If an author is asked to revise and resubmit, the manuscript revisions must include a letter that explains how the reviewers’ points have been addressed. • This study was performed in line with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Part of ( Log Out / Authors and editors who do not have a preferred repository should consult Springer Nature’s list of repositories and research data policy. Please note that the Journal may not use the suggestions, but suggestions are appreciated and may help facilitate the peer review process. 1981; … Authors should be aware to secure informed consent from the individual (or parent or guardian if the participant is a minor or incapable) See also section on Informed Consent. Springer is pleased to offer Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry… The term American is a possessive of America and, properly speaking, refers to any person in the Americas and to anything belonging to any culture or nation in the Americas. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry is a cross-cultural peer-reviewed medical journal published quarterly by Springer Science+Business Media. Authors are requested to disclose interests that are directly or indirectly related to the work submitted for publication. Authors should adhere to discipline-specific rules for acquiring, selecting and processing data. Adding and/or deleting authors during the revision stages is generally not permitted, but in some cases may be warranted. While many ancient cultures have contributed to our current knowledge about medicine and the origins of psychiatry, the Ancient Greeks were among the best observers of feelings and moods patients expressed towards medicine and toward what today is referred to as 'psychopathology'. Sample statements if identifying information about participants is available in the article: Additional informed consent was obtained from all individual participants for whom identifying information is included in this article. For all research involving human subjects, freely-given, informed consent to participate in the study must be obtained from participants (or their parent or legal guardian in the case of children under 16) and a statement to this effect should appear in the manuscript. It is also paradoxical that … For example www.clinicaltrials.gov or any of the primary registries that participate in the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform. A list of 4-5 key words is to be provided directly below the abstract. Authors should provide the appropriate attribution for republished images. This study was reviewed and deemed exempt by our XYZ Institutional Review Board. Now in its fifth decade of publication, Psychological Medicine is a leading international journal in the fields of psychiatry, clinical psychology and the related basic sciences. The WHO defines health interventions as “A health intervention is an act performed for, with or on behalf of a person or population whose purpose is to assess, improve, maintain, promote or modify health, functioning or health conditions” and a health-related outcome is generally defined as a change in the health of a person or population as a result of an intervention. It is highly useful and appropriate in this international journal context, as the term generally employed by Usonians (that is, “American” to refer only to the United States) is highly offensive to many Latin Americans. No funding was received for conducting this study. 12: Presentations : Need help getting started? This includes multiple affiliations (if applicable). 2014), as well as Davidson and Orsini’s Worlds of Autism. Tissue culture, a method of biological research in which fragments of tissue from an animal or plant are transferred to an artificial environment in which they can continue to survive and function. Conflicts of Interest / Competing Interests, Research involving human participants, their data or biological material, International Cell Line Authentication Committee, WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, information on the theoretical framework of the study. Non-financial interests: In addition, authors are requested to disclose interests that go beyond financial interests that could impart bias on the work submitted for publication such as professional interests, personal relationships or personal beliefs (amongst others). No data, text, or theories by others are presented as if they were the author’s own (‘plagiarism’). is permitted in the text only; note that it should have a comma after the first author’s name and a comma after al., i.e., (Rivers, et al., 1905). Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press; 1981. Preventive Medicine Psychiatry Psychiatry/Family Practice Psychiatry/Neurology Radiation Oncology Radiology-Diagnostic Surgery Thoracic Surgery - Integrated Transitional Year *Urology Vascular Surgery - Integrated ACGME/RCPSC/UCNS Fellowship - December Cycle: 15 specialties, 0 new for ERAS 2021 Complex General Surgical Oncology (Surgery) Female Pelvic Medicine … Mahwah: Erblaum; 2004. The portal also provides authors links so that they can quickly register a new resource and obtain an RRID. In many instances authors will need to secure written consent before including images. If you are unclear whether your article type requires a disclosure statement, please contact the Editor-in-Chief. ‘Asylums and the origins of psychiatry’ surveys the care of the mentally ill. Nature Research Editing Service와 American Journal Experts에서 저희와 협약을 통해 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. Please use the title page for providing the statements. Authors should not use the term if s/he is referring only to the United States or things thereof. This work was supported by […] (Grant numbers […] and […]. Covering the latest in global arts and culture in all its forms, BBC Culture gives an international view of film and TV, books, art, music and style. If a study was granted exemption from requiring ethics approval, this should also be detailed in the manuscript (including the reasons for the exemption). Interested authors should contact any of the following contractors for manuscript assistance; authors are directly responsible for all payments to these contractors: http://www.internationalscienceediting.com. Regardless of whether material is collected from living or dead patients, they (family or guardian if the deceased has not made a pre-mortem decision) must have given prior written consent. Next time a bereaved person comes into the clinic and is asked about his or her background to assess how culture affects his or her health condition, the physician, before deciding whether to treat the grief as depressive … is permitted in the text only; note that it should have a comma after the first author’s name and a comma after al., i.e., (Rivers, et al., 1905). Research, Submit online at www.editoirialmanager.com/medi. Abstracts may be submitted in English and one other language. Under certain circumstances consent is not required as long as information is anonymized and the submission does not include images that may identify the person. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. Islam is the dominant religion in about 56 countries around the globe, and has more than 1.2 billion followers. Once and if the paper is accepted for publication, the production department will put the respective statements in a distinctly identified section clearly visible for readers. Abstracts may be submitted in English and one other language. "Rational Love, Relational Medicine: Psychiatry and the Accumulation of Precarious Kinship" Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry [forthcoming, October 2011]. Examples of such statement(s) are shown below: All authors contributed to the study conception and design. Authors must provide affiliation information, as well as an email address and at least one other means of contact. Tension between universalism and particularism, between equality of care and identity politics and culturally specific services. Don't show me this again. Kleinman A. ICMJE, Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors, Transparency in authors’ contributions and responsibilities to promote integrity in scientific publication, McNutt at all, PNAS February 27, 2018. The trial registration number (TRN), date of registration and the words 'retrospectively registered’ should be included as the last line of the manuscript abstract. • Pages should be numbered, beginning with the title page. Missouri 63110, USA Footnotes Changes of authorship by adding or deleting authors, and/or changes in Corresponding Author, and/or changes in the sequence of authors are not accepted after acceptance of a manuscript. Consent and already available data and/or biologic material. Admitting that burnout is a problem denotes failure of the system, the individual, or both: a deeply painful truth for those who have dedicated their lives to medicine. Please note that, in addition to the above requirements, funding information (given that funding is a potential conflict of interest (as mentioned above)) needs to be disclosed upon submission of the manuscript in the peer review system. This step will alert authors to possible problems with the cell line and may save considerable time and effort. Asking a colleague who is a native English speaker to review your manuscript for clarity. Approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of University B (Date.../No. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Visiting the English language tutorial which covers the common mistakes when writing in English. An IRB official waiver of ethical approval was granted from the IRB of XYZ. http://www.internationalscienceediting.com, AAA 2017 Session Highlight: Jonathan Metzl, “Negroes With Guns: Mental Illness, Gun Violence, and the Racial Politics of Firearms”, SPA Interview with Dr. Greg Downey and Dr. Daniel Lende, Article Highlight: Expert Knowledge Influences Decision-Making for Couples Receiving Positive Prenatal Chromosomal Microarray Testing Results. Images will be removed from publication if authors have not obtained informed consent or the paper may be removed and replaced with a notice explaining the reason for removal. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology is intended to provide a medium for the prompt publication of scientific contributions concerned with all aspects of the epidemiology of psychiatric disorders - social, biological and genetic. Having all statements in one place allows for a consistent and unified review of the information by the Editor-in-Chief and/or peer reviewers and may speed up the handling of the paper. The Editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the above-mentioned guidelines. Don't show me this again. Springer is pleased to offer Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry authors the opportunity to have their submissions reviewed by an independent language editing service prior to submission. General repositories - for all types of research data - such as figshare and Dryad may also be used. Use of paragraphs: Do not use many paragraphs, especially if you have a word or page limit. Pages should be numbered, beginning with the title page. Complete anonymity is difficult to achieve in some cases. All authors, however, must be named in the reference section. Examples of statements to be used when ethics approval has been obtained: • All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. Data protection, confidentiality and privacy. Research articles and non-research articles (e.g. Another word for null. Articles should include an abstract of no more than 200 words that includes: information on the theoretical framework of the study, study objectives, research and analytical approaches, major findings, conclusions. Exact requirements may vary depending on the journal; please refer to the journal’s Instructions for Authors. • 영어 튜토리얼 페이지에 방문하여 영어로 글을 쓸 때 자주하는 실수들을 확인합니다. If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration or comparable standards, the authors must explain the reasons for their approach, and demonstrate that an independent ethics committee or institutional review board explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. It is difficult to specify a threshold at which a financial interest becomes significant, any such figure is necessarily arbitrary, so one possible practical guideline is the following: "Any undeclared financial interest that could embarrass the author were it to become publicly known after the work was published.". In some internal medicine neurology programs, a 500-word essay is enough for them as long as you have … This special issue of Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry presents six papers along the theme of “Conceptualizing Autism around the Globe.” This collective has several important precursors, including a special issue in Ethos (Solomon and Bagatell 2010) and another in BioSocieties (Eyal et al. When reporting a study that involved human participants, their data or biological material, authors should include a statement that confirms that the study was approved (or granted exemption) by the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee (including the name of the ethics committee) and certify that the study was performed in accordance with the ethical standards as laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. Authors should avoid untrue statements about an entity (who can be an individual person or a company) or descriptions of their behavior or actions that could potentially be seen as personal attacks or allegations about that person. The Corresponding Author is responsible for the following requirements: * The requirement of managing all communication between the journal and all co-authors during submission and proofing may be delegated to a Contact or Submitting Author. Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, Research involving Human Participants and/or Animals, Partial financial support was received from [...]. Brandy Schillace, PhD • Citations should be single spaced, with a double space between entries. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The World Health Organization (WHO) definition of a clinical trial is "any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes". (Please provide transparency on the re-use of material to avoid the concerns about text-recycling (‘self-plagiarism’). 2012. Sensitive information in the form of confidential or proprietary data is excluded. The word limit is 750. Koro is also known as shrinking penis, and it is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. One author is assigned as Corresponding Author and acts on behalf of all co-authors and ensures that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately addressed. Comments on Published Articles: Critical comments about or elaborations upon an article published in Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine will be published in this section. It is recommended that authors check the NCBI database for misidentification and contamination of human cell lines. 为便于编辑和评审专家准确评估您稿件中陈述的研究工作,您需要确保您的英语语言质量足以令人理解。如果您需要英文写作方面的帮助,您可以考虑:, ● 使用专业语言编辑服务,编辑人员会对英语进行润色,以确保您的意思表达清晰,并识别需要您复核的问题。我们的附属机构 Nature Research Editing Service 和合作伙伴 American Journal Experts 即可提供此类服务。, 请注意,使用语言编辑服务并非在期刊上发表文章的必要条件,同时也并不意味或保证文章将被选中进行同行评议或被接受。, 如果您的稿件被接受,在发表之前,我们的文字编辑会检查您的文稿拼写是否规范以及文体是否正式。, エディターと査読者があなたの論文を正しく評価するには、使用されている英語の質が十分に高いことが必要とされます。英語での論文執筆に際してサポートが必要な場合には、次のオプションがあります:, ・英語を母国語とする同僚に、原稿で使用されている英語が明確であるかをチェックしてもらう。, ・プロの英文校正サービスを利用する。校正者が原稿の意味を明確にしたり、問題点を指摘し、英語の質を向上させます。Nature Research Editing Service とAmerican Journal Experts の2つは弊社と提携しているサービスです。Springer の著者は、いずれのサービスも初めて利用する際には10%の割引を受けることができます。以下のリンクを参照ください。, 英文校正サービスの利用は、投稿先のジャーナルに掲載されるための条件ではないこと、また論文審査や受理を保証するものではないことに留意してください。, 原稿が受理されると、出版前に弊社のコピーエディターがスペルと体裁のチェックを行います。. For review articles where discrete statements are less applicable a statement should be included who had the idea for the article, who performed the literature search and data analysis, and who drafted and/or critically revised the work. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry is an international and interdisciplinary forum for the publication of work in the fields of medical and psychiatric anthropology, cross-cultural psychiatry, and associated cross-societal and clinical epidemiological studies.. Paul Rodenhauser, Cultural barriers to mental health care delivery in Alaska, The Journal of Mental Health Administration, 10.1007/BF02521346, 21, 1, (60-70), (1994). Ethnocentric and cultural bias in psychiatry and related mental health sciences and professions was fostered, in part, by twentieth-century beliefs that considered non-Western values and lifestyles as inferior, primitive, and unimportant, while Western science and knowledge were considered to be universally valid. The use of et al. Amid the record-high Japanese suicide rates since the 1990s, however, Japanese psychiatrists have been working to medicalize suicide and, in the process, confronting this deeply ingrained cultural notion. A consent to publish form can be found. Another complicating factor for transcultural psychiatry is that language, as an integral part of culture, is what shapes an individual’s experience and expression and regulation of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Laing and a coterie of his associates, and a radical critique not just of psychiatric hospitalization but of the very premises of psychiatry itself and the basic institutions of society, especially the family. • Reuse of images: If images are being reused from prior publications, the Publisher will assume that the prior publication obtained the relevant information regarding consent. It is both a pleasure and an honor to celebrate Dr Arthur Kleinman and his work in this volume year of Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry (2016), the very Journal he founded some 40 years ago while at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Anti-psychiatry' is a movement more sloganized than analysed. Nichter Mark. Exceptions where it is not necessary to obtain consent: • Images such as x rays, laparoscopic images, ultrasound images, brain scans, pathology slides unless there is a concern about identifying information in which case, authors should ensure that consent is obtained. Get this from a library! Please see the formatting guideline for new submission categories. Websites related to Cultural Psychiatry. A Springer Open Choice article receives all the benefits of a regular subscription-based article, but in addition is made available publicly through Springers online platform SpringerLink. Non-financial interests: Author A is on the board of directors of Y and receives no compensation as member of the board of directors. Psychiatry Under the Influence may be comfortably ( or uncomfortably ) read from cover to cover to inform, or to analyse as an academic Rosetta stone. Medicine & Public Health Back to top. No page charges are levied on authors or their institutions. Provide a statement attesting to the originality of the submission, along with a guarantee that it has not been submitted or published elsewhere. Not logged in The Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry editorial team sends our greetings this week from the American Anthropological Association 2017 Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.This year’s 166 th Annual Meeting will be held from November 29 th through December 3 rd, with session listings and other helpful information available here.The theme for this year’s meeting is Anthropology Matters!. Authors of open access articles published in this journal retain the copyright of their articles and are free to reproduce and disseminate their work. Authors should include a statement that confirms that an institutional or independent ethics committee (including the name of the ethics committee) approved the study and that informed consent was obtained from the donor or next of kin. The participant has consented to the submission of the case report to the journal. Payment must be received in full before publication or articles will publish as regular subscription-model articles. Using a racial category to describe a cultural one, such as referring to Euro-American psychology (as opposed to Yankee or New England Protestant psychology), is inaccurate as it is a term of geographic origin, not of cultural or ethnic identity. Islam represents a holistic way of life, and according to a large proportion of its followers, the Islamic law or Shari’ah should prevail over secular law and should be implemented as state law. Koro is a culture-bound syndrome delusional disorder in which an individual has an overpowering belief that his or her sex organs are retracting and will disappear, despite the lack of any true longstanding changes to the genitals. Submissions should be proofread, final drafts and eminently readable. These contributions should be listed at the separate title page. Please see the various examples of wording below and revise/customize the sample statements according to your own needs. 1) made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data; or the creation of new software used in the work; 2) drafted the work or revised it critically for important intellectual content; 3) approved the version to be published; and. 40(2). Other terms that are no longer appropriate are the color terms (“white, brown,” etc), the geographical designations that falsely suggest common culture or identity (“Asian”, “African”, etc.). Upon request authors should be prepared to send relevant documentation or data in order to verify the validity of the results presented. Sample statements for "Consent to participate": Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study. H. Katschnig, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001. Please see the precise directions below. The above should be summarized in a statement and placed in a ‘Declarations’ section before the reference list under a heading of ‘Ethics approval’. Please make sure that the names of all authors are present and correctly spelled, and that addresses and affiliations are current. This could be in the form of raw data, samples, records, etc. Tables should not be embedded as figures or spreadsheet files, but should be formatted using ‘Table object’ function in your word processing program. In addition, the journal has a particular focus on the effects of social conditions upon behaviour and the relationship between … … • Provide a statement attesting to the originality of the submission, along with a guarantee that it has not been submitted or published elsewhere. Culture or race and Culture or race and ethnicity should never be confused authors will be given in the of. Cases may be warranted new submission categories seek consent from individuals to publish their data and.. Obtain an RRID in support of the above are guidelines and authors need to secure written before! Cell line and may help facilitate the peer review or after publication International Encyclopedia of the Commonwealth community. 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