Automatic Shutoff – A common safety feature found on personal vaporizers that only allows the discharge of a battery for a set period of time. Wrap refers to the process of “wrapping” a wire around a tool, usually a drill bit or screwdriver. Up-to-date vape news stories engage on a local, state and national level with people in the vape community. Nicotine (Nic)– The substance found within traditional and electronic cigarettes that creates a pleasant sensation. So the best way to fix the burnt taste is by changing the coil, priming it properly, vaping at a lower wattage, or vaping lower VG juice. Analog– It is a slang term used by the vaping community describing “traditional” cigarettes, Anodizing– A method used to seal and finish aluminium. Vape Breakfast Classics French Dude 100ml E - Liquid ... LOST VAPE ULTRA BOOST OCC V2 COILS BCC– stands for bottom coil clearomizer. Manual Shut-off– A safety feature found on most manual devices that allows the user to turn off their battery with 5 clicks of the button in rapid succession in order to make it safe to transport. Top 10 Best American E Juice Vendors – Looking for the best e juice/e liquid / vape juice? little more vapor on claps. Fused Clapton – A Clapton coil that has two or more wires in the core of it as opposed to one in a regular clapton coil. Cartomizer – Dual Coil – A dual coil cartomizer that uses 2 coils. Dry Burn/Hit– Purposefly firing an atomizer on a battery without e liquid to saturate it, which results in the heating up, and glowing of the coil. Plus, don’t forget the information below the map that supplies details on any pending or potential bans. Vape Superstore really is the best online vape shop for all your vaping needs, no matter your level of experience or budget. Protected (batteries) -The battery has a computer chip that protects the battery and breaks the circuit in the battery from completing if the voltage goes too high or too low, the current goes too high or the cell temperature rises too high. Some examples include fused Claptons, Aliens, staple coils, etc. We can also revel in the knowledge that vaping does not aggravate the issue of deforestation and the env In fact it’s there main products and start vaping yours today. The atomizer coil sits at the bottom of the clearomizer tank. Angus McKay Currently located in Sydney, Australia, I have been vaping since 2009 and became active in the e-cigarette industry in late 2015. Adapter – Dual threaded device used to allow a specific style or atomizer, cartomizer, or clearomizer onto a different style battery. Depending on the reason behind it, leaking can range from a few drops of e-liquid, to having your tank emptying all of its contents all over your vape mod. The cartomizer tank is placed in the middle of the tube and is designed to hold to e liquid. This is generally not necessary in e liquid that has a high ratio of PG to VG. This is the liquid that is vaporized when using an electronic cigarette. This happens from a couple different possibilities: overcharging, short circuiting, stacking batteries, physical damage to the battery and other PV malfunctions. The coil is usually made up of Nichrome or Kanthal wire. A common ratio is 80% nickel to 20% chromium. The best online vape shop with huge supplies of vape mods, e-liquids and accessories. Liquid alot but coil last kopek. Innovation keeps changing the Sensor– The part of the e-cigarette battery that detects when the user has taken a drag. Watt (wattage)– The amount of raw heat that the atomizer coil uses to vaporize your e liquid. You've hit the nail on the head, OCC coils are off the shelf throw away once done, rba is rebuildable atomizer ,in my opinion I would learn to make your own coils ,it's dead easy and costs next to nothing, grab yourself some 26awg kanthal wire online and wrap that shit round a small screwdriver 6 or 7 times then pop some organic cotton through the coil and your done ,plenty of youtube vids Automatic – A style of electronic cigarette/ vaporizer battery that does not have a button to activate the heating element. If vapor has crossed your lips, it’s a must read on a daily basis! Your email address will not be published. Dragon Coil – Can be either macro or micro coils, they are wrapped as normal but the wick is wrapped outside of the coil so that air can flow through the inner diameter. Personal Charging Case (PCC)– A slim and compact case that is designed to hold and charge e-cigarettes. You must be at least 21 years old to purchase. I vape at 20Watts/3.5V pretty well always and I haven't had (at least not that I've noticed) a single coil burn out. This is recommended to be the highest proof vodka you can get your hands on legally. As we mentioned earlier, the coil in the atomizer being used is usually the issue. Check it out if you’re ever looking for the meaning of a vaping and e cig related term or lingo! To inhale and exhale vapor from (an e-cigarette or a similar electronic device). Atomizer (aka Atty) – The atomizer is contained in a metal housing that is screwed into the battery; and contains the heating coil, wick and mesh bridge. Organic Cotton Coils (OCC): Coils made by Kangertech using unbleached organic cotton with no additives. Wait, you don’t know who PBusardo is? Can mellow some flavors. and no memory effect so it can be charged or topped-off at any time without affecting battery life. Venting a Battery – The process where a battery is taken beyond its specifications and gas is released from the battery. Senior Member 1,179 posts Joined: Jul 2011. Draw– Vapers inhale from their mouth on the electronic cigarette mouthpiece. This is commonly felt with PG juices. VV (Variable Voltage)– Any PV, APV, or Mod that allows the user control over the voltage output of their device. Nicotine Level– The designated amount of nicotine per cartridge. With over 20 clearomizers in the chart, it is the single most comprehensive clearo chart on the web. eGo Threading – Standard threading based on the Ego battery where the battery has male threading and the base of the cartomizer has female threading. It’s two popular designs are Bottom Coil Clearomizer, and Top Coil Clearomizer. PTB (Pyramid Tea Bags)– Some vapers find this material works better than the polyester fiber filling found in most electronic cigarette cartridges and cartomizers. We've come a long way since the days of cheap gas station cig-a-likes and vape pens that were feeding us crude, PG-laden e-liquids. Generally considered the inferior of the two commonly used atomizer coil materials in cartomizers/clearomizers/atomizers. Hybrid, Hybrid PV, Hybrid Mod– A combined topper and battery holder designed to fit together as one seamless unit. Drip On-Demand (DOD)– An add-on that is used to feed e liquid into your atomizer by squeezing the bottle. This is prevalent in high voltage upon low resistance atomizers in dual coil cartomizers or clearomizers. Get the top OCC abbreviation related to Coil. NiMH– Ni-MH stands for Nickel-Metal Hydride. For around thirty bucks, you can get scoop up what’s considered to be a high-end ultra-portable POD system, whereas lower-end models will cost as little as $15. Because of its’ dual coil design, it is able to produce twice as much vapor. 18350 – A battery that is 18mm x 35mm, used in smaller mods and generally have a low amp rating. 401, 402, and 403 – Refers to the different length of this specific electronic cigarette. Silica has a very high melting point, so it can be cleaned with an open flame like a butane torch. You've hit the nail on the head, OCC coils are off the shelf throw away once done, rba is rebuildable atomizer ,in my opinion I would learn to make your own coils ,it's dead easy and costs next to nothing, grab yourself some 26awg kanthal wire online and wrap that shit round a small screwdriver 6 or 7 times then pop some organic cotton through the coil and your done ,plenty of youtube vids Vented Battery Cap– A simple hole or series of holes that allow for the battery to vent harmful gases in the case that your battery goes into thermal runaway. Ni200/Nickel Wire – Wire that is pure nickel, it has very low resistance and is used with temperature controlled mods. It is a non profit organization that campaigns for the rights of e-cig users. This allows you to apply higher voltage to the coil. The OCC, an independent branch of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, charters, regulates, and supervises all national banks and federal savings associations as well as federal branches and agencies of foreign banks. Allen key/wrench – A tool used to open mods or tighten screws in atomizers, Alternative Cigarettes – Another name for electronic cigarettes. Vapegasm– The experience you get when you put on a new atomizer or cartomizer. This allows the cleaning of the coil by burning off impurities. Many e-liquid vendors have stopped using it. mA– 1/1000th of an amp. when ordering more i will prob go with .5 claps. SmokTech– A chinese company most known for its cartomizers, cartomizer tanks and PV’s. Dupont will not sell to anyone using it for e-liquid. Pen: A style of e-cig similar in size to a ball point pen. Miligrams (Abbreviated as mg) – The unit of measure for how much nicotine is in a cartridge.Typical levels include 0mg, 6mg, 8mg, 12mg, 16mg, 18mg, 24mg, 30mg, 36mg and 48mg. It is an all-volunteer organization dedicated for creating safe and sustainable standards within the production process of e-liquids. Be sure to check them out! Leaking – E liquid can leak out of the bottom of the clearomizer/atomizer/cartomizer and onto the battery, which in some cases can cause damage to the device and causing a shortage. Vaping has its fair share of pros as far as the environment is concerned. Have you ever imagined a special vape device combining the advantages of both pod devices and box mods? Vape-O-Rama has a loaded resource page with tons of useful and helpful links. at a fair price? A standard resistance atomizer is 2.5ohm. This page was last edited on 5 November 2020, at 12:59 (UTC). What kind of atomizer/coils go with the vapeberri mini 100w mod? Digital Cigarette– Another name for Electronic Cigarette. It is equal to the energy transferred (or work done) when applying a force of one newton through a distance of one metre (1 newton metre or N. m), or in passing an electric current of one ampere through a resistance of one ohm for one second. Mouth to lung hit – Vapor is pulled into the mouth first and then inhaled into the lungs. Breathing – the process of leaving an e-liquid open to the air so that any alcohol can evaporate off. Your email address will not be published. Vape starter kits often come with everything you need to get started, such as a mod, a compatible tank, and an atomizer. CASAA– Consumer Advocacy for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association. March 2010 - May 2010 was the symbol consolidation period in which all outgoing option roots will be replaced with the underlying stock symbol. I’ve used both the cooler vape 1.2 ohm OCC coils and the 0.5 OCC coils. Mod– Short for modification. Rebuildable Atomizer– Rebuildable atomizers vary in design. (example: connecting a 901 atomizer threading onto a 510 battery). If you need the vape gear to do awesome smoke tricks like O’s and smoke tornadoes, check them out! In the United States, the wire being used to make it is measured in AWG, while the rest of the world measures in the metric system. Sure, a lot of us love the feeling, flavor, and cloud production of a high VG e-juice in a sub-ohm tank. dotmod is a vapor hardware company out of san diego, ca. Bauway – A brand known for its’ selection of atomizers. 306 (aka LR306) – Just one of many styles of atomizers available. Cartridge (Cart) – A plastic or covered metal mouthpiece that is the third part of a 3-piece set and is usually stuffed with some sort of absorbent filler material that holds e liquid. This is the method that gives the best vapor quantity and flavor quality. I mentioned before I use pretty much 2.4-2.6ohms for myself and I will stick to that. It is the component in an electronic cigarette or vaporizer that is responsible for heating the e liquid to the point of vaporization. Propylene Glycol (PG)– One of two main substances used in the making of e-cigarette liquids. Card PM. This generally causes the heating element to get hotter faster and produces vapor more quickly. Vaporizer– A vaporizer turns a liquid into a gas or a vapor. This is usually the standard. Boge – Boge is brand known for its’ selection of cartomizers. GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe)– This acronym was created by the FDA to ensure people that the product that they are using is considered safe. Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR)– Policy or practice of providing less harmful nicotine-containing products. That first taste you get from your favorite e liquid. This term is used due to the fact that no actual smoke is inhaled while using an e-cig. For more info on vaper’s tongue, click here. Mini– Smaller than the average e-cigarette, the mini-cigarette is actually the same size as the average e-cigarette. Also a known human carcinogen. See more. The liquid is contained in the cartridge. Find out what is the full meaning of OCC on! Most vApe shop dah tutup in subang. Modernized for this day and age using electronic "cigarettes" with variable cartridges of diluted flavors and substances. Silica– Material used for building wicks. Primer– Some companies use a VG based primer for preservation and shipping. While a vape pen or cigalike battery caps out at around 180mAh, ultra-portable devices can reach upwards of 300mAh. Standard Resistance– A standard resistance cartomizer is typically 3.0ohm. Acrolein – Acrolein is produced when e-liquid is heated to incredibly high temperatures. Pretty much the mecca of vaping news, info, guides and people. OCC is an acronym for ‘Organic Cotton Coil’ Meaning it is a coil which contains organic cotton as a wicking material. We have you covered there too. Patented in 1905, it is made from nickel, chromium, and (often) iron. Clearomizer– A clearomizer is a transparent version of a cartomizer, designed to let users know how much e liquid they have left. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is a bureau that governs the execution of laws relating to national banks. Electronic Cigarette (e-cig)– An emerging alternative to traditional cigarettes that allows users to enjoy smoking without many of the harmful side effects. Clearomizers hold 2-3ml of e liquid, depending on the size and design. Linked to lung cancer in analog cigarette use. His passion for vaping is clearly defined in the amount of great information he has over at Tasteyourjuice. I just tried stuffing the cotton in way way way better than leaving it out like the rip tutorial showed. Some popular wattage classes for box mods are: 10-30 watts; 50-80 watts; 100+ watts. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is a federal agency that oversees the execution of laws relating to national banks. Voltage– The amount of kinetic energy which, for our purposes, when paired with resistance creates wattage. There are flashing LED lights that usually let you know the feature is being used. It is typically made of poly-fill surrounding a type of gauze material that is wrapped around an atomizer coil and a plastic center tube for airflow. If leaking occurs on your atomizer, the liquid will leak into the drip shield instead of leaking onto your PV. The first one is the USB port which I have mentioned above, I hope there'll be more and more Type-C port used on the future vape devices. Deck– The flat base area where the positive and negative posts sit on an RBA/RDA, which is designed to keep e liquid off of the battery connection. Since then I’ve had the pleasure of visiting over 700 shops in 6 countries. It can also be used as a base in a tincture in order to create your own flavorings for DIY applications. like the new occ and clapton. We design premium vape hardware for optimum performance and style. ing, vapes v.intr. This is typically seen as true because the 26650 batteries more likely have a larger cathode/anode surface area, so they will be a bit less susceptible to thermal runaway. It comes in two different types: automatic and manual. E Smoke – Another short/slong for Electronic Cigarette. Dual-Coil Cartomizers – A new type of cartomizer that has two coils that provides the resistance instead of one. It is small in size but has a battery capacity of 1500mAh and a power range of 1W-40W for you to adjust. This is the main visible factor in vaping that simulates smoke, but is a much safer alternative. March 2010 - May 2010 was the symbol consolidation period in which all outgoing option roots will be replaced with the underlying stock symbol. Most starter kits come with 1 or more atomizers, 1 or more batteries, a charger and 4 or 5 pre-filled cartridges. 1. This is not relevant for drippers/drip-style atomizers. Lung Hit-Alternative to mouth to lung hits, lung hits are inhales of vapor straight to the lungs. Manual switched batteries have a button to activate rather than being activated upon inhalation. ICR– Lithium Ion Cobalt Rechargeable Battery, IMR– Lithium Ion Manganese Rechargeable Battery. VV Mod– A variable voltage mod. Therefore, users aren’t burning through liquid nearly as quickly when using pod mod systems. Great resources and awesome t shirts, what more do you want! If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. 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