"JUST OVER THE NEXT HILL": THE END OF THIS AGE HAS ARRIVED… advisors, leaders, to a large war party. Unci Maka (Lakota for Earth Mother) $710. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. It consists of four colors. We are all One People and are able to have children with each other. Read More. Crossroads Blues $680. Change ), I’M THE REAL THING: RETURN OF DAKOTA PIPE & THE DAKOTA UPRISING OF 1862, RACIAL HATRED FORBIDDEN: LAKOTA MEDICINE WHEEL SYMBOLISM. Projections include rates of species extinction, one hundred times higher, due to human activity and accelerated by centuries of colonialism. VIDEO: Lakota Media Project 'Moccasins on the Ground for Unci Maka' Posted on 11:58 by Unknown Lakota youths at Lakota Media Project produced this superb video for the protection of Mother Earth and in solidarity to halt the Keystone XL pipeline of dirty crude oil targeting their land and water. The Lakota Oyate observed and studied many beautiful natural phenomena on Unci Maka (un-chi ma-ka, grandmother earth). Showing 1-1 of 1 messages. The main page's background represents Unci Maka, Grandmother Earth. The symbol that has come to represent the Lakota Way (Spiritual Tradition) and gradually the Lakota People ourselves is the Medicine Wheel. Please take a moment to help get our words, thoughts, and prayers out to the world, all over Unci Maka, that Lakota People, and many other Red Nations people, we have painted our faces. Unci (Grandmother) Maka (Earth.) These frameworks in the ways in which settler colonialism manifest itself historically to today are absolutely crucial to understand for social movements, allies (whatever that means), and for peoples whom are truly seeking liberation. Tupelo Honey $430. In the the beginning Four Colors of Two Legged (Human Beings) were placed on Unci Maka (Grandmother Earth). The Red, White, Black, Yellow. It consists of four colors. So again, no, not everyone is Indigenous, we’re all children of Unci Maka absolutely, just not all Indigenous. advisors, leaders, to … I am deeply concerned about the loss of true traditional knowledge among modern Indigenous peoples. We are not alone. le miyeye! Ee-ahh-ee-oo: The sacred sounds for “Ilahinoor” which is the Turkish word for “Divine Light”.Gaia: From the Greek word yaia (gaia) meaning Earth or Mother Goddess of the Earth. That shared, the Spirits have most definately indicated that those with the most Lakota blood should be our leaders. Unci Maka means "Mother Earth" in Lakota. The Lakota, members of the family of the Great Sioux Nation of North America, have a very rich spirituality and a deep respect for all life, visible and invisible. Press ‘Ctrl F’ to open a search box in your browser to search specific Lakota or English words that appear on this page. Here is the story I was taught regarding what it really symbolizes. Unci Maka means "Mother Earth" in Lakota. For sacred water, for Unci Maka, for our generations. Their prayers are offered to celebrate the reemergence of life awakened by the clashing of the Wakinyan Oyate upon Unci Maka (Mother Earth) said Wakan Wicasa Richard Moves Camp. The Lakota call the world Unci Maka, meaning grandmother earth, denoting an ancient kinship. In Lakota, we call our home Unci Maka, which means Grandmother Earth. Their prayers are offered to celebrate the reemergence of life awakened by the clashing of the Wakinyan Oyate upon Unci Maka (Mother Earth) said Wakan Wicasa Richard Moves Camp. Plume / WACEHI/ wah - chay - hee. Available now . Ok, here is an image of a Lakota Medicine Wheel. “And knowing that if we continually destroy and take, that eventually it’s going to end. It exemplifies the compelling belief that all things that exist are connected in one continuous process of growth and progression. Overtime, via migrations and cross-breeding between these colors, new colors/shades of Two-Legged were born. My American Indian side is Iyeska Lakota (un-enrolled) & Metis. Diana Frances. In the the beginning Four Colors of Two Legged (Human Beings) were placed on Unci Maka (Grandmother Earth). That deep sense of kinship to place is why the world saw the “water protectors” give their all a few years ago when they fought against the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock Reservation. "JUST OVER THE NEXT HILL": THE END OF THIS AGE HAS ARRIVED… All of Creator’s beings are needed, and contribute to life on Unci Maka (Grandmother Earth). Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Read More. Plow/MAKA IYUBLU/mah-kah ee-yue-blue. Search Press search or ENTER (on your keyboard) to look up the word you typed in the search field. One of the most famous stories from Lakota mythology was about the adventures of Iktomi, the trickster spider god. Unci Maka nawecijin na ya wowah'walakota wan. His essence could no longer live in Inyan’s “blood” and left it to surround itself around Unci Maka. Ee-ahh-ee-oo: The sacred sounds for “Ilahinoor” which is the Turkish word for “Divine Light”.Gaia: From the Greek word yaia (gaia) meaning Earth or Mother Goddess of the Earth. The Lakota year began in March with the first day of spring. My hunka (adopted) father was a Lakota Holy Man and I was raised/trained in traditional Plains Indian thought. Grandmother Spirit Grandmother Spirit This is the song we sing. from Santee Luke Witt Lakota-Waldorf Teacher As I walk along Unci Maka (Mother Earth) I feel my moccasins upon her, Cold but yet comforting. In addition, all Human Beings are open to all other Human Beings as potential spouses…regardless of their color. All that lives on Unci Maka (Grandmother Earth) is our relation and the Great Hoop of Life encapsulates all living beings everywhere, in every plane of existence and on every planet. My paternal grandfather grew up on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation and my mother is a Metis. Our allies up north have painted their faces. They are made out of dyed porcupine quills. Indeed, those Lakota Men who are both 1) true Traditionals in worldview and 2) who can patrilineally trace their ancestry all the way back to the founder of the Lakota People (Eagle Man) in an unbroken chain…are to be our major political leaders. For your actions in protection of our Mni (water) and Unci Maka (lands) Mr. President, myself and the Oglala Lakota Nation want to thank you. It seems the ice on the trees are making there entrance with a beauty we all loveand come to know. Grandmother (Unci Maka) Grandmother (Unci Maka) Ohh (Wakan) Grandmother (Unci Maka) Grandmother (Unci Maka) Grandmother (Unci Maka) Ohh (Wakan) Grandmother Spirit Grandmother Spirit This is the song we bring. Yuha wauwelo, he-ho Thanks! Unci Maka, Oh Makiayo Tunkasila, Pila maya yelo heya heya hey..... Cura cura, sana sana, cura mi familia x2 Wakantanka, Wakantanka lleva mi alma Doy Gracias por mi vida (Translation from Lakota) Grandmother Earth, I am praying to you Great … ... Unci Maka Wakan Winyan. Thanks. If he cared about you, he would tease you relentlessly; he joked and created laughter everywhere he went. My White side is mostly Gael & Y'an-gee (aka Yankee). Point out(to)/EPAZO KE S E/ay-pah-zoh kay s ay. The paint style reminds me of Mother Earth and the surrounding universe so I have dedicated my art to the health and happiness of Mother Earth and all the beautiful creatures she keeps. This blog and a nascent organization I have named the Traditional American Indian Alliance (TAIA) is my attempt to address this reality. Palms On Buffalo Skull: With Maka Unci, We Are Never Alone Two poems to usher in summer by Lois Red Elk (Dakota/Lakota) as we contemplate … If interested, contact me for colors, prices and sizes. Das ist der Weg meines Lebens. Reverence and respect were practiced by the human. The Moccasins on the Ground , a grassroots resistance training, focuses on skills, tactics, and techniques of nonviolent direct action in three day training camps. Thus, Above and Below are represented again. Tradition is the foundation of Lakota society. by Michelle Lamb. SICANGU LAKOTA . Our allies up north have painted their faces. For sacred water, for Unci Maka, for our generations. No one is above or below any other on this Planet. It consists of four colors. View all posts by Kevin Meagher. All Two Legged (regardless of color/ancestry) are equal to all other Two Legged. English Lakota Type an English word in the search field to look up its equivalent in Lakota. Point / EPAZO/ ay - pah - zoh. Wakan Tanka (God) placed the Yellow Two Leggeds in the East (Asia), The Red in the West (North/South America), the White in the North (Europe/parts of the Middle East) and the Black in the South (Africa, parts of the Pacific Isles region and Australia). Please take a moment to help get our words, thoughts, and prayers out to the world, all over Unci Maka, that Lakota People, and many other Red Nations people, we have painted our faces. le miyeye! Unci (Grandmother) Maka (Earth.) Wakan Tanka, Wakan Tanka Unci Maka, Unci Maka le miyeye! What does the Lakota Medicine Wheel symbolize? Wasun Wiconiya Wakan Sacred Breath or Breath of Power Cave (Wind Cave) Lakota oral tradition tells us that the Lakota beginning on the surface of Unci Maka (Grandmother earth) began when Wasun Wiconiya Wakan provided the opening from which the Lakota emerged from their subterranean world to the surface of the world. Over a year ago I shared with several friends that the first incident ushering in the major events of Lakota End of Age Prophecy Cycle would likely be a pandemic. Indeed, any Two-Legged of any race can become a Lakota if they choose the Lakota Way. Unci Maka, Oh Makiayo Tunkasila, Pila maya yelo heya heya hey..... Cura cura, sana sana, cura mi familia x2 Wakantanka, Wakantanka lleva mi alma Doy Gracias por mi vida (Translation from Lakota) Grandmother Earth, I am praying to you Great spirit, I give gratitude cure cure, heal heal, heal my family. The Lakota, members of the family of the Great Sioux Nation of North America, have a very rich spirituality and a deep respect for all life, visible and invisible. For sacred water, for Unci Maka, for our generations. Our allies up north have painted their faces. Point (Sharp) / PESTOLA / pay - shdoh - lah. bloka(blo-kah)…. COVID-19: LAKOTA PROPHECY Here are two recent posts regarding the COVID-19 epidemic. Price: $710. Here is the story I was taught regarding what it really symbolizes. Read More. Thanks. Thank-you. the male of animals blotahonka(blo-tah-hoon-kah…. The night has long surpassed the days and the star nation gleems upon the snow. The symbol that has come to represent the Lakota Way (Spiritual Tradition) and gradually the Lakota People ourselves is the Medicine Wheel. Purchase or Request More Information . Office: 605-685-1868 Fax: 605-685-1870 Sie notierten viele dieser Lektionen für die Wintererzählungen und lehrten der jüngeren Generation aufmerksam und respektvoll mit der Schöpfung umzugehen. Written By Diana Frances. Press ‘Ctrl F’ to open a search box in your browser to search specific Lakota or English words that appear on this page. The Elders are busy looking at shined coins ignoring the plight of the people. “I think it’s just understanding their relationship with Unci Maka…the Mother Earth,” comments Blacksmith. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Our lands were pristine and pure, offering abundant sustenance. For sacred water, for Unci Maka, for our generations. Indigenous Peoples’ Day amplifies the profound and powerful call to a higher consciousness by Indigenous Peoples and youth who continue to be the first line of defense for Unci Maka . Pardon? An initiative of Owe Aku and Prairie Dust Films, the Lakota Media Project began in 2003 to mentor Lakota youth and women on documentary film-making. Of course, says Blacksmith, one needn’t be Lakota – or even Indigenous – to respect and value these petroglyphs or any others. Tradition is the foundation of Lakota … Unci Maka - Grandmother Earth by Ayla Schafer, released 05 January 2017 Unci Maka, Oh Makiayo Tunkasila, Pila maya yelo heya heya hey..... Cura cura, sana sana, cura mi familia x2 Wakantanka, Wakantanka lleva mi alma Doy Gracias por mi vida (Translation from Lakota) Grandmother Earth, I am praying to you Great spirit, I give gratitude cure cure, heal heal, heal my family. ( Log Out /  It is my personal opinion that Wakan Tanka intended that we do so simply because he made it possible. Please take a moment to help get our words, thoughts, and prayers out to the world, all over Unci Maka, that Lakota People, and many other Red Nations people, we have painted our faces. One day in the not too far off future our descendants will snicker kindly at those Two-Legged who once denied this reality. Dimensions: 28”h x 17”w x 6”d . Diana Frances 9/23/20 Diana Frances 9/23/20. Period. Wasun Wiconiya Wakan Sacred Breath or Breath of Power Cave (Wind Cave) Lakota oral tradition tells us that the Lakota beginning on the surface of Unci Maka (Grandmother earth) began when Wasun Wiconiya Wakan provided the opening from which the Lakota emerged from their subterranean world to the surface of the world. Previous. Lakota: Tunkasila, Tunkasila Unci Maka, Unci Maka le miyeye! Our way of life is such that we live in appreciation that she provides for us and we believe it is our sacred trust that we act as caregivers to her. Our allies up north have painted their faces. Unci Maka—or Mother Earth—is the giver of life in Lakota culture, so, naturally, protecting her is important to the Lakota people. Here is the story I was taught regarding what it really symbolizes. ( Log Out /  The symbol that has come to represent the Lakota Way (Spiritual Tradition) and gradually the Lakota People ourselves is the Medicine Wheel. Unci Maka is a Lakota name for our beautiful planet. Grandmother Spirit Grandmother Spirit This is the song we sing. Plot/MAKA OYUSPE/mah-kah oh-yue-shpay. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Its a fact that we are no more at home than when we are supporting indigenous led efforts to … Diana Frances 9/23/20 Diana Frances 9/23/20. Plum (Wild) / KATA / kahn - dah. Our allies up north have painted their faces. le miyeye! I have never once witnessed the Lakota Grandfather Spirits ever prohibit a Lakota marrying a non-Lakota based on race. We are equal in the eyes of Wakan Tanka (God). He was a sun dancer and pipe carrier and he felt a deep connection with Unci Maka, the earth. ( Log Out /  Die Lakota Oyate beobachteten und studierten viele schöne Naturphänomene auf der Unci Maka (un-chi-ma-ka), Großmutter Erde. The annual observation of Earth Day is April 22. Reverence and respect were practiced by the human. Unci Maka is a Lakota name for our beautiful planet. Unci Maka (Lakota for Earth Mother) Sep 23. “If you harm the Earth, then you’re harming yourself,” said Lyle Jack, who was the development manager for the Oglala Sioux Tribe Office of Economic Development on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in western South Dakota until the department was defunded. Featured Last Real Indians October 11, 2020 Last Real Indians, Indigenous Peoples Day, Wakíŋyaŋ Skye LaPointe, environmental justice, Lakota, Unci Maka, Seattle Facebook 0 Twitter Reddit Tumblr Pinterest 0 0 Likes … The main page's background represents Unci Maka, Grandmother Earth. Truthfully, this Medicine Wheel fails to have the colors in the right order…which likely stems from the maker lacking some cultural knowledge. Palms On Buffalo Skull: With Maka Unci, We Are Never Alone Two poems to usher in summer by Lois Red Elk (Dakota/Lakota) as we contemplate the wisdom of Taku Wakan. Vision: All are in a lodge and the fire is out, drugs, alcohol, addiction has put out the fire because no one is tending to it. There was a photo widely shared on social media last week. Our allies up north have painted their faces. The Moccasins on the Ground , a grassroots resistance training, focuses on skills, tactics, and techniques of nonviolent direct action in three day training camps. 2017. This lack of knowledge is pretty common among many present day Lakota. All of Creator’s beings are needed, and contribute to life on Unci Maka (Grandmother Earth). Our lands were pristine and pure, offering abundant sustenance. In creating Unci Maka (grandmother earth), he bled out and shriveled up to become stone. His essence could no longer live in Inyan’s “blood” and left it to surround itself around Unci Maka. "Please take a moment to help get our words, thoughts, and prayers out to the world, all over Unci Maka, that Lakota People, and many other Red Nations people, we have painted our faces. On race he was a sun dancer and pipe carrier and he felt a deep connection with Unci Mother!: 605-685-1868 Fax: 605-685-1870 COVID-19: Lakota PROPHECY here are Two recent posts regarding the COVID-19 epidemic it the. Our lands were pristine and pure, offering abundant sustenance COVID-19 epidemic ( on your )... Connected in one continuous process of growth and progression COUNTRY TIMES 29263 SD HWY,... ) and gradually the Lakota Grandfather Spirits ever prohibit a Lakota name for our generations of Two-Legged born... Ourselves is the story I was taught regarding what it really symbolizes Mother... Hunka ( adopted ) father was a photo widely shared on social media last.. The COVID-19 epidemic and water and is now known as Wakan Tanka ( Great Embodiment ) essence could no live! 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