Population estimates in much of the range are highly uncertain; the Canadian population is estimated at 26,000, but the number of mature individuals is uncertain and could be close to 10,000. 2007. Figure 2. 1980. Boyce, and G.B. Grizzly bear demographics in and around Banff National Park and Kananaskis Country, Alberta. The ecology of winter den sites of grizzly bears in Banff National Park, Alberta. December 2010. 2012). Victoria, British Columbia. Compared to the number of people who hunt ungulates, relatively few people hunt Grizzly Bears; however, the species is a highly prized trophy. Some disturbed habitats may attract bears (e.g., road allowances [Chruszcz et al. Dynamics of a grizzly bear population during a period of industrial resource extraction. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73:704-712. Intergeneric crossbreed of the brown bear Ursus arctos L., and the polar bear Thalarctos maritimus (Phipps). 2000. 1994. (1998) proposed the existence of three Grizzly Bear “evolutionarily significant units” (clades) as a result of their mitochondrial analyses (see Population Structure and Variability). Geographic variation in size of North American brown bears, Ursus arctos L., as indicated by condylobasal length. Arno, and R.E. Reports of successful prosecutions of illegal trade in bear parts (e.g., BCMOE 2001a) indicate that it does occur, and efforts to curtail trafficking in bear parts (including Black Bear parts) have been enacted in some regions. Third annual report, March 2010. comm. Ross. Box 3443 - Station D, Ottawa ON K1P 6P4. Effect of hibernation and reproductive status on body mass and condition of coastal brown bears. Table 1. Court, Gordon. Gunn, A. and F.L. Paetkau, D., L. P. Waits, P. L. Clarkson, L. Craighead, and C. Strobeck. The Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem (United States) has, in places, relatively high densities of bears (e.g., in Glacier National Park, Montana), which regularly exchange individuals with the Flathead in British Columbia. Clevenger, A.P., and N. Waltho. 1992. Journal of Wildlife Research 1:245–250. Conservation Biology 12:1005-1016. Suspected percent reduction in total number of mature individuals over any 10 years or 3 generation period, including both the past and the future. Feeding patterns of grizzly bears in the central Canadian Arctic. 2006). Grizzlies in Canada are found in the Arctic tundra, in sub-alpine meadows, in dense forests, and closer to the Pacific, around inlets and salmon spawning grounds. Sport-licensed hunting of Grizzly Bears in Alberta has been prohibited since 2006 (see Protection, Status, and Ranks), and there is no recognized hunt for the species in Manitoba. Aklavik local and traditional knowledge about grizzly bears of the Yukon North Slope: Final Report. Journal of Applied Ecology 46:1036–1047. Case, R. and J. Stevenson. Grizzly bear use of pink hedysarum roots following shrubland fire in Banff National Park, Alberta. The consequences of declining salmon stocks on Grizzly Bear populations has received little study. Its range likely excluded the boreal forests of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Coat, or pelage, colour is not always the best approach in identifying grizzly bears apart from black bears, as grizzly bears have variable coat colours ranging from blonde to dark brown. Progress Rep. 1987-1988. Milakovic, B., K.L. Ecology and management of large mammals in North America. In: G. A. Feldhamer, B. C. Thompson, and J. Hurlburt, D. Donna. Public attitude surveys (e.g., review in LeFranc et al. Livestock grazing leads inevitably to Grizzly Bear mortality when bears are removed because of real or perceived threats of depredation (LeFranc et al. Discovery of the skull of a grizzly bear in Labrador. Former Parks Canada researcher Mike Gibeau told the same publication: "I have never in all my time working with grizzly bears - since the early 1980s - seen a white grizzly bear. In most cases, effects of human activities and natural disturbances do not operate in isolation to influence Grizzly Bear habitat or populations (Herrero and Herrero 1996; Johnson et al. Carrion can also be seasonally important in the diet of Grizzly Bears. and F.W. Mountain goat recruitment: kid production and survival to breeding age. Where these peninsulas are constricted, bear movement is compromised. International Conference on Bear Research and Management 3:321-330. While there is no evidence of a decline in the overall population during the past 20 years and increasing numbers of records indicating some range expansion in the north, a number of populations in the southern extent of its range in Alberta and southern BC are known to be declining and there are concerns about unsustainable mortality rates there and in parts of Yukon. Polar Bears: A momma polar bear with two cubs following close behind. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:277-297. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Population characteristics of grizzly bears and black bears in west central Alberta. 2008. Province of British Columbia. Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation, 2nd Floor, Oxbridge Place, 9820 - 106 Street, Edmonton, AB T5K 2J6. and Buffaloberry (Shepherdia canadensis), were considered particularly important by McLellan and Hovey (1995) in defining the high quality habitat of the Flathead.
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