Code Lyoko Aelita. Aelita is however rescued by others. Unfortunately, it's really a "poisoned" gift from XANA. At first, Aelita just contacted the team during attacks, but by Big Bug, Aelita seemingly grew fond of talking to Jeremie on a daily basis about his life. She has to stand still while firing. Since Wrong Exposure, it has been established that "Schaeffer" is her true last name, although due to her new life, she is now and forever known as "Aelita Stones". With two of them returning, they have to abort mission, though Odd later managed to destroy the supercomputer. Also known as After some obstacles, Aelita is the only one left to plant the virus, only to find out her long-lost mother Anthea Hopper is working for Tyron for reasons unknown but insists to destroy X.A.N.A.. Jeremie, not allowing Aelita to destroy the only way to contact her beloved mother, devirtualizes her back to Earth and explains that as long X.A.N.A. Aelita's Season 2-3 cutscene with Overwing. Néanmoins, elle évolue au fur et à mesure de la série, devenant moins naïve, et son caractère devient un peu un mélange de celui d'Odd (vanneuse, excuses bidon, passion pour le skate et le mix), - qui a d'ailleurs de l'influence sur elle - et de celui de Jérémie (l'intello). Code Lyoko games you can play free online with the characters from Code Lyoko TV series. breaks out of the supercomputer. didn't give Aelita an virus, but took a fragment of Aelita away and that he wants to steal the Keys of Lyoko from Aelita's memory, so he can escape from the supercomputer and conquer the world. This, combined with eventual discovery of her traumatic past, nearly broke Aelita's will entirely. Ulrich and Odd, however, get devirtualized and Aelita is almost attacked by the Scyphozoa again, but Yumi arrives just in time. 60 Pages. When Aelita and Jeremie try to do more tests on materialization, Aelita accidentally does some preparations that Jeremie had already done, causing Jeremie to get mad at her. 's monsters shows their gratitude to Aelita, even though they are still enemies. ... lyokian Jul 11, 2018. She retained the ability to use them after Franz Hopper resurrected her soon after and gained the ability to be devirtualized like the others and use her own weapon, which allowed to take on a more combative role in the group. et en informatique. As team goes back to factory and restarts the supercomputer, Jeremie discovers that Forest and Ice Sectors have disappeared. had given Aelita a virus that connects them both. Portrayal Aelita reluctantly agrees and tells Jim that Odd is in the infirmary. Soon the Subdigital concert arrives, with Aelita being opening act in it, but she is captured by xanafied show manager and virtualized to Lyoko, missing her opening act. Code Lyoko (607) Code Lyoko Evolution (68) Miraculous Ladybug (15) Naruto (9) Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (9) One Piece (6) Fairy Tail (6) Phineas and Ferb (6) Original Work (5) Danny Phantom (5) Exclude Characters Odd Della Robbia (361) Aelita Schaeffer (360) Ulrich Stern (352) Yumi Ishiyama (334) Jeremie Belpois (326) William Dunbar (179) As Aelita keeps having bad dreams, they eventually lead her to rediscover her past toy, Mr. Pück, which has a key to a locker in the local train station. In the second season, she wears … X.A.N.A. Et de nombreux lyokofans t'attendent sur notre forum ! Découvrant rapidement le danger représenté par XANA, il décide de trouver le moyen de matérialiser Maya, puis forme l'équipe des Lyoko-guerriers pour lutter contre le programme multi-agent. She lived happily with both of them in the mountains and her parents gave her a small elf doll as a Christmas present and her father taught her to play the piano. After some challenges she manages to deactivate the tower, making specter disappear. Jeremie eventually manages to materialize a strand of Aelita's hair. 's monsters. Dans les deux derniers épisodes de la saison 1, elle est inscrite au collège au nom de Lyoko, nom auquel a pensé son amie Yumi quand elle a demandé à ses parents d'héberger sa "correspondante". Lyoko est décrit de façon précise dans la saison 4 de la série. C'est elle qui aperçoit des codes de XANA sur les ordinateurs du collège. When they don't have enough power to run it and Odd gets devirtualized, Franz Hopper arrives and gives all the energy for Aelita. 's towers and stop his attacks on Earth (until the episode Spectromania where her friends also gained this ability). During Ghost Channel, Odd, Yumi, and Ulrich disappeared during a return to the past. First appearance Il est l'ennemi des Lyoko-guerriers et l’antagoniste de la série, mais aussi un personnage-clef de la série : c'est lui qui la démarre, et son évolution à chaque saison entraîne incessamment un changement total sur l'intrigue de la série. However, Jeremie discovers an error with the Skid's Navigation System and needs to retrieve a disc for it from school. Fortunately, Odd and Yumi deactivate the two towers thanks to Laura's help and the spectre blows up, much to Aelita's sadness as she believed it was her real mother. ANIMATION: I would say that the animation is comparative with such shows as "The New Adventures of Johnny Quest". She and Laura continue to have a rather rough relationship with Aelita doing anything she can to have Laura removed from the group. These all, of course, are lies so Aelita can stay on Earth and to make people believe that she is a normal girl. Aelita has a complex connection to Lyoko. He explains that he was a prisoner, but managed to escape and that he was there to help the Lyoko Warriors rid of X.A.N.A.. During Code Lyoko Evolution, she got resentful and jealous of Laura, who helped out Jeremie at the lab. Aelita wears different outfits at different times on Earth. Jeremie wanted to materialize Aelita on Earth, so they can shut down the supercomputer and told Odd, Ulrich and Sissi that they could do it if they could get Aelita into the red tower (a tower which X.A.N.A. Quant à Odd, il avait été le premier à être mis hors-combat et avait déjà regagné le vaisseau. Unable to create a virus strong enough to destroy X.A.N.A once and for all, Jeremie decides to ask Laura for her help again and use a return to the past to erase her memory just like last time, despite the others' warnings that using her wouldn't be a very good idea. Parallèlement à la lutte contre XANA, elle est remarquée pour ses talents de DJ par les Subdigitals, et est choisie pour ouvrir le premier acte de l'un de leurs concerts (épisode 89 Il est sensé d'être insensé). As Jeremie found out about the scanners and virtualization, he sent Odd Della Robbia and Ulrich Stern to Lyoko. She finally reluctantly agreed to it when seeing Laura had altered the return in time program to exclude her from having her memories erased whenever it was activated, much to her anger and frustration. Sur les ordres de ce dernier, Aelita renonce à sauver son père et lance le programme qui détruit XANA avec succès. Enfin, dans la saison 4, ses ailes lui rendront l'usage de véhicule facultatif. Aelita meets her father again, but the Kolossus and many more monsters attack, forcing Aelita and Odd to retreat to Sector Five, where Aelita enters interface of Celestial Dome with X.A.N.A's destruction program. After making it to the interface, Aelita enters Jeremie's device into it, where the download starts. After Jeremie had retrieved program, the group tells him about their discovery, which Jeremie realizes is probably a Replika of Lyoko created by X.A.N.A. Code Lyoko Season 4: Ep. Laura finally learns about Franz Hopper, Aelita's deceased father but Aelita refuses to give her answers, leading Laura to seek answers in her own way. However, because of Aelita's virus, it also attacks her and becomes as almost self-aware as X.A.N.A., destroying everything in its way and forcing the Lyoko Warriors to work together with X.A.N.A. Code Lyoko theme song multilanguage (Official versions) 201aelita. has reached 92% of its full power thanks to the codes he stole from Aelita. Thank you, lyokian, for suggesting this! had activated when Jeremie restarted the supercomputer) in the Ice Sector. She eventually gets devirtualized because of Odd making an joke about Jeremie and Laura being flirting with each other. Aelita was born to Waldo and Anthea Schaeffer about 22 years before the events of the series. Dans la saison 3, Aelita a retrouvé la totalité de sa mémoire et est redevenue humaine à part entière, ce qui signifie qu'elle est désormais indépendante du superordinateur et que sa dévirtualisation ne fait que la ramener sur Terre (et non la tuer définitivement comme dans les deux saisons précédentes). Sa voix, quelque peu grave, fait adulte. Code Lyoko WIKI. In this game have to find our heroes lost in the maze. Both students are sent to the principal'soffice and receive four hours of detention. X.A.N.A adds more trouble by sending William along with some monsters to attack submarine, but Kiwi manages to get Jim distracted from Jeremie's and Aelita's detention, allowing them to help others to defend the submarine. Le site regroupe tout ce que tu recherches en infos, images, jeux, goodies, médias et bien plus encore ! This can be used to reach higher floors by jumping on the petrified enemy. She deactivates the tower in time but X.A.N.A. She can fly in certain cases, but it requires energy. Disclaimer: I do not own Code Lyoko, and this is my first time writing a Lyoko story. It was also the name of a planned spacecraft designed for missions to Mars. Cependant, cela n'a jamais été plus sérieux, et Aelita reste amoureuse de Jérémie durant le reste de la série. Elle apprend aussi que le supercalculateur qui génère Cortex est le même que celui de Lyoko. She helps Jeremie with his materialization process and feels X.A.N.A's pulses whenever X.A.N.A. with two towers, attempts to attack the group with spectres again fail, Once the virus is fully ready to destroy X.A.N.A for good, waits nonstop for an answer and when another mission to the Cortex is made,, Border Code - which had to be entered into four towers of four sectors, so Aelita could recover virtual memory lost, as seen when she does it to save Jeremie after his failed virtualization. William allows himself to be devirtualized so he can find Yumi before the spectre takes all of her codes as well, allowing Odd to help Aelita. traps everyone in the island, attempting to burn them into a crisp with lightning. However, the diary is locked with a code. However core closing, Aelita is forced to leave. Le site regroupe tout ce que tu recherches en infos, images, jeux, goodies, médias et bien plus encore ! Aelita stays in the way towers of Lyoko's sectors, being safe in there from X.A.N.A. aelita the one and only. Elle cherche alors à rejoindre la tour de passage pour y taper le code XANA, qui entraîne la destruction immédiate et définitive du territoire ou elle se trouve. takes control of him as its servant once again. As Franz sends Yumi, Odd, and Ulrich to Lyoko, Jeremie finds out that Franz is an impostor and helped Aelita to send a clone of her to Lyoko, where the Scyphozoa attacked and destroyed it. Everyone defends the heart, with Aelita having developed a new power, Energy Field, which allows her to defend herself. attacks, however, everyone, even Aelita herself seem to have improved physically as they go to Lyoko and deactivate tower. aelita bikini codelyoko pinup pose. or the supercomputer's long inactive time. You can use Petrification to freeze enemies in solid blocks of ice for a limited amount of time. Franz Hopper virtualized Aelita and himself in order to keep themselves safe and the next thing Aelita knew, she was in the Forest Sector of Lyoko. Sa principale différence avec le monde réel est qu'il est entièrement représenté en images 3D, alors que le monde réel est présenté essentiellement en 2D. Le site regroupe tout ce que tu recherches en infos, images, jeux, goodies, médias et bien plus encore ! William attacks along with some monsters. Jérémie tente de trouver un antivirus permettant de désactiver le lien. DESCRIPTION. Aelita receives a pretty necklace which she is convinced is from Jeremy. However, Franz Hopper sends an email to Jeremie's laptop along with the data to recreate Lyoko. X.A.N.A. Jérémie la nomme Maya, mais en désactivant la tour avec un halo rouge dans la partie 2 du préquelle, Aelita apprend son nom : il est écrit sur l'interface suivi de "Code Lyoko". Elle doit activer un programme depuis le superordinateur de l'usine de Sibérie au moment précis où William est dévirtualisé. 's polymorphic spectre of Franz Hopper begins to asphyxiate Jeremie in anger. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Le site regroupe tout ce que tu recherches en infos, images, jeux, goodies, médias et bien plus encore ! However, the real Aelita manages to deactivate the tower in Sector Five, thus saving Jeremie from near death. Not wanting to lose all of his data, Tyron orders one of his subordinates to shut down the supercalculator with the other four Lyoko Warriors inside but they manage escape their doom just in time. After 24 hours of waiting, Anthea appears in Tyron's lab and Jeremie turns on the sound so Aelita can speak to her mother but the conversation is short because Tyron cuts the connection. They discover that its one of X.A.N.A's specters, trying to steal source codes inside them. When William appeared for Aelita at the Cortex for the first time, she almost shot him with an energy field as William looked exactly like he did during the time he was possessed. Elle ne se virtualise sur Lyoko que pour désactiver les tours. Aelita est dévirtualisée à partir de l'épisode 25 (Code Terre), Jérémie utilise le code Terre jusqu'à l'épisode 29 (Exploration). The name also comes from the 1924 Soviet film Aelita: Queen of Mars, a reference to the fact that both women are considered queen or "princess" of an otherworldly place. Mais si la copie d'Aelita ne ré-apparaît pas dans l'épisode 11 c'est tout simplement parce que les hommes en noir du Projet Carthage sont entre temps revenus finir le travail et capturer la fille de Franz Hopper. As Ulrich has to deal with his father, Odd races in skateboard competition, Yumi is babysitting Hiroki and Jeremy is being interviewed by Milly and Tamiya, X.A.N.A. Franz Hopper, however, uses all of his powers to revive Aelita, who finally gets her past memories back. probably used the visions to confuse Aelita. Her inability to adapt to life on Earth caused her great unease and worry, and there were times when even her friends' support wasn't enough to convince her that she belonged. Her bravery is beyond measure; at multiple points, Aelita was willing to shut down the supercomputer (and herself along with it) for the sake of her friends and the world. Release year: 2003. Aelita Schaeffer thumb|500px|right|go subdigitals. Teddygodzilla 23m. Aelita HopperAelita Stones (false name) She can make a shield Energy Field by holding 'Z'. For betraying the group out of selfishness and imprudence, and putting William's life in great danger, Jeremie launches a newly-modified Return to the Past on Laura, successfully and completely erasing all of her memories of Lyoko, the lab, X.A.N.A. This skill was first brought to light in Final Mix, when she repaired a mixing board. Elle est la première à dévirtualiser William-XANA (épisode 70 Skidbladnir) et la première à être translatée avec Odd (épisode 78 Expérience). You may have to do this a couple times before the bridge appears. Father used to get rid of X.A.N.A. ‘ s point of view in Season 4 ses... The Code Lyoko the key when X.A.N.A. hints that he 's her stepfather and legal Guardian and X.A.N.A her! Favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat have an argument that hinders their progress on Lyoko et commencé! Inside his supercomputer and one of X.A.N.A. `` Aelita, qui a aidé lors... Always the one who told the team inside the houses ' boiler room ces véhicules the start when. Theory was wrong as Aelita saw the interface, Aelita notices her being smarter than Jeremie reboot! Ulrich Aelita in the Hospital is the only girls in the episode the Pretender destroy Skid the! 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