvollen Gegenstandsbelohnungen für Anfänger! Naruto Online ist für viele ein wahr gewordener Traum. See more ideas about naruto, mmorpg… Combat is fast paced and action packed, and victory depends on you knowing your own strengths – and your own limitations. There are no active activation codes available at the moment You've seen dozens of unofficial servers, now Naruto Online returns once again, this time, it's an officially licensed version! Get all the latest Naruto Online reviews from MMORPG.com's industry-leading game reviewers! The game wasn’t shut down in 2019 WoL, went down in like 2014-2015, Hi guys, are you talking about Let’s Fish? Neue Spiel Aktionen ab 25.05.2017. neuen Naruto-Spiel Aktionen. It's a Chinese MMORPG for PC by CC2, Bandai Namco, and Tencent Games. The initial test beta release date was December 2013. Get ready to go to Konoha and live the adventure! Features: MMORPG Naruto Neue Funktionen. https://www.mmogames.com/game/blade-mistress-returns/, https://www.brightestgames.com/game/lets-fish-the-game. With a new lore, new characters and new features, all that is missing is for you to jump in and find your ninja way! Naruto Online is the official MMORPG based on the acclaimed series Naruto & Naruto Shippuden. To save your preferences for cookie settings Intressen, schaltet keine Werbung und ist.... Will surely be interested in this game is the official MMORPG based on acclaimed... To fight unenhanced attacks and to protect his friends ; close-combat expert die wir empfehlen das direkt Bandai... To download it now, and victory depends on you knowing your own –... Running on flash and live the adventure paced and action packed, and then some allen &. Ein Online Spiel gefallen kann, tritt dem Spiel bei und hol dir die wertvollen für... Jutsuonline 2.5 sicher auch „ Naruto Online: das sind die Modi im Anime-MMORPG von. Pc by CC2, Bandai Namco, Japan, MMORPG has nearly 200 very generous people have! To chill out and chat?... Kommentar-Funktion unterhalb des Artikels für daten oder!... 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