They are a beautifully colored fish. I'm considering moving him to my 29 gallon community tank. Most people suggest 1 inch of fish for every gallon. They will still have the ick parasite on them, and bring it back to the main tank even if you leave the main tank empty. so run my filter? If you start treatments TODAY, you should be able to put the rams in the tank by the 20th. I will keep an eye out by the way the tank that had ich is empty now how long will it take for the ich to die off there is only live plants and sand in the tank. By entering this site you declare I have two Bolivian Rams in a 29 gallon, with 6 black skirt tetras, two platy, and a clown pleco. Bolivian rams are very hard to sex. The Bolivian Ram is an egg layer that prefers soft to medium hardness, neutral pH and slightly raised water temperatures (77-82°F). Hmm.... if you continue to do that everyday, I'm pretty sure you'll be ok. Now there is a chance you will have to recycle the tank, or the rams may still get ick. Compatible tankmates: As far as Cichlids go, Bolivian Rams are some of the most peaceful. It is found throughout the Amazon River, in both Brazil and Bolivia. I would think about getting some sort of cave or hiding spot for the rams. Being a peaceful fish, the Bolivian Ram makes a wonderful addition to the community tank, is compatible with other peaceful fish. and I would just put the live plants in a container for about two weeks to let the ich die. The tank is empty so how long will it take to die without a heater (except for live plants). All the fish you are looking at grow to about an adult size of three inches. Can gardneri killifish coexist with bolivian rams in a 29 gallon planted co... A Complete Guide to Betta Fish Colours and Patterns: Which Pattern is Your Betta? Choose Your Own Adventure: Beautiful Betta! If the temp of the water is around 86°F, I would wait a week or two, just to be safe. In the wild Bolivian ram inhabits Amazon river headstream and Guaporé and Mamoré river basins. The Bolivian Rams are great additions to a lively aquarium. I've heard some successfulighter stories. Turn the heat up and vaccunm the gravel to remove some eggs. I don't think the rams would attack the betta, but the betta may attack them. Reply. EDIT: Even in that large of a tank I'd be cautious about keeping a pair of Rams with a Betta. This exotic fish is native to the river basins of Bolivia and Brazil but can now be found in tanks and aquariums worldwide. This week, we have a special on Bolivian Rams; they'll be 25% off while supplies last (that's just $7.49 each!) If it is completely unheated like a goldfish pond, it could take weeks just for the eggs to hatch. Its possible, but unlikely. I am keeping 2 bolivian rams in a 20 Gallon long Aquarium. Thanks for any insights you can give! I've heard some successfulighter stories. Can anyone tell me if my Bolivian rams are male or female? Yes you can include your betta in your community with your bolivian rams. If there was never any fish in the tank, then there should be no ick.... would it be faster if i emptied the tank and let it dry out and then refile it so that the rams can go in that tank. Bolivian rams (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus), or Bolivian butterflys, are a small, popular cichlid. All of the eggs may not have hatched and there may still be some free swimming parasites. Bolivian Ram Appearance. A friend of mine has a seemingly peaceful male betta living together with some platies and guppies. Color of Bolivian Ram. Members currently in the chatroom: 0 Who's Online: The most chatters online in one day was 17, 09-12-2012. Please be aware that the image is for illustration purposes only. Bolivian's are Mikrogeophagus altispinosa whereas the German is Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. That way you will have no medicine in the water that could harm the plants or fish. Oh, and my tapwater is quite hard, with a pH of around 7.6 I'm assuming I'll have to soften it, but read that Bolivian Rams (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus) do well in a wider range of water. So can I keep my Bolivian rams that I'm getting in the mail in my 20 gallon tank with an angelfish and make betta. The species is part of the family Cichlidae and subfamily Geophaginae. I have a 40 gallon breeder with two Bolivian rams, 4 Corycats, 9 cardinal tetras, 3 cherry barbs. But personalities of fish may vary so you never know. Bettas … If they have passed, you dont have to worry about this. The betta is usually fine with most tetras, but some tetras are a bit too active and would nip at the betta. May 1, 2016 - Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know. Depends on the temperature of the tank. Can I have 2 bolivian rams, and 1 female Krib in a 29 gallon heavy planted ... What are your favorite fish? Why would you move the fish to a smaller tank? Their bellies are primarily in yellow color … It will actually be MORE difficult to treat because of the stress and extra ammonia. Here is a pic of the male betta and angelfish (is kinda weird but they like to stay together) and the tank. I don't think the rams would attack the betta, but the betta may attack them. It may or may not work depending on the personalities of individual fish. (It's like they both haven't googled themselves yet and don't know they're supposed to be potential troublemakers. Betta males and females should only be housed together when ready to breed. That should be safe.... although I can't say for sure. Crenicara altispinosa Haseman, 1911; Microgeophagus altispinosus (Haseman, 1911); Papiliochromis altispinosus(Haseman, 1911) 29G High tank, planted (although I'm really struggling with this despite being all low light plants). It looks like your tank does not have any caves, and there for will increase the chance of one picking on the other. However, if there is no improvement with the original tank, they can go with the angel and betta, but be very careful when adding them back to the 46 as it will be stressful, and leave them exposed to the ick. The Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus) is known under many common names: Butterfly Ram, Bolivian Butterfly Cichlid and Ruby Cichlid. Some people say they have Bol Rams with GBR or apistos and it works find. Im not sure how the ram would go with the betta. Rams are bottom dwellers, so as long as the betta and angel dont come too close, they should be okay. Betta adult size- 3 inches. This should solve the problem easily. This family is very popular in the aquarium trade and includes fish such as Angelfish, Oscars … I moved them to a smaller tank because it would be easier to treat, and when my bolivians get in the mail they wont have to be in the 20 gallon with the angels and betta to long. I have the same set up, bolivian rams and a male betta and they are doing well together. Can I keep a betta with my current stocking? That may kill the bennificial bacteria though, and disturb the cycle. These are rams as they exist in the wild. I would move them back to the main tank and just treat with salt and heat. Bolivian Rams. I have never done that before, so I can't say for sure. Although, you could get lucky and have very peaceful rams. Here's my experience and my answer. Really, I would 've worried about the rams fighting with EACH OTHER. They're easy to feed and quite hardy. Does anyone have any experience with a betta and Bolivian Ram in a tank together? Beyond its calm disposition and smaller size, the ram is … Bolivian Ram – A Complete Guide (Care, Diet, Facts) Read More » This is a good size, and all are very peaceful fish. Can 1 male Bolivian Ram get along with a paired German Blue Rams? Aquarium Bolivian Ram Cichlid Care. Bolivian rams with male betta and angelfish in 20 gallon? You will need to watch them VERY closely, as this set up is like playing with fire. He used to swim around a lot, but since I moved the zebra danios that were in with him to a bigger tank he just sits there. Be cautious when putting them with small fish such as neon tetras, or obviously large or mean fish that could kill, eat, or harass the ram. Learn how to properly care for your new betta fish. ), By entering this site you declare I just recently put two in my 20 gallon also, and for the first couple weeks, it was really tense. *I know about their behaviors. What you will probably see at the begining is that your Rams, although peaceful are also territorial so they likely will let your male Betta know who is the boss, but no harm done and after a few days it will balance out. Instead, we recommend keeping Betta fish with species that shoal and look to … I know bettas are semi-aggressive as are rams. you read and agreed to the, Growth and Development of Bolivian Ram Fry, German Blue Rams, Bolivian Rams and Apistogramma Cacatuoides. Submit. I have a Betta fish in a 3 gallon tank with a filter, how often should I change the water? Rams are bottom dwellers, so as long as the betta and angel dont come too close, they should be okay. I cannot seem to find records of the two species crossing, I find it unlikely as they can be very choosey picking their mates of their own species let alone deciding on another species of ram. I don't think the betta would like the Bolivian rams there would be fights going on its highly recommended to not keep them together. The ick parasite lays eggs tiny eggs in the gravel, and the free swimming parasite cannot live more than a few days without a host. The Bolivian Ram cichlid grows up to 8 cm long. Well if you empty out all the water, you will have to go through the whole cycling process again, and that would not be healthy for the rams to go in an uncycled tank. I wouldn't take the chance. do you think it will be gone by the 20th. Bolivian Ram- 3 inches. My tank that they we're suppose to go in got ich. Its main color is pale yellow, its head and chest are bright orange. The heat alone will kill the ick as medicine is ineffective on eggs and free swimming parasites. Can 1 male Bolivian Ram get along with a paired German Blue Rams? Then you know for sure that all the eggs have hatched, and the free swimming parasites have died. Maybe someone else will give their input....? She wasn't the friendliest Betta but was OK with most peaceful fish, but she hated those rams and wouldn't leave them alone. Since there looking better I dont wanna move them back till there 100% percent better, So I took all the plants and drift wood out and vacuumed out a little over half the water then refiled it back upwith scalding hot water and then rinsed the plants and drift wood with scalding water and put them back in the tank. These little rams are a wonderful centrepiece for your small-medium-sized community aquarium; Mikrogeophagus altispinosus is shy and peaceful, and do well alone, in a pair, or in a small group. He is pretty peaceful betta. Also, Bolivian Rams do not get sick as easily as German Blue Rams. Rams swim faster than bettas and can flare up as well. My daught... Are betta fish and zebra danios compatible? Dwarf Gourami- adult size 3 inches. They belong to the Cichlidae family which is they largest group of freshwater fish. I know bettas are semi-aggressive as are rams. Everyone is peaceful and happy. The Bolivian Ram also requires a few caves in which to hide in and stones to spawn on. Bolivian's and German's are NOT the same species as someone else said. Of course we will keep monitoring the two closely, but they really don't seem to care about each other's presence. Cory cat (depends on the type)- 1-5 inches. The Bolivian ram cichlid is a colorful and unique fish with the added bonus of a peaceful disposition and a manageable size. Well the fish that I moved to a smaller tank are looking better. But no matter what you do, SAFE YOUR FILTER MEDIA!! Bolivian Ram Tropical Fish Learn all about the Bolivian Ram's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Were there other fish in the tank before? Mikrogeophagus altispinosus is a species of fish endemic to the Amazon River basin in Brazil and Bolivia. If the betta does give the ram problems the ram is capable of showing him whose boss because rams are more tougher physical then a betta, they are a cichid. So without fish in the 46 the ich will be gone by the 20th. Are the fish in a seperate tank? I honestly dont think it would be a good idea. can ich live in the filter media. Keep your filter running and dont change the water the day before the rams come. Bolivian Rams are Cichlids and unlike their closely related cousins (such as the Green Terror Cichlid) they are peaceful. But immature males will not have these fin extensions. Even though is temporary? You will need to watch them VERY closely, as this set up is like playing with fire. It is a popular aquarium fish, traded under the common names Bolivian butterfly, Bolivian ram, Bolivian ram … I do agree with how peaceful the blue ram is, but Ive never heard of anyone mixing the two. Indicators include: The first ray of the dorsal fin is longer in males, and the anal fin is longer and overlaps the caudal peduncle. Bolivian Rams are golden brown in color with reddish highlights on the dorsal and caudal fins and pearly turquoise-blue highlights on the pelvic and anal fins. No. Are you treating them? If they are in another tank, they will just bring the ick back into the main tankwhen you move them back. #Bolivian #Ram #communityIn this this video I talk about Bolivian Rams in a community tank! Apisto- 3-4 inches. The only 100% sure way is by their breeding tubes. You should never keep a single fish in the same tank as a Siamese fighting fish as they will constantly bully the same individual. So far so good! A dark, rounded spot is located right in the middle of the body on the sides, behind which noticeable gray stripes stretch towards the tail. Type above and press Enter to search. In warmer water, it will die faster. I have 2 male 1 female Bolivian Rams and 1 male German Blue Ram in the same... Bolivian rams with male betta and angelfish in 20 gallon? Bolivian ram/betta compatibility - Tropical fish forum at the Age of Aquariums - dedicated to promoting responsible fish-keeping internationally. This is the food I’m talking about. Bolivian ram (microgeophagus altispinosa). Okay. The only other option would be to drain almost all the water, and soak the sand/gravel in hot water and salt. How to upgrade from a 10 gallon to a 20 gallon tank. It is one of the most popular dwarf cichlids (though this is vague term, that encompasses many small cichlids), and is often seen as an easier to care for alternative to the German ram, due to its similar shape and coloration. I've read mixed reviews on keeping different SA Cichlids in the same tank...especially my size tank. Okay but will it die faster if i still treat the tank. These are my new Bolivian Rams (2) and Serpae Tetras (6) that are in my 10 gallon quarantine tank. you read and agreed to the, German Blue Rams, Bolivian Rams and Apistogramma Cacatuoides. I have 2 male 1 female Bolivian Rams and 1 male German Blue Ram in the same... Can anyone tell me if my Bolivian rams are male or female? The body of a Bolivian Ram ranges from dull brown to greyish blue. No one is currently using the chat. Does anyone have any experience with a betta and Bolivian Ram in a tank together? They wouldn't eat the first couple days, and would bully each other over territory, even though I have PLENTY of hiding places. Do you think I am fine to put the rams in it on the 20th. I have 65 gal with 6 Bolivian Rams, 4 blue Rams, 30 neons, 20 rummy nose te... Bolivian Ram aggressive towards new Bolivian ram, My betta fish won't move from the top corner of his tank. Also, Bolivian Rams can sell for a nice price if you do manage to breed them. 20 gallon long aquarium whereas the German is Mikrogeophagus ramirezi and will lower their system... Safe to add them to the main tankwhen you move them back is completely like... Is your betta them to the, German Blue rams but will it die faster if still! To die without a heater ( except for live plants ) just for rams! Fish you are purchasing but the betta may attack them and free swimming parasites could take weeks just the. About the rams in it on the personalities of individual fish except for live plants in a gallon... 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