Madeliene Leininger specifically implemented the transcultural theory addressing cultural dynamics. “Fundamentally, it requires a mental shift that frames diversity as a means to address quality health outcomes for all, rather than an end goal in and of itself.”, Study Tips for High School Students (and the Rest of Us), How an Educator Became an Advocate for Medical Cannabis. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); About UVM | Certificates and Programs | Register | Accessibility | Privacy | Contact Us The most practical and impactful avenue for reducing the racial health disparity lies in the employment and training of healthcare professionals. Other health care problems that disproportionately affect minorities include provider biases, poor provider-patient communication, and health literacy issues.”, “It does make a difference,” Prelock says, “if you receive health care from a person who represents you, someone with whom you can connect at a different level.”. Center for the Study of Cultural Diversity in Healthcare. In addition, the number of male nurses has increased. For health care experts like Patricia Prelock, Ph.D., dean of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at the University of Vermont, these changing demographics underscore the importance of cultural diversity in a profession where the patient-provider relationship is key to determining the quality of care. For example, an Iraqi woman wearing a hijaab might appreciate seeing a female doctor who would know to draw the curtains and take other steps to prioritize modesty. Diversity is prevalent in the nursing, Ultimately, health inequity will persist as long as structural oppression of racial minorities persist in healthcare. On a daily basis, healthcare professionals work with patients of a variety of cultures, and many work with team members who come from different cultures than their own. Physicians are increasingly faced with providing care to a multicultural society complicated by literacy issues. Therefore, tackling the prevalence of structural racism in health settings could incite change. Define cultural competency 2. According to the AFL-CIO’s Department for Professional Employees, the average age of nurses has increased over the past 15 years from 39 to 43, but younger people are increasingly joining the profession. First, their cultural background affects the type of care they receive. CHAPTER 9 Cultural Diversity in Health Care Karen A. Esquibel and Dorothy A. Otto This chapter focuses on the importance of cultural considerations for patients and staff. Examples of cultural barriers include instances in which the healthcare provider may overlook harmful interactions between medications and traditional remedies used by the patient, and circumstances in which the provider is unfamiliar with cultural elements connected with racial or ethnic groups. Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures, as opposed to monoculture, the global monoculture, or a homogenization of cultures, akin to cultural decay. Generally, incentive compensation involves the use of monetary reward for managers to attain specific established goals. Although it does not address comprehensive details about any specific culture, it does provide guidelines for actively incorporating cultural aspects into the roles of leading and managing. “The more diverse the people are who provide medical care, the better they can respectfully and knowledgeably assist their patients.” Without the basic knowledge of equality and diversity, it can be difficult to get people to promote and support it. Therefore, incentive compensation can be a motivational tool that benefits health care, Theorists are known to develop theories and models for healthcare professionals to follow as a framework in the medical field. In multicultural and minority populations, the issue of communication may play an even larger role because of behavioral, cognitive, linguistic, contextual, and … A lack of diversity in medicine proves troubling for patients seeking physicians who are knowledgeable about their specific needs. Topic: Diversity in Nursing Being culturally competent, Concept paper The Hispanic population will more than double, to 128.8 million. The patient may not want a particular family member to know about their, Demonstrative Communication Essay example, coyote and the fox/ fox and coyote and whale compare and contrast. For sample pages of the package and/or to purchase the package, visit It even takes into consideration the social determinants of health. In order to promote equality and diversity in your health or social care setting, everyone on your team needs to be fully understanding of the relevant legislation, principles and practices. that, workers, cultural competency is important for obvious reasons. “Missing Persons: Minorities in the Health Professions,” a report from the Sullivan Commission on Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce, an initiative of the W.K. Goal is to help healthcare providers develop a knowledge base about how cultural values and assumptions influence communication. I should know, as my family is made up of immigrants from Mexico. ©2021 The University of Vermont Continuing and Distance Education | Burlington, VT 05401, (802) 656-2085, College of Nursing and Health Sciences at the University of Vermont, AFL-CIO’s Department for Professional Employees, a report from the Sullivan Commission on Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce, Creating an Effective LinkedIn Profile Part 2: Making Connections, Communicating Well, Public Health Graduate Program Helps Alumna Take Her Career to the Next Level, Dr. Jan Carney: Social Distancing is a Proven Public Health Strategy, End of Life Doula Training: Connecting with Patients and Embracing Grief, Ian McHale Works Toward a Career in Public Health and Pediatrics, Building Healthy Communities by Way of UVM’s Online Master of Public Health Program. However, no one single group will make up a majority. In our society today, we have an array of different cultures and making patients feel comfortable and at easy is our primary goal. Cultural Competence in Healthcare Examples. (ncbi.nlm.nih) If an organization is unable to provide a work environment that motivates its staff to perform to their maximum potential, staff will gravitate to another organization. The elementary school I attended , I always could recognize where I differed from everybody else. When my family members came to the United States they barely spoke any English, and that made it very difficult, Healthcare Questions and Article Critique: Health … It’s not just in medicine; it’s in nursing, speech pathology, physical therapy, radiation therapy – all the health professions.”, A Need to Improve Cultural Diversity in Health Care. here are some examples: Illness is disguised or hidden in some cultures. Nursing, for example, traditionally has been composed of middle-aged white women but has slowly seen changes in the makeup of the workforce. To understand cultural competence, a healthcare provider needs to pay attention to how culture can have an impact on experiences with the healthcare system. Cultural diversity training: The necessity of cultural competence for health care providers and in nursing practice. Many of these people come with just the clothes on their back. These examples from the field highlight diversity initiatives at six hospitals across the country. As America undergoes health care reform, it’s important to consider what “universal access” means in a country undergoing significant demographic change. Ensuring safe and quality health care for all patients requires physicians to understand how each patient’s sociocultural background affects his or her health beliefs and behavior. The University of Pennsylvania emphasizes the differences in approach to illness that are found across cultures. Health agencies at a national and local level produce a number of guides to raise awareness of cultural issues among healthcare professionals and hospitals may implement additional non-medical services, such as the provision of specific types of food and dress to patients or the hiring of chaplains, to accommodate the needs of patients with religious requirements. Young 2016a - Young S, Guo KL. In order to provide quality care to patients one must be culturally competent. A male health care provider would take this into consideration when treating a female Islamic patient. The percentage of black Americans will increase to 14.7 percent — 61.8 million — in 2060. Learning to nurture cultural respect and inclusion is vital to reducing health disparities and to facilitate and improve access to high-quality healthcare that is directly responsive to a patient’s needs. Minorities in California consist of those other than non-Hispanic whites, and with their growing presence, they are becoming further underrepresented in the medical field. Kellogg Foundation, goes so far to state: “The fact that the nation’s health professions have not kept pace with changing demographics may be an even greater cause of disparities in health access and outcomes than the persistent lack of health insurance for tens of millions of Americans.”, The U.S. Agency for Healthcare and Research Quality, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, measures these health disparities annually. Gender, too, has historically been included in the diversity umbrella. For example, ensure your staff doesn’t offer pork or shellfish to Jewish for Muslim patients. Culture is one of the organizing concepts upon which nursing is based and defined, key functions of the human resource management (HR) department that support the health care field the most are: motivating healthcare employees, demographic and diversity trends, and information systems in the field. Cultural competence is the ability to collaborate effectively with individuals from different cultures; and such competence improves health care experiences and outcomes. Cultural diversity refers to the differences between people rooted in a shared belief and value system based on norms, customs, and way of life. “If we don’t have the cultural context of the people we’re serving, we’re not going to be effective as health care professionals. The U.S. population is aging. Cultural competence is defined as the ability of providers and organizations to effectively deliver health care services that meet the social, cultural, and linguistic needs of patients. Most of these organizations use this tool as a means of rewarding employees financial for outstanding performance. It recently noted that the “overall health of the American population has improved over the past few decades, but not all Americans have benefitted equally from these improvements. Some patients choose spiritual healing over traditional Western medicine. Healthcare organizations must value their staff by providing professional training opportunities that, Cultural Diversity in the Healthcare Field Essay examples, Cultural Diversity in the Healthcare field, Family members, at times, can be of great assistance, but then HIPPA comes into play. Medical and other healthcare professionals spend many years in school learning how and when to treat patients for giving symptoms, but teaching them to interact with patients currently falls on knowing the things that make up a person’s cultural identity. For example, cultural details varying among patients “can include a range of factors such as ethnicity, language, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, age or peer group, geography, and other sociological characteristics. Diversity is becoming a key word in health care. This culture is truly patriarchal, and most major decisions tend to be made by the males of the family. The non-Hispanic white population will remain the largest single group. » CHRISTUS Health, a multistate health system in Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico, is building a culture that prioritizes diversity and inclusion. “The patients we’re serving now will look very different from the patients we’re going to be serving in 20 years,” she says. Consider these statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau: Nursing, health and medical schools across the country – including those at UVM — are working to recruit students and faculty of color to ensure that health care professionals better reflect the patients they serve. Cultural differences, but differences in cultural and ethnic identities between doctors and patients alter the quality of care because of preexisting stereotypes, health disparities, and linguistic gaps. Tweets by @uvmCDE A patient’s cultural background is important in many ways. For example, a woman should not be touched by a man who isn’t a member of her immediate family. Growing up I always felt different. Asian Americans will double to 34.4 million in 2060, comprising 8.2 percent of the total population. Also, the world of work is becoming increasingly international. (We discussed what is cultural diversity in this blog.) The number of international migrants is expected to grow by 41.2 million. Cultural Diversity and Health CareCULTURAL COMPETENCE• The understanding of diverse attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, practices, and communication patterns attributable to a variety of factors (such as race, ethnicity, religion, SES, historical and social context, physical or mental ability, age, gender, sexual orientation, or generational and acculturation status).• (1) A culturally competent health care system can help improve health outcomes and quality of care, and can contribute to the elimination of racial and ethnic health disparities. “Interacting with a health care professional is such a personal relationship that it’s important that the provider you have understands the values and beliefs of the individual with whom they are working,” Prelock explains. Diversity: The changing demographics and economics of our growing multicultural world, and the long-standing disparities in the health status of people from culturally diverse backgrounds has challenged health care providers and organizations to consider cultural diversity as a priority. The phrase cultural diversity can also refer to having different cultures respect each other’s differences. Within a few decades, minority groups will become the majority. Read Example Of Case Study On Cultural Diversity In Healthcare and other exceptional papers on every subject and topic college can throw at you. African-American, Hispanic and Native-American physicians are much more likely than white physicians to practice in underserved communities and to treat larger numbers of … 2016;35(2):94-102. That means that even though UVM may require all undergraduate students to take six credits in courses covering diversity issues, the College of Nursing and Health Sciences also makes sure that students get the chance in all classes related to patient care to consider ways to better serve patients who are different from them: different religions, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, genders, abilities, ages and more. By 2060, the number of Americans age 65 and over is expected to double to 92 million. Cultural background is important to honor and respect if a patient is being treated in the hospital. Topic: Diversity in Nursing We can custom-write anything as well! Cultural Diversity plays a very important role and will continue to play an even greater role as we move into a more diversified world. And although the number of white, non-Hispanic nurses hovers around 70 percent, younger graduates of nursing schools are getting plenty of training in learning how to work with patients from a variety of backgrounds. A patient must be looked at, holistic nursing views the patient this way. In the health care setting cultural diversity plays a big role because we have a variety of patients of all types of cultural backgrounds that are admitted into the hospital. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? Masereh Jallow Start studying Cultural Diversity in Healthcare. Patients may have a particular cultural background or language barrier that affects the provider’s approach. Page 1 Many Differences, One Mission: Mission Health is committed to diversity, inclusion and health equity by fostering a culture that values differences and similarities. By Ethnicity & Disease. But now, diversity encompasses a much larger spectrum including life experiences, lifestyle choices and ideas, such as socioeconomic status and sexual orientation. For example, consider the medical needs of a transgender patient. Measures to improve cultural competence and ethnic diversity will help alleviate healthcare disparities and improve health care outcomes in these patient populations. The U.S. population is nearing 400 million. It is designed to assess adult literacy in the health care setting. “In the standards from our accrediting bodies that guide our curriculum, in our learning outcomes and performance competencies, we work to infuse cultural and linguistic diversity. Cultural Diversity in the U.S. By 2060, nearly one in three Americans will be Hispanic (the term used by the U.S. Census), up from one in six today. It can be beneficial to explore and target larger institutional issues, such as government law and policy, but, it is important to realize that, success through furthering my education. By 2060, “minorities” – meaning those who are not of white European descent – are projected to comprise 57 percent of the population, up from 37 percent today. Cultural diversity refers to cultural differences and how individuals and groups vary based on certain ethnic, racial, and cultural attributes. For health care experts like Patricia Prelock, Ph.D., dean of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at the University of Vermont, these changing demographics underscore the importance of cultural diversity in a profession where the patient-provider relationship is key to determining the quality of care. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Diversity to me is what you bring to the table (age, gender, sexual orientation, race, skills, etc.) Cultural Diversity in Healthcare Brittney Thrasher Virginia College-Montgomery Cultural Diversity in Healthcare Being culturally aware and knowledgeable is a must when working in any type of healthcare field. Those 85 and older will make up 4.3 percent – 18.2 million — of the overall population. It wasn’t easy but the older I became, I learned to embrace every aspect of me. The Case for Diversity in the Health Care Workforce: This Health Affairs article takes a look at the myriad benefits provided by including individuals from diverse backgrounds in the medical arena. 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