1 Its methods were stated to be: " To afford information to every country capable of producing cotton, both by the diffusion of printed directions for its cultivation, and sending competent teachers of cotton planting and cleaning, and by direct communication with Christian missionaries whose aid and co - operation it solicits; to supply, gratuitously, in the first instance, the best seeds to natives in every part of the world who are willing to receive them; to give prizes for the extended cultivation of cotton; and The Association published a weekly paper known as The Cotton Supply Reporter. "Our Boston newspaper friend Ethel Reagan writes she's anxious to talk to the guy," she continued. This is all important in a newspaper office, where the margin of time between the caseroom and machine department is usually so limited, for it permits several machines being quickly equipped with duplicate sets of the same pages. She began counting and then reached over to the end table for a pencil and paper. Elements can be separated in different ways, as shown in the examples below.Separated with a Colon: When a complete sentence is followed by a list of items, separate the sentence from the list with a colon.E.g. His most interesting paper is "On the Proper Motion of the Solar System," and was published in the Phil. Instead of "Reference [1] shows" or "[1] shows," use "Smith [1] showed" or "Smith and Jones [1] showed" or "Smith et al. But, when large amounts and rounded amounts are involved, you should use both digits, periods, dashes, and words. draughtdrafts and heat escaping through floorboards and skirting boards by filling gaps with newspaper, beading or sealant. The violent fluctuations in the value of the paper dollar, which caused so much damage to trade and industry, were thus checked. He handed the old man ten dollars and was handed a slip of paper with the phone number from the rental sign Mrs. Glass was apparently an early riser and answered the phone on the second ring. What is the rule for using hyphens in a sentence. The situation was saved by a newspaper whicl from the outset of its career obeyed the best canons of journalism - Born in 1882, the fiji Shimpo (Times) enjoyed the immense advan tage of having its policy controlled by one of the greatest thinker of modern Japan, Fukuzawa Yukichi. This one slid through the lemon like it was tissue paper and pricked her finger on the other side. morgue file " is popular in the newspaper business to describe the file that holds past issues. with a colon? While Fred, and to a lesser extent Cynthia, had solved cryptograms in the newspaper, neither were particularly adept at it. In the example above, the questions in series are not capitalized because they are not complete sentences and do not begin with a proper noun. Grabbing a paper towel, she began wiping the eggs off and putting them in cartons people had given her. Brackets are a special case and are only used in specific situations. You can also search for baby freebies in your newspaper's classified section. You don't print up those signs and take out newspaper ads on that short notice. I wish I had the date so I could look again to see if I maybe missed it in the paper the first time I checked. They make your paper look like a slide presentation and interfere with smooth reading. The good news is this rag of a newspaper doesn't seem to buy Mr. Youngblood as a certifiable clairvoyant. Insulation includes recycled newspaper, wood, and cotton denim jeans the latter a de rigueur item of clothing among the student community. Thanks to Library Lady Jane for all her help in writing these grammar guides over the years. How to use newspaper in a sentence. SAID PASHA (c. 1830 -), surnamed Kuchuk, Turkish statesman, was at one time editor of the Turkish newspaper Jeride-i-Havadis. - This method is made up of four operations: (I) a weighed quantity of the substance is dissolved in a suitable solvent; (2) a particular reagent is added which precipitates the substance it is desired to estimate; (3) the precipitate is filtered, washed and dried; (4) the filter paper containing the precipitate is weighed either as a tared filter, or incinerated and ignited either in air or in any other gas, and then weighed. 1. In Squier and Crehore's " Synchronograph " system " sine waves of current, instead of sharp " makes and breaks," or sharp reversals, are employed for transmitting signals, the waves being produced by an alternating-current dynamo, and regulated by means of a perforated paper ribbon, as in the Wheatstone automatic system. in a newspaper office, for a short time was a country school teacher, and later became a reporter on the Cincinnati Enquirer. The majority of plant specimens are most suitably fastened on paper by a mixture of equal parts of gum tragacanth and gum arabic made into a thick paste with water. In Britain every national daily newspaper had follow-up stories. The distortion of the spring determines the actual force which the wind is exerting on the plate, and this is either read off on a suitable gauge, or leaves a record in the ordinary way by means of a pen writing on a sheet of paper moved by clockwork. (a) Gravimetric. An image sprung from the paper before them. She wrote Kris a short message and folded the paper, presenting it to Gabriel. After a short stay in France he returned to Italy and identified himself with the Liberal movement; he became an active journalist, and founded a newspaper called L' Opinione in 1847. Let me read the paper when you have finished with it. subject there was no room in the present paper, and the reasons why he arrived at the conclusion that new means of philosophically and successfully separating the class must be sought are herein left to be inferred. She reached over and pulled the paper down. In 1880 he started his newspaper, La Justice, which became the principal organ of Parisian Radicalism; and from this time onwards throughout M. river from the forests of other states), whose output increased from 1890 to 1900 nearly 50%, but declined slightly between 1900 and 1905; of furniture ($22,131,846 in 1905; $15,285,475 in 1900; showing an increase of 44.8%), and of musical instruments ($ 1 3,3 2 3,35 8 in 1905; $ 8, 1 5 6, 445 in 1900; an increase of 6 3.3% in the period), in both of which Illinois was second in 1900 and in 1905; book and job printing, in which the state ranked second in 1900 ($28,293,684 in 1905; $19,761,780 in 1900; an increase of 43.2%), newspaper and periodical printing ($28,644,981 in 1905; $ 1 9,4 0 4,955 in 1900; an increase of 47.6%), in which it ranked third in 1900; and the manufacture of clothing, boots and shoes. In 1777 the New Jersey Gazette, the first newspaper in New Jersey, was established here; it was published (here and later in Trenton) until 1786, and was an influential paper, especially during the War of Independence. I told them they would be better off listing it in an Arkansas paper. The other pen and pad of paper went flying out the window. Write a paragraph describing your attitudes toward writing. Many industries flourish on the outskirts of the town, including rope and net manufactures, flour mills, saw mills, mining railways, paper mills. They can live in any body of fresh water – creeks, ponds, lakes, etc. 28, and the levers are adjusted so that the left-hand one moves a, b, c and punches a row of holes across the paper (group i in the figure), the middle one moves b only and punches a centre hole (2 in the figure), while the right-hand one moves a, b, d, e and punches O p p Oa Oa' Ob Od 0? On your own sheet of paper, rewrite the following sentence pairs as one sentence using the techniques you have learned in this section. English is complicated. (Should be: "Is it correct to use comma after A at the end of a sentence?") She patted the pocket in her skirt containing the paper on which Jule had scribbled down the phone number of the towering man before her. See the publications of the United States Geological Survey (especially Professional Paper No. While Ann’s research paper contained brilliant information, its brevity caused it to be turned down by the major medical journals. Then there was the apartment rental with Burgess's identification of Byrne, however tenuous, followed by the newspaper subscription and the motor home purchase. Are you done with the paper? "What is this?" Café Richard was new, sleek, pretentious and looked like its half-page newspaper ads, Dean's only previous exposure to the establishment. In the undulator apparatus, which is similar in general principle to the " siphon recorder " used in submarine telegraphy, a spring or falling weight moves a paper strip beneath one end of a fine silver tube, the other end of which dips into a vessel containing ink. It would be best to not use an abbreviation to begin a sentence. He put down the rebellion in India. Papyrus was cultivated and manufactured for writing material by the Arabs in Egypt down to the time when the growing industry of paper in the 8th and 9th centuries rendered it no longer a necessity. I don't know if it is legit to ask this. Check out online auction companies like Ebay and Goodwill, local consignment shops, yard sales, and even the classied section of your local newspaper. Sentence Patterns – What They Are and How to Use Them. "I wasn't ready yet," she said, holding up a handful of wrapping paper. On the 3rd of April 1841, Greeley announced that on the following Saturday (April loth) he would begin the publication of a daily newspaper of the same general principles, to be called The Tribune. She flipped open the notebook and buried her nose between the pages, breathing the fresh paper smell. by Frazer (Journal of Philology, 1885, xiv. Use an if the next word begins with a vowel sound. It consists in punching, by means of " a puncher," a series of holes in a strip of paper in such a way that, when the strip is sent through another instrument, called the " transmitter," the holes cause the circuit to be closed at the proper times and for the proper proportionate intervals for the message to be correctly printed by the receiving instrument or recorder. In 1895 he bought the New York Journal and the following year founded the Evening Journal, the morning paper being known after 1902 as the New York American. When to use i.e. In 1856 he took a leading part in organizing the Republican party in Connecticut, and in 1857 became editor of the Hartford Evening Press, a newly established Republican newspaper. Them's the only details the ad in the Kansas paper gave us. Use hyphens when writing two-digit numbers as well as fractions. Fred picked up a pair of children's cross country skies from an ad in the paper and the group spent a number of after school afternoons on Red Mountain utilizing the free trails at Ironton. Yancey tossed his newspaper aside and stomped into the hallway, where he gruffly answered the intrusive caller. "Criminy," Fred said, "I'm running out of paper!". editor of the best -selling newspaper in North Wales - the Daily Post. Use brackets to insert something into a sentence that is already enclosed in parentheses. MediaGuardian.co.uk | Media | Sudoku fever grips UK newspaper readers Guardian Unlimited Web. Old university of tournaments of skill chris Wallace Morton in every newspaper. a) The paper is being written by the student. Using twitter to communicate is an exercise in brevity because you can only use 140 characters to express a thought. Hutton took charge of the literary side of the paper, and by degrees his own articles became and remained up to the last one of the best-known features of serious and thoughtful English journalism. I want you back in Denver, shuffling paper clips. Alex came out of his office, glanced at her and then retired to his recliner to read the newspaper. The principal industries are shipbuilding (iron), boiler and engineering works, iron and brass foundries, steam saw and planing mills, flour-mills, paper and paint factories, and soapworks. He studied the five symbols on the paper in his hand. I saw it in the paper yesterday and thought since I had Saturday off, I'd come out and look at it for you. add insult to injury, I would expect the children's newspaper rounds to follow next. After working as a civil engineer on the Dean Forest railway he went (1861) to Italy, where he resided for the next thirty-three years, taking a considerable part in the railway construction of the peninsula, and at the same time keeping alive the Hungarian independence question by a whole series of pamphlets and newspaper articles. Dean tried to picture the bustling town of a century past, at one time home to a dozen saloons, four restaurants, a newspaper, nearly three hundred houses and more than a thousand inhabitants. A full account of the development of his system was given by him in an article published in the Fortnightly Review for June 1902; see also a paper by him in the Journ. He was thus frequently straitened, and, as his necessities pressed, he sold successive interests in his newspaper. "WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST (1863-), American newspaper proprietor, was born in San Francisco, Cal., April 29 1863. I'm just looking for a piece of paper and pencil. Paper burns easily. The first newspaper, the Gazette, began publication in the same year, and the first church, Trinity (Protestant Episcopal), was built. I need a pair of scissors to cut this paper. Instruments such as the telautograph and telewriter are apparatus for transmitting a facsimile of handwriting inscribed on a paper at one end of a line, the reproduction being made automatically at the other end of the line at the same time that the message is being written. The apartment had been rented the following day—the day of the newspaper subscription. The artwork ranged from mosques made out of sugar candy to newspaper architectural structures. In mounting, the specimen is floated out in a flat white dish containing sea-water, so that foreign matter may be detected, and a piece of paper of suitable size is placed under it, supported either by the fingers of the left hand or by a palette. He rolled up the newspaper and hit her playfully on the backside as she walked away. For Kim is married to Todd, son of South African newspaper tycoon Cornelius van Zyl. Earlier he'd signed up to take his July vacation in Iowa, biking the 400 miles across that state on a seven-day bike tour known as "RAGBRAI," named for the sponsoring Des Moines Register newspaper. His next and most important publication was his famous paper "On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances" (in two parts, 1876 and 1878), which, it has been said, founded a new department of chemical science that is becoming comparable in importance to that created by Lavoisier. When the ad was pulled from the paper, the seller told the clerk he had just had a cash sale for his asking price. There have been a number of improvements to the form of the newspaper, including a new masthead. The height of the walls in the various observatories, the height of the collectors, and the distance they project from the wall vary largely, and sometimes electrometer, and they sometimes leave hardly a trace on the photographic paper. Jeff doesn't make much, but we make do, and he's tickled pink to let me do the paper work. Dean retreated to their quarters to handle some overdue paper work and so spent the remainder of the morning. Delanco, at after Gilbert and Pugh ( 1861 ), including the title page and the city Gallery! Clerk, insurance jobs London and stock purchase ledger assistant in Knightbridge sentences – how to write letters is make! Queasy moments when you flick through the newspaper lay in a legible size ( 10- to ). 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