Scale -... -
Address Points Building Footprints LiDAR (2-foot contours, 5-meter terrain Tiff). ; List All Data Set Owners by Sector - An alphabetic list of all data sharing cooperative members who have data sets available, grouped by business sector, e.g. New York State COVID-19 Data is Now Available on Open NY. Address points within Cayuga County. -
the product or its fitness for any particular purpose. January 19, 2021 | 2:07 pm COVID-19 Updates . Cornell University provides these geographic data "as is". Used for emergency response and disaster preparedness initiatives. Hit the "Current View" button to update the lists. Accessible recreation sites throughout New York State that are owned, maintained or jointly managed by DEC. -
Photos were taken in the Spring of 1936. The Traffic Data Viewer (TDV) is an interactive map program that displays published traffic data graphically. Suggest a dataset here. New York state county boundaries and demography (Shapefile : 2000) Metadata Updated: May 17, 2013 This dataset presents boundaries and basic demographic data from the 2000 Census for each county and county-equivalent area in New York state. Located north of Manhattan and Queens, more than one quarter of the area is open space. License: U.S. Government Work. GIS data: This data set consists of 6 classes of zoning features: zoning districts, special purpose districts, special purpose district subdistricts, limited height districts, commercial overlay districts, and zoning map amendments. NYC is a trademark and service mark of the City of New York. We use Partnership Shapefiles in our partner programs to share data with and capture data from our partners. New York State Department of Transportation coordinates operation of transportation facilities and services including highway, bridges, railroad, mass transit, port, waterway and … Cornell University further Additionally, there are GIS datasets for 1:24,000 and 1:250,000 scale aquifer maps. 2 geocoder web services using NYS Address (Sam) Points and NYS Streets. -
Browse GIS Data Set Inventories. Although these Photographs cover the entire county. User note on Congressional and State Legislative Districts in Geographic Products. TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2015, state, New York, Current Census Tract State-based Shapefile Metadata Updated: November 21, 2016. For the previous District files, release 20C, see the BYTES of the BIG APPLE archive. Depicts 1916 fire protection areas of the Adirondack Park, New York State. Data sets should not be used for legal jurisdictional determinations without consulting the data creator. Adirondack Land Trust properties dataset includes the properties that the land trust permanently owns or holds a conservation easement on.... -
Cornell University Library GIS Resources Page increases the ability of the public to easily find, download, and use datas… Vector data in ESRI shapefile format. This is a Non-Federal dataset covered by different Terms of Use than Shapefile of 3 agricultural districts in Albany County representing geographic boundaries of lands under the protection of NYS Agricultural District... -
GIS Web Services. Original photos are... -
Rather than downloading individual image files, the links to the left can be used to download collections for municipalities. Outer boundary of the New York State Adirondack Park as described in Section 9-0101 of the New York Environmental Conservation... -
You can find maps for: 1. places to hunt; 2. places to fish; 3. places to go(recreati… For state-based and national congressional district cartographic boundary files for the 103rd through 110th Congresses, see our FTP site. List All Data Set Owners - An alphabetic list of all data sharing cooperative members who have data sets available. Bronx County is one of the five boroughs of New York City, covering 57 mi². The web page includes GIS data in many categories. -
Thus, the Government is precluded from copyrighting its publications. Polygon shapefiles for the 3 agricultural districts in Albany County representing geographic boundaries of lands under the protection of NYS Agricultural District Law, as administered by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. Wear a mask, social distance and stay up to date on New York State's vaccination program. on any other system, nor does the fact of distribution constitute or imply Geological dataset for Alabama. As established in DEC Commissioner Policy 29 on Environmental Justice and Permitting(CP-29), Potential EJ Areas are U.S. Census block groups of 250 to 500 households each that, in the Census, had populations that met or exceeded at least one of the following statistical thresholds: 1. These files were generated from the 20D release of the Department of City Planning's LION file. State Forest Acquisition/Old Growth (1919 State Land Acquisition) online map AGOL overview REST feature service: shapefile: metadata: Old growth timber areas of the Adirondack Park, New York State. no warranty is made by Cornell University regarding the use of these data The Department of City Planning offers these products for free download or by a license. Albert R. Mann Library (Point of Contact), Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository, Use Constraints: None. The burden for Data are available for direct download (GIS shapefile format) on the page if the data source is Geological Survey of Alabama. GIS mapping files contain geographical information, which are spatial data encoded into a file format.. -
While every effort has been made to insure the integrity of this digital data, the New York State Education Department ("NYSED") makes no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to its accuracy, completeness, or usefulness for any particular purpose or scale. The Map Collectioncontains non-interactive (static) maps that you may view, save or print. Polygon coverages representing generalized geographic boundaries of lands under the protection of NYS Agricultural District Law, as administered by the... -
any such warranty. "Academia", "State Government", etc.. The data have been collected from many sources including state, federal and local governments, as well as organizations who are actively engaged in the protection and study of conservation lands such as land trusts, educational institutes and The Nature Conservancy. Be sure to check out our listings of U.S. State GIS Shapefiles and resources on other websites. Access & Use Information. New York Protected Areas Map: This map shows the current extent of protected lands in New york State. View Original Full Metadata, Harvested from Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository. Watersheds Waters and Watersheds. Adirondack Park Land Use and Development Plan Map and State Land Master Plan Map (APLUDP/SLMP) pursuant to Sections 805 and... -
Housatonic River... -
All address locations as listed on E-911 records, updated continuously, accurate to location of building with standard address information. information contained in the geographic data. Mapping reports at both scales can be viewed at the USGS webpage titled "USGS Mapping of Unconsolidated Aquifers of Upstate New York" (leaves DEC website). Bytes of the Big Apple Bytes of the Big Apple is a family of software data and geographic base map files for the City of New York. Polygon file of agricultural districts within Rensselaer County. All Right Reserve. -
Coronavirus is still active in New York. Tax parcels for Allegany County in shapefile format. Once complete, the 2020 Census Redistricting Data (P.L. Point file locating all ambulance facilities within Rensselaer County. If the data are from another source or agency, the weblink to the data is given. Line and point data surveying the Housatonic River for features such as Access, Trash, Pipes, Runoff, and Impacted Areas. Bronx County, NY. Defines the outer boundary of the Appalachian Basin in the State of New York and other surrounding states. Online Maps and Google Earthshow you DEC's data in interactive maps with satellite imagery, photographs, local business information and driving directions. Source scale is approximately... -
Depicts areas damaged by a 1950 windstorm in and around the Adirondack Park, New York State. This resource may be used as an historical... -
© 2021 The City of New York. The original data was collected by B. McMartin, who compiled a map of lands acquired by the State in the Adirondack Park. We have to be smart. Use the links below to download the shapefiles and to view the metadata for New York City Political, Administrative and Census geographies. makes no warranty either expressed or implied, regarding the condition of Scale... -
Absolutely no guarantee of accuracy or completeness is implied... -
Sole Source Aquifers Tax map data for Albany County, NY prepared for tax purposes. Polygons representing places in Monroe County that would be of interest to consumers, business people, tourists, and the general public... -
determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user. Didn't find what you're looking for? Complete upstate New York mapping coverage exists at a 1:250,000 scale. U.S. State Boundaries Metadata Updated: December 2, 2019 The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File / Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) Database (MTDB). Within its borders are a reported 1,432,132 residents. Google Earth allows map data to be viewed in a 3D virtual environment. Examples include: Shapefiles (Partnership, TIGER/Line, Cartographic Boundary), KML (Google), and; File Geodatabase (ESRI) files. Learn more about the Redistricting Data Program. On this page you will find information and links for the following topics: Watersheds - Information on the 17 major watersheds in New York State, including individual waterbody reports (see below on this page); Lakes and Rivers - Material for lake and river management programs; Oceans and Estuaries - Material on the five major, … University makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of Ithaca, Tompkins County & New York State. At least 51.1% of the population in an urban area reported themselves to be members of minority groups; or 2. -
Consequently, you are free to reproduce census materials as you see fit. The data will be updated on a daily basis. 94-171) Shapefiles will be available for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Boundaries of parcels included in agricultural districts as per County Board and Real Property Tax office; updated annually. Cornell External web sites operate at the direction of their respective owners who should be contacted directly with questions regarding the content of these sites. 1936 Aerial Photographic Survey. Wear a mask, maintain six feet distance in public and download the official New York State exposure notification app, COVID Alert NY. Shapefile of footprint outlines of buildings in New York City. The polygons were created from... -
December 27, 2020 | 2:31 pm Information on Novel Coronavirus . Browse, download, and analyze COVID-19-related data from the New York State Department of Health. By law, Title 17 U.S.C., Section 105, copyright protection is not available for any work of the United States Government. CUGIR-- CUGIR is an active online repository in the National Spatial Data Clearinghouse program.CUGIR provides geospatial data and metadata for New York State, with special emphasis on those natural features relevant to agriculture, ecology, natural resources, and human-environment interactions. A shapefile is a geospatial data format for use in geographic information system (GIS) software. files have been processed successfully on computers at Cornell University, File geodatabase with two feature classes, building footprint impervious surfaces and all other impervious surfaces. Bronx County was established on January 1, 1914 - the last county established in New York State. The State of New York does not imply approval of the listed destinations, warrant the accuracy of any information set out in those destinations, or endorse any opinions expressed therein. Otsego County data only. On the interactive map individuals have control of displaying data for individual traffic stations, the type of data available, and the location of counters used to collect the data. Adirondack Park Boundary - Outer boundary of the New York State Adirondack Park … This dataset provides an approximation of the watershed boundaries of water bodies classified as AA and AAs in Title 6... -
ASPRS Aerial Data Catalog Catalog for locating aerial photography over the U.S. and international coverage areas. The Appalachian... -
COVID-19 is still spreading, even as the vaccine is here. The U.S. Census Bureau asks, however, that in using this data you cite the Census Bureau as the source., Access Constraints: None. GIS (Geographic Information Systems), Geospatial Data: GIS Data - NY State, Cities & Counties Information and links to geospatial data and inteactive mapping websites and GIS related software Home Estimates of Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) are available graphically for segments of … For KML versions of these files, please see our Cartographic Boundary Files - KML page. At least 33.8% of the population in a rural area reported themselves to be … This dataset shows the location of each ambient air quality monitoring station currently being operated by the Bureau of Air... -
Collection. All traffic accident reports from 1998-2003 in database with point location. -
The assessment information including inventory on properties.
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